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Silver Discovers Adobe Flash CS6

Okay, so just last night I finished downloading Adobe Flash CS6. I got straight to work this morning trying to learn how to use it. After a little while I had to basic idea of how stuff works, so I decided to look at some resources of pony animation. I knew from the start it would be complex from how it was set up. But I certainly wasn't prepared for this: This is ONE FRAME of a Pinkie Pie dancing animation. Those boxes are different part of Pinkie's body which are set to move a certain way p



Planetside 2 Beta Experience

First serious blog post! Took me a while.   PLANETSIDE 2   I want to begin by thanking @Lost for giving me his spare Planetside 2 Beta key.   Intro   A little introduction for those who are unfamiliar with this game.   Planetside 2 is an MMOFPS, and a sequel to Planetside. Unlike many shooter out there, where you play in small-scale matches, you play in a single huge map where thousand of players (approximately 2000 per server) fight for its control on lan or on air with a



Acne, what I'm doing to combat it

So I have been getting pimples for as long as I can remember, it's really a hit on my confidence level, and starting to get quite annoying, apperantly it's my liver that is the root of this evil, so I am on a cleanse of the liver.   To do so, I must drink a horrible concoction, which consists of the following.   -Spirulina Powder -Aloe Vera Juice -Lemon Juice (picture above)   Of course I'm doing ti the natural way, this stuff should clense my liver, therefore making the acne type evil



Acid and Base help

I thought I might as well use the blog system for homework help.   I have two questions.   1) What is the strength of the conjugate of an acid/base. Does it depend on what the acid/base reacts with?   2) When using Amphiprotic substances and reacting that with another amphiprotic susbtance, what is the final products gained?   For example:   1.1) H2PO4-(aq) + H2O(l) = H3PO4 (aq) + OH-(aq) 1.2) H2PO4-(aq) + H2O(l) = HPO42-(aq) + H3O+(aq)   There are two possible equations. Which wo



Just an introduction

Is this thing working? Testing... 1... 2... 3... Yeah, it works fine.   Welcome! Come in, come in, make yourself at home. In this particular blog you'll be following the adventures of me as I talk about life events, review games, post random stuff. Just what you'd expect from a regular blog. I'll be posting on weekends since I'm busy most of the week.



T Minus 7

So school is in a week for me. Naturally, I'm all hyped up and rushing around gathering notebooks, pencils, and whatnot. Out of curiosity, I decide to ask my friend what school supplies he's getting.   "Red Bull. Lots and lots of Red Bull."



Getting Started

So, we shall be heading down to the Great Dorset Steam Fair soon and I thaught that I would make use of these Blog things as a place I can put pics ect. Anyway we're not going down till weds but it's going to be good. And the weather dosen't seem that bad down there on the forecast (but who can trust met office). Anyway if anypony is bothered I will be posting pics and memories here, so look out.

Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri

Aaaaand start the storm

So, ok.... I think I got this. Maybe I don't... Whatever. So my college English class hasn't had ANYTHING posted to Blackboard, and I don't have any emails about it on my college email... WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO TO GET READY FOR CLASS?! Post ponies is the logical answer. So, enough of my whining for now... Pony time!



What you shall find here.

So I decided you can have one entry before school, which is where I shall be going within the next few minutes. So anyways this is my blog about my daily adventures and happenings and what not. You shall finally see what my life is like, because I know that is what you want. It might be funny, it might not. Who knows, all you can do is wait to find out. Oh and yes these may end up as walls of text, unlike this one, this one is rather short. Well that is all for now.

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

One more entry before I fail to remember to be meta

Okay. I thought it would be fun to write a blog entry without removing my mistakes and oh god is it horrible. I mean, really. It's just awful. Paragraphs and paragraphs of me just rambling on about really stupid things. It was not a pleasant experience.   Anyways, I was a couple of blogs and I still have no idea as to how to write a blog post or a it's content their off. What I have though, seen is that large posts of tremendous quality seem to be getting brohoofed. I'm not sure why their get



Join Me

Welcome, one and all, to a blog, that will change your life FOREVER.   Today, you will begin a journey, a journey, that once you have started, you can't stop. I will be taking you (through the humble form of sharing blocks of text on the internet) on an adventure, into the life of a simple young teenager. You will go through pain, you will go through annoyance, and you will also go through large periods of laughter (unlike Arylett's blog <_< ).   I will be writing about my day to day a



Insomnia Diaries: Entry 2 "Pogeymanz"

So I caught myself up with some YouTube subscriptions that damn near too up the entire night, thank based Celestia!   Oddly enough nearly all of my videos were Pokemon based. I think Two Best Friends Play Spiderman (which was shit tier terrible episode) and the new Game Grumps animation about Megaman were the only 2 non Pokemon based vids!   So I caught myself up on today's Game Grumps which was more of Emerald. That was also kinda a bad episode. It was Ego doing impressions for half the epi

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

Fan fiction idea: Universe Jumping Discord

I have written Universe Jumping Discord on fimfiction, but I'm not that good at writing so someone else or group of people can write their own version of it if they want.   Basically Discord breaks free again with a new plan to steal a special book from Canterlot's Library in order to learn the secret of multiverse traveling, which he will use to rain chaos in worlds from other universes from MLP FIM to non MLP related universes. The Mane Six with the Elements Of Harmony using magic to track D



Yep. This exists.

So, I decided I'd like to have an actual blog that isn't just me messing around as PONESLAYR. (I guess you could call that RPing?) Anyways, this is gonna be a blog where I post stuff about my experiences while gaming, from achievements, to lucky drops, funny stuff, glitches, screenshots, videos, all sorts of stuff. Essentially it will be me stroking my ego with spectators. So yeah. I guess, if this sort of thing interests you, "Follow" this blog.

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

The Insomnia Diaries: Entry 1

So its that time of year again, when everyone is prepping to go back to school and sleeping for the big return tomorrow... except me. One small problem, I CAN'T SLEEP!   Basically my night is just lying around and doing various things on my laptop, and acting like I'm asleep when other people are on the move. Well only 3 hours to go...

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

A pain in the rear.

Ok, first actual serious blog post. Diarrhea + Constipation = Ultimate pain in the rear. You won't believe how irritating it is. It's also extremely painful. I'm now going to stop before I go on into too much detail.   This has been MrL0LZ The Science Guy. Or someone else. I dunno lol. Also, remember, DON'T START UNBELIEVEING! NEVER DO NOT FEEL YOUR FEELINGS! I'm going to blow up Mars! *Blows up an asteroid in the asteroid belt instead* THAT WAS FOR YOU GUYS!



Oh boy...!

I really seem to be enjoying this new blog feature a little too much! But I do love it, it's a place I can be myself and post what I want, and express myself as a person! ... Eh, that sounds a little corny, oh well, I guess I can be corny in my own blog.   Deal with it!



There's a Micro-Climate in my Pants

I see that i've caught your attention. First off, no, this is not some innuendo-ridden post vaguely implying how awesome it'd be to get in my pants. But you know you want to.   I have a pair of pants that literally creates its own micro-climate. It's strange, I can wear them inside, and they feel like normal pants. Even better actually, since the material is so light and flexible, and they keep my legs and whatnot at a comfortable room temperature. When I go outside, no matter how hot or cold



August 12-13 2012 Trip!

So earlier this month, I went down to to an Airshow in Abbotsford, BC. I love aviation, so that was probably one of the biggest highlights of my summer, Here are some pics!                                 It was an amazing show, but it was really hot, other than that it was perfect. I just love the power of those fighter jets, raw and feirce power, very loud and I love it!   The next day we went to the Metrotown mall and I got this poster         So overall a wonder



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