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Let me summarize this piece of shit OC's back story (the idiot who made this, thinks its good, and defends it like mad...so do his hand full of asskissers):

Was a unicorn way before the show or some shit, and was in some war against Discord with some friend of his. His friend died fighting some nonexistant minions Discord had or whatever...he then got butthurt, and took them all out. Somehow, mass murder made Celestia proud, and made him an alicorn (because that makes sense). Then he was like leader of her personal guard, and tried to stop Nightmare Moon, but didn't. So Celestia somehow through the magic of stupid, got the Dragonballs that this tard OC knew about somehow, and asked Shenron to make him a super saiyan god pony (because Shenron can make gods).

So, he became a god pony of life super saiyan, and shit. He then met Fluttershy, who totally acted out of character and fell for him (because, its not like she doesn't nearly shit herself when she meets a new pony), and they had a kid he named "Goku".

And to top it all off, he apparently, can go "super saiyan god" without help, and some stupid form beyond SSJGod, called "Super Saiyan Death"..


How can people seriously think THIS is a good OC? How can people defend this crap? There are people who put effort into making an OC, that is truly original, doesn't insult the show or material, and show true creativity...and they get ignored for crap like this...


This is the kind of crap, that makes me not want to be a fan of anything.

  • Brohoof 4


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*breathes heavily*






Seriously though that's terrible, but whatever. It's the writers OC. I don't like it but I'm sure some people do.

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My OC/Ponysona has an amazing backstory:

He was churned out in pony creator so I could purchase fanart of him and Rarity together :D

The end.

  • Brohoof 3
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And that's still more creative then this. This "thing" is basically shitting all over canon in TWO series.

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I wish this thing was a joke, or a troll...but the guy who made it, seriously thinks this is good.


Eight others and myself, tried to help him understand what's wrong and give him advice to help him...he only replied "derp".

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Well...i'm certain smack talking someone's OC is NOT a good idea. Basically, anybody can do what they want with it, because it's their OC. Talking badly about it isn't going to do anything really...what if that guy was on here or something? It would hurt his feelings. 

Not the best OC, but I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here.

  • Brohoof 2
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I usally don't watch dbz but this sounds so much like my friend wants to be... also I agree with you about how bad this is. But it is his oc

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If he was on here, I wouldn't give a crap. He's stupid enough to laugh at anyone giving him helpful advice on his OC, to better it...instead, he makes up new garbage and makes it worse..and people defend this.


As to what I'm trying to accomplish, teaching. Seriously, if you're going to make an OC, use your brain. Don't make it some godmodding pile of trash, don't force shove it into canon, don't twist canon to fit your OC, and don't laugh and act like a dumbass to people who are trying to help you better it.

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now, i would be the one to suggest that instead of attacking and insult the person for his poor skills at making a backstory, i personally would try to help them come up with a better one, i dont like how most peoples reaction to a bad OC is to viciously attack it, i prefer the idea of helping people over come creativity issues

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I really have no idea what's the point of this blog post. What are you trying to achieve? We all know there are better and worse OC's out there, but publicly bashing on them is just... wrong. You're saying you know he's not here. Well, can you prove it? I personally know a lot of people on these forums who also attend different forums. They simply don't limit themselves to one site altogether. And they don't have to keep same nickname.


I don't understand why you're getting so worked up about something so trivial as an OC though. Everyone create their OC's the way THEY want, not the way WE or YOU want.

So far I only see toxicity in this post, plus you're not trying to spread hatred towards OC creator, are you?


My advice would be to calm down and get over this. Learn to ignore certain things. You know, there's truth in saying after all: "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."





PS: Oh, and this has been posted like, 5 days ago. I recommend you to familiarize yourself with this thread.

  • Brohoof 2
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First off, people along with me have TRIED to help him improve the damn thing, but he pretty much laughed it off and keeps going with the shit. When people try to help him with advice, he plays stupid, then gets mad when people tell him to stop acting stupid. He swears up and down, he's honors in everything, and crap, but acts like he's a four year old when confronted, even reasonably. 

Second, I know he's not here, because he doesn't know me from anywhere else, and if he was, I'm sure I'd know.

Third, it's not just me that has issues with this, ALOT of people do. There's a damn common sense when making OCs, so at LEAST respect canon material, instead of pretty much shitting on it. Its disrespectful when you ignore the source material, just to satisfy some fantasy you have. If you REALLY feel like you NEED that crap, make your own damn universe for it.

Four, how does this apply with that link? I'm not even pointing a finger to the original creator, no name, and the OCs name isn't even original. Seriously, google Vekas, and you'll find a bunch of stuff from TERA Online.


If you think I'm trying to act like every OC should fit my concept, no. I'm trying to point out, use some common sense. Look at some of the good OCs out there...Flufflepuff, Milky Way, Button's Mom, etc...they don't shit all over canon, and don't screw with everything to fit their little crap. It's not hard to respect the source, and follow it enough to keep your OC in line. There's ALOT of things that are no-nos in stuff like this, and OCxCanon shipping and making an OC stronger then anyone in the canon material is wrong.

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This OC could use some improving. LOTS of it! :) For starters, there should be a more realistic way for Fluttershy to fall in love with the OC. Maybe like: he saves Fluttershy's life from a falling tree or a wild animal. :yay:


Also, the "Super Saiyan" powers should be elaborated greatly. :)

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I feel the need to point out here that while everyone has a right to their opinion, no one has the right to openly bash anyone about their characters. There are very many characters even here in the normal roleplay world database that I would consider to be very poorly made, but I'm not going to go pointing at OC's and say that's not right. Ultimately, unless they are trying to get into a sectioned roleplay, or a roleplay that you are running, it's really no one else's business as to what anyone else's character is like. If you don't like how a character is, show some respect and simply ignore it.


Some people just simple don't want to make their characters fit within the canon universe, and honestly, there's nothing wrong with that. In fact there are many different settings for Equestria at this point that are not canon, one of the largest one being Fallout Equestria. Those characters are very much not canon. I'm not going to say one way or another that the character you described is good or bad. It's not my place to judge, nor is it yours. It's also definitely not your place to flame the other user without them being here to even defend themselves. You may not identify his name, but anyone that has any sense of what they are doing with computers can trace that.




As to what I'm trying to accomplish, teaching. Seriously, if you're going to make an OC, use your brain. Don't make it some godmodding pile of trash, don't force shove it into canon, don't twist canon to fit your OC, and don't laugh and act like a dumbass to people who are trying to help you better it.


I also fail to see how any of this blog can be labeled as teaching. Critiquing characters is a delicate process, and if you're trying to critique a character not based on canon at all, based on Canon Equestria, and it's not going to be used in a Canon RP setting, then it's not going to work, because your critiquing something with a mindset that doesn't match the idea of the character at all. You may not like the idea for the character, but ultimately, it's not your character, so you don't really have the right to say what way it should go.


The only reason we judge as strictly as we do for the Equestrian Empire is because it is a Canon based game, and we clearly state in the rules of the section that only characters that would reasonably fit into show canon will be approved. A character like this would never get approved in EqE, but it's not meant to be a canon character.


TL:DR version, don't bash other people and their characters. This is very much not a critique, so that argument won't apply.

  • Brohoof 2
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That entire explanation, is why there's so many OCs that would make kids cringe. That's also why there's a swarm of god mode OCs the last few years, because everyone wants to pat them on the back...unless of course, you have to deal with them in an actual RP.


Your Fallout Equestria point is moot, since it's a different time frame, and pretty much has next to nothing to do with any canon character, or plot. This moron, has literally rewritten MLP and DBZ canon, and done things that are beyond impossible for both. Don't even get me started on how incompatible MLP and DBZ are...


I have characters over 20+ years old, that I had to tweek alot about, because I had quite a few people tell me they were overboard, even though they're in my own created universe. I learned from those critiques, and made them better over time. This clown, is ignoring anyone that doesn't praise his OC...and when nearly a dozen people are telling you there's alot wrong with it, they're right. You act as if this is my opinion alone, when its not.


It's not rocket science, to make an OC that's not an insult to everything, and that is decent. I've seen five year olds, make better OCs then this.

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That entire explanation, is why there's so many OCs that would make kids cringe. That's also why there's a swarm of god mode OCs the last few years, because everyone wants to pat them on the back...unless of course, you have to deal with them in an actual RP.


Your Fallout Equestria point is moot, since it's a different time frame, and pretty much has next to nothing to do with any canon character, or plot. This moron, has literally rewritten MLP and DBZ canon, and done things that are beyond impossible for both. Don't even get me started on how incompatible MLP and DBZ are...


I have characters over 20+ years old, that I had to tweek alot about, because I had quite a few people tell me they were overboard, even though they're in my own created universe. I learned from those critiques, and made them better over time. This clown, is ignoring anyone that doesn't praise his OC...and when nearly a dozen people are telling you there's alot wrong with it, they're right. You act as if this is my opinion alone, when its not.


It's not rocket science, to make an OC that's not an insult to everything, and that is decent. I've seen five year olds, make better OCs then this.


I don't care if your opinion is alone or not. No one has a right to be talked down upon, especially if they aren't here to defend their own name. You have your opinion, and I'm not going to say you can't "not like" a character, but ranting about it like this solves nothing. It's a lot easier to ignore the characters you want don't want to deal with than it is to try to fix them. If I tried to go through and assess every character in the normal database, I'd never have time to do anything else. There are a lot of characters there that aren't even made for Roleplay. But the bottom line is, unless they are breaking a rule of the site, they are none of my business.


Now if someone asks for a critique of a character, that's one thing. If you're just randomly going from OC to OC and judging it, that's not cool. You can have an opinion, your friends can have an opinion, and I'm not disagreeing with your opinion. However, the bottom line stands, if it's not your character, and you weren't asked to review it by the owner of that character, then don't because that's just as disrespectful. In other words, if you can't say anything nice about it, keep your opinions to yourself, and don't use them to disrespect others.

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By your logic, I could make an OC that is a super alicorn, has 50 horns, 20 wings, is the father of every canon character, and is also married to and having children with every canon character. They all love him to death, and are love slaves, they would never think anything bad about him, he walks anywhere and every pony licks his feet, because he's that awesome! He's also brothers to Dracula, Goku, Sailor Moon, Optimus Prime, Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, and Betty Boop!


And that would be ok, because who cares what the fuck I do to canon.

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Yes, you could, and it's no one else's business if you do. I understand why you feel like that, but it's just not anyone's place to judge something that they weren't asked to judge. So yes, you could make a super alicorn that had 100 horns of you wanted and was the birth lord of all of equestria including the princesses, and no one could say anything because it's your character. It's no one else's business if it's good or not until they are actually in a roleplay setting that they are running.

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And THAT'S precisely why, we have the Twilight Series, and 50 Shades of Grey. Everyone is so PC, that no one will say anything against what some jackass comes up with. So, we get an influx of crap, that is spewed everywhere like it's some work of Shakespeare. Its also more then likely why, when people who make this crap get criticism, they flip out and act like children, instead of learning. They have this stupid belief that criticism is the same as hate. Last time I tried to reason with this clown, he told me "no. Fuck you". And the amount of people that think his OC's story is bad or wrong, is growing. Anyone with any level of reason, should realize there might be something wrong with it.


And Fallout Equestria? Please, that only got big because Fallout is big. And it still at least respected both canon elements from both places, instead of twisting them to the point where they don't exist anymore.

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And THAT'S precisely why, we have the Twilight Series, and 50 Shades of Grey. Everyone is so PC, that no one will say anything against what some jackass comes up with. So, we get an influx of crap, that is spewed everywhere like it's some work of Shakespeare. Its also more then likely why, when people who make this crap get criticism, they flip out and act like children, instead of learning. They have this stupid belief that criticism is the same as hate. Last time I tried to reason with this clown, he told me "no. Fuck you". And the amount of people that think his OC's story is bad or wrong, is growing. Anyone with any level of reason, should realize there might be something wrong with it.


And Fallout Equestria? Please, that only got big because Fallout is big. And it still at least respected both canon elements from both places, instead of twisting them to the point where they don't exist anymore.


Because it's not our place to do so. If someone asks for your opinion that's one thing, but just because someone makes a character or a story, and just has it out there, doesn't mean they want your opinion on it. And the fact that he told you to GTFO, was because he didn't want your opinion, and he's entitled to that. You're entitled to your opinion as well, but as soon as someone tells you to stop, and you yourself don't, then you're crossing over into borderline harassment.


And you're missing the point entirely about Fallout Equestria. It wasn't about how big, or how famous it is. It's about the fact that it was never meant to be canon. The character that you spoke of, was never meant to be canon. Have you ever heard of Parody characters that make fun of canon? The point is pure and simple. You can't judge something based on canon material if it was never meant to be canon. That automatically leads to an biased judgement.


Also, please stop the name calling. Regardless of your opinion of the character, you have no right to bash it's creator like that. If the character really bothers you that badly, ignore it. If this person really bothers you that badly, ignore them, but don't do behind their backs calling them names on a forum they aren't even on.

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Holy gawd damn...seriously? Implying telling someone what they're doing wrong, is harrassment? My gawd, is this how politically correct this generation has fallen, that telling someone when they made a mistake, is harrassment? If he didn't want the universe telling him constantly, his OC has flaws up the ass, he should've kept it away from public eyes.


Please, stop replying here, stop talking to me, and rethink your life.

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