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open Wolves Vs. Ponies


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"I don't have a lot of tolerance for those who want to cause pain to others, bigger or smaller than themselves. I can't tolerate bullying when I was a youngling because it hurt others, and often me and my brother subject to that. Being a striped pegasus and all. What the wolves are doing is just a worse case of that, with the pain being in extreme for-"


Black cut himself off when he heard the yelp coming from the mare on the ground. "What happened over there?"

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Titan had kicked out his foreleg and had his shield at the ready when he heard the yelp. When he saw that the mare had simply fallen, he moved the shield up back to his shoulder. "Doesnt look like too much. Seems she fell over."

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"Just barely. I never got her name but she's a student here. First one I tried to talk to, but she ran off when other ponies arrived and didn't seem to comfortable around me at all. Then when I tried to talk to her here, she just looked at the floor and didn't speak. Seems she's a loner, so I'm not going to try to be friends with her again unless she approaches me." He locked his shield in place and reset the way he sent it down before relaxing again.

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Evilshy heard the commotion and looked up to see that the shy mare from earlier had fallen. She chuckled softly before continuing her game with her spider.


"There you go, Arachne. Here, use mommy's hoof, too. You need some exercise after that trip."


She held up one of her hooves and let the spider expand her web.

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"She is. One of us will need to keep an eye on her location when the wolves attack. That, or we put all the nonfighters in a room and have one of us just watch the entrance, a job I'll gladly take." Titan began to think about how the school was set up. "We'll need to chop the trees away in a larger circle to see them come from a larger distance, and maybe protect the ground windows with wood or something harder so they can't break through there. What do you think?"

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"I don't like the idea behind having one pony being responsible for a whole group..." Black said concerningly. "Maybe she'll open up a little more when class starts rolling and things get moving a bit?"

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"We can only hope." Titan looked over at her, still face down on the ground. "You know, I have to feel concerned about her. She's still on the ground..."

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Night Flash flies up into the night sky right above the premises and starts to scan the surrounding area.''Hmm....all clear best be getting back to sleep'' Night flash thought as he flew back down to the boy's dorm room.

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NF makes sure his dorm room is completely locked up so nothing can get in and feeling sleepy,Night Flashjumps on to his bed and closes his eyes and begins dreaming.

Edited by The Awesome One
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Blaze shines her horn and casts her paralysing spell on the wolf "NOT SO FAST!" she yells at Razzor, She then whispers, but loud enough for the wolf to hear "How am i gonna keep him at bay, He'll get at me soon enough and he'll kill me."

Edited by Octavia91
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Blaze Uses her immense wing power to take off and carry the wolf with her, also gouging her hoof, she then shakes the wolf off and lets him smack into a tree a great distance into the woods.

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