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So now that "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls" has come and gone...


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I'd like to ask a question regarding the episode.  And, that question is this:


Did the episode qualify as a Rarity episode?  I know that "Somepony to Watch Over Me" was almost entirely Applejack stealing most of a show meant for Applebloom.  So surely, Rarity would've been the same way with Sweetie Belle.

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Pretty much, but I think the episode revolves around Sweetie Belle and Rarity in terms of their sister relationship and the fact that they learned that sometimes, what some people may reprieve with their family members as a way to garner more attention can them, can mistake them for that when they really aren't in reality.

  • Brohoof 4
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In this case, yes. The episode was centered around Sweetie Belle, but it revolved around Sweetie Belle and Rarity when it goes in-depth in their relationship as sisters. They learned that even when they bicker or fight, there is always something that repairs the problems and keeps them in sync.

  • Brohoof 3
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It was a little bit of a Rarity episode focused on a very bratty Sweetie Belle. I'm not too fond of the episodes abusing Rarity's generosity, which has been nearly every episode she's been in.

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This episode was focused on the relationship between Rarity and Sweetie Bell with more of an emphasis on the younger one. I absolutely loved it! SB got more time to shine in the spotlight and it really expanded on her character and personality. 


I feel like she is the most developed of the CMC now!


Plus, we got the chance to see more of Princess Luna. That alone automatically increases my enjoyment for the episode :comeatus:.  

  • Brohoof 2
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Clearly, it was a Sapphire Shores episode. ;)


...okay, no.  Sweetie Belle and Rarity shared this one.


At some point, I'm going to put together a table showing each episode of the series, along with each one's focus characters and antagonists.  (And occasional comments explaining each.)

  • Brohoof 1
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The narrative remained focused on Sweetie Belle, and ultimately it was Sweetie who grew from the experience. I'd say it was a Sweetie Belle solo episode, with Rarity playing a darn fabulous support role as always. :D (Think Filli Vanilli).


And as for Somepony to Watch Over Me, I don't think Applejack ever "stole" anything from that episode. I think it was pretty obvious from the start that it was meant to be a dually focused episode. Both of the Apple sisters learned something from their experience and both shared an almost equal amount of screen time, with Apple Bloom probably edging out AJ by just a bit given that the scene with the chimera went on for a while before AJ stepped in. Applejack learned to ease up on her over-protection, and Apple Bloom more or less learned that some situations call for a little help from big sis. ;)

  • Brohoof 1
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The narrative remained focused on Sweetie Belle, and ultimately it was Sweetie who grew from the experience. I'd say it was a Sweetie Belle solo episode, with Rarity playing a darn fabulous support role as always. :D (Think Filli Vanilli).


And as for Somepony to Watch Over Me, I don't think Applejack ever "stole" anything from that episode. I think it was pretty obvious from the start that it was meant to be a dually focused episode. Both of the Apple sisters learned something from their experience and both shared an almost equal amount of screen time, with Apple Bloom probably edging out AJ by just a bit given that the scene with the chimera went on for a while before AJ stepped in. Applejack learned to ease up on her over-protection, and Apple Bloom more or less learned that some situations call for a little help from big sis. ;)

Here's the thing.


What you said implied that Rarity isn't being given love again like in Season Three, and that Applejack is stealing all the spotlight meant to be shared for all six of the main ponies.  For me, I'd rather it was a Sweetie Belle/Rarity episode, and not just a Sweetie Belle episode alone, because "Somepony to Watch Over Me" was an Applebloom episode stolen by Applejack.

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Did the episode qualify as a Rarity episode?  I know that "Somepony to Watch Over Me" was almost entirely Applejack stealing most of a show meant for Applebloom.  So surely, Rarity would've been the same way with Sweetie Belle.


I think it's more of a half and half, mostly siding with Sweetie Belle.


Like say 60% Sweetie Belle, and 40% Rarity.


It was a sister episode, I think. ^^



And about your comment regarding "Somepony to Watch Over Me", I feel again this was a sister episode.


Neither are stealing each other's thunder or anything like that.


The episodes revolve around the sisters, that goes for both episodes.


At least, that's my view on it. ^^ (\

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It is much more a Rarity episode as Maud Pie is a Pinkie episode.


Because both are about the sister but also about the relationship between the sisters. However Maud was more about Maud and this was more the relationship.


I'd be willing to count it as simply an episode where Rarity features prominently: such as Filli Vanilli.

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