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open (This RP IS CLOSED) Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala!

Lightning Bliss

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"Get's you in trouble?" She blinked at Steel's ending sentence, "well from what you told me, it merely saved my first night at the Gala as a Royal! I almost was tempted to just leave unannounced. Take my husband and fly the coop more or less..." She pawed on the ball of the tip tower she sat on. "I know that doesn't sound very leadership like of me, but if anypony thinks that we royals are supposed to be the perfect little alicorns who know what they are doing, well they get me wrong that's for sure..."


"I don't even know how to control my alicorn magic bases..." She attempted to explain, "I know the basics like teleportation, leviation, and not too long ago I learned how to make my horn glow!" She displayed by conentrating on the spell, making her horn light up like a flashlight. "But when it comes to my founding bases of magic... You know how Celestia's powers are concentrated on rising and lowering the sun, same with Luna and the moon. Or Cadence and her ability to spread love...Or Princess Twilight Sparkle! Her magic revolves around her friendships... Mine though...is targed to peace...and it only reacts when it seems or appears to be needed based on the situation. It has a mind of it's own really..." She sighed and stood up, flapping her wings in readying herself to fly off.


"My point is...magic isn't my strong suit. Prince Blueblood knows this, probalby one of the reasons why he picks on me."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Grells eyes slowly faded back to normal as she spoke he pulled out a card and handed it to her "that's the address of my shop on Canterlot if he bothers you again tell me" grell said "as for magic it takes time to master specialties such as Luna's and celestias and for that mater my own magic it took me five years past getting my cute mark to master my magic and even now I can't completely control it" grell said

Steel smiled "most ponies aren't fond of the truth because it revels their true colors and brings to light their faults" steel said "and as for magic I have no clue about magic but what I do know is Canterlot wasn't built in a day it'll take time like all good things but it's worth the wait and the hard work had I not spent almost my whole life training I wouldn't have became Luna's personal guard she trusts me alone to protect her and If I had to trained of never been able to save her and make a great first impression my point is you have to work hard to do great things lightning and that's a fact if life"

  • Brohoof 1

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stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Star Catcher smiled and took the rose from the unicorn. She had zoned out slightly, staring at him as he spoke. One she realized she had asked him a question, she shook her head, then looked at him and blushed.


"Oh sorry, um, I dont remember exactly. But, I wanted to know if your previous offer still stands. You know, about dancing." Star said, getting a bit more nervous now. She had flirted with many stallions before, but with this one, something was different.


"Oh, but we never even told each other our names. I'm Star Catcher, but you could call me Star." She said, then looked at him expectantly.


Moon Beam had finally come back into the castle, immediately flying to the balcony she was at earlier and landing with grace. The other ponies watched as she made her entrance, stomping their hooves on the floor lightly to praise her. Moon smiled and bowed, glad they were entertained.


However, looking around and noticing that Steel hasn't returned, she frowned.


"Has Steel come back at all? I couldn't find him anywhere." She asked. When the ponies simply shrugged, she tilted her head in confusion.


"Star Catcher hasn't come back either, has she?" The others shook their heads.


Moon Beam turned and walked up to the railing, looking out over the crowd below her. Some ponies looked up and smiled at her, others saw her, but ignored her, while the rest were too interested in their conversations to notice anypony else.


Moon Beam sighed when she realized neither Steel nor Star were in sight. But, she turned back to the group of points behind her, and smiled. They did the same back, and motioned for her to join them.


Figuring that the two would eventually come back, and knowing she had to please these ponies, she put on her best smile and walked towards them. Already, questions were flying at her about Steel and what it's like to be engaged to one of Luna's personal guards, and what it was like living the way she used to, how she met Steel, what it was like going from her life before to practically royalty.


Of course, Moon Beam answered every question without hesitating, and perfectly I might add. All the while, she kept a smile on her face and acted the way Steel had taught her to act around these types of ponies.


She kept her composure the whole time, but inside, she was quite nervous, as she always was when Steel was gone for long periods of time without her knowing for a fact that he was okay. That started a long time ago, before they were engaged, when he left early in the morning one day without anypony knowing, and she had to save him.

Edited by DashieHeart
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@@dashian500, @,


She smiled knowing Steel and Grell were right.


"Well..." her smile slowly worked its way back to her muzzle, "I have managed to perfect my levitation!" She happily displayed so by lifting all three males, Roac, Steel and Grell off the roof as she fluttered down just outside the private party Prince Blueblood was hosting. She softly placed them all down on their paws and hooves without a scratch while giggling to herself.


"Hope I didn't startle anypony, I do love to display that ability I have though. It's odd, when I first tried it out, I could barely lift a cup. Now I can multi task in the kitchen like a pro! It's a mare's dream come true when it comes to cooking and baking in the kitchen without once having to lift a hoof!" She sat down to stretch her wings out and groom some of them back into place since her previous sob, some of them became out of alingment.


Meanwhile at the back of the private party...The Prince spotted the little white brat, who's friends humiliated him in front of his guests. He stomped over to her from behind with his friends following behind to help keep his confidence up since Roac and Grell were still present.


"You!" He snorted at Bliss, "One would hate to have such ears and tail like yours... but for you to hang out with a grounded gryphon...a skull talented unicorn...and a medioker Luna guard? Seriously..." he turned to his guests, "I don't see why you are an alicorn at all... You have to have your precious low class friends to support you. How delightfully redicolous! You're friends are a joke...and you are the punch line! Ahaha ha..." He and his group began to laugh mockingly at her, seeming to surround her with their netorious laughter.


Her ears flicked then...not only where they picking on her...but now the very males that helped to defend her...Now he's gone too far..."What did you say?" Bliss stood up without looking at him, her back still turned on him as she spoke, "low class? Medioker?" Then in a flash, she flew up into the air, then landed in front of the prince, shoving her nose into his firmly, "That's alot of talk coming from a stallion who needs wimpy class party guests to back him up. Afraid my gryphon friend, the friendly guard...and my grim unicorn friend are going to ruffle up your mane?"


"Gah! Get away from me!" He pulled back rubbing his nose acting like she was covered in filth, "I just had this nose fixed!"


"Oh a perfect nose eh? Here let me fix that for you!" Before he even knew what she was about to do, she zapped him right in the muzzle, making him grow out a ragged mountian like mustache. "There you go, no need to thank me...Prince FuzzyBlood!"


The Prince squeaked in horror at a high pitch before taking off back to the castle with some of his friends running after him. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS BLISS! I'LL TELL LUNA!" He screamed out as he dissapeared into the crowd.


She shrugged off his threat and approached where he and his guests were hanging out. It happened to be a lovely rose garden with a few barrels of apple cider stacked up with crystal cups. "I don't think we have anything to worry about if he tells Luna or not." She said as she approached a barrel while levitating four glasses up to fill them, "especially if he's telling on me, the Princess of Peace, and a guard that servers her." She winked at Steel and levitated him, Grell and Roac a glass. "To new friendships." She cheered to them.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Steel was as he ran off "tell while you're at it tell Luna about your behavior here tonight because rest assured I will inform her and celestia so good luck blue blood" steel called a low growl could be heard in his voice he was ready to tear into blue blood "and if I'm mediocre them you should have no trouble fighting me I'll even let you bring in your little posse" steel challenged him "me versus all of you bear hoof" he practically yelled it so the the ponies in the area would hear so blue blood wouldn't back down otherwise he'd look like a fool and a wimp

Grell looked at blue blood his eyes glowing crimson and his coat shifting to an ashy grey "I warned you blue blood" grell called after him "tonight you will see things which will scare you into little more then a babbling mess of a pony" grell called his fur slowly turning darker untill it was a black and dark as wet velvet of you looked close enough you could see on him spots where bone was showing he didn't care if he caused fear In the hearts of other ponies

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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His heart lit up when he noticed the mare enjoying his gift. 


As soon as the stallion begun to feel comfortable in the situation the mare said two things that broke him immediately and sank in like daggers, "dance" and "name". Dark Star didn't know what to do, thousands of ideas rushing threw his head within seconds. He couldn't move and felt as if he was frozen in time. His smile disappearing being replaced with nervousness and sadness.

"Why not just tell her? I don't have much to live for or to loose. I will possibly be executed today anyway. And she will find out sooner or later if I keep up an act. " He thought. "And the dance? Even if she agreed to go with me then she would be the 2nd most hated person in the gala for siding with a criminal."


"I...I..." Was all he could mutter, not being capable of looking at the mare anymore. 


Here he stood, anything that might come out of his mouth would determine everything for this night. After a couple seconds of nothing he decided to simply speak everything. This is the only way he can mess the night up even more. 


He felt extreme weight come off him as he finally spoke. "My name is... " He paused for a second trying to grab some courage again. 

"My name is Dark Star, a wanted criminal and under surveillance of the guard by orders of Shining Armor. I am not allowed to leave and I am to be trialed and probably executed after the gala. I used to be a captain of the Lunar Watch, until I broke an order and for that my life went wrong. " He could feel a few tears coming down his eyes. "Now that you know the truth I expect that to do nothing more then just leave and join the rest of the party, won't hate you for it. Would possibly be better for you to do so anyway. "He just sat down on a stair, turning his back to the mare and looking down at his hooves. This was his fate, he thought. Being alone all his life.


"Offer for the dance still stands, if you are willing. " He murmured very quietly, not sure if the mare was even there anymore. Or if it was a smart idea or not. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Lightning Bliss,



Roac did not know who this "Grell" pony was, or if he was even a pony. What he did know was that he was using some sort of dark magic in a spot where a more subtle approach was necessary


"Uh... Excuse me.... Why don't you let me and the princess handle this?", he mumbled to Grell. He did not phrase it as a request, but more of a suggestion, as if to tell this dark creature, "Bad idea, dude."


Roac walks in front of Grell to make his move first.


"Ah, so you're the infamous Prince Blueblood that I hear so many things about. Why don't you go back to playing with your dolls, you immature foal?"


Blueblood's posse groans quietly at the stinging remarks, and some ponies in the crowd giggle behind their hooves. "And as for Princess Bliss here, at least she has some sort of power! You are nothing but a washed-up wanna-be! You will NEVER be on the same level as she is, because you can't even be trusted to handle 10 bits without spending it all on some useless luxury! So, allow me to make a crystal-clear message to you and whatever creatures reside in that mane of yours..."


Roac has won over the crowd by now, as everypony secretly had wanted to deliver the burning message that Roac was sending right now. The ponies giggled with every insult and remark, and even some of Blueblood's posse were beginning to laugh as the cruelly true burns.


"NOPONY HERE GIVES A FLYING FEATHER ABOUT YOU OR YOUR HALF-BAKED OPINIONS! The filth that streams from your mouth is so completely and utterly worthless that I wouldn't even throw it in my trash can!"


When someone tells you that a half-eaten dandelion sandwich is worth more than you, you know that you're doing something wrong.

Roac politely steps to the side. "Bliss, anything you'd like to say?"


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She started at the frighten, mustache barring, tremmbling stallion that stood before them. Seeing how horrified he was of Grell's threats for a duel and Roac's firm words... almost made her pity the stallion.


"Just let him go gentlecolts," she shrugged at the Prince's direction. "He really isn't worth a talon or hoof or a spark of magic of any of our time."


"Gah...But I'm the Prince! Nephew to Princess Celestia! You can't just..." he whimpered at Bliss and her friends.


"I could care less if you were the Prince of Prya!" She mocked him in terms of him being the son of the Matriarch of the Wyvern Clans of the North, her husband's mother, "You insulted me...but even worse...you insulted citizens...My friends! You call yourself a Prince? What manners teach you to be so pathetic!?"


"GAH! I don't have to take this!" Suddenly in a fit of the Prince's blind rage, he shot a small blue zap of magic from his horn right at the white alicorn's face.


She never had time to react...everything slowed down in her panic and addrillien. Several things went through her mind before the magic fire was upon her. What is he thinking? Is he really willing to risk getting hurt by my frineds? Maybe we pushed it too far..? She threw her wing out in front of her, her hooves up to shield her eyes prepping to be thrown violently back... The blast hit...but it only hit a sheild of aurora of magic...She opened her eyes then and smiled with relief. The shield was being produced by her own horn...the magic of peace reacting out to protect it's vessel. As the attack was abosrbed by the shield, the it burst forth, creating an ambience of rainbow light, giving the enviorment and those surrounded within it, a sense of peace and serinity.


She realxed then, letting the magic do it's work. She could tell BlueBlood had relaxed and seemed entranced by the beauty of the rainbow aura around them. "Prince Blueblood?" She approached him then, calmly and with respect, "I am new to being a Princess...you know I am. But does that mean we have to fight with each other?" She watched as he slowly turned to her, locking eyes with each other, "I know that... I will never be as great as your aunt Celestia, or as amazing as Luna... but I can be unique in my own way... Just like you are Prince."


"I...." he was lost at words, "I'm...so sorry Lightning Bliss...I don't know what got into me... I guess I was just jealous..."


"Jealous?" She asked as the magic began to dissapate, "Why?"


"You... you make real friends... You hardly even have to try..." he sighed looking towards Steel, Grell and Roac, "you seemed to have only met those new ponies and gryphon tonight...and already they support you and view you with respect... My friends just hang with me because of who I am..."


She placed a hoof on his shoulder and smiled to him, "Maybe it's because you don't work at it enough...maybe if you try getting to know some ponies...things will change for you?"


He nodded slowly and then turned to apologies to her friends, still barring his silly mustache. "I'm...I'm sorry...for what I said to you all... It wasn't just and unroyal of me... I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Steel felt the calming magic and it calmed him he sighed and looked at blue blood as he apologized "fine but my challenge still stands blue blood" steel said

Grell on the other hoof wasn't calmed by the magic because of the death magic flowing through him "I hear your apology and I find it worthless" grell said "now bear you cross" with that grell put a hex on blue blood so he'd see the horrors grell did every day he'd see the souls that had yet to pass as well as the souls of the living and the torment in every ponies life and the other side where righteous judgment is passed and those that do evil are tormented "I warned you blue blood and this is your fate brought into you by your own actions say nothing of which you see because of this punishment if you do you'll lose your voice forever and will will have it nevermore"after this grells coat slowly turned back to its normal pristine white but his eyes still glowed and the peaceagic began to work

Steel sighed watching grells little show interested

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Bliss didn't understand what it was Grell was doing, but she could see in the Prince's eyes that it was sheer terror if not pain.


"No wait! Stop!" She pleaded to Grell and got between them...almost instantly she saw the pain and carnage that Grell was unleashing just earlier on Blueblood...yet miracolously her magic seemed to be shielding her from most of the turmoil he was unleashing. It didn't make sense to her that the magic of peace had no effect on him...for she could still sense his bitterness and unyeilding hate for what Blueblood said to them previously.


"Gah....sss-stop it...." she pleaded with Grell again, feeling her magic was just barely holding off on the dark images... though it did give Blueblood enough time to flee for his life. She wasn't worried in the slighest since he did apologize...and was too terrified to mention what he had horrifically experienced...but now it was Bliss that was in the frail of the evil onslaught of dark memories and pain of souls who passed before her. "This...he doesn't...deserve this....STOP IT GRELL!!!"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Grell stopped the the flood of images "I warned him if he'd did it again he'd pay" grell said "I'm sorry of you felt any that" grell said "I didn't mean to hurt you" grells coat and eye color changed back to normal as he spoke to her he hoped that this wouldn't change how she thought of him even though she was married he still liked he and would settle to be just a friend becuasue he Dosent mind the friend zone because he hasn't had many friends so to be someponies friend was great

Steel watched -he seems to be immune to her peace magic interesting what do you make of this spawn-steel thought -...steel it's been some time since you've asked for my thoughts anyways if say he has some powerful death magic In almost as much as a demon would have but the way he uses it he's my a demon only a pony with massive amounts of death magic I'm sure that's what he is- spawn thought ((steel has a demon trapped

Inside him and when it comes out it's like split personality at least it will be for this rp since there's not a lot a vilonce))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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@@Lightning Bliss,



Roac, after seeing the Princess being tormented by the dark magic that Grell used, had leaped in front of her, his blackjack ready. Sadly, he was not protected like Bliss, and was almost instantly bombarded by a stream of horrific images. His blackjack clattered to the floor, falling out of his claw, as he stared with his beak open and his eyes the size of dinner plates.


"You.... You are a demon... Allah protect me!.."


The griffon fell to the ground and started mumbling terrified prayers, attempting (unsuccessfully) to ignore the images. ~It knows me! This thing knows what I've done!.. I need to repent, to beg for forgiveness!!~


The hex seems to have more of an effect on Roac than anypony else, as the poor griffon has been brought down to his knees by the evil spell. He continues with his praying until the spell is stopped.


After Grell ends the spell, Roac gasps and sputters incoherently, pointing a talon at the death mage. He mumbles something, yet nopony can hear him but Bliss.




He eventually calms down, and after being helped by Bliss, hastily walks away from Grell, in the same direction Blueblood went.

Edited by Roac


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@, @@dashian500,


She wobbled on her hooves, strugglying to stand up straight again, then calmly helped Roac to stand, not fully understanding the last word he mentioned out after he too was caught in the hex. She tapped her horn to make sure it had stoppped its magical influence, seeing a few sparks fly off it before settling back to its normal white color. She shook her coat and mane, then looked to Grell and Steel with sadness...as well as firmness...


"I know what he said was cruel..." she said understandingly, "but...But that was no excuse to hex him like that! He'll be traumatized for months on end! What he said to us was just words.... I know words can be cruel, I've been insulted before!" She shrugged at them thinking they knew better then to use any form of violence for revenge, not only that, but the fact that she had been insulted before and always managed to get above it. "I'm sorry if what he said pained you... It offended me too, but that's no excuse for such magic! Making him wallow in agony like that Mr Grell!? He didn't physically harm you, he wasn't even planning to! He even apologized for what he said...Does my stature as the Alicorn of Peace not give you any meaning to the word?"


She took a step back from all three of them then sat down for a moment.


"Maybe I'm not the alicorn I should be...If I can't succeed in keeping the peace between citizens..." she said quietly to herself not caring if others heard.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Star Catcher listened to Dark Star as he spoke, a little surprised at what he told her. However, when he was finished, she simply smiled. She walked over to where he sat on the stairs. Bending down, she put her hoof under his chin and made him look at her.

"Dark Star, I don't care about your bad past, or if your a wanted criminal, or what anypony else thinks of you. You can't be that bad of a stallion. I mean, you seem pretty okay from what I've seen. And I would absolutely love to dance with you." Star said, then walked past him onto the stairs and looked back.

"Come on, let's go dance. And, don't worry about anypony else. I mean, they're all fancy-pantsy snobs anyway, so who cares what they think? They look down on anypony who isn't filthy rich and snobby, just like them." She said, trying to be louder as she reached the bottom of the stairs where a group of ponies stood, a smug look printed on her face.

She turned to look at Dark Star, smiling confidently. She wondered what he was thinking, since he had just told her that he was wanted, and she didn't run in fear. Instead, she tried to cheer him up and agreed to dance with him.

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Grell sighed "I have no excuse but I did warn him he brought it on himself I am a stallion of my word and as such I will not go back on my word and as for not being able to keep peace amongst your citizens one technically I'm not a citizen at all two my death magic blocks calming and mind altering magics and magics of a holy nature" grel said trying to make her feel better

Steel looked at her "I didn't do anything besides telling him my challage still stood because I challenged him and until he accepts it will always stand because I don't back down form a fight even if I know I'll die in the fight I won't" steel said "and if it wasn't for you I probably would have attacked him and showed him that I'm no mediocre guard there's a reason why I'm the only one on the detail with special exceptions such as tonight" steel said he wasn't to fond of getting chewed out he really wasn't find if it if he hadn't fine anything to deserve it he sighed "so int doubt yourself lightning bliss you stopped me from almost killing him "

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Dark Star lit up as he possibly heard the kindest things he had in long years, since he lost his parents. What he felt was an unfamiliar kind of joy and something he just couldn't describe. 


Quickly grabbing hold of himself the stallion teleported himself up next to the mare, fixing his bowtie with his hoof.Looking into the mares eyes he felt confident now, being sure that this might be one of the best nights ever, and that the chances of things going wrong were small. A smile once more appearing on his face. 


"Well, in that case lets not waste time. " He turned his head and started walking alongside the mare to the ball room. Taking notice of the aristocratic ponies who bothered him earlier, who gave him a weird look, mostly of surprise. Suddenly a fact hit him.


"Heh, both of our names have the word Star in them. I find that interesting, don't you? In fact, you being called Star CATCHER and me being called Dark Star can be considered relatively funny. " He let out a short quiet laugh. "You certainly caught me.


Dark Star felt surprised at himself, he always considered himself as a pony without a sense any humor, hardly ever laughing. Not to mention terrible with jokes. 

  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@dashian500, @,


She finally regained her composure, and quietly dusted off some dirt that managed to get on her shoulders, sighed to the two ponies and turned away, shaking her head at Roac for a moment. Then after a minute of regaining her thoughts, she carefully spoke, trying not to sound preachy.


"What's more important to you two stallions..." she spoke calmly with meaning, "your word...or peace?" She turned to them then, a look of dissapointment and sadness all rolled into one, "I thought you two were better then this... That you'd rise above the violence, anger and hate...That you'd look past petty insults that you know in your hearts aren't true, you don't need me to show you that... And yet you both still proceeded with wanting to commit physical harm on another..."


She walked passed them with her head down, heading towards the castle, eager to go find Polaris...who suddenly inspired her. "I know a good stallion of mine. He was once a tribal warrior...who gave up the old ways of his backwards tribal laws, and left to live a normal life. Insults indeed angered him...but he never resulted to violence as a first option. He was the bigger pony...he never submitted to attacking or fighting unless the offender encouraged such itself...and certaintly never would harm the helpless." She darted a firm eye on the both of them then, "I may not understand what you two have been through in your lives...or understand the laws of death or what it means to be a royal guard...But I know Prince Blueblood wasn't worth a dent by either one of you... He was helpless...he has no fighting experience whatsoever...he's all bark and no bite...and you were both willing to mame him? I'm more worthy of a fight then he is!"


She snorted in a huff, feeling saddened and confused for the two stallions...On one head she viewed them with high respect, curtiousy and admiration...but now there were mixed emotions of their actions that collided with her morals and ethics. "Come on Roac..." She called to the gryphon male, "let's go find Polaris or Volt...I need to clear my head. You two...um..." she looked at Grell and Steel then, "um...I'm sorry... I just speak what I know and who I am...I don't wish for us not to be friends but... I don't know what to think of you two right now and... Ineed to clear my head... I'm..." a tear fell from her eye but quickly she wiped it away, feeling guilty just up and leaving Steel and Grell like this, "I'm sorry I just...need to be with long close friends right now...I hope your evenings weren't ruined...hopefully I'll see you later." She quickly darted her head back to the castle, trotting away eagerly hoping they wouldn't stop her.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Doc. Volt,


He smiled warmly at the enthusiasm of Volt, before nodding agreeingly and leading him back inside the palace's ballroom, where all the ponies where still dancing and mingling while the band lead by Octavia still kept playing in the background their usual classical scores. As the duo walked through the entrance back inside and next to the serving table to grab another glass of sparkling white wine, he eyed all over the number of lonesome pony mares standing at the edge of the dancing floor who seemed to look like they had no companion to waltz them around to the tune of Ponyzart's 7th symphony.


Just look at that... He said smirklingly as he placed his empty cider bottle to the table, before replacing it with a crystalline glass of sparkling white wine and taking a small sip out of it. So many mares waiting to have somepony to dance with them. He turned to look at Volt with a smile. Go ahead, I'm sure some of the mares are just waiting for a handsome stallion like yourself to come and take em dancing to the floor with you! He gave a friendly nudge to his shoulder. It's all fine, my friend! Just be yourself and give it a chance!


However his smile was suddenly replaced with dread, as he noticed the two of his colleagues walking about in amidst the othe ponies in the distance, who immediately seemed to notice the two stallions and eagerly trotted over to them with very smug grins plastered on their faces. Well, look who it is! It is our Polly! Said the Sweet Song as she approached the stallions with her friend Petty Stone, who already seemed to had a too few drinks enough during this evening, as she clamped her hoof around the blue pegasus's neck. Well hello there, stud! Care to dance a lady on the floor? She slobbered to him with a strong smell of alcohol coming from her mouth as she spoke to the pegasus engineer.


Who's this strong friend of yours, Polly? Never seen him around before? Asked Sweet Song as she too had seemingly taken a new interest in the blue pegasus. Uugghh... He merely facehooved at his colleagues as they both began to circle around him with drunken and stupid looks on their faces, before looking back at the two mares with a slightly bothered look. Ladies... This is Doctor electron Volt. He's an engineer and works at the ponyville's electrical dam. He looked at the pegasus with a sorry look, while shooking his head. Volt, these are my colleagues from the office Sweet Song and Petty Stone...

  • Brohoof 2


                                            Special thanks to Lightning Bliss for this awesome signature!


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She trotted into the ballroom, bumping into a waiter pony as she did, she looked up to him apotogetically but turned her head to stare at the floor. Trying to come to terms with what just happened moments ago was becoming difficult and draining...She was depeserate to resalvage her night at Gala by any means neccissary by that point. Then, as if on que or somepony actually heard her calls from above, dropped that very opprotunity.


Just across the room she spotted Volt and Polaris, the two friends she'd been hoping to meet...with some obvious two drunken mares hanging around them. She noticed the mares to be collegeues of Polaris, but it was clear he was not happy with their lazy drunk attentions. She giggled seeing Polaris' expressions of awkwardness and strain from afar and watched for a moment or two, before finally granting some pity on him and Volt, and quickly trotted over.


"Oh hello dear, I've been looking for you everwhere!" She quickly got between the mares who were circling Volt and Polaris.


"Hey hey! We're busy here!" The mare known as Sweet Song snorted at her.


"Shh be quiet! That's...*hiccups* Princess Lightning Bliss!" Snorted Petty Stone.


"I don't care who it is, she's ruining my chances to dance with this cute hunk of a stallion here!" She wrapped a hoof around Volt.


"With my brother?" Bliss lied, "I don't think so. Be gone with you before I call the guards for pesting my brother..." She gave a firm grin along with narrowed eyes, and firmly took Song's hoof off Volt and pushed her aside, while escorting Volt and Polly away from the two mares.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Polaris, @@Lightning Bliss,


"ppfft me handsomw? take another thousand of those glasses and maybe i willl look like one ahah!"


Volt said admiring the mares in front of him, noticing a very interesting red eyed pegasus, but his mental plans were suddenly interupted by the upcoming of the Polaris collegues


"uhm... h..hello girls... uh Hi Bliss... ehm... yes nice to meet you..."


The oegasus said while slowly moving his face away from the mouth of the mare, trying to not show some signs of disgust


".. i.. i am not esactely up for a dance right now... why... "


he gently placed his hoof on the chest of the most drunk mare


"why can't we just sleep?"


Smirking he released a very small discharge, almost invisible


"see Bliss? no need to be rude!"


Volt smiled as the mare felt unconscius above her friend, almost crushing her


"they are just very veeery tired ... RIGHT?"


the pegasus quite amused poked the other mare nose with his hoof


"ahh you are so cute madame! maybe next time i will dance with you.. i promise! but your friend here looks like need your help to get home.. ohh... how unfortunate... i am so sorry... shall i show you the way out?"

  • Brohoof 2


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Lightning Bliss,


@@Doc. Volt,


(OOC: Sorry, I had stuff to do. I'll try to fill up all of Roac's actions in this post)


Roac stops and turns to follow Bliss instead of attempting to find and apologize to the prince. Roac, although he is thoroughly tired of all the heroics he's been thrust into tonight, is quite faithful in Bliss's ability to lead-- so much so that he has adopted a "if she is okay with it, then so am I" attitude.


When he and Bliss enter the ballroom, he remains very quiet in the background, observing the conversation... And nearly breaks into tears as he views the good Doctor's predicament. The griffon is, as a matter of fact, quite envious of his luck, mouthing, "Casanova." as he chuckles in a smug manner.


His jealousy is interrupted by Bliss' intervention, as he soon becomes confused as to whether the two drunken mares (why do they always come in twos?) were actually welcome, not to mention who they were in the first place. And then Volt renewed his apparent flirting, offering to take them home to... "sleep". The griffon clears his throat, chuckling a little at the unusually calm instance that was being laid in front of him.

  • Brohoof 1


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Steel sighed "again I did nothing wrong all I did was offer a challenge" steel said when she walked away he turned to grell "well that was certainly fun" steel said rolling his eyes "next time just settle with a mild hex that won't take effect till later on otherwise risk being caught and put on trial that type of magic is banned form equestria" steel advised

Grell sighed "I'm sorry" grell said "but you know nothing of what drives me to act and why for me there is no peace I lost it when my family died I lost everything that night everything but hate" grell said even though she was walking away he knew she wouldn't respond but didn't care wen steel made his comment grell simply turned and walked away he was in no mood to deal with Anypony right now

Steel turned and took flight flyin aimlessly he want paying any attention he flew tight by moonbeam and kept going away form the gala he had no more interest in staying he decided he'd tell moonbeam he wasn't feeling well and headed home to sleep when she asked about him being home

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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@@Lightning Bliss, @@Doc. Volt,


As he was being pulled off to the side by princess Bliss along with the blue pegasus engineer, Sweet Song looked at them with a confused and drunken look, before she looked down next to already sleeping Petty Stone and kneeled over next to her and began slapping her cheek gently with her hoof in hopes of waking her up.


Petty! Petty! Wake up, darling! The blonde unicorn mare didn't respond to her friend's words or slapping, so instead after a few seconds of thinking the ginger pegasus mare looked around her area in with a gentle flutter, she flew to a nearby serving table, grabbed a glass of wine with the front hooves, hovered back next to Petty, kneeled down and placed the mouth of the glass right under her nose, which caused the knocked out mare to spring up instantly and grabbing the wine like nothing had happened. Cheers, mate! She exclaimed nonchalantly before taking a long sip, while standing back up again little wobbly.


C'mon, darling! Let's go see if those delicious Ironhoof brothers have yet arrived, so that we might get to know them a bit... Shaked her shoulders excitedly. 'Better' So that we will get a VIP pass to their most 'hip' nightclub here in canterlot where all the REAL party happens! She raised her hoof up in a defiant manner and blowed a raspberry at everypony in the vicinity, while her friend Petty merely chuckled mockingly and kept sipping from her wine glass. Yeah, let's go, Song! This gala is such a lame event anyways! Nothing but a bunch of stuck up snobs with a cheap excuse not to live!


With that said, the duo trotted off and away to other parts of the palace, while the brown unicorn wiped his forehead and sighed out from relief to see his dreadful colleagues leave, before turning back towards Lightning Bliss with a thankful smile. Thank you for your timing, miss Bliss! I don't think I could have been able to stomach those two for very long! He raised his left eyebrow curiously at her. Speaking of which, where did you vanish earlier, miss Bliss?


He then turned to look at the blue pegasus with a slightly embarrased and apologetic look. Sorry about those two, Volty! I swear they're just a menace to every stallion in canterlot area and beyond. Even my boss miss Photo Finish is somewhat embarrased of their over flirtatious behavior, that is giving the magazine a bad name. He shooked his head. However they're also some of the best photographers the Vogue magazine has, and it would be a disaster if they were to be fired because of their rebellious nature.

  • Brohoof 1


                                            Special thanks to Lightning Bliss for this awesome signature!


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@@Doc. Volt, @, @@Polaris,


Giggling at her three friends she turned back to Polaris and answered, "Oh um... I was just outside in the gardens with Roac here. I ran into two interesting stallions but..." she pawed the ground, wondering if she should tell Polaris what happened fully, "let's just say we had quarrals with Prince Blueblood. Nasty things were said and even...nasty behavior as a result to it... But it was cleared up so I think...or I hope," she looked to Roac for support, "that the trouble is over? I just...wisht it could have ended better."


She sighed and levitated a small cup off from another waiter who was carrying water and took a sip to calm her nerves. "One thing after another on this night. I was really hoping for a calm, maybe romantic evening. I get a bit of that from time to time but then something bad has to happen soon after. Honestly... why can't we all just get along on this night? Even the Royals are being improper!" She snorted referring to Blueblood, "I've about had it with this gala I'm afraid... Don't suppose you three have any ideas of how to salvage it?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Polaris, @@Lightning Bliss,


"ahahah no worries Polaris!"


Volt said looking at the mares


"when i was jounger and stil lat Cloudsdale i wouldn't have waited a second before getting a room somewhere with both of those eh eh... luckily i am more mature now eheh"


The pegasus then turned to bliss, giggling he said:


"uhm royals.. luckily the only royal pony i know is you Blissy-Sissy ih ih.. wellllll   somepony said something about sapping a gran gala?.. mew mew? "


Volt said rubbing his front hooves with an evil smile


"i see a console there, near the band.. if somepony, maybe a blue pegasus, manages to sneaks near to it, plug in a jack, maybe we can manage something... buuut... you know"


Volt leaned toward Bliss poking her wing with his own wing


".. i need a permission for that eh eh i can't ruin a party like that without risking my head.. or.."


he turned back to Polaris


"we can try and continue or first plan.. also know as knowing some nice mares, look! i am sure that some of those are bored as hell as well.. maybe we can arrange something uhm? nah the important thing is having  both of you here, the party and the fun is where friends are!"

  • Brohoof 1


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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