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When Gambit says he'll order one of everything, he actually means that he's going to order more food than any normal pony is physically capable of eating. He sat by himself (or so he thought), practically shoveling food into his mouth and occasionally reaching for his drink. So far, Gambit had eaten 3 large pizzas, 2 bowls of stir-fry, 6 apples, a bowl of hay fries, and a large strawberry sundae purely because it was the fanciest thing on the menu...and he was still going.


He stopped, swallowed and noticed the pony sitting next to him. One of the ponies he'd offered chocolate to, if memory served. "Hey there. How's it goin'?" He asked simply in attempt to initiate conversation.

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"Well My friend and I were hungry, so we came here and saw you. Of course We went to go get food first!" He said while biting down on a hamburger. Drill Horn felt his throat getting tried and reached for his drink. Realizing he forgot to get one because he was so hungry he got up and said "Hey, I'll be right back, I need to get a drink." He looked around for the drinks or a sign that said something. He came back to gambit and asked "Do you mind telling me where the drinks are?" He said with a awkward smile.

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Cassidy darted his eyes around, unsure of what to do. Under normal circumstances, he would have just gotten his food and sat down, but Drill had walked over to the pony and Cassidy had just decided to follow. "Oh, uh... hey there. What's your name?" he asked Gambit.

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"I got mine at the counter. Pretty sure you'll find what you're looking for over there." Gambit pointed towards the counter. Sadly, he didn't have much more to offer besides pointing out the right direction. He turned to the second pony and gave a confident grin. "Name's Assured Gambit, but everypony just calls me Gambit. What's yours?"

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"Uh, I'm Cassidy. It's nice to meet you, Gambit," replied Cassidy, and he slow reached out to shake hooves. He then noticed Gambit's cutie mark. "If you don't mind me asking, what does your cutie mark mean?" he added. It seemed to be a spiral with a coin in the middle.

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"Nice to meet ya, Cassidy." Gambit said, shaking Cassidy's hoof. The question about his Cutie Mark was a surprising one, though. "It's the infinite potential of life being focused into a single point through fighting spirit. Our potential is limitless, stopped only by our imagination. That's what my Cutie Mark means."


Gambit's mane bristled as he spoke, standing up in thick spikes that would make a stylist jealous. He seemed aware of it, though, as he grinned sheepishly. "Sorry. I have a habit of going overboard on things like that."

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"Erm, that's... okay..." replied Cassidy, raising an eyebrow. "It's a... fascinating backstory." He held back a chuckle at what had just happened with Gambit's mane. "You know, I have a friend who would find that thing with your mane hilarious. How does that work, anyway?"

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Drill Horn went to grabbed a drink at the counter. Like the food there were plenty of drinks to take. He just decided to pick one and go back to his table. He returned to Gambit and Cassidy while they talking. He yelled at them with a awkward "Wassup!" and sat down. Finally he could finish eating his food.




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Gambit shrugged. "Not entirely sure how it happens. My mane just kinda reflects my mood. When I'm happy, it's all bouncy and soft. When I'm sad, it just goes limp like wet spaghetti. And when I get excited or start to lose my temper... well, you can see the results. It's just part of me, just like my overacting." He said with a grin. He waved at Cassidy's friend as he approached, suddenly realizing that he didn't even know that pony's name.


"Guess you found the drinks alright. By the way, I never got your name." Gambit asked when the other pony sat down.

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"Oh yeah sorry about that! I was just so caught up in my food I didn't really realize that. My name is Drill Horn!" He said in pride. "You can Drill or anything that you want. As long as it's not stupid". He said with a laugh. He stopped for a moment and asked "Hey wait, what's your name?"



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"Assured Gambit, but everypony just calls me Gambit. I was named that because of my luck. Used to be in the Canterlot Guard 'til I came here. Not much to tell about me, really. You two are probably more interesting." Gambit said, gesturing to both Drill Horn and Cassidy. And he didn't really want to talk about himself. Not just because he was tired of being asked whether his sister was attractive, which was usually a good way to start a fight, but also because it wasn't something he wanted to share with ponies he didn't know that well without a good reason.

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy


"Well he it was nice meeting you guys". Drill Horn said to Gambit and Cassidy while finishing his food. "I'm going to explore the campus to see if I can find anything to do". As he started walking to the halls he saw a pony rushing to get somewhere. The pony was carrying a large bag and she look like she was a student as at the campus. He wanted to asked the pony where they were going, but he didn't want to stop the pony, so he just went into the conference room to get out of the way.

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Quickrose hurryed on her way, the unicorn had overslept and arrived late to the campus. she could just hear her old princible now,

Quickrose you will never get anywhere in life if you are late for things! and then the customary rant about how being on time is important. she sighed thinking of the one friend she was leaveing behind, Neon lights would miss her, and her Neon. really it had been her parents who had insisted on her going to the acadamy her parents were prideful of their briliant little girl, their son however, not so much.Quickrose knew her brother well enough that either her garden would die from lack of water or her mother would end up watering it. the only plant she could bring was David the talking Watersweet plant.she hurryed to drop off her things in the lounge room like she had been instructed and ran down the hall towards the conference room with David on her sholder

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"See you later," called Cassidy as Drill Horn left to go and explore the campus in the hopes of finding something to do. He turned to Gambit.


"To be honest, my life story so far is pretty bland as well," he said. "I got pushed around in school for being a 'nerd'. Also because of my name," he went on. Even Riley had let a chuckle slip when they first met.

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QuickRose burst into the room then realizeing everyone was stareing at her looked embarased at her hooves then went to sit down.

David sighed, "de ja vu"

Quickrose remembered the time he refered to, she was late for the opening ceremonys at her old school

she sat down and listened to the speaker carry on

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"Later." Gambit said, waving a hoof at Drill Horn as he left. Then he turned to Cassidy, genuinely interested in what the stallion was saying. "Got bullied, huh? That's pretty rough. But look at you now. You're here at the Bolt Academies, where you train to be the best Equestria has to offer. This 'nerd' has come a long way if you ask me."


Gambit leaned back in his chair and held out his hoof towards Cassidy as his mane started to bristle into thick spikes once again, the cheery grin on his face indicating that something was exciting him. "So what do you say about you and me being friends?"

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy


When Drill was in the conference room a mare burst into the room. Everyone stared for a while, but Drill thought it was natural for a pony to be late. When everypony stopped glaring at her she sat down. He couldn't help noticing how carefully she listened to instructions. "She must be a student here also" Drill Horn thought to himself. When it seemed like the mare finally understood how the academy work he walked up to her. "Hey!" Drill Horn said in a friendly way. "Are you a student here?"

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"Got bullied, huh? That's pretty rough. But look at you now. You're here at the Bolt Academies, where you train to be the best Equestria has to offer. This 'nerd' has come a long way if you ask me."


Cassidy chuckled. "Yeah, and I had some awesome friends who stood up for me back then."


"So what do you say about you and me being friends?"


Cassidy put a hoof to his chin. "Well, I guess I could use the sociability. So, yeah, that would be great!" replied Cassidy, shaking hooves with Gambit. "So what do you say about you and me being friends?" Well done, Cassidy, you're on a roll here. Two friends in one day! said his mind.

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Quickrose saw the pony come trotting up towards her and immediately felt she needed to appoligise for disrupting, i mean he could be a teacher or he could be a student either way she was embarassed about the way she came in. she almost didn't hear him and didn't aknoledge him when he said it until david poked her and said "he's talking to you"

QuickRose blinked and said "i'm verry sorry i'm so verry sorry. i was late because the carridge broke a wheel, and the stallions didn't know how to fix it because they never had to before and so i had to wait for a really long time, because it was too far to walk, and then i was really late and i paniced! and i nearly went to the wrong dorm building entirely! you can give me detention or whatever i honestly don't care. wait are you even a teacher?" Quickrose blushed haveing gotten really far ahead of herself

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy


(You replied to the wrong person :lol: )

"Actually I'm also a student here at the academy. I just wanted to wanted to say hi if you were also a student, and it turns out you are one!" Drill Horn just wished the day would end so that he could finally learn something. After all, that is what this academy is about, right? But he decided to just keep talking with the new mare he met. "Anyways, my name is Drill Horn, what's yours?"

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"i'm Quickrose and this is David" she pointed to the plant on her sholder "David say hello"

"pleased to make your aquaintance i'm sure" said the plant

"he can act highly sophisticated when he wants to but i'm sure he'll warm up to you"

"stop talking as if i'm not in the room and wern't you planning on flunking Quickrose?"

"David i thought you were going to keep that a secret!"

"oops my bad"

"well i guess you know the truth now Drill Horn, i never wanted to be here and all my plants, save David of corse, i'm sure will be either over or underwatered before the week is over seeing as my brother has a brown hoof, his cutiemark when he gets it will be a dead plant i'm sure of it"

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy


( I'm kinda confused what you mean. So is david a plant you carry around with you?)


Drill Horn eyes opened wide. "What!? No offence, but you really wanted to stay home just to take care of plants? Judging from your cutie mark, you probably like plants and didn't want to leave them unattended. But this is your one and only chance to get in the academy. I know it seems hard, but you should really stay here.

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(yes David is a plant i carry around with me. he only needs dirt at night)

"i don't even know what i'm supposed to do here. whats it all about? i mean my parents just said you're going to the acadamy tomorow!

and sent me off. and not only did i leave my plants i left my best friend NeonLights behind and she doesn't have anyone other than me, no one else understands her like me." QuickRose fought back a tear.

"uh oh, she's gonna cry" declaired David

the speaker had just dissmissed everyone

"p-please excuse me Drill Horn" Quickrose ran down the hall towards the Acadamy's greenhouse

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"Awesome." Gambit said, flashing a wide grin at Cassidy. "Now you've got some awesome friends here, too. But you'll have to forgive this particular friend from time to time. I can be pretty crazy sometimes."

Gambit chuckled. His methods of making friends wasn't perfect, but it seemed to have worked. And having friends would help with his own anxiety, too. Though he had to wonder if Faith was doing as well as he was. 'She'll be fine. After all, she was the one who urged me to take this opportunity while it was open.'

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"Crazy?" Cassidy darted his eyes around. "Uh... what do you mean by 'crazy'?" He then noticed Gambit seemed a little anxious. Well, in that case, I guess he and I are great for each other, he thought. When this is over, perhaps I should get out into the real world more.
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