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Comment and I will...



Yes, I stole this. And yes, it's actually how it is supossed to go because Deviantart rules. And yes as well, I'll answer. And also yes, yes. :nom: 

And yes:

  1. What do you think the next forum trend will be? (Or what would you want it to be?)

It will be about ships

So yeah, ask because I'm bored :sealed: 

 1.- State something I learned about you by looking at your profile for 20 seconds. do I even need to look at it because I'm already a profile stalker 

 2.- State a color you remind me of. 

 3.- Name an element I think you belong to (water, fire, earth, air).

 4.- Let you know which MLP character you remind me of.

 5.- Ask you a question I want you to answer.

 6.- Find something I actually find tolerable about you.

 7.- Think of something to say if we were roommates.

 8.- State the food/flavor/smell you remind me of. 

 9.- Guess something about you.

  • Brohoof 4


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1.- State something I learned about you by looking at your profile for 20 seconds. do I even need to look at it because I'm already a profile stalker 

 2.- State a color you remind me of. 

 3.- Name an element I think you belong to (water, fire, earth, air).

 4.- Let you know which MLP character you remind me of.

 5.- Ask you a question I want you to answer.

 6.- Find something I actually find tolerable about you.

 7.- Think of something to say if we were roommates.

 8.- State the food/flavor/smell you remind me of. 

 9.- Guess something about you.

  1. You now know my favourite characters.
  2. Orange.
  3. Earth.
  4. Fluttershy or Twilight Sparkle.
  5. Whats your favourite user here?
  6. Ehm... 
  7. Clean your room!
  8. Apples.
  9. I do like talking.
  • Brohoof 2
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On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 1:07 PM, Lightwing said:


 1.- That if we ever meet up, I'll have to drag you around to ride a roller coaster, even though they spook me :twi: 

 2.- Green !

 3.- Earth, because you sound like a down to earth person... yeah, sue me.

 4.- Lyra! And it's not because she is on your avatar, I can tell you that for sure :P 

 5.- Why do you call football the right way, but then you just exchange it with "soccer", you silly?

 6.- On the bright side, at least you acknowledged that it is called Football, not like 98% of USA people that doesnt' know that word sorry america!


 8.- Mint. Again, I'm not pointing fingers at Lyra

 9.- I am guessing you are a fan of sleeping :P 

1: I get the sense I might be the one to drag you around! ;)

2: Nice choice. I dig it!

3: Interesting that you get that impression from my profile. I think most who know me would say that's accurate. And ha, nice pun. :)

4: Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not... :okiedokieloki:

5: It pains me to say that word (which the Brits did invent, mind you!), but, given that there are a lot of U.S. Americans (myself included), I'd hate for people to think I play that "other" football (Aussie rules is cool though!). But yeah, bring on the World Cup! :D

6: Did you just retract your apology to America? THIS MEANS WAR!!!

7: Where are we shipping them?

8: The minty unicorn is now messing with your head; I know it!

9: Sleeping is nice, but I don't want to waste too much of the day!


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On 1/7/2018 at 3:23 AM, Twisted Cyclone said:

Oooh! I wanna play!

 1.- That you are from florida, you could have fooled me with that easily because I thought you were from somewhere else :P

 2.- Dark blue. Cheating cheat, I know.

 3.- Water!

 4.- Rainbow Dash. Come on, this wasn't even hard :maud: 

 5.- Favourite color?

 6.- Your favourite video game is pretty cool, yo. I still have my PS2 disk :nom:


 8.- You remind me of hamburgers. I blame USA.

 9.- You... would like a drink now?

On 1/7/2018 at 4:34 AM, Larrydog said:

*boops* hello there :)

 1.- Your cover photo is a gay ship. I like it :>

 2.- You remind me of white!

 3.- Fire?

 4.- Shining Armor

 5.- The full pic of your cover photo?

 6.- You seem to like shipping, so you are approved :nom: 


 8.- You remind me of rose smell

 9.- You like shipping a lot!

On 1/7/2018 at 7:41 PM, Hieroklicious said:
  1. You now know my favourite characters.
  2. Orange.
  3. Earth.
  4. Fluttershy or Twilight Sparkle.
  5. Whats your favourite user here?
  6. Ehm... 
  7. Clean your room!
  8. Apples.
  9. I do like talking.

WELL, TECHNICALLY SPEAKING I WAS SUPOSSED TO ANSWER TO YOU THAT, BUT OH WELL :P  Also, I am my favourite user, evidently. Or you-know-who, because yes.

On 1/8/2018 at 2:32 AM, Dark Horse said:

How many of the answers would be in relation to 'edge'? :mellow:

 1.- I like your pone. It looks shipping :maud: 

 2.- You remind me of grey. I wonder why...

 3.- Air

 4.- Starlight Glimmer

5.- Do you like... Water? :nom: 

 6.- I like your hair :P 

 7.- "Let's ship, please? :nom:

 8.- Reminds me of tea!

 9.- You had dante as a feature guest, because edgy :maud: 

On 1/8/2018 at 6:14 PM, Buzz said:

DO IT! I dare you :dashhat:

 1.- You like me!

 2.- Orange

 3.- Fire!

 4.- You remind me of Lyra :nom: 

 5.- When will we play again? :wacko: 

 6.- I like how you like me!

 7.- "So yeah... Now you're here with me. Remember ships? Because welcome to my reality :nom: "

 8.- You remind me of tea as well. I curse your nationality for that.

 9.- You really like me :nom: 

  • Brohoof 4
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Just now, Lightwing said:

 WELL, TECHNICALLY SPEAKING I WAS SUPOSSED TO ANSWER TO YOU THAT, BUT OH WELL :P  Also, I am my favourite user, evidently. Or you-know-who, because yes.

Let me be! :icwudt: I can't help I'm not that smart. :(

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On 1/7/2018 at 8:14 PM, Lightwing said:

You said it, not me :nom: 

 1.- You like Jimmi Jawnshun

 2.- Yellow

 3.- Water, because you flow with the way, yo~!

 4.- Rainbow Dash. Do you even know why? :nom: 

 5.- Who do you ship yourself with? i'm sleepy okay

 6.- *everything is tolerable* I mean, what? 

 7.- "OH HAI LUCKY, THIS IS THE MOMENT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. *ships around and drags you all over the place* :nom: "

8.- You remind me of tacos. I don't know, now I'm hungry.

 9.- If you could get your very own personal racing car, it would be the end of natural order :maud: 

Why did it take me nearly two months to see this. :wacko:

Ok, to answer your question, I ship myself with.... @Cyclone 1066 :wub:

Oh and tacos? I love tacos!! :love: Why tacos? :dash:

  • Brohoof 1
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1.- State something I learned about you by looking at your profile for 20 seconds. do I even need to look at it because I'm already a profile stalker 

 2.- State a color you remind me of. 

 3.- Name an element I think you belong to (water, fire, earth, air).

 4.- Let you know which MLP character you remind me of.

 5.- Ask you a question I want you to answer.

 6.- Find something I actually find tolerable about you.

 7.- Think of something to say if we were roommates.

 8.- State the food/flavor/smell you remind me of. 

 9.- Guess something about you.

1. You learned that I am an edgelord. 

2. Natsukis hair

3. Fire, cuz volcanoes 


And because the Fire Nation suddenly attacked!!!! Like me!!! DEUTSCHLAND!!!! 

4. Natsuk... Ieamn Pinkie Pie

5. "Can I have Elsass-Lothringen?" 
6. You tolerate my DEUTSCHLAND!! and also my KAISER!!!! stuff. 

7. "Finally! Would you like to hear about our lord and savior Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert von Hohenzollern?"
8. I remind you of the sweet taste of Blood and Iron, I remind you of the sweet smell of Deutschen 







9. I think this weirdo (me) likes some German dude


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