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Why was Discord forgiven so easily?


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In fact, now that Discord is Twilight's friend, maybe she and Discord should hang out with the other princesses for a whole week so they get a taste of the chaos medicine, hmmm?

Not gonna happen... Doubt they will show an episode that doesn't focus on someone else outside the main 6.
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Still had mane 6 inside most of them.


Well they are the Mane Six, after all. Besides, having Twilight and Discord hang out with the princesses would be involving one of the Mane Six, so all is well.



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That should be the case with every villain that they can't kill or imprison for life. Way for not having a reform institute or a normal prison... (Actually legally speaking prison in our world are defined as "reform institutes". It's another subject if they don't efficiently work that way).

No it was compensation and a manipulative friendly kind. The kind that makes Celestia and Luna in my eyes appear as douchebags for doing!


Take a moment at LittleshyFIM for return to harmony part one "Country in cosmic doom villain threat? Send Twilight." Twilight this and Twilight that! Thats bs... Get of your comfy chairs Cadence/Celestia/Luna... Actually move your flanks after a thousand years to "attempt" to beat a villain! But no... We have to teach Twilight about "Friendship" even if the fate of the world is at stake! We might die and all but friendship comes first! If only they had attempted to actually do what Celestia did to Chrysalis. If only Discord had "tried" to stop the vines... You know... Not hand them the solution but just try to keep the vines at bay... He didn't.

Why should he have? The Mane 6 did nothing, to actually deserve his help, also it was a plant, if they could not stop that and needed Discord to stop it then there would be no episode also I would be doubtful that Twilight was actually a equal to Tirek even with the princesses powers. If the Mane 6 can just go to Discord and have him fix every problem, then Discords character would basically become a ''go to Deus x weapon''  and would become a marry sue for the convenience of the episode. Having Discord only take on matters that are out of Twilights control is far better then him stopping some plant from strangling a tree. 

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Well they are the Mane Six, after all. Besides, having Twilight and Discord hang out with the princesses would be involving one of the Mane Six, so all is well.

Is it too bad for wanting to view the other students at Celestia's school?
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Is it too bad for wanting to view the other students at Celestia's school?


They're not worthy, there is only Twilight.


Maybe Discord should enroll so we can see the other students.



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Why should he have? The Mane 6 did nothing, to actually deserve his help, also it was a plant, if they could not stop that and needed Discord to stop it then there would be no episode also I would be doubtful that Twilight was actually a equal to Tirek even with the princesses powers. If the Mane 6 can just go to Discord and have him fix every problem, then Discords character would basically become a ''go to Deus x weapon'' and would become a marry sue for the convenience of the episode. Having Discord only take on matters that are out of Twilights control is far better then him stopping some plant from strangling a tree.

Discord isn't omnipotent but also Twilight and her friends aren't the exclusive panakeia crusaders for all the troubles Equestria has. In all your wisdom you seem to forget that the mane 6 and the elements of harmony have become the true deus ex machina of mlp fim.

They're not worthy, there is only Twilight.


Maybe Discord should enroll so we can see the other students.

Way too Twilight-centric of a show mlp is. Also thats lame.


Lol! He'd never do that.

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Way too Twilight-centric of a show mlp is. Also thats lame.


Lol! He'd never do that.


Ah, you know I've had that conversation before about the show being Twilight-centric, and I don't think it's that the whole show is, it's only that the two-parters focus mainly on Twilight. Most of the show, except for first season, actually tries not to focus on her, but for the big events she's usually the mane character.


But I don't want to get too into that particular thread of thought since this is a topic about Discord being forgiven.



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Ah, you know I've had that conversation before about the show being Twilight-centric, and I don't think it's that the whole show is, it's only that the two-parters focus mainly on Twilight. Most of the show, except for first season, actually tries not to focus on her, but for the big events she's usually the mane character.


But I don't want to get too into that particular thread of thought since this is a topic about Discord being forgiven.

Yea thats the problem... In both cases.
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I have a few theories;


-Time constraints.


-Keeping Discord onboard the show's cast for fanservice, since viewership would decline if he were imprisoned in stone again, since he's a fan-favorite.


-The Mane Six foolishly actually believed that a master of deception actually felt remorse for betraying them, when it easily could have been him being sorry for things working out in his favor and thus running back to Fluttershy with the crocodile tears to save himself in case they did defeat Tirek and is using their empathy against them.


-The plot/Twilight's Key demanded it.


-They felt sorry for him after seeing him betrayed by Tirek (minus Applejack) and now believe that after experiencing such pain himself, that he won't do it again.


-Twilight still hates him, but recognized that he was no longer a threat with his magic gone.

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In all your wisdom you seem to forget that the mane 6 and the elements of harmony have become the true deus ex machina of mlp fim.



Without realizing it, you just gave the reason for why they forgave Discord so easily.  Because they are the Elements of Harmony.  They are basically the Avatars of all that is good in their world.  They are the literal embodiment of the six virtues of their world.  They're pretty much Paladins, if Equestria had Paladins.  If they didn't forgive Discord despite his remorse, that wouldn't be a very good display of Kindness, or Friendship (Magic), would it?


Now as I said before, I do think it would have been interesting if they didn't forgive him right away, and they couldn't get the Rainbow Powers initially.  It would have been a very humbling moment for them to not forgive him, only to find out that they failed the last test because of it.



You're also missing the other meaning behind this, in that the series has now come full circle.  We started with Celestia forgiving Luna for what she did as Nightmare Moon.  And now we have the mane six forgiving a former enemy of theirs for what he did.  This shows that the characters have indeed grown up since the beginning of the series.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 1

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personally I would have run him out of town, but I would still forgive him still.  that was the main idea of that situation, it was about showing forgiveness.

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Discord isn't omnipotent but also Twilight and her friends aren't the exclusive panakeia crusaders for all the troubles Equestria has. In all your wisdom you seem to forget that the mane 6 and the elements of harmony have become the true deus ex machina of mlp fim.

Way too Twilight-centric of a show mlp is. Also thats lame.


Lol! He'd never do that.

Yet the elements are gone. Before Tirek, Discord was the most powerful character on the show, no one (not even the Mane 6) would have been able to stop him without the elements, so having him fix everyone of their problems with a snap of his finger would have made things for to easy and Twilight and the others would not learn anything and would just go back to hating him despite the fact that he fixed their problem. I am happy Discord is getting character development, instead of just the tiring, Discord appears, the Mane 6 minus Fluttershy immediately hates him, he says something witty before leaving and either AppleJack, Rarity, or Rainbow Dash says some snide remark when hes gone, ect. over and over again. 

I have a few theories;


-Time constraints.


-Keeping Discord onboard the show's cast for fanservice, since viewership would decline if he were imprisoned in stone again, since he's a fan-favorite.


-The Mane Six foolishly actually believed that a master of deception actually felt remorse for betraying them, when it easily could have been him being sorry for things working out in his favor and thus running back to Fluttershy with the crocodile tears to save himself in case they did defeat Tirek and is using their empathy against them.


-The plot/Twilight's Key demanded it.


-They felt sorry for him after seeing him betrayed by Tirek (minus Applejack) and now believe that after experiencing such pain himself, that he won't do it again.


-Twilight still hates him, but recognized that he was no longer a threat with his magic gone.


-Doubtful, even if Discord was written, out the main character has enough development to keep the show going.

-Discord was truly remorseful, this is the first time he ever felt the pain of having someone he thought of as a ''friend'' betray him downright despite the fact he did everything the so called ''friend'' said.

-Of course, every episode of every show, has to follow a specific script, also this is a kids show, we can't have the main characters die or lose to the bad guy.


- She does not hate him, if she did she could have left him to the mercy of Tirek, also if she was truly thinking in her mind that Discord wasn't a threat anymore and that was the only reason she freed him, then that would insinuate that she had no belief once so ever that no one would get their magic back and Tirek would win despite the fact that she had the rainbow eyes happen to her and would have known what it meant and that their was still hope.

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-Possibly -Doubtful, even if Discord was written, out the main character has enough development to keep the show going. -Discord was truly remorseful, this is the first time he ever felt the pain of having someone he thought of as a ''friend'' betray him downright despite the fact he did everything the so called ''friend'' said. -Of course, every episode of every show, has to follow a specific script, also this is a kids show, we can't have the main characters die or lose to the bad guy. -Exactly  - She does not hate him, if she did she could have left him to the mercy of Tirek, also if she was truly thinking in her mind that Discord wasn't a threat anymore and that was the only reason she freed him, then that would insinuate that she had no belief once so ever that no one would get their magic back and Tirek would win despite the fact that she had the rainbow eyes happen to her and would have known what it meant and that their was still hope.


Yeah, sorry-as I said they are just theories though I am leaning towards the fact that they saw how remorseful he was...still it would be interesting to see how all of the ponies he helped drained the magic of react to him next season-since they weren't present at that moment. 

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True friends forgive friends. Twilight actually just followed the path of friendship and did the only right thing.
And even thou Discord did betray them, it was obvious to everyone he truly learned his lesson. If the Princess of Friendship could not have seen that, she wouldn't have been worthy of her own throne.

  • Brohoof 2



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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Without realizing it, you just gave the reason for why they forgave Discord so easily. Because they are the Elements of Harmony. They are basically the Avatars of all that is good in their world. They are the literal embodiment of the six virtues of their world. They're pretty much Paladins, if Equestria had Paladins. If they didn't forgive Discord despite his remorse, that wouldn't be a very good display of Kindness, or Friendship (Magic), would it?


Now as I said before, I do think it would have been interesting if they didn't forgive him right away, and they couldn't get the Rainbow Powers initially. It would have been a very humbling moment for them to not forgive him, only to find out that they failed the last test because of it.



You're also missing the other meaning behind this, in that the series has now come full circle. We started with Celestia forgiving Luna for what she did as Nightmare Moon. And now we have the mane six forgiving a former enemy of theirs for what he did. This shows that the characters have indeed grown up since the beginning of the series.

No they are not... They are ponies with that virtue in them. They just happened to be in the right place the right time to get the elements. Anyone with that virtue could have been the elements. It's another thing for them giving a chance to Discord and another thing being naive fools that depict a non-realistic idealism.


The point is however that Discord wasn't even remotely punished for the things he did even though he blew his chances at getting better. Not even scolded about it... Great.


Sure... Forgive... But remember the bastard's name. (Irish saying?)

Yet the elements are gone. Before Tirek, Discord was the most powerful character on the show, no one (not even the Mane 6) would have been able to stop him without the elements, so having him fix everyone of their problems with a snap of his finger would have made things for to easy and Twilight and the others would not learn anything and would just go back to hating him despite the fact that he fixed their problem. I am happy Discord is getting character development, instead of just the tiring, Discord appears, the Mane 6 minus Fluttershy immediately hates him, he says something witty before leaving and either AppleJack, Rarity, or Rainbow Dash says some snide remark when hes gone, ect. over and over again.

THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GUARDIANS OF THE WORLD! Not the mane 6! They are supposed to not be manipulative of their subjects shifting responsibility! They are at least obliged to fight with them! But for some reason in every major villain they just sit back or are incompetent to do anything or are simply incapacitated... DOWN WITH THE PRINCESSES!


Now that the elements are gone it's no longer the mane 6's responsibility to protect the land... They aren't your plaything so the rest of the ponies don't do anything! It's their land too you know?


It is their duty... ALL of them to defend Equestria. None of them can handle this alone... So why do the Princesses NEVER fight?(past celestia-chrysalis)

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No they are not... They are ponies with that virtue in them. They just happened to be in the right place the right time to get the elements. Anyone with that virtue could have been the elements. It's another thing for them giving a chance to Discord and another thing being naive fools that depict a non-realistic idealism.


The point is however that Discord wasn't even remotely punished for the things he did even though he blew his chances at getting better. Not even scolded about it... Great.


Sure... Forgive... But remember the bastard's name. (Irish saying?)

THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GUARDIANS OF THE WORLD! Not the mane 6! They are supposed to not be manipulative of their subjects shifting responsibility! They are at least obliged to fight with them! But for some reason in every major villain they just sit back or are incompetent to do anything or are simply incapacitated... DOWN WITH THE PRINCESSES!


Now that the elements are gone it's no longer the mane 6's responsibility to protect the land... They aren't your plaything so the rest of the ponies don't do anything! It's their land too you know?


It is their duty... ALL of them to defend Equestria. None of them can handle this alone... So why do the Princesses NEVER fight?(past celestia-chrysalis)

The show is centered around Twilight and her friends, Not Discord, Not Celestia, Not Luna, ect. Discord could literally fix any problem they get into with a snap of his claws, it would be no challenge for him and Twilight and the others would learn nothing from it. Discord siting back and letting Twilight figure out and ''EARN'' the princess title she now has is for more noble then just doing everything for her. 

  • Brohoof 1
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The show is centered around Twilight and her friends, Not Discord, Not Celestia, Not Luna, ect. Discord could literally fix any problem they get into with a snap of his claws, it would be no challenge for him and Twilight and the others would learn nothing from it. Discord siting back and letting Twilight figure out and ''EARN'' the princess title she now has is for more noble then just doing everything for her.

You still don't understand do you? I am not asking the show to focus upon them. I am asking them to at least make a small contribution. They don't... And that's exactly what makes me hate their character.
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You still don't understand do you? I am not asking the show to focus upon them. I am asking them to at least make a small contribution. They don't... And that's exactly what makes me hate their character.

What contribution could they make that would not result in them doing everything for the Mane 6. If a new villain arises and Discord just snaps his finger and poof, the villain is now defeated? What lesson would Twilight learn and how could her and her friends characters grow? Having Discord ,Celestia, or Luna appear to do small trivial stuff would be a waste. 

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You still don't understand do you? I am not asking the show to focus upon them. I am asking them to at least make a small contribution. They don't... And that's exactly what makes me hate their character.

You don't think that they have contributed to the show at all?


Crystal Empire = Cadance protecting the entire kingdom from Sombra's magic - if she hadn't done that then there would be no Crystal Empire.


Luna visits pony's dreams. Celestia served as a mentor for seasons 1-3. I know that's not a lot but I think that claiming that they make no contribution to the show at all is wrong. Also Celestia tries to fight Crysallis but lost, which actually gives us the impression that perhaps she is not as powerful as she was before.


I have a feeling, too, that Twilight and Cadance are supposed to take over for Celestia and Luna.


Not every character in a show needs to be dynamic in order to be likable. As much as I know I would like to know the princesses more (particularly Cadance because, well, we hardly know what makes her tick because she is always seen as the perfect big sister), the show isn't risking cancellation by not giving that information to us... It is OK for a show to have a limited number of mane characters. It's what gives the show direction and it's what keeps moving it forward.

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What contribution could they make that would not result in them doing everything for the Mane 6. If a new villain arises and Discord just snaps his finger and poof, the villain is now defeated? What lesson would Twilight learn and how could her and her friends characters grow? Having Discord ,Celestia, or Luna appear to do small trivial stuff would be a waste.

DISCORD IS NOT OMNIPOTENT. That much is sure... So why didn't Celestia stop Nightmare Moon? Why did she sit idly while the mane 6 beat Discord? Although to her credit she did send the letters back to Twi. Why didn't Luna defend Canterlot like Celestia did in the wedding? "Did i miss anything?" Yes Luna... You missed the entire attempt to be overthrown by an evil Queen how nice to know we can count on you. Also how nice to know that you didn't help in the return of Discord... Hell your sister did something... where were you? Or how abput when both you and your sister got trapped no problem by a couple of vines? The whole ponyhood had you as gods "I swear by Celestia..." "Celestia as my witness..." e.t.c. and you got knocked out by some measly vines... Good job. You didn't even go to face Tirek when you were needed when clearly the powers you had were at least on par with his and Discord. Also let's leave it to Twilight to save the Crystal Empire while the chance of her failling could very well mean the Deaths of all ponykind. At least have the decency to stall the villains advance for Twilight to help solve the problem. I am not asking for some Deus ex machina... Which the elements of harmony clearly are... I am asking for genuine struggle and victory! The Mass Effect 2 suicide mission is a perfect example! So is Baldur's Gate 2 both the main game and expansion. The hero makes the effort... Wins... And lives and learns! Not some under my sleeve cheesy victory! Celestia Luna and the rest rely on that... In fact i don't feel the danger the villains pose each time they appear in FIM and in turn i don't feel the intensity of the message... I just feel that it's just another lame test for Twilight which won't cost her anything because as you say "Deus ex machina awaits".

You don't think that they have contributed to the show at all?


Crystal Empire = Cadance protecting the entire kingdom from Sombra's magic - if she hadn't done that then there would be no Crystal Empire.


Luna visits pony's dreams. Celestia served as a mentor for seasons 1-3. I know that's not a lot but I think that claiming that they make no contribution to the show at all is wrong. Also Celestia tries to fight Crysallis but lost, which actually gives us the impression that perhaps she is not as powerful as she was before.


I have a feeling, too, that Twilight and Cadance are supposed to take over for Celestia and Luna.


Not every character in a show needs to be dynamic in order to be likable. As much as I know I would like to know the princesses more (particularly Cadance because, well, we hardly know what makes her tick because she is always seen as the perfect big sister), the show isn't risking cancellation by not giving that information to us... It is OK for a show to have a limited number of mane characters. It's what gives the show direction and it's what keeps moving it forward.

I am asking for them to actually do something against the villains other than mostly stand upon a pedestal and send someone else to do her job. I am sure they aren't as powerful as old times but after a thousand years they seem to be content at sitting around a table and do next to nothing past getting incapacitated to give plot convinience for Twilight to act. I am asking them to be seen more supportive and active as characters other than giving orders and being overseers of Twilight.

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Twilight knew that Tirek used Discord and tossed him away as easily as he tossed them away. Discord learned from his mistakes, and was genuinely saddened. Twilight, being the lighthearted and forgiving pone she is, took gave Discord another chance.

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DISCORD IS NOT OMNIPOTENT. That much is sure... So why didn't Celestia stop Nightmare Moon? Why did she sit idly while the mane 6 beat Discord? Although to her credit she did send the letters back to Twi. Why didn't Luna defend Canterlot like Celestia did in the wedding? "Did i miss anything?" Yes Luna... You missed the entire attempt to be overthrown by an evil Queen how nice to know we can count on you. Also how nice to know that you didn't help in the return of Discord... Hell your sister did something... where were you? Or how abput when both you and your sister got trapped no problem by a couple of vines? The whole ponyhood had you as gods "I swear by Celestia..." "Celestia as my witness..." e.t.c. and you got knocked out by some measly vines... Good job. You didn't even go to face Tirek when you were needed when clearly the powers you had were at least on par with his and Discord. Also let's leave it to Twilight to save the Crystal Empire while the chance of her failling could very well mean the Deaths of all ponykind. At least have the decency to stall the villains advance for Twilight to help solve the problem. I am not asking for some Deus ex machina... Which the elements of harmony clearly are... I am asking for genuine struggle and victory! The Mass Effect 2 suicide mission is a perfect example! So is Baldur's Gate 2 both the main game and expansion. The hero makes the effort... Wins... And lives and learns! Not some under my sleeve cheesy victory! Celestia Luna and the rest rely on that... In fact i don't feel the danger the villains pose each time they appear in FIM and in turn i don't feel the intensity of the message... I just feel that it's just another lame test for Twilight which won't cost her anything because as you say "Deus ex machina awaits".

I am asking for them to actually do something against the villains other than mostly stand upon a pedestal and send someone else to do her job. I am sure they aren't as powerful as old times but after a thousand years they seem to be content at sitting around a table and do next to nothing past getting incapacitated to give plot convinience for Twilight to act. I am asking them to be seen more supportive and active as characters other than giving orders and being overseers of Twilight.

If Discord wanted to, he could easily fix any problem the Mane 6 finds themselves stuck in, heck he could have taken down Tirek, had he not accepted Tireks offer. Like Discord, the elements were needed to defeat Nightmare Moon and turn her back into Princess Luna, there for, Twilight and the others had to fight her because they were the ones that could reactivate the elements, Celestia nor Luna still had control over them. Discord also was only able to be defeated by the elements (pre-Tirek) and without that protection of the Elements, Celestia was powerless against him. Chrysalis over powered Celestia and I believe that story convenience was a contributing factor as to why ''Princess Luna'' wasn't present, had she been they both would have defeated Chrysalis instead of Shining and Cadence and the moral they were going for would have been made pointless. Celestia, Luna and Cadence were ''POWERLESS'' to stop Tirek, also with Discord by Tireks side it would have been impossible to stop Tirek from stealing  their power. You believe they are just lazy ''useless'' characters without thinking that there are ''reasons'' why the show focuses more on Twilight and her friends rather than have Discord ,Celestia and friends do everything for Twilight.

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