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Where I talk about all the stupid stuff that annoys me.

Entries in this blog

Episode 114 - Magic Superhero Outfit Transformations

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  When superheroes or similar characters make outfits/costumes appear magically when that's clearly not part of their powers.  The best example that every here will know is when the Equestria girls use their friendship laser powers and it gives them all magnificent superhero costumes that look like they took Rarity months to design.  Why is that part of the power?  Makes no sense.  And how about good ol' Elsa making her dress during Let It Go?  She's Icem


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 113 - "Technology"

Hey.  Y'know what really grind my gears?  When products advertise having some sort of "technology" when it's completely unwarranted just as a gimmick to make it sound cool.  Like, for instance, the ziplock bags we have in our cupboard boast having "power shield technology".  It's a plastic bag, you dipwads.  And my hand lotion claims to have "MVE delivery technology".  Or, say, a mop might claim to have "dirt locking technology", or perhaps a t-shirt will have "lint repelling technology", or a t


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 112 - #1

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  When commercials claim that a show or movie is the "THE NUMBER ONE SHOW/MOVIE IN THE WORLD/COUNTRY!!"  First off, what the f*ck does that even mean?  For a movie, does it mean most ticket sales?  In what time period?  For a show, does it mean highest viewership?  Highest ratings?  Sometimes I think that they just make this sh*t up for commercials.  I don't think there's any liability whatsoever.  I think that any advertiser is allowed to say that their


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 111 - Reboot/Franchise Titles Pt. 2

One of my earliest entries was a rant about reboots that have the same titles as the original, which causes confusion.  This grinds my gears so much that it demands a revisit.  I hate when they give reboots or continuations in a franchise the exact same title as the original.  It grinds my gears so much that it burns my bacon, sizzles my sausage, steams my hams, bakes my beans, fries my flapjacks, boils my blood, and censors my clop.  What the f*cking hell, dude?  Why can't they give things a un


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 110 - Prog

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  Prog.  It just annoys me because I don't know what in the flying f*ck the word means.  I hear it constantly  I mean, I always assumed it was short for either progress or progressive, but that can't be the end of it.  I hear it in so many ways and in so many contexts that nothing makes any sense.  I mean, I literally don't know what part of speech it even is.  Is it a noun?  A verb?  Adjective?  Preposition?!  What?  I don't know!!  People use it like it


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 109 - UI Changes Pt. 2

I already did an episode on UI changes, but I hate this so much that it requires a second part.  The hate cannot be contained. You know what really grinds my gears?  Unnecessary software UI changes.  Now, I realize that software needs to be updated and maintained.  I get that, and that's fine.  I also realize that sometimes UI changes are necessary and good.  I get that, and that's fine.  I still hate dealing with the changes, but I do in fact deal with it.  But what I can't f*cking stand i


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 108 - Youtube Shorts

Oh, sweet Celestia does this one piss me off...  Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  Youtube shorts.  If I wanted Tik Tok, then I'd go to f*ckin' Tik Tok.  I go to youtube because I want f*ckin' youtube. Why are there no Celestia-damned controls?  Why is there no seeker bar?  Why can't I scrub through the video?  Okay, I really want to know just one thing.  Somebody please explain this to me.  Why is there no volume??  I can only mute it.  It's on or off.  Why is there no slide


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 107 - Netflix Removing Stuff

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  When Netflix removes stuff with little warning. Now, don't get me wrong, I still love having Netflix, and I'm not pissed off about them simply removing stuff.  I understand that the stuff that's not their own IP is only temporary.  They sign a contract to have something they don't own put on there for a specific amount of time, and then it's gone and then something else comes on for awhile.  And I know it varies by region.  I understand all that. 


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 106 - Dystopia

Hey.  Y'know what's starting to grind my gears?  Dystopian fiction. The way that the future is depicted in fiction acts as a barometer for how our planet is doing and how humanity feels about our prospects for the future.  When I was a kid in the 90's, there was still a good amount of utopian science fiction, like classic Star Trek.  People seemed interested in exploring potential futures in which humanity got everything right.  My childhood marked the tail end of that era of fiction.


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 105 - Distorted Audio

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  Distorted, grating audio. I absolutely hate it when I'm watching a youtube fail compilation or similar video, with clip after clip of nice, shiny, HD video and proper sound, and then all of a sudden a grainy, blurry, 144p video clip pops up, and then something loud happens, like a car crashes through a metal gate, or a deer smashes headlong into a metal trashcan, and the audio is grating, distorted, and sounds like someone just got in their car, dr


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 104 - The Halo Show

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  This Paramount+ tv show abomination that they actually have the audacity to call "Halo". I'm an olde school Halo fan from way back.  The Bungie-made Halos are some of my favorite games of all time, and one my favorite game stories.  Huge fan of the original books as well.  A real purist.  The fact that this vile, heinous anathema actually bears the name "Halo" is despicable treachery.  I'm not going to write an essay dissecting everything that's wr


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 103 - When Characters Don't Speak Up

I couldn't think of a good title for this one.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  When tv characters. particularly cartoon, don't simply speak up to clear up simple misunderstandings.  See, that still doesn't really make it very clear.  I can only do this through examples. Imagine an episode of a cartoon.  The protagonist goes to a comic book convention.  She then loses a belonging, and said item is found by someone else, and that someone mistakes said item for a rare collectible (which


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 102 - Cartoon Crying

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  When cartoons characters cry projectile tears.   ...Huh, didn't really mean to make a rhyme there.  I hate it when cartoon characters are crying and they shoot out massive arcing waterfalls that flood the room and then the other characters go by in a rowboat with raincoats and umbrellas.  Now, I'm not at all averse to a slapstick show if that's show's entire foundation such as Rocko's Modern Life, but I'm talking about when they do it in show that


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 101 - Onions on TV

This'll be a quick one for a change.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  When characters on tv, especially cartoons, are cutting onions.  Yes, it makes your eyes water, ok, but cutting onions doesn't make you SAD.  It doesn't make blubber and sob and go "WHAAAAAA HAAAA HAAAA HAAAAAAA!"  It doesn't make you bawl like Rainbow Dash when Tank died. ... or... hibernated... or whatever.  


Justin_Case001 in .

EPISODE 100 - Modern Gaming: It's Nerf 'r Nuthin!

Wow.  100 friggin' episodes.  Never thought I'd get this far.  There sure is a lotta sh*t that annoys me!  Well, this momentous occasion deserves something special, so here's something that really, really, REALLY grinds my gears: constantly changing modern games. This is probably going to be a polarizing, controversial issue.  Pffft.    Oh well.  This is just my opinion and perspective.  I f*cking hate how all games today are constantly updated and changed.  I miss the days of finishe


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 99 - fin

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  The fact that no show, movie, game, franchise, or story of any kind ever has a definitive ending anymore.  I'm talking' about the rampant trend of reviving, rebooting, continuing, and resurrecting franchises ad infinitum.  I'm talkin' about the fact that no matter what show or movie it is, no matter what story, no matter how it ended, and no matter how long ago it ended, no matter how long it's been resting in peace, Hollywood will still dig it up, resu


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 98 - Hands Up!

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  When background characters on tv and in movies don't pull the friggin' trigger when they should. Here's what I'm talking about--you've seen this type of thing so many times: it's a movie where a lone character or a small team is infiltrating some facility, or are otherwise on some sort of rampage, killing everyone in their path.  This could be heroes or villains.  Doesn't matter.  Good guys and bad guys are equally at fault here.  It could be a vil


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 97 - Game of Sopranos

Game of Thrones and Sopranos spoilers ahead. I wrote a comprehensive post about my feelings on the ending to Game of Thrones when it aired over on my main blog.  Short summary--I liked it and thought that the intense level of hatred was unfair.  But y'know what really grinds my gears?  The hypocrisy of fans between Thrones and Sopranos. Before I go any further, I just wanna make one thing clear: this is just my silly rant blog, not to be taken too seriously.  This is just my opinion, b


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 96 - Miraculous Episode Order

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  The totally f*cked order of Miraculous episodes. Anyone following my main blog already knows that I'm a huge Miraculous Ladybug fan.  I've been catching up on the second half of the new season.  (That'd be S4)  But the order of the episodes is totally f*cked!  It's on Disney+, but last time I checked, only 20 of the 26 episodes are on there.  The last six are missing!  It should all be there by now.  But regardless, the order of the episodes are wr


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 95 - Rockin' This Sick Blog, Bruh

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  When people use the world "rock" to mean to do something well.  Y'know, "she rocked that dress," to mean she wore it and looked good in it.  I hate that.  I dunno why.  It just sounds stupid to me. I also hate the word "sick" to mean good.  "This new game is so sick, bruh!"    I think that one annoys me even more.  I know it makes me sound old, but I think a lot of new slang sounds dumb.  Every kid experiences that phase where they think they're so


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 94 - Unexplained Magic in Shows

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  When shows can't decide what the hell they want to be. So, I can't frickin' stand it when they throw magic into shows where it doesn't belong, for no reason, and with no explanation.  Okay, so I've gone on many a rant about this with friends and family, and I always need to make something clear from the get-go: I have absolutely nothing against magic in shows.  I mean, hello!  Equestria to Justin Case!  Duh-doy!    Magic is fine.  It's great.  But


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 93 - Jonny Music

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  This Jonny Music character.  He writes so many friggin blogs!  Guy's a f*ckin' machine.  A maniac!  I mean, who does he think he is?!    He's got to be stopped!    Kidding.  Totally and completely kidding.  Absolutely a joke.  I think your blog's fine, man.  It's cool.  It's great.  I have absolutely nothing against you, dude.  I was just doin' a bit.  Totally a joke.   


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 92 - Predictive Text

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  Predictive text. I hate predictive typing, I hate word completion, I basically hate any time a machine tries to tell me what to do, suggest things for me, or think it knows what I want better than me.  This meshes with my rant on autoplay and algorithm video suggestions.  I don't particularly mind predictive text and auto complete for texting on mobile, but I especially hate these features on a desktop or laptop word processor.  I hate when I'm wri


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 91 - Suggestion Thumbnails at the End of Youtube Videos

Hey. Y'know what really grinds my gears?  The suggestion thumbnails at the end of youtube videos.  Now, I've already discussed how I don't like algorithms getting to know me and recommending things, but that's not the reason this annoys me.  And it doesn't always annoy me.  Here's the problem--this feature didn't used to be a part of youtube, and it often messes up older videos.  Now, I have no idea how this feature actually works, but I'm assuming that the creator has at least some control


Justin_Case001 in .

Episode 90 - Nevermind

Hey.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  When someone posts a question on some tech forum, and then the OP replies and says, "Nevermind.  Figured it out," but they don't say how.  C'mon, man!  Don't you realize that there are other people who haven't figured it out?!  Don't realize that other people google the same problem and click on your thread hoping for the solution?  It's so frustrating when you're desperately trying to solve a computing problem, and you find someone with the answer but


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