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open (This RP IS CLOSED) Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala!

Lightning Bliss

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@@Lightning Bliss,

"a visit around the castle? of course i am in! i love architecture, let's find out if all the castle looks the same! Personally, nothing beats the good old ionic columns of my beloved Cloudsdale, but ehi, they say to not judge before tasting right? And maybe our princess here can show us stuff that are not permitted to other ponies ja?"


Volt said blinking his eye and smirking a bit


"jocking of course, yeah could really use that... this music is kinda monothonous if you ask me.. what about a nice Foxtroth! or maybe swing! oh Luna i love swing, uops nevermind... looks like it is not the time for that ahah! if Polaris is ok with that, i am definetely in for a tour"


as he spoke Volt took another glass and some strange looking high level cusine creation


"uhm.. i.. i really don't know about this.. the wine is surelly excellent.. but.. this is to much high level stuff for a pony like me you know Bliss? Are you used to eatthis kind of stuff each day? Woah.. i don't know if too be envious or sorry for you actually... meh sorry... blame the wine.. i should shut up"


Volt said blushing a little

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Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Lightning Bliss,@,@@Polaris, @@Doc. Volt,  @@DashieHeart@


Before the mare could react Dark Star felt a weird shiver and his eye slowly started to blinking glow green. A weird magic spark going threw his horn. Without warning he teleported away completely against his will and into a big gathering of...overall things...


Spinning a 360 and investigating his surroundings the stallion froze for a second as he noticed that he was in front of a yellow black maned alicorn. 


Taking a short bow he tried and act natural. 


"Fancy tail M'lady" He spoke to the princess. 


Nervously slowly trying to move back he bumped into a griffon, quickly facing the ''Beast" he once again tried and act friendly.


Quickly the stallions horn lit up and a nice bow-tie materialized on the feathery thing. "There, you look much better now. "


This time bothering to look around more carefully he noticed a Draconeequs and another stallion and that being about it, at least the important "Its"[Oh and Volt, sorry I forgot you exist, besides you stole my 100th post that I worked so hard on].


The last desperate way to get out of the middle of the crowd was something he seemed to be using a LOT this gala, his not so trusty anymore teleport spell. Quickly focusing Dark Star felt somewhat of a headache as nothing but sparks shot out of his horn. 


Hitting his head about 3 times and trying again the same things happened, sparks and headache. Sighing he surrendered himself to his fate. Still remembering leaving the mare at the balcony without an explantion. Besides he couldn't explain what happened himself, so not like that would help


Once more facing the alicorn he spoke, in a rather calm and gentle tone, putting his arm behind his back like a gentlecolt. With once more a gentle bow.

"I will be honest with you, the names Dark Star, Ex-captain of the Lunar Watch exiled for disobeying orders and with a warrant for my arrest. My horn sometimes becomes unstable and does things, this time being teleporting me here so now I am stuck here with no means to escape. So if you would be nice enough NOT to call the guards and have be brought down that would be very kindly of you. " He finally caught his breath, expecting the worst. 

Edited by TheDarkStar
  • Brohoof 1


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@@Doc. Volt,

@@Lightning Bliss,


Roac grins as the bowtie materializes on him, "Hey thanks, this actually looks pretty goo--"


As Dark Star starts talking about his situation, the griffon mentally face-claws. ~You're being chased by the nastiest division of police around, and you introduce yourself as a criminal before asking us not to arrest you? IDIOT!~


~He's stupid, but he might be dangerous... and I'm not letting these ponies get hurt by some amateur wanna-be Jason Horne. Looks like I'm gonna need that blackjack after all...~


Roac quietly pulls out his blackjack, as the odd pony's back is turned from him, and extends the device to it's full length. It's about as large as a dagger, or perhaps a shortsword, and it's tipped in a lead cylinder, padded in a thin leather sheet for nonlethal takedowns.


~Heh... Ohhh, the irony of this. It's almost funny that I'm turning in a criminal, while I myself am a thief. Of course, I don't believe in hypocrisy, so... Let's make this quick.~


Roac brings the blackjack down upon Dark Star's head with a dull "THWACK!". The unicorn is knocked out almost instantly, falling down onto the floor. After doing so, he neatly and nonchalantly un-extends the blackjack and puts it into his pocket, before cupping his talons in front of his beak to shout, "GUARDS! HELP!"

Edited by Roac
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@, @, @@Doc. Volt, @@Polaris


She barely had time to figure out who this unicorn was, or the fact he oddly commented her tail...followed by materilizing a bow tie on Roac before openly admitting to them and her friends that he was a criminal of the city...But before she could even call the guards herself, the gryphon Roac had already taken things into his own talons.


He pulled out a bizarre weapon, then wacked the poor former captain of the guard before he had time to react...and quickly had called the guards. Bliss didn't know what to think of Roac or the bizarre unicorn at this point, and backed away slowly from both... "Polaris...Volt..." she called to her closest friends, getting behind both stallions for her safety. "Mr. Roac? What is going on?? How dare you bring a weapon to the gala??? This isn't allowed!" She said in a voice hinted at shock and betrayl.


The entire crowd of ponies stared at the group as th scene unfolded, while three guards escorted by Prince Shining Armor and her husband Night Lights leading the way.


"What is going on here?" Shining Armor demanded.


"*Snarls under his pony form* What is going on indeed? Bliss?" Nights called to her and trotted up to Volt and Polaris, nodding to them both, "Blissy? Are you alright? Where you harmed?"


"No no, but..." She pointed to Roac and the knocked out unicorn, "this gryphon...he's carrying a weapon...and this unicorn...claimed former captain of Luna's guards...he's wanted?"


Nights darted his head at the unicorn as the guards hoisted him up, then turned to the gryphon who supposedly did the attack. "Who are you gryphon? And what are you doing carrying a weapon here, around MY WIFE!" He snarled...his dragon aura glowing, making the rest of the ponies watching step back nervously.

Edited by Lightning Bliss
  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,

@@Doc. Volt,


Roac pauses at the pony, looking at the situation at claw. He slowly pulls out the blackjack, dangling it in-between his talons-- Night Lights and Shining should recognize it as a mostly harmless tool of self-defense.


"I always keep my blackjack with me-- don't leave home without it. You never know what kinds of miscreants will try to attack an unarmed person wandering the streets at night! And as for this pony, he INTRODUCED himself as a criminal, and I was simply subduing him to protect myself and the Princess here! He could have been dangerous..."


Roac steps back, taking a ready position as the Night's aura begins to glow (signalling to the guards that he's a trained fighter.)


"Sir... with all due respect, if I had any intention of actually committing any crimes with a weapon, don't you think I would have brought something better? Besides, I called for you after I hit him..."


~I'm not sure if they're buying it... I'd better come up with a backup plan, and FAST... I can't take all these guards on my own, especially not a... whatever he is...~

Edited by Roac
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@, @@Lightning Bliss, @,


Volt stepped in fron of liss, trying to cover her


"it must be me... everywhere i go.. something happen.. i must have some chaos around me..."

Volt thought putting an hoof on Nightlight's shoulder


"s..sir.. please... let's all stay calm"


Volt lowered on the fainted pony tasting his pulse


"he is still alive... nopony is badly hurted.. now.. before everything goes down to the drain, let's all calm down ok? "


Volt said taking an huge breath


"ok... fine... it is not a crime carying a weapon around.. i know it.. i have a knife with me as well.. i admit it... you will never know, the ghryphon is right with that.. still... you aren't allowed to use that but for self defence Mister Roac! what the hell did this pony to make you think you could beat him like that?"


Volt said looking straight into the Ghryphons eyes and then he turned to the guards


"ughmm maybe i shouldn't have mentioned the knife.. whatever.. i did nothing... sigh... why.. why does this happenes ALL the bloody times???"


The pegasus then moved near to the fainted pony, trying to drag him away just in case the situation felt in a bad way aka a fight


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt, @, @Polaris, @,


Before Volt could pull the unicorn away, Shining Armor stepped in front of him, blocking his path. "Wait Doctor Electron Volt, you're a friend of my close aquietence Seth Eclipse right?" The Prince asked calmly, "Sir I know you mean well, but if this unicorn is a threat to the castle, we need to know. Hand him to the guards, we'll make sure his bump on the head is tended to. If he checks out ok, we'll release him back to the party soon as possible."


Bliss meanwhile felt guilty for questioning Roac's methods so quickly...it all happened so fast, and the fearful memory of the pirates flashed into her head that she didn't know how to handle it. But finally she came out from behind Polaris and nodded to her husband that she was ok.


"Hmm..." Nights listened to Volt, then turned back to the gryphon once more, "I don't like the idea of you or my friend Volt carrying weapons around...though in theory yours is meant for defense... I can appreciate that. After all, you were reacting to a possible threat..." He relaxed his stance and shook hooves with Roac passively, then turned and hugged his white mare. "Are you sure your ok Blissy? If you want to leave the Gala and we can both go back to our ca- erm... home... If you want to go back home I'm sure we could get the Princesses to understand-"


"No..." Bliss said while eyeing Roac apologetically, "no... I don't want to leave when I should be here at the Gala as requested... I have a duty...Besides, I need to apologize to Roac, for acting as a protector to the rest of us at the Gala." She smiled to the gryphon, to Volt and the others while frowning at the odd unicorn that was slowly being tended to by the guards and Shining Armor. I really wonder what that all was about, she asked herself as they took him away.


Nights nodded to her and gave her a soft nuzzle on her cheek before nodding again to Polaris and Volt. "Well then... there's my action for the night I hope?" Nights said and sat down in a seat next to the draconous.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@Doc. Volt@Roac@Polaris, @TheDarkStar,


Roac sighs with relief, and puts his blackjack away.


~ الثناء عليك، والله! الحمد لك ألف مرة! (Tranlates into thanking the main Griffonian god)~


"So... that was exciting..."

He chuckles under his breath, and you notice that he actually seems quite shocked by what just happened.


*to Lights* "So... You must be Bliss's husband! A pleasure to meet you, despite the circumstances of our acquaintance. I hear many things from Bliss, and all of them good."


Roac laughs again, brushing his suit off and resetting his bowtie. The tie is blood-red, for some reason, and it actually looks quite good on him. Sort of completes the whole look.


"I must apologize for that little scare... Not many ponies recognize a blackjack when they see one, and I must admit that it is a very intimidating thing at a first glance. I've simply gotten used to the object and how it is properly used..."


He chuckles yet again. "I, actually, got the thing when I became a reporter. I knew that the job was dangerous, and so I decided to spend a few silver pieces on some protection."


(Okay, I'm going back to mobile.)

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Shining Armor took the unconscious pony himself and after bidding goodbye to everyone, he walked away with his escort of guards.


Dark Star awoke in a somewhat comfy chair. His eyes still a bit blurry and with a big head-ache. 

He tried looking around but he felt way too tired to move, all he knew is that in front of him was a nice office table. 

The next thing he noticed was that his hands were tied and his lack of strength is clearly from some immobilization spell. 


He could hear voices from outside the door and then it opened, a white armored pony stepping in and making his way to the imprisoned pony. 


Dark Star could feel the immobilization spell fading away and he slowly begun getting his strength back. 


Finally being capable of looking around he looked up and in front of him stood Shining Armor, smiling. 

"All these years and I am the one who happens to have you under my arrest? Quite heart breaking. So how have you been old pal?"


Slowly regaining his speech Dark Star said:

"Shining Armor. Or is it Prince Shining Armor, but then shouldn't you be an alicorn? I never got those royalty related things. Anyway I am fine, tied to a chair with an immobilization spell slowly fading away from my body, my head hurting, with no memories of what happened, and the mare I asked for a dance never gave me a response because my horn is playing tricks on me lately. " He finished a bit saddened.

"Look at you, married to an alicorn and yet all you do is command the guard."


"You know quite well that is not all I do, I rule the Crystal Kingdom. And Cadance has more of a representative role. Too bad you weren't at the wedding. But you were and are considered a criminal and inviting you there would have been about as foolish as you coming to the gala. " 


Dark Star rested his head on the chair.

"We used to be such good friends at the academy, and also very distant family. I even helped you cheat the judges when it came to a high lever magic exam, but you after that begun to study harder, good thing too. And now you are captain, so was I. But I was chosen into the watch and you were into the guard. I am sure you didn't forget what the watch were. "


"Right, so how about we get into business before this becomes a touchy class reunion. You have a warrant for your arrest for serious crimes against the princ-


"You know that is a lie, I did nothing against the princesses. "


Shining slowly paused and then continued. "-esses and overall disobeying the law by running away from your fate, once you are caught you are to be executed without a trial from the princesses."


"Well, great. "


"So, why did you give out who you are?"


"My horn was playing tricks on me and made me speak the truth."


"Bummer, well what do you expect me to do now?"


"I expect you to release me back to the gala, and report that you got the wrong person. "


"You are putting me in a tough situation, also nobody will trust you there anymore. "


"I can think of something. "


"Right, fine. I have a question. Why haven't you tried and simply solve the problem out with the princesses and say you did nothing that wrong that should put you in this position?"


"Don't want to risk being taken down by unfriendly guards on the way there, you read it, executed without trial. "


"...fine... you may go. But I am not letting you go free, after the party I am taking you to the princesses and will help you resolve the situation, nobody will do anything to you with me around. I won't lie, you are still under arrest, I won't allow my guards to let you out, and all the exits will be blocked with an invisible spell to not let you to get out. 

Please try and co-operate."


"Fine by me. " Dark Star felt his hooves being untied loose. 


"You should go meet Princess Sparkle, my sister. She knows a bit about you and would probably be glad to hear about your studies of magic. But remember that I will keep you under my eye and can get to you in seconds if you try anything. Not like you would against her at least, you are family after all, distant but family. Your cutie mark is quite proof of that. "


Both of the stallions left the room and went back to the party. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Lightning Bliss,


He let out a sigh and shook his head in relief as the unexpected scene came to an end and the mysterious unicorn was taken away to be questioned. Finally having the time and opportunity to meet one of his favourite and long time friend, he sat down next to the Night Lights at the table and smiled as he took a sip from his glass occasionally.


Night Lights. It is so good to see you again, great one. How have you been, friend? It's been quite a while since we bumped into each other. He inspected Night's proud shiny golden armor of the royal guard. By the looks of it, I'd say that you've moved up in the world, great one! How have you found your new duty as a royal guard? He smiled enthusiastically, while taking a small sip of wine. I bet the princesses are more than glad of having a pony of your caliber here protecting them along with your wife princess Lightning Bliss!


He then turned his focus towards him and looked at all the random guests dancing, talking and walking about the ballroom around him with no hurry or worry in the world, even after the threatening situation that was quickly subdued, a small sigh was let out from the brown unicorn's mouth, before turned in a tiny chuckle and turned his head back towards Nights. Still missing all the adventures we all had together in the past, Nights? All the adrenaline filled life and death situations of demonic proportions from saving a whole nation from degrading into lawlessness and bloody mayhem? Those truly were the days, but I'm quite content with the life I have now, so no need for another great adventure anytime sooner, I think.


He took yet another sip from the glass, as he looked at Nights with a warm smile.


                                            Special thanks to Lightning Bliss for this awesome signature!


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Nights smiled and gave a friendly hoof punch on Polaris' shoulder before replying. "Actually good friend, the royal guard thing is just for tonight." He smiled and lapped a bit of the punch he managed to snatch off a tray. Some of the guests frowned at the fact his tongue appeared forked, "Princess Celestia and Luna encouraged Bliss to come to this silly Gala in the first place. And since I'm her designated protector, it was only natural that I dressed up for the occassion as a guard. They offered me this armor and said I could keep it afterwards, though honestly I don't forsee myself using it too often." He smiled and got to speaking about jobs with his good stallion friend.


"But I hear your job is going well with Photo Finish? Bliss looks at the magazines your company does as often as possible, just hoping to get a glimpse of you. It really has been a long time, she misses you all very much." He smiled and lapped another gulp, "to be honest though I'm not missing those old days of battles and journies... for once I am being the dragon I had hoped to be at my age... Just kicking it back, mining my gems, sleeping...eating...and occassionally teaching dragon lore to the young ones in Ponyville. It is a good life, if it weren't for the fact Bliss gets called on for diplomatic meetings and I have to escort or fly her out there."




He then turned to the Gryphon Roac, realizing he had slipped the fact he was a dragon, took a bit of a sigh, then went to explaining while Bliss held him close and nuzzled his cheek. "Yes good gryphon, it is true, though I may not appear it, thanks to my good friend Polaris," he again tapped on the brown unicorn's shoulder, "I am in fact a dragon."


"He's a shape shifting dragon, the only one to exist far as we know," Bliss added in, "before Nights and I got married, he was frustrated with the fact he couldn't...well hold me or interact with me the way a stallion could with a mare...and since I'm not a dragon...our courtship was kinda an issue..."


"Indeed," he saddened a bit remembering those days when he couldn't shift his form, "But then our friend Polaris, went out of his way to find a solution. He set off to find a rare magical fisher or gem with shape shifting properties. It was a rare artifact that was guarded by the deadly swamps of the south. Anyways," he took another sip, "my good friend her risked himself to get it for me...and I ate this gem and...well there you have it," he gestured at his body, "I'm a shape shifting dragon. This is my pony form I choose to have, think it suits me well don't you think Polly?" He smiled to his friend.


"Indeed it does," Bliss nuzzled his cheek then gave Polaris a deep friendly hug, "we can never repay him for all he did for us...except that we promise to be his friend as long as we live."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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((Sorry I havent posted. I had computer issues))


Star Catcher looked up at the point, eyes wide in surprise. However, before she could stutter a yes, the pony disappeared. Star Catcher was started by his sudden exit and gasped.


"Did I take too long to reply or something?" Star thought. She then simply shrugged, and turned back towards the railing. "I have things to worry about other than a fairly cute unicorn." she thought, then began walking along the balcony, looking over the railing every once in a while.


Finally, after a few minutes, she spotted Moon Beam and Stained Steel. They were on another balcony overlooking the gala. However, the one they were on looked more exclusive. Star Catcher wondered how she would get to them.


"Well, this may not be very accepted here at the gala, but I need to get to my sister. And I am not going back through that crowd." she thought.


Suddenly, she opened her wings and began flying towards the balcony. She then saw two guards, who had been standing on the same balcony as Moon and Steel, flying towards her. She banked quickly, avoiding the guards. However, they were already turned around and following get again. They were gaining fast. Luckily, Moon Beam saw her, and called the guards off.


"Hey! That's my sister, Star Catcher! Leave her alone!" Moon yelled as she flew up to meet Star. "I thought I told you to look out for her, not attack her." She scolded. The guards lowered their heads.


"We are very sorry for the inconvenience. We apologize, Miss Star Catcher." Once of the guards said.


"You may go now." Moon Beam said, then looked at Star. "I'm so glad you're here. Come on. Steel's waiting for us." Moon said, already flying back to the balcony.

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@Lightning Bliss,


Roac bows reverently. "It is truly an honor to meet you in person, serah. In my country, dragons are known to be the wisest creatures in all of Griffonia, despite their, ahem...


... Greed. Not to say that you are greedy, serah!"


He remains quite calm, seemingly unfazed by the fact that Bliss's husband is a fire-breathing dragon.


"Ah... Things are beginning to make sense, now. Honestly, I find it to be quite interesting that you two managed to get together, despite all of the fear and prejudice that most Equestrians show towards outsiders, especially dragons... You could write a novel on it, you'd find a nice market for romance stories."


"And, serah, having only have met your wife about an hour ago, I can surely tell you that you truly are a lucky dragon..."


He rambles on to another, somehow linked, topic. "You know, the last wedding I went to was for a cousin of mine; he had found himself in love with a changeling! Now, I have met her, and I can tell you, honest, that these changelings are not as evil as they are cracked up to be. As a matter of fact, they can be quite agreeable."


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@,@@Lightning Bliss,  

Dark Star and Shining Armor came up to the princess and the party of people. 


They both bowed to the princess, Shining speaking first:

"I am sorry for all the commotion, this stallion is a criminal but he is not dangerous to anyone. I decided to let him be ''free'' until the gala ends. He is not allowed to leave and is under constant guard surveillance, I will deal with him later. If he tries anything then report him to any guard you want. 

Also I would like to point out that he is part of my family, distant... but part of it. I would trust him with my life, so that being another reason to not fear him. " He turned to walk away. "Have a good night."


Dark Star stayed in silence until the captain was way away. The first moment he got his horn lit up and the griffon could feel a little head-ache. He slowly walked up to the feathery ''friend''. Whispering in his ear. 

"Well, Mr. Roac, I know who you are and what your ''profession" is. So be a good griffon next time, or else some horrible truth might spill out. " He said grinning "You wouldn't want that, now would you? Also the thing I did to you was a mind reading spell, so yeah. "


He turned to the princess. "Sorry M'lady for causing all this... panic. But I still don't blame myself, I was not the attacker here. I do not blame you if you don't trust me. After all I am a criminal."


Star turned to the pony/dragon. "Nice to meet you shape shifting dragon, I read a file about you, was interesting. I will disappoint you that shape shifting is not that big of a deal for some ponies, I was the first to make a shifting spell studying the changelings. But then again you are a dragon and that complicates things for you now does it? " He proved it by casting something on the pony and his iris turning rainbow color, then materializing a mirror to prove it and then lighting up his horn once more to make the mirror disappear and turning his eyes back to normal."Fancy eh? Sadly I don't teach it to ponies and I will probably keep it with me until I die. Somepony else might re-create it, claim the prize. But other then that this spell is purely dangerous in wrong hooves, I won't risk that. "

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Nights growled at the seemingly cocky unicorn as he demonstrated his talents in magic while holding Bliss closer to his side. However Bliss was rather annoyed at Star's boldness, it was down right disrespectful that it almost reminded her of Discord. Displaying his magic about, obviously intimidating Roac for some reason, now displaying and boasting about how unimportant her husban'ds rare talent amongst dragons it was.


"Hold it," she snorted and suddenly teleported right in front of Dark Star, pushing her nose into his to make him back up away from Roac and her friends, "I trust Shining Armor's decision on you and I won't question it. But who do you think you are talking to my husband that way? I don't care if you were a former Captain of the Lunar Watch or not, but this is a royal Gala that the other Princesses worked VERY hard on to put together to benefit economic society and the last thing we need is a former trouble maker ruining it for them!"


She stomped her hoof to give a more firm approach, "As for myself... this is my first time playing as Princess Host amongst the citizens...and not that I'm enjoying it...but I don't need it ruined for my own personal needs either. So let's do ourselves a favor..." she sat back and placed her hooves together in a royal manner she's seen Cadence do, "Keep your magic tricks to yourself...respect my husband and my friends...and we won't have anymore problems. Is that understood Mr. Dark Star?"


Night's jaw dropped at the sight of his wife, for once, taking a more firm hoof approach on the stallion. He had been growling earlier that the unicorn seemed to be intentionally intimidating the gryphon Roac, but to tell him his shape shifting abilities was nothing unique, putting him down. He was actually ready to step off and shuu the unicorn from their table...but wasn't prepared for Bliss to take on a more firm role.


"Um...I think you got things covered then...What she said Mr. Star," Nights added in with a growl. "Let's all try to get along and...not make a scene anymore."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, @,


He blushed and smiled as Blissy hugged and complimented him, while Nights looked at him with a silent respectful look. It was nothing really, my friends... I helped because I cared about you both a great deal. He looked back at Nights and winked at him agreeingly. You do indeed look quite dashing if I may say so, great one! Not all mares here have such a rare gem like yourself as their husband who can shapeshift at will and who is stronger than any other pony in equestria! He chuckled out a bit, while giving a friendly pat to his shoulder. I'd bet many of the single mares around here would certainly try their luck to catch you in their net, hehe...


Noticing how he was starting to go a bit off the topic, he gathered himself up again and straightened up his face, before looking back at his friends slightly blushing. My apologies, it may seem that I've taken enough of wine for this evening and I shall switch to the sweetened mineral water for now. He laid his half empty glass to the table, rose up from the chair and trotted up to the large serving table nearby, grabbed a crystalline bottle filled with the said water with his magic and started to pour some of it to an empty crystal water glass and once it got filled, he walked back to the table and sat into his chair again with a huff and took a gentle sip from the glass, before turning towards the gryphon.


Prejudices can destroy entire nations, and my homeland far away over the mountains to the north was a perfect example of that, since many of the smaller and primitive tribes resent all the equestrians because of the purges that the tyrant king Sombra launched against my people over a millenia ago and still haven't forgotten about that. He shook his head. Anypony who would have openly recoqnized themselves as equestrians would have been hunted or tied to a totem pole and sacrificed to Ajatar, if it wasn't for the intervention of the gryphon empire and their mission to civilize the north from the stone age to teach them the ways of peace, and allow them to live under the prosperous rule of empress Nortica.


He to a gulp from his glass. Some of my people have truly let go of the past hate towards the outsiders and those who have done so, have allowed to be uplifted both culturally by and spiritually by the empire and have actually started sending scouts to equestria to learn about the 'Magic of Friendship' from the equestrians under the blessing of empress herself. For the first time in centuries, I think my people might actually have a future in this new and ever changing world of ours. He smiled enthusiastically at Roac.


Just then Shining Armor re-escorted Dark Star back to their table and explained his situation. Polaris would have snorted at the odd acting criminal unicorn, especially after his blunt and inconsiderate statement towards Night Lights. But just as he was about to, Lightning Bliss took the floor, and he watched as the Princess, for once, gave the citizen a piece of her royal mind.


Hmphf... That unicorn had some nerve to speak to you like that, miss Bliss...

Edited by Polaris


                                            Special thanks to Lightning Bliss for this awesome signature!


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@Lightning Bliss

@Doc. Volt




Roac snaps at the unicorn in response, spouting a stream of enraged curses, insults, and general profanity in Griffonian, which sounds like gibberish in Roac's fast, accented speech. It takes Bliss, Polaris, and Night working together to calm him down and get him back into his seat.


"Don't you EVER blackmail me, you puffed-up foal!! AND DON'T YOU EVER INSULT MY FRIENDS!"


The sight of an angry griffon is something few live to tell about. He looked like an animal, an angry, giant hawk with a lion's paws; he looked like he was about to just swoop over and eat you for lunch.


Roac sits down, staring at Dark Star with a wary look of distrust, as if he were gesturing at everypony at the table and saying, 'This is mine. Don't touch it.'


~Who does this holier-than-thou clopper think he is, coming to threaten me and insult MY friends?! If we weren't at the Gala, I would have already cooked him up on a spit and fed him to the rats! That's it, bub, one wrong move and I'm playing "plastic surgeon" on your ugly mug.~

Edited by Roac


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@, @@Polaris, @@Doc. Volt, @,


(OOC ok lets not disrupt the RP anymore with dark backstories that can lead to the Gala being inturrupted and try to get back on a typical mingle. If anypony wishes to make a scene or an incident to put a little 'spice' into things, please discuss it first on the OOC topic thread)


"I think we're done here at the ball room anyway, right gentlecolts?" She turned to Polaris, Roac, Volt, Obscure and Night Lights. "Why don't we go ahead and take that tour along the castle and get better reaquiainted with ourselves? I for one would like to get some fresh air outside in the gardens."


She stood up and prushed back a loose hair that fallen out from behind her crown. "I hear the Apple family have tried setting up another food cart outside for other ponies who are tired of the...special tastes food items. I could really go for some apple pie if any pony would be willing to share with me?" She walked passed Dark Star, giving him a firm but saddened look..not sure what to think of him anymore nor how to deal with him, then turned to her husband.


"Are you gonna leave me without escort sir Night Lights?" She giggled at him as she held out her hoof, waiting for him to grasp it.


He quickly fluttered to her side and nuzzled her nose. "I wouldn't have it your Highness...come to the gardens!" He announced as he escorted her out.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@Lightning Bliss



Roac follows the rest of the group outside, eager to get away from the unwanted visitor.


~This... is an interesting Gala... and not necessarily in a totally good way. I just want to have a nice night with some friends-- is that so much to ask?~


He, eventually, calms down and forgets about the past two incidents, feeling content to take in the sights of the Gala. As he walks, topics of conversation swirl around in his mind, as he thinks of something pleasant to try and talk about when they reach the stand.


~Hm... What about their favorite types of-- no... Uh... Hobbies? Yeah, hobbies. That's easy for me; I do some clockwork engineering on the side, and I practice free running and gymnastics.~


As you walk outside, Roac takes a moment to absorb the beautiful architecture, as well as the garden. ~Num'nerach would have loved this. She had always enjoyed Equestrian forests... I wonder where she is, now...~


Roac grins at the pleasant memories of his first special somepony, and spots the apple stand.


"Hey, I think this is it!"


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@@Lightning Bliss,


He nodded agreeingly and took his last gulp of the mineral water, before accompanying the alicorn princess Lightning Bliss outside to the gardens to go see about the apple family's outdoor food cart selling all kinds of delicious pastries ranging from apple pie, apple fritter and even some home made cider on the side to wash all that goodness down with.


I do believe I've met some of the members of apple family some time ago, when I was doing a business tour to ponyville to go see miss Rarity and her newest fashion designs for the next upcoming winter wrap up. He place a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. I think the one I met in particular was a mare name Applejack, which I do remember that she was one of the famous 'Mane 6' who where always there with princess Twilight to stop powerful forces of evil from destroying equestria and beyond completely. The one I also do kinda remember, was her brother: a big red earth pony stallion who's only response to everything was just a "Eeyup" when I tried to ask some questions from him about Applejack's adventure with her friends.


He sighed and shook his head, before his stomach began to rumble from the overwhelming heavenly smell of freshly backed apple pastries coming from outside in the garden.


Nothing beats a good old home made apple pie, that's for sure! He exclaimed as he steps out from inside to the garden area and spots the rather lovely looking food cart parked under a great oak tree with an orange earth pony mare with a cowboy hat standing behind it and looking eagerly at the group as they approach her.


Howdy! What can I get for ya'll? She asked cheerfully as everypony got around her cart to check what she had on sale.

Edited by Polaris


                                            Special thanks to Lightning Bliss for this awesome signature!


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@@Lightning Bliss, @,




Volt took another glass


"bliss.. stop me.. i promise this will be the last glass... i better not get over with it... i am not used to this anymore eh eh... don't you have some kind of magic to stop me for a while?"

Volt said giggling a bit as his face was turning a bit red, he then turned to Roac


"uhh hobbies... well..my hobby coincide with my work... i love electronics and electricty in general Roac, i provide Cloudsdale with a good ammount of energy for their lighting and cloud condesifier machines, but in the free time.. i like to mess around with my coil... you should watch them.. . lightings are like dancing with you... ah you Grhyphons... you will never get to love the storms and the thunderforce in our skies... i know it is dangerous, but i can't help myself when pegasi brings one of them, to stick myself in, and fly there, dodging their strikes and feeling thier power on the tips of my wings... it.. it makes you feel alive you know? ... ah but i am sure that our princess here knows that very well am i right Bliss? You were a pegasus before your ascension! and from what i heard.. a really fast one eh?"


Volt said giggling a bit


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


She blushed a bit at Volt's compliment, "Me speedy when I was a pegasus? No not really... ok I did that one Rainboom back a few years ago when I saw that blue pegasus mare...Rainbow Dash I believe? She did it at the young flight competition. I loved it so much that I attempted to give it a shot myself. I took a few tries...and near crashed on the ground a few, but I managed to do it a few times. It's not easy at all...infact I don't like doing it often, it hurts my eyes."


She approached the cart of AJ's and smelled the heavenly sweet fragrance of apple, her favorite fruit amongst pastries. "Oh so many to choose from!" She said to the orange earth pony, "Seriously Miss AppleJack? What would you recommend?" Her stomach growls loudly making her blush.


"Ahh shucks I'm flattered Princess Lightning Bliss," AJ smiled to the rare alicorn she hardly ever sees but only knows about through magazines, "well personally if you're new to the Apple Family pastries, I'd strongly recommend the apple pie! Or the apple fritter myself, those are my favorites! But we also have caramelized apples, and apple fries, and apple dummplings!"


Her stomach growled even louder. "Oh I hate decisions, can I just get a doggie bag of everything?"


"Of course you can! Mighty fine doin'business with ya too Highness!" The orange earth pony quickly muscled up a slice of apple pie, fritters, dumplings the works, as Bliss hummbly paid her a hefty bag of bits. "Woa there Princess, that's a wee too much for this bag?"


"Please I insist, you are a great family and apple orchid you got, I really want to see you all succeed." Bliss smiled happily and levitated the bag to AJ.


"Aww well thank'ya kindly Highness." She handed her the bag and smiled to her friends.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Dark Star stayed in the ballroom with a satisfied grin on his face, looking as the group went away. 

"They knocked me out and reported to the guards, revenge was satisfying, even if all I did was annoy them." He thought. 

"Also that white one makes a terrible princess, if this is where Equestrian royalty is heading, then I am scared of what the future holds. "


The stallion wandered off, catching a drink on his way from a waiter. 

"This isn't me, I don't act like this, I am drinking way too much.

He put the drink back on another passing waiters plate. Slowly making his way back to Shining Armor, seeming that he was the only one accepting of his company, or at least who he wanted to spend any time with at the moment. 

As soon as he reached his target he noticed two mares accompanying Shining, who also noticed the stallion. 

"Back already? I thought you would never be done annoying them. I thought I told you to watch it. Anyway, I would like to introduce you to Cadance, my wife. And Twilight, my sister. This is Dark Star, a  grand grand grand grand grand cousin of ours. 

They both nodded a hello. 

"Honor to meet two princesses that don't want to get me arrested. Especially ones that are family. " Dark Star bowed. Turning to Twilight. "Congratulations on gaining a castle of your own, Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle."


"Actually, when I remember something, I think I forgot that I invited a pony for a dance but then my horn teleported me away, do excuse me." He walked away before letting anyone respond. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Lightning Bliss,




Volt said in a mocking tone, miming Bliss movements


"an apple pie please"


He said leaving ten bits near the counter of the orange mare


"the only time i managed to do something like that, i had a bloody rocket sticked to my wing! it was damn horrible! i wasn't able to fly for a month! an enitre month! lost almost of my feathers! "


"there ys go good sir!"

"thank you miss"


Volt said picking up the pit and happily eating a slice


"i mean.. OBVIUSLY it wasn't my plan to get a rocket up my back... but it happened.. no fancy rainbow stuff by the way.. just a loud BOOM and bye bye feathers! meh.. i am just a pathetic escuse for pegasi"


the pony said leaning toward the ghryphon


"hei mate"


he then moved up again near Nightlights


"and you? how does it feel to be like this? i mean... when you.. you are your true self... what is the difference of the flight pattern from when you are a pony? i'd really like to know.. well.. maybe actually i don't ah damn you wine!"


The pegasus took another slice eating it in only one gulp


"oh Luna.. this is REAL food not that thing inside there"


Volt said nodding at the orange mare


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


She had taken a whole bite of apple fritter, only to spit it up all over her hooves at the story Volt mentioned.


"A rocket?" She coughed up chunks of apple filling, "FEATHERS???" She blurted out laughing hysterically, not caring if other ponies saw her. "OH OH OH! So funny!!!" She sat down, continued to bellow, her wings flapping and tail flicking eagerly, "how how...how did you think that was NOT a bad idea??? OH GODS VOLT YOU..." she gasps, "YOU and your crazy experiments!"


She hugged on him still laughing into his shoulder, more then likely making him frown if not blush with embrassment.


"Yes... I admit um..." Nights tried to hold back his own laughter, "What...were you thinking Volt? Even I wouldn't attempted...THAT" he too gave into his laughter and tried to hide it under his helmet.


A tear dripped from her eye she was laughin so hard, before finally bringing in a lung full of air and settled down. "I'm sorry friends...it's been awhile since I've laughed this hard. It feels like old times all over again with us being together...catching up."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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