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Alicorns vs US military?

Colorful Respawn

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If you can move the moon, the sun, shift gravity, etc. with Alicorn magic, I see no reason why Alicorns couldn't easily defeat not only the American military, but the entire human population of Earth. If every single weapon on Earth were to be shot the Alicorns, they could simply stop all of them with magic and send them back down to Earth. So if Alicorns ever invaded Earth, we would be doomed... or saved.


Alicorn magic>7 billion humans

Yet they shit their pants at the sight of a glorified worm?


OT: Upon seeing Season 4 finale, I can say with confidence that Twilight with Magic Absorbed would easily handle the U.S Military. It would take a world effort to take her down, even then, only because nukes are so fucking hot that they would melt her face off. She would be unaware of the danger and wouldn't know to set up a shield until too late. Be that as it may, she still crushes this battle


However, since the OP does not specify this, we'll assume it's the regular alicorns, who do lose horribly. I can't see them fusing magics in battle

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Yet they shit their pants at the sight of a glorified worm?


OT: Upon seeing Season 4 finale, I can say with confidence that Twilight with Magic Absorbed would easily handle the U.S Military. It would take a world effort to take her down, even then, only because nukes are so fucking hot that they would melt her face off. She would be unaware of the danger and wouldn't know to set up a shield until too late. Be that as it may, she still crushes this battle


However, since the OP does not specify this, we'll assume it's the regular alicorns, who do lose horribly. I can't see them fusing magics in battle


I would think multiple Alicorns would be better than super Twilight alone since she could be distracted on one front while being attacked at multiple angles.


Like you said the military going in blindly would have a bad time. But if they went in prepared against super Twilight and launched hundreds of nuclear warheads all in the higher megaton range along with some cluster bombs, biological weapons, and squadrons of f22s a10 warhogs gunships and such I think they would take care of them.


But despite even having the chance of taking Twilight down and her rainbow powered friends, many will throw in Discord saying he alone can take on the whole U.S military with his reality warping powers even though he needed help from Twilight to save him against Tirek.


So to some Super Twilight and Rainbow Power loses while Discord would win even as he needed her help in the first place and to be honest I would think rainbow power and twilight would be more powerful than Discord tenfold.

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I would think multiple Alicorns would be better than super Twilight alone since she could be distracted on one front while being attacked at multiple angles.

Raw power>>>>>>>>Power divided



ike you said the military going in blindly would have a bad time. But if they went in prepared against super Twilight and launched hundreds of nuclear warheads all in the higher megaton range along with some cluster bombs, biological weapons, and squadrons of f22s a10 warhogs gunships and such I think they would take care of them.

Twilight will live through all save the nukes, even then, only because she can't anticipate them



But despite even having the chance of taking Twilight down and her rainbow powered friends, many will throw in Discord saying he alone can take on the whole U.S military with his reality warping powers even though he needed help from Twilight to save him against Tirek.

Discord was caught off guard by Tirek and while he's weaker than Super Twilight, his magic is more devastating in a war



So to some Super Twilight and Rainbow Power loses while Discord would win even as he needed her help in the first place and to be honest I would think rainbow power and twilight would be more powerful than Discord tenfold.

Not all power is the same use. Twilight is better in 1 v 1, Discord in wars 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Raw power>>>>>>>>Power divided



Twilight will live through all save the nukes, even then, only because she can't anticipate them



Discord was caught off guard by Tirek and while he's weaker than Super Twilight, his magic is more devastating in a war



Not all power is the same use. Twilight is better in 1 v 1, Discord in wars 



So this would only work if she was in super twilight form, her powers alone would have problems against the whole military?


Also what about tons of SAM and Armor piercing projectiles if she was caught off guard, basically while she if defending herself from one threat she does not have enough time to create a shield to take the full force of a SAM or anti-tank armor piercing rounds coming from other angles? I believe there are some newer missiles that go mach 20 or hypersonic.

Edited by GXPBlast
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So this would only work if she was in super twilight form, her powers alone would have problems against the whole military?   Also what about tons of SAM and Armor piercing projectiles if she was caught off guard, basically while she if defending herself from one threat she does not have enough time to create a shield to take the full force of a SAM or anti-tank armor piercing rounds?

She was caught offguard and hit hard enough to penetrate a mountain with no shield and was fine, she'll live


And yes, her powers would have trouble, but she'll eventually grow wise that if she just hides out in the stratosphere and rains down energy beams randomly she'll get tons of kills 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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She was caught offguard and hit hard enough to penetrate a mountain with no shield and was fine, she'll live


And yes, her powers would have trouble, but she'll eventually grow wise that if she just hides out in the stratosphere and rains down energy beams randomly she'll get tons of kills 


I guess in that case this will be the only option at least in her super form. Although if she survives the initial blast, I think the radiation would kill her as we have yet to see any healing powers in the show. But then again there are many who say Discord would survive a direct hit from a nuclear blast. I dont think that would be the case.



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Discord can regenerate, the radiation will kill him, but the blast itself won't. Twilight can survive the initial blast, her battle with Tirek did about as much damage as a nuke, but she wasn't even scratched at the end 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Discord can regenerate, the radiation will kill him, but the blast itself won't. Twilight can survive the initial blast, her battle with Tirek did about as much damage as a nuke, but she wasn't even scratched at the end 



Did you just say before that a nuke would take care of her?





It would take a world effort to take her down, even then, only because nukes are so fucking hot that they would melt her face off. She would be unaware of the danger and wouldn't know to set up a shield until too late.



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Did you just say before that a nuke would melt her face off?

The heat will, the blast won't. If she can put up a shield, she'll live. 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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The heat will, the blast won't. If she can put up a shield, she'll live. 



Thats what I meant lol. The sonic boom from the blast wont be enough of course in her super form. But temperatures up in the millions of degree's and the radiation would do the trick.


Regular Twilight Alicorn=Loses Against US Military


Other Alicorns= Loses Against US Military


Super Twilight= Possibly Could beat US Military Unless Nukes are Used.


Although I don't fully agree that she take an armor piercing 50 cal bullet or anti tank Missile to the head if she is distracted on multiple angles especially if the military goes in prepared knowing her true power in any form. There is really no changing my mind on that. But I really do like your explanations and anylisis. The only time I might reconsider is if we see an episode were ballistics are used and she takes while other ponies cant it or death is involved. Being HUB its not going to happen.

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Being slammed into a mountain and tanking a blast strong enough to blow away all structures in the area>Bullets 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Okay, well, this is like the Starship Enterprise vs. Middle Earth argument, in which one side has immense fantastical power and the other has normal, physics-obeying weaponry. So, alicorns win due to their ability to warp objects in ways humans can't. The US military, even with its best guns and tanks, would still fall fairly quickly. Then again, if you had the alicorns outnumbered, assuming there's no more than four, calling in backup forces would be a good bet.


no rest for the wizardly.

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Being slammed into a mountain and tanking a blast strong enough to blow away all structures in the area>Bullets 



Its really all speculation for what we know their mountains could be made from soft clay rocks compared to reinforced titanium tipped projectiles meant to go through layers of armor. Personally I just think it makes the battle harder for the military but with enough strategy, they would take her out along with all of Equestria if they knew exactly what they were in for and produced the weapons needed besides nukes as they would be used in last resort.  Not saying there wont be casualties but it would eventually play out in their military's favor. Again this is just my opinion some will agree and some wont. To each their own.


But it would be awesome if screw attack made a video comparing the two. That would be awesome.

Okay, well, this is like the Starship Enterprise vs. Middle Earth argument, in which one side has immense fantastical power and the other has normal, physics-obeying weaponry. So, alicorns win due to their ability to warp objects in ways humans can't. The US military, even with its best guns and tanks, would still fall fairly quickly. Then again, if you had the alicorns outnumbered, assuming there's no more than four, calling in backup forces would be a good bet.



Well of course just going in with guns and tanks only thinking you would win with ease is going to have a bad time. They would most likely go in prepared studying the ponies magic and the rainbow power and possibly create weapons to suit their needs. Also they would go in with everything such as jets, missiles and the sort. Plus maybe even some top secret weapons that the general public does not know about.

Edited by GXPBlast
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Yet they shit their pants at the sight of a glorified worm?


OT: Upon seeing Season 4 finale, I can say with confidence that Twilight with Magic Absorbed would easily handle the U.S Military. It would take a world effort to take her down, even then, only because nukes are so fucking hot that they would melt her face off. She would be unaware of the danger and wouldn't know to set up a shield until too late. Be that as it may, she still crushes this battle


However, since the OP does not specify this, we'll assume it's the regular alicorns, who do lose horribly. I can't see them fusing magics in battle

I'm not sure about Cadance and Twilight, but considering how it's routine for Luna and Celestia to move objects as massive as the Moon and the Sun respectively on a daily basis, I don't see why they would have any trouble taking control of, say, the world's supply of nukes long before they get hit by them. Of course this assumes that the Alicorns are aware of the hostile situation and it's PROBABLY hard to miss a nuke that's going directly towards you.

Edited by Krovavaya Luna

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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I'm not sure about Cadance and Twilight, but considering how it's routine for Luna and Celestia to move objects as massive as the Moon and the Sun respectively on a daily basis, I don't see why they would have any trouble taking control of, say, the world's supply of nukes long before they get hit by them..

But a small squad of regular unicorns can do the same thing. The sun and moon are not the same in MLP. We see that when Twilight moves the Sun around, should have destoyed Equestria

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Well of course just going in with guns and tanks only thinking you would win with ease is going to have a bad time. They would most likely go in prepared studying the ponies magic and the rainbow power and possibly create weapons to suit their needs. Also they would go in with everything such as jets, missiles and the sort. Plus maybe even some top secret weapons that the general public does not know about.


I suppose that's a fair point. No fan or anyone, really, would be able to predict what spells the ponies would use, though. I think the military would have to ally themselves with the current show writers if they wanted to win, ultimately. Since they created the MLP world's rules in the first place. But that's a bit meta of me :P


no rest for the wizardly.

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This a good idea of what we can expect to happen thought these videos were quite cool either way depending on what you believe would happen if a strike was successful.



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  • 2 months later...

Technically, an all-out attack on the U.S., even if it's from Equestria, would bring the rest of NATO into the conflict. Assuming the rest of NATO stays out of the conflict...


I think that the alicorns would barely win the battle, but in the long run and if the alicorns take the wrong steps, the U.S. would win the war. Let's say the alicorns defeat the U.S. military and the U.S. surrenders in this hypothetical scenario. If Equestria opts to occupy the U.S., the Equestrians would immediately face the same problem that had a role in bogging the U.S. down in Iraq and Vietnam, that of a hostile and uncooperative population.


Sure, the princesses are immensely powerful, but they can only cover so much ground, and the U.S. is a large, unfamiliar country. Any Royal Guard troops would be targeted by gun-toting guerrillas and criminals, especially in rural areas and parts of the inner cities. Even if they're faced with, say, unicorn troops with protective spells, the guerrillas would probably destroy infrastructure, including the interstates, Amtrak lines, and backroads, in order to hamper any Equestrian attempts to truly occupy the country. That also doesn't include the various National Guard units and police departments that would not comply with a foreign occupation. I can imagine that despite the fact that the U.S. would legally be under Equestrian military occupation, only D.C. and maybe parts of Virginia and Maryland would be occupied in practice, while the rest of the country would be governed by state officials as quasi-independent entities.


Sure, there would be bronies around to run an occupied U.S., but could Equestria truly count on them to help run the country? If so, would Americans obey them, or would they see them as unpatriotic sellouts and target them in addition to Royal Guard troops? The logistical nightmares that would ensue from an occupation as well as the hostile population would probably ensure that Equestria would rescind their claim to the U.S. in short order.


(Maybe I'm taking this question a bit too far.... :blink: )

  • Brohoof 2
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i don't think the Alicorns would win. And this is because the battle would be over once the US military starts using nuclear warheads.

Use enough of those, and you destroy the Alicorns along with the whole of Equestria with it.


A more vicious general would detonate the nuclear warheads onto the moon, destroy it and make it crash down on Equestria, although Celestia could probably prevent that....maybe.....


EDIT : I was joking about destroying the moon in case any of you were wondering :lol:

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Rainbow Dash would wreck the U.S to the ground, we don't even need Equestria in this.

taking things at face value works well in the real world(they're soft and squishy-must be hurt by bullets), but in the fictional world, it's a poor method of measuring things. Superman, for instance, is immune to bullets despite appearing human. Sometimes writers don't even seem to understand what they're working with, which is why flash is still stuck at human level durability in every show that counts :okiedokielokie:  and...i'm getting off subject.

Anyways, unless a character has a specific weakness, the amount of energy needed to compromise an energy system must be equal to or higher than the amount of energy said object can absorb. This makes sense- if a person can take a hit from a tank, a bullet won't be doing much to them. Furthermore, all energy is energy;light,heat-otherwise- which means if a person can walk through lava, a bullet wouldn't affect them either. What does this mean for our beloved ponies? Well, it means this...

Ponies(mostly unicorns) use the energy from their bodies to do things. It's a finite source-they're not pulling it from the air. This means that their energy system can be directly measured by their bodies maximum magical output. This little beauty here: 


(~ 18:22) is already more energy than the highest caliber bullet can deliver. A shotgun fired at point-blank range would literally bounce off their adorable skin. This right here:


(around 19:10 or so) is already more than our highest non-nuclear explosives can deliver. Note: this is filly dash, before she became an element bearer, or even got her cutie mark. This is the bottom line for all ponies in Equestria, damn near immune to all conventional weaponry. But that's not all!

Some guy on Youtube gave Rainbow Dash a mach 10 rating due to angles and mach cones, and such and such. This is already 5 times faster than the fastest conventional plane, and fast enough to laugh at the blast speed of a nuclear attack. Trouble is, mach 10 is wrong, so wrong. Rainbow Dash looks at mach 10 and :lol: . How fast? Well... watch your favorite pony work. 

Thanks Derpy. :muffins:  Anyways, Rainbow Dash sees, comprehends, and move out of the way of a lightning bolt. Your average lightning bolt moves at around 224,000 mph, or mach 300. Ms. Crash is,at minimum, 150 times faster than any air vehicle you can throw at her, and dozens of times more maneuverable. So is, of course, her favorite team, the Wonderbolts, as well as the our lordesses, the alicorns(Twilight's...young. Give her time) ;) .

In summation, we get dashed. By herself, she would laugh at any attempts to stop her while she Sonic Rainbooms the military to pieces. When we bring in Equestria...things get so ugly.
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  • 11 months later...

First of all. in the hay would they go to war in the first place? To study magic? Resources? Or do they think they are terrorist organization?.


No idea, this is just a pure speculative thread, just who would win power vs power.

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