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pegasus LightningWing


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Name: LightningWing

Age: 19

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Stallion





^Remade the pony, colors aren't exactly the same as the picture

Note: His mane and tail are supposed to be a dark blue-ish purple, but it's hard for me to tell colors apart, fyi. I don't know if they're wrong or not =P


He isn't too strong, although he is very athletic and a fast flier.

Cutie Mark: A dark grey sword with purple lightning bolt crossing it.

Personality: He is impatient even though he does a good job hiding it. He is rash and easily angered, although it does take a lot for him to rage. He is very creative but has a hard time expressing his ideas.

Backstory: Grew up in Cloudsdale but moved to Ponyville when he was 7. He's never known or seen or heard anything about his father, and he wasn't curious enough to ask.

He was mocked by many ponies as a colt, and didn't have many friends for a while. He was always in the shadows, not talking to anypony much, even when ponies eventually stopped mocking him. He never brags and doesn't see himself as very talented, for various reasons.

Nopony is sure how he got his cutie mark, although he is sure it has something to do with his athleticism and rebellious nature.

Equestrian Civil War:


Biography: LightningWing had read about Luna a bit before, although he didn't really know much. He was there when Luna returned, and when he heard the story from her side, he wanted to join her. His mother and brother had joined Celestia, and he didn't really care. He wanted to stand up for what he believed no matter what it took, and joined her a few days later.

Side: Lunar Republic

Branch within Faction: The Lunar Airforce

Ranking: Staff Sergeant


Edited by LightningWing

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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