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open (This RP IS CLOSED) Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala!

Lightning Bliss

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Dark Star was on the very tail of the changeling, the chase seemed to be lasting forever. Gladly the changeling seemed to be escaping deeper into the castle threw what seemed to be not patrolled empty halls. 


After about several more turns they met a dead end. A small window providing the only form of escape. 


"Well, here we are. I was not expecting your race here. So how about you make it easier and tell me where the hostage is." he finished before lighting up his horn and putting a barrier on the window blocking any left means of escape. 


The changeling took the form of Blossom. 

"I am not telling you anything."


Dark Star came up closer to the what was now a mare. 


"What you don't get is that I was just being nice, I don't need you to tell me anything." He poked on the top of his head. "Because...it...is all...in...there. " His horn lit up a dark purple and the changelings eyes went all woozy and it un-transformed. 

"Thank you for your co-operation."


As he finished a small group of gold plate armored guards came into sight. They stopped in front of the whole scene. The captain was the first to speak.


"Dark Star you never try and send me telepathic messages again. My head still hurts. Other then that I am glad we arrived about on time. "


"I am sorry for doing your job for you Phalanx, I promise I won't do it next time. Anyways, the mares brother is in one of the houses to which location I will mark telepathically for you. The room is guarded by two ponies, if you sneak in threw the window you can paralyze both of them before they know what hit 'em. Also Flower Blossom is waiting at the entrance to the gala for her brother or any news.  "


Phalanx turned to his troops. "Right, secure Flower Blossom. Bring her to a safe zone of some sort. Somebody take THAT thing to a sealed prison. You and you are going with me to secure the hostage. " He turned back to Dark Star. "And what will you be doing now that you finished your mission? Return to your humble little burrow, you never seemed to me like a party or social pony. " He finished smirking. 


"You know me too well, but what you forget is that I learn to adapt. I still have a ticket to the gala, and I am willing to at least try and put it to good use. "


"I will need to drop in to see it, maybe have a laugh. "


"Just remember to finish your job first, I don't want to do it for you again. "


"Right, I have a duty to do, you should be lucky I don't arrest you. You broke enough rules to possibly be sent to prison for a lifetime. But the Princesses favor your work, even if they don't know it is you. " He finished, turning and walking away signalizing the left guards. They broke into a gallop and disappeared behind the corner. 


Dark Star concentrated looking out the window. With a swift spell he teleported into the ball room. Nobody seemed to notice or at least care. The horn lit up once more and a nice bow-tie appeared on the stallions neck. Fixing it a bit with his hoof he said. 


"Well, awkward socializing. Here I come. "





[Good thing all the mission shenanigans is over now. I can focus on what this roleplay is suppose to be, and I will do a terrible job at that. xD And my god, like at the beginning of today it was like hardy 8 posts. Now look at it]

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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After a while of the mare not answering, Star Catcher decided to leave her alone. She seemed a bit nervous, and didn't want to further upset the pony. The main thing on her mind was finding Moon Beam and Stained Steel. Once she did that, she could look and feel a bit more like she belonged at the gala.


"Uhm, I'm sorry to bother you, I guess. I'll just leave you alone." she said awkwardly, stepping away a bit. "I hope you have a good night, though. Good-bye." Star Catcher turned and walked in the other direction. 


"I hope she ends up okay. I hate to leave her like that, but I do have ponies to find." she thought, looking around. She spotted a staircase, and her eyes followed it up. It went up to a balcony that over-looked the entire party. Smiling, Star Catcher made her way to the stairs, dodging ponies along the way. 


"There are way too many ponies here. Why did Moonie force me to come here exactly? She knows how much I hate huge crowds like this. Especially when all of them are extremely formal and smart... And some of them snobby.." she thought as she stepped up the stairs. 


Finally, she was at the top of the stairs. There weren't as many ponies around, and Star Catcher liked that. She looked out over the balcony, smiling as she got the view of the party. The mares and their jewels, the stallions and their ties. It was all actually quite eye-kicking. Star Catcher wondered why she had never wanted to come and take pictures of the event before. However, then she remembered her fear of crowds and bringing attention to herself. 


Suddenly, as she turned to walk away to find a place with a better view, she bumped into somepony. She stumbled back, almost tripping over her dress and hitting the railing. Shaking her head, she looked up.


"Oh, my, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into- woah..." Star Catcher began. Once she could see properly, she realized she had bumped into a stallion. He was a gray unicorn with a dark gray and orange mane. She stared at him for a moment, momentarily dazed. 


"Oh, I'm so sorry, again. Just uh... you uuuhh... sorry.." she said nervously, trying to avoid looking directly at the stallion.

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 Winter Raven finally manages to get his drink when the waiter stops for somepony else. An unfamiliar unicorn says her hello to him and Winter turns his full attention onto her, being a bit nervous himself he would give a small awkward smile in return. "Hello."

 He'd look around; "Yeah it's filling up quickly, and while it is all quite lovely, how nice it is depends on how much you like crowds...for me its only so-so to be honest. Personally I am not big into huge crowds though I'm not sure if that is a good thing to admit at a place like this...my name is Winter Raven. What is yours?"


  The stallion would try his drink, something about it seems to near startle him and seeing as the mare probably couldn't help but notice that he blushes, "Sorry...that must have looked a bit...anyhow..."

   A couple of the other guests would chuckle at how uncouth the young stallion is being but decide to move off out of 'politeness'.. You can tell Winter is seeing and hearing them but is doing his best to ignore the others and waiting for your answer. 




"Yeah. I'm not used to big crowds either. I'm Melody. Nice to meet you." Melody gave Winter Raven a small smile. She took another small sip of her drink and the uncontrollable colors burst into her mind again. The drink was a bit too much for her, and not as calming as per say, herbal tea, but she enjoyed it anyways.


"So, um..." Melody sputtered. She wasn't used to being around other mares, let alone a stallion. "What's been you rfavorite part of the gala-so far? Mine's the music."  The blue mare blushed slightly. She wasn't the best at starting a conversation. The main reason she had actually came to the gala after being invited was for the music. She wasn't comfortable with all the uptight "normal" attendees of the Gala. She let herself force another smile at the stallion. She was sure that he would walk away at any moment, feeling out of place next to the awkward mare. She once again shuffled in her dress in uncomfortableness. She adjusted the clip on her ear again, afraid that it would fall out again. She finally let her shoulder relax. The stallion didn't seem to have much of a problem with her. In fact, he seemed about just as socially awkward as herself. She thought of giving him another smile, but she decided against it, thinking that she had already done that too much. So she just looked at him with her minty green irises and waited for a response.

"I know the sun must set to rise." Coldplay, paradise

Avatar made by cartoonishcanter ;)

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   "My favorite part of the gala? Well to be completely honest I don't think I've been here long enough yet to have actually find a favorite part," He'd sigh; "I kind of ducked out to the garden almost instantly upon arriving. I've been trying to work up the nerve to go in and do all the standard gala stuff."


   Winter takes a moment to look around at other party goers; "Did you know that a bunch of these ponies actually don't like to act the way they will tonight? It won't be how they are normally but yet they force themselves to be the way they will be this evening because they think they have to. My grandmother use to tell me all sorts of things about the Gala and what people do when they are here, most of it just confused me. But I'm babbling aren't I? Sorry about that. Let me ask, is this your first gala? Do you live in Canterlot or are you from out of town?"


  Another waiter would come trotting by and without looking Winter sets his drink on to the server's tray. The stallion was glad to be rid of such an unpleasant drink.

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@@Lightning Bliss,


He smiled widely at her suggestion, took a small sip from his glass before placing it back to the edge of the table and nodded to her agreeingly. Thank you for doing this, miss Bliss! Let's go find miss Photo and I'll let her know that you're interested of taking her offer and plan the day and location for the photoshooting!


He raised his arm towards the exit of the dining hall, while bowing his head down a bit respectively as Blissy walked past him and followed her out through the mass of ponies back into the welcoming hall of the palace. There seemed to be no end to all the ponies that still kept pouring in through the massive entrance, and if his eyes were not decieving him, he was able to spot few worthwhile celebrities more amongst the ordinary ponies, like the Flame Mane, a multiple alicorn award winning actress of several high octane action flicks in one of her more casual red and black dresses. Ever Winters, a famous blues singer in her sparkling ocean blue dress and the queen of pop, Sapphire shores herself in her pure ivory white and gold dress. The list of famous ponies kept rising even higher, but he knew that he didn't have the time for making acquaintace to the at the moment, he had to find his employer miss Photo and get the contract of princess Lightning Bliss's photoshoot underway.


Shooks his head. Oh, I'm sorry, miss Bliss. I just got stuck in counting all the celebrities that just came in through the palace doors. He cleared his throat and scratched his neck a bit, while he looked and grinned apologetically at her again. Being Photo Finish's assistant, It's my job to keep count on who's who, what are they wearing and what are they doing at the moment here in the gala and constantly take notes so that my boss knows exactly what's happening in their fashion styles and etc.


Without expecting a answer to that, he motioned forward towards the other side of the palace he didn't know what was there and both began to make their way over, while glancing over to Blissy occasionally and carrying on their small talk. So yeah, about princess Twilight. I heard she now lives in a castle of her own in ponyville. How that came to be I have now idea, since we all regular ponies were too afraid to move from our homes when that terrifying Tirek invaded Canterlot and managed to steal almost everypony's magic. He shivered at the thought a bit. I'm just glad that it's all in the past now and it's all thanks to her that we're still around, because to be quite frank: I think none of us would have been able to defeat Tirek if it weren't for the princess Twilight and her unmatched skill in magic. He nodded a bit at the thought. She is a very powerful alicorn indeed.

Edited by Polaris


                                            Special thanks to Lightning Bliss for this awesome signature!


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Dark Star looked where he appeared, an overview balcony in the ball room. Gripped by a bit of excitement that he could finally enjoy himself on this rather special night, and since most of the princesses scattered into the crowd the area felt somehow more safe. As he turned around to try and look down and enjoy the view he got bumped by somepony. Quickly regaining his balance the stallion turned toward whoever he thought bumped into him. In front of the Dark Star stood a female pegasus with a dark blue body, her mane and tail white, and her cutie mark a mix of white and yellow stars. She tried and say sorry but seemed to loose her voice somewhat in the middle of the sentence, then repeating it and trying to look away. 


"Nothing for you to be sorry for Ma'am. I don't blame you for bumping into me, I just teleported here a moment ago. To be honest I didn't notice you either, so yeah. Terribly sorry. "


Dark Star felt awkward saying everything without any eye to eye contact, he also realized how stupid it sounded. But what else could he have done.


But what went around his mind was if he should possibly invite the mare for a drink and chat, or just leave and ignore that this ever happened. After all he was all free for the night. He had regrets that he knew in no way how to interact with mares or really anybody else unless a mission depended on it. And also that most of his life he spent being a loner between libraries and combat practice didn't leave a good mark on his social skills. 


Awkwardness and somehow shyness began to take him over so he decided to also not look at the mare, and consider walking away.

"But wouldn't that be rude?" He thought, a big menace beginning to form in his head. This was his first time in a while that he faced a mare just like that without an assignement depending on it. Missions always made things so much easier for him since during them he just kept forgetting about most of his emotions, focusing on finishing his job. But this was different, this was him free and acting like a normal stallion that he has not been for a long while. 



After thinking for several more seconds he decided to just act in the first way that comes to his mind whatever the consequences. 


His horn lit up and Dark Star materialized a white rose thinking it would match well with the mares dress and levitated it over in front of her eyes. Clearing his throat and waiting for a second of two to gather his long forgotten courage faced the mare and spoke. 


"Could I... have the honor of inviting you for a dance, Miss?" Dark Star said feeling weird for seeming to rush and invite without even first introducing himself. Or even knowing the pony at all. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Oh right I heard about the Tirek incident," she nodded to him as she walked closer against his side, letting him lead as she was seeing all other stallions were escorting their mares. It only seemed right he escorted her as well. With that in mind she continued, "I heard about the incident while I was in meetings with Empress Nortica again. It was over issues with certain serpent dragons of the North taking up too much fishing in their harbors. Long story short we came up with a solution to share the fishing areas." She grinned happily realizing her diplomatic meetings seemed to be ending the right way, "But during that I recieved a scroll from Princess Celestia, ordering me to stay away from Ponyville or Canterlot due to the attack by the being Tirek. Since he was after all forms of alicorn magic and magic in general, and with the fact there was NO trace of my position as Princess... she felt best that rather then go to assist them, that I stay up there with Empress Nortica.


Course I wasn't happy about sitting on my bum doing nothing. But even Night Lights insisted with this, even Tirek has been mentioned in dragon lore. However Empress Nortica was going to attempt to assemble an army to face Tirek, but then we got word that Princess Twilight along with her friends, defeated him! I cannot begin to express my joy in this, but I had no idea that the ending result would be she and her friends would gain a castle in Ponyville!"


She paused a moment to gain her composure and keep an eye out for Photo Finish, and managed to spot her on the far side of the meeting hall. "I admit...that got me wondering, before we ask Finish," she continued, "I wonder if I'll get a castle of my own? Not that I want one...would be kind of lonely if it were just me and Night Lights!" She laughed a bit as they got within ear range of Photo Finish. She blushed a bit, her ears went down as she lost her confidence, but firmly she nuzzled Polaris' cheek, giving him the O.K. to tell his boss that she was happy to oblidge.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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(first time roleplaying with a draconequus, this probably wont make any sense).


Obscure had received a letter about a party, so he put on his fanciest clothes. Sadly all he had was a bow-tie and a top-hat. He looked into his mirror. "Eh, good enough I guess." He decided to walk to the party.


After a bit of a queue to enter, he finally got inside. There were ponies of all sort everywhere. Obscure felt a little out of place, being the only draconequus there. But that wouldn't stop him from having a good time. He could see a drinks table further down in the room, however there were too many ponies to maneuver around, so he teleported himself to the table in order to not bump into any pony. He picked up an empty cup and filled it with banana milkshake, receiving a few weird looks while doing so. One pony gazed at Obscure for a while, soon he spoke to the slightly creepy pony. "Uh, do you want some?" He asked as he conjured more banana milkshake into a cup. 


The pony replied in a posh accent. "Why would anypony want to drink a foals drink at the grand galloping gala?" And walked off.


Obscure gasped a little at how rude the pony was, then decided it would probably be more fun in the garden area and teleported himself there.


(is all the teleportation alright?)

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@, @@Polaris,

(OOC Teleporting is find dude, and it matches what your character is, long as you don't turn the gala upside down or transform or manipulate the 'world' of the RP, it's all good.)


While she stood next to Polaris and allowed him to explain the details of Blissy's deal to Photo Finish, Lightning Bliss spotted a most peculiar guest walk into the great hall, heading towards, or more like teleported, to the buffet table, before making his way by same transportation out to the main garden area. "A dragonous? Discord?" She frowned at the idea that Discord, though knowing he was reformed, seemed odd that he'd crash the Gala like this, and decided to go investigate.


"Um... Polly? You excuse me a moment? I'll be heading towards the guardian. If my eyes decieve me, I could have sworn I saw Discord teleport through here..." She nodded to Photo Finish and her party then quickly trotted out the door, trying to avoid other famed ponies wanting to speak with her in the process. It took longer then she would have liked and even had to force herself to teleport several times before she finally made it to the garden where the draconous was standing, seeming to sip a cup alone.


"Discord?" She asked the pony like dragon, only to realize the face was much younger and more innocent looking, "Oh wow... I'm... um... I'm sorry, you reminded me of somepony I know." She pawed the ground awkwardly, "Ahem, my name is Princess Lightning Bliss, but you can call me Blissy. And you are?" She smiled, feeling slightly excited to meet a new being that wasn't a pony, dragon or gryphon.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Obscure wandered around a for a minute, trying to find a quiet spot to sit. When suddenly a mare calls out the name discord. Certain she was talking to him, he turned round and began to speak. "I don't think I am Dis..." To his surprise the mare happened to be a princess. He bowed towards her and replied fully. "Sorry, Princess Bliss. My name is Obscure Serenity." He vanished and then poofed onto a twig on the tree next the them. "Did you say Discord? I remember hearing stories of him growing up. Where are my manners, would you like some milkshake?" He asks the princess, shooting banana milkshake from his finger into the cup and offering it to her. "It's okay if you don't. How about a sandwich?" He pulls out a platter with a selection of sandwiches and cakes and shows it to Bliss, taking a cucumber sandwich for himself. "I didn't expect to meet a princess today, it's not exactly something that happens everyday." Before she gets a chance to reply he poofs a table and some chairs for them, and lays the platter on the table with his tail, then offers her a seat.

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The sudden barriage of magic this young draconous displayed amazing Bliss, she actually let loose a giggle as a chair appeared underneath her, forcing her to sit some. She didn't mind though, she found that it was living things up at the party, considering she loved meeting new beings.


"Wow this is a surprise!" She smiled at Obscure, "I take it your a draconous? I'm sorry I mistook you for Discord, he was the only other being I met that was like you. Needless to say um.." she hesitated for a second, "he did cause a bit of trouble in Ponyville a few years back, but now he's reformed and helping out with the Element Ponies and Princess Twilight Sparkle. Oh but I'm rammbling!" She blushed and sniffed at the sandwitch he magically conjured. Then she smelt his milkshake which seemed to get her stomach rummbling loudly.


"Oh my um..." she blushed bright red on her white cheeks, "sorry I hate to be a bother but..." She scarfed the sandwitch quickly, for some reason meeting new company helped her to loosen up. She truely hoped Polaris would follow her out so she could introduce him to Obscure, "I do love milkshakes! Would it be possible you can conjure chocolate?" :D

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


He sucks the contents of the cup out, and replaces it with chocolate milkshake and passes it to Bliss. "Is that alright?" He asks her. He picks up another sandwich and takes a bite out of it, before creating two smaller plates, and puts one by him, and one by Bliss. "I heard that he caused absolute chaos here years ago, but he was imprisoned. And I heard about all the chaos he reigned when he broke free a year or two ago, but he was reformed by a yellow pony wasn't he."


He poofs onto a chair next to Bliss "I would have thought you would be busy here, with the other princesses." He twirls his beard between his index finger and thumb. "Or did I distract you from what you were doing by looking like a younger Discord?" Obscure transforms himself to look like Discord. "How do I look? Like Discord? I hope I do." A few ponies can be heard screaming in the garden, assuming they have spotted him, Obscure swiftly shifts back into his normal self, and poofs behind Bliss. "They weren't screaming because of me were they?" He asks frightened.

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"Um... maybe a little bit?" She grinned and waved to the other ponies assuring them it was alright. "Try not to worry, I think they will relax knowing you're with an alicorn, least I hope so... I guess this crown does come in handy." She smiled and took another bite of the sandwich he made "You really have a way with magic don't you? I wish I could do half the things you just did. To be quite honest I'm probably one of the weaker alicorns you'll ever meet."


Suddenly she realized she was speaking downly of herself when others like Luna told her she needed to be more assertive, regardless she didn't want to be ignorant of the obviously powerfurl Obscure. "Sorry I don't mean to be a downer. I guess I'm just not really skilled in the arts of magic." She then teleported above him flapping her wings in the air for a moment, "I was orginally a pegasus before I ascended... Most would know me as the Alicorn of Peace. But I try to keep a down low and not to draw too much attention." She teleported again back to her seat, "I don't naturally come to magic like most unicorns do I suppose. I know teleportation, a few horn glowing spells, and a magic neutralizer. My friend Polaris teaches me from time to time!"


She took another small bite of the sandwitch, finding it hard not to enjoy it, it was a very flavorful dish, "Is this your first time to the gala?" She finally asked after swallowing.

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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"A lot of ponies see a draconequus and instantly assume we'll start trouble and cause chaos." He transforms into a jug and refills Bliss' cup. "Most draconequus already know how to use the magic we possess, some of us just know how to use it better." He shifts back to himself again and sits on the chair, eating his sandwich. "There's no shame in not being that great at something, after time you will learn more and more magic." He says to her after swallowing what was in hIs mouth.


Bliss aplogises to Obscure for talking down on herself, and teleports herself above him. "It doesn't matter if your not great at magic yet, I'm sure if you dug yourself into a good spell book your bound to learn things."

She explains to him how she was a Pegasus before she became an alicorn. "I see. So your used to flying up high, not magic and stuff." He flies up onto a cloud, and brings it down to the table. "Yes, this is my first time at the gala. I thought more ponies would want milkshakes here, but obviously they're for a different crowd." He places the cloud in front of bliss. "Try to get the cloud to make chocolate rain, it's quite simple."


(Do to how to mention people on ipad)

Edited by Brechard
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@@Lightning Bliss,


He looked at Blissy going after the intriguing draconequus to the gardens and smirked, before turning his attention back to his boss miss Photo Finish and nodded agreeingly to her. Like I was about to tell you, miss Bliss has accepted your offer and is ready to start as soon as it's her turn to be photographed.


Photo Finish didn't even flich to the good news, but instead nodded back to him sharply. Exellent, Polaris! I knew you could persuade her to accept this opportunity and within a week, she will glitter in the front cover of ze Vogue magazine in the latest fashionable summer dress made by Coco Pommel! She grabbed hold of Polaris by his neck with her other hoof, hauled him closer to her and pointed her hoof towards the general direction in front of them. This is our chance to make her to show her true... MAGICKS! And I want you Polaris to start booking our flight to the Fillydelphia where ze shooting will take place, reserve the rooms from the Emerald Estate hotel, do the calls and most of all: Remember to check and categorize all the equipment for the photoshoot and make sure that the shoot in the park will be reserved for our group exclusively during the morning.


The brown unicorn nodded and hummed acknowledgingly as he kept writing down the list of -what to do- to the notebook with his pen. Righto, miss Photo! Anything else I need to remember? He asked from her, while putting the pen and notebook back to his suit's pocket. The fashionista put her hoof to her chin as she began to think. Oh! Also do not forget to have princess Bliss to sign the contract for this shoot! It is imperative that we have her name on ze paper! She exclaimed to the unicorn, while poking her hoof gently at his chest.


Yes, miss Photo! I will print a copy of her contract tomorrow and let her sign it when I get in touch with her again. The cerulean earth pony once again merely nodded to her assistant, before letting go of him of her hold. Very good, but now... We're off to wander around ze castle, Polaris! We still have much work to be done tonight! Onwards! He sighed under his breath and shook his head, before he went off with his boss, leaving Blissy to chat with her new acquaintance in the garden.


                                            Special thanks to Lightning Bliss for this awesome signature!


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She stared at the cloud he brought down, and giggled slightly at his encouragement to perform that spell that Discord had done so many times in the past. "I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but I don't know much about 'transformation' spells, with the occassional accidental spells I tried to do." She cringed at the memory of how she attempted to turn an apple into an orange, and unfortunetly turned her closest stallion friends into mares while their genders bounced into her, changing her into a stallion.


"Let's just say my magic has a mind of its own?" She tried to explain, "It may just simply be that I've not practiced enough, but my magic revolves around peace, and making sure it stays that way, along with protecting the vessel it lies in..." she said gesturing her hoof to her chest indicating 'she' was the vessel of this magic, "On rare and unfortunetly deadly occassions, it has reacted powerfully to create an atmosphere of peace and serenity. The benefit to this, allowed whole armies to calm themselves, giving them a chance to look past their fears, and angers... This allows for negotiations to take place on equal levels. But if this power is fueled by fear and rage my part...it can have violent effects too. But like I said it was rare occassions, mostly turned out alright in the end." She happily sipped her refilled chocolate shake and ate another sandwitche.


"So what do you do for a living Obscure? Being a draconous you must find alot of interesting jobs?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


He listens to her speak about magic, saying how it is its own mind, and she isn't very skilled at it. "I understand, not everyone is amazing at magic." He clicks his fingers and the the cloud moves above the grass and begins to rain chocolate milk. He continues to listen to her explanation, listening carefully at the last part. "Violent effects?" He in a voice too quiet for Bliss to hear.


He replies to her question after a few seconds. "Me, oh I just do some stuff. For about thirty or so years I traveled around Equestria. After that I stayed in Manehatten for quite a long time, but moved away, I forgot the reason though, it's been about a hundred years since iv'e been there. I haven't really had interesting jobs, I remember my first job back in my homeland. Paper round, don't ask me how they needed someone to do that with all the magic we have. I had quite a hard time getting a job here as not many ponies trust draconequus, i'm guessing it's Discord related." He shrinks down in size and goes closer to her. "It also means i've had trouble getting friends here. The main reason I came here was because I wanted to make a few friends so I would finally have someone to talk to."


He grows back to normal size and shrinks the chocolate rain cloud, then sticks it above the jug on the table, letting the jug fill up. "More?" He asks Bliss.

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She burped slightly as he offered her more chocolate milk, "Oh gosh excuse me," she rubbed her belly, "I think you're gonna turn me into an alicorn piggy if you keep filling me up with all these sweets!" She grinned but happily took the cup and sipped on it. This chocolate milk had to have been the best she ever tasted.


"Well," she continued after reviewing his circumstances, "maybe you're having difficulties, because you don't fully undestand the pony culture around here? For instance," she tapped on the candy cloud he created still hovering around the table, "this candy cloud, though an amazing form of magical display; it just... isn't normal around our lands. Clouds don't rain chocolate, but rain, and they are usually white. We don't really use magic as often to be food or liquid benefical though, there are exceptions. You just need to watch other ponies and how they use their magic, maybe ask around why its unusal for you to perform what you do for them, so you can understand their views better."


She grinned a little and blushed thinking she was really enjoying their little conversation, "I'm not exactly a good critic for you though," she smiled, "I admit though unusal, I really like your abilities in magic. It's cute and entertaining! Chocolate rain from a cloud, its pure fantasy! I would think if you used your magic like this to entertain others, you'd get alot of appreciation! I could imagine you being a hit with Mr. and Mrs. Cake as well as Pinkie Pie when it comes to parties for fillies or colts."


After awhile or rammbling she took a napking and dabbled her mouth, trying to remember to look respectful amongst the guests. Though she too couldn't help but frown at some of the more classy ponies still staring at her and Obscure with questionable stares. She shrugged and did her best to ignore them, "I can't say my job is 'entertaining though," she went on, "I mostly do the diplomat works that the other Princesses can't keep up with, since they have their own kingdoms to look after. So other small kingdoms, cities, tribes or packs, will sometimes have issues getting along. That's where I come in. I help to negotiate for both sides so that they all can coexist in harmony." She nodded to herself as she thought deeper into her purpose, "It's not always fun, but it is like going on adventures alot. I get to see new lands, meet new beings and help serve their peoples. It's very gratifying." She smiled.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Obscure looks at bliss for a second, completely confused. "How couldn't they like chocolate rain?" He says to himself. "Okay, I guess I could ask a few ponies about it." He blushes a bit at her compliment. "I could use my magic for entertainment. Who are the ponies you mentioned? They sound fun."


She explains what her role as a princess is to him, but he doesn't understand any of it, so he tries to change the subject by transforming into a balloon. "I think there should be more balloons here, don't you think." He says quickly. This would look more party like with more balloons." He poofs up about 20 balloons and holds onto them. "Is this alright for the outside?" Before she can reply he places them around the garden, making sure not to bump into any pony there. Once he is done, he zaps back to Bliss. "See, this place looks much more lively with these balloons. Maybe we could have a milkshake fountain as well. And there could be a ice sculpture of you on it as well. That would be amazing!" He says, beginning to get excited.

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"Woa woa slow down there!" She giggled and teleported the balloons he created back to his talons, "See that right there, is the magic I mean... just suddenly popping up everywhere?" She pointed around, gesutring to the other ponies frowning at them, "It's a lovely idea that you want to brighting up the Gala... unfortuently this isn't the right type of party for balloons... It's hard to explain," she rubbed her head, trying to think of ways to better explain.


"See this is a very...classical party...where many of the rich and famed get together to enjoy a little musice, meet other ponies and chat... It's not really a dance off or a shin gig like you'd think." She placed ahoof on his longated shoulder, "not to say there aren't places for your magic! Mr. and Mrs. Cake along with Pinkie Pie, they live in Ponyville. The Cakes make all sorts of sweets, muffins, cup cakes etc. Pinkie Pie who works with them, she specializes in fun party planning, of any kind! Maybe if you have the time after the Gala is over, you can go see them and ask if they are interested in your services!" She smiled happily, feeling like even her diplomatic skills were coming into play with reasoning Obscure.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Oh." He says, sitting down on his chair. She manages to explain what the party they are at is to him. "But, everyone loves balloons. Don't they?" Obscure always assumed that everyone loves balloons, as they are perfect for almost any occasion. "If this party is for the rich and famous, why did I get an invitation? I'm not rich or famous." He looks slightly confused as Bliss once again mentions three mysterious ponies who would like his magic. He poofs the balloons and the chocolate rain cloud away. "So you are saying that these three ponies live in a place called Ponyville, would like my magic for their parties?" He looks at her as excited as he can and flies high up into the sky.


Once he comes back down from the clouds, he picks Bliss up and hugs her tightly. "Thank you, I would have just gone back to a dull life after this if you hadn't of told me about them." He puts her back down and fills her cup up again. "Do you think you would be able to take me to them tomorrow, if you aren't busy of course." He asks, hoping she will take him.

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She *squeed* loudly when he picked her up in thanks, wondering what her husband Night Lights would think if he saw she was being handled by a draconous. "I'd be to show you on a map before the Gala is over, but I'm afraid I can't take you there myself," she said apologetically, "I promised a Mrs. Photo Finish that I'd let her take photo graphs of me. My friend Polaris works for her and I'm trying to help him out by getting his party up ahead of the magizine industry. The money for my assistance will go to chartities and small stores in Ponyville, like Sugar Cube Corner. Oh that happends to be where Mr. and Mrs. Cake live!"


She giggled and fluttered into the air, enjoying the chance to stretch her wings. "Oh and as for ballons. Well yes who dosen't love to see a colorful balloon at a party? But...not for this type of party I'm afraid..." She kinda sulked a bit at the sad realization, "I guess classical pony folk don't really like the bright colors at a classical ball party, they find it...too innocent? Too...um...too much distraction?" She tried to explain but was afraid she was only confusing him and changed the subject.


"I did forget there is a ball room dance floor. I might ask my old friend Polaris for a small friendly dance once he's done mingling with his colleagues." She kinda sulked in the air a bit, wondering if her friend would really find the time at all to dance with her or get another drink, or even meet up with her and Obscure along with her husband.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Ooc: First roleplay, please excuse crappiness



"Stand still, dear," Iskra furrowed her brows, levitating a hot pink bottle of hair spray towards me. I batted it away, my polished hooves reflecting the orange glow of the magic aura.

"Hopeless, you are,"Iskra muttered under her breath. I frowned. Iskra looked gorgeous, as always. Her raspberry red mane was pulled back into a messy bun, her forelock left loose, but strangely smooth. Shimmering pearls snaked through her hair, like a small halo. The front of her dress was warm yellow, the short sleeves ending in diamond shaped fabric. Her peep-toe shoes emitted a radiant glow, as they were fashioned from shiny golden material. One rose red ruby accented each shoe. The train of her dress was of a transparent orange material, showing off her cutie mark, a shimmering red gemstone. 

"I'm all for the Gala, don't get me wrong; it's just this fancy dress rubbish," I said, gesturing to my own outfit. 

"Mmm, yes. Someone such as yourself wouldn't get it," I slid on a knee high boot with a paint splash printed onto it.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I stared at Iskra intently. She levitated the other boot onto my opposite hoof; this one with a butterfly instead of a paint splash. She sighed, then continued.

"Take the princess's royal visit to Ponyville. What was your goal that day?" Iskra smirked, knowing the answer.

"Vamp in and out with all the food," I licked my lips hungrily. That was a good day. A very good day.

"Now that I'm really thinking about it, we could skip the gala and miss the world famous buffet," Iskra raised a hoof to her chin sarcastically. I gasped in shock. I could stand all this high-class nonsense if the payoff was good.

"Fix my mane, pronto!" I commanded.



"Like what you see?" Iskra cooed.

"Yes, very much," I studied myself in the mirror.  My lime green coat was neatly groomed, nowhere near as scruffy as before. My cyan mane hung loosely against my shoulder and my bangs were swept aside. The boots went perfectly with my outfit.  The v-neck collar clung to my toned shoulders and ended in frilly blue lace that separated it from the long, luxurious train. I softened my expression and turned to face Iskra. 

"Thank you," I whispered into her studded ears.



I watched Iskra jump nimbly into the cab, leaving me on the ground. I motioned at her to move over, but she glared.

"I. Do. Not. Slide,"

 I rolled my eyes and trotted over to the other side of the cab sliding the bright yellow door open. I propelled myself up into the cart and took a seat. Two pegasus mares sat across from us. I shrunk down, being the only one without wings or a horn. Just a boring old earth pony. One pony was pearly white, the other a creamy yellow. The tension between the four of us was unimaginably awkward, all of us staring into to space unwilling to be the one that breaks the ice. The only audible sound was quiet breathing and the pounding of hooves on concrete as the cart rolled along.


"Angel. Angel Dust," the white one said. I looked at her.

"This is Snowbound," Angel motioned to the small mare beside her.Snowbound waved meekly. I softened my harsh gaze and opened my mouth to speak just as the cart skidded to a stop.

The driver opened the cab door. Angel and Snowbound stepped out of the carriage and glided off. Iskra hopped off next, then me. I was taken aback by what I saw. Canterlot looked gorgeous, even more so than before. Ponies were dressed in beautiful dresses and suits fashioned from the finest of materials. The noisy hustle and bustle of the crowd added to the exciting atmosphere.

'Tonight, I'm finally free from my worries and fears. I'm going to make this the best night ever,"

 Eager fans crowded around Iskra, and rightfully so. Iskra and I were foalhood friends. The misfits of the class, we weren't afraid to think outside the square. We knew each other like the back of our hoof. I was devastated when she moved away to pursue her dream of working in the modelling business. She was now mildly famous, not so much so that she was mobbed by fans everywhere she goes but enough to have a fair few fans at big gatherings such as these. I tapped Iskra on the shoulder.

"Would you like an autogra... Oh, just you,"

"Just me?" I chuckled.

"Apologies, dear,"She turned back around and started to sign more memorabilia.

"I'm gonna go check some stuff out,"

"Have fun with that,"Iskra said as she levitated a signed poster back to a young fan. A fresh breeze blew onto me as I trotted through the hoards of ponies. I tilted my head downwards, staring at the stone bricks beneath my feet. Chewing the inside of my lip, I put my head back up and kept trotting. I turned my head to the left, staring intently at the passing ponies for no apparent reason.

"Watch it, lady," an old stallion shouted at me.

"Wha?" I turned my head forward again. I'd veered off path and was now inches away from a regal red rope marked "VIP".

I yelped as I ungracefully tripped and landed at the feet of a blue pegasus mare with a mane of all hues.

Edited by Foxx

                                   Aim high kid, but don't aim for the impossible - Rainbow Dash




                                                   ^Amazing Signature by the great and powerful Lunia!^                                                         

>My Request Shop<         MLP Forum's self-proclaimed evil enchantress.    > My Deviantart<

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@@Lightning Bliss


Obscure frowns slightly, a bit disappointed that she can't take him there. "Well the money is going to a good cause i guess." He replies, and pulls out a notebook and pen. "Sugarcube corner you say?" He writes it down on his notebook and puts it in his hat. As Bliss tries to explain the balloon thing to  Obscure again, she completely confuses him. She can probably notice the bewildered look on his face.


Once she says something about a dance floor his ears shoot up and he once again has an excited expression on his face. "Dance floor! There's a dance floor!" He flies into the air to be level with Bliss, who is also hovering above ground. "Is polaris good at dancing? What kinda dances are danced at this party? Do you think anyone would dance with me there?" He opens his eyes, and realises he is being stared at by a few ponies outside, and sits back down. "I think I got a bit carried away there." He lays his head on the table. "Maybe they'll stop looking at me weird if they can't see me." He picks up his cup and pours the milkshake into his mouth.

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@, @@Polaris


"Hehe, I think the dance floor is more of a waltz, a classical, maybe even romantic?" She blushed then and turned to look around, searching for a certain...black pegasus pony, hiding his true form behind a cute pony extieror, her husband. She sighed realizing he probalby wouldn't have time to have a small dance with her as well, but at least she could ask Polaris for the fun of it. What's a ball without a dance?


"I know it might not be the 'craziest' form of dancing out there, but it can be nice, sweet, romantic even. I was really hoping to find my husband, but he's on patrol. But maybe my friend Polaris can dance with me for fun! Oh," she realized she hadn't explained herself on Polaris' behalf, "Polaris works with Photo Finish magazine company. He's currently with her entrouage, seeking out famed ponies to agree to be on their magazine I'm sure. But I think I can pull him away long enough to mingle with us." She winked at Obscure and landed back down on the ground and took a few steps back to the castle before turning to him, "would you like to accompany me? I'll introduce you to my friend Polaris! And um" she pawed the ground feeling awkward, "since I'm new to these things too...Apparently its custom that 'stallions' or 'males' escort mares around the party area. I wouldn't mind the escort should you like to come."

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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