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Happy 10 Year Forumversary! - To What You Truly Treasure

Dynamo Pad


Hey, everyone! This is your Events Lead...whoops! There is no event going on a blog, but I would like to introduce myself. So, let's try this again!

Hey, everyone! This is Dynamo Pad, wanting to say hello and that I have an important announcement to make!

February 25th, 2015 to February 25th, 2025.

Ten years...it's been ten years since I had first heard about the forums and made my account.

I honestly can't believe it's been that long since I first joined all that time ago. It feels just like yesterday when started joining in on some of the episode thread discussions.

I remember watching a marathon of the first three seasons that were out at the time and catching up, before watching the first Equestria Girls movie. Around that time, I found out that one of my online friends on Skype had also liked watching the show. Around the time that Season 4 aired, we would watch each episode after I got home from work. Discussing certain moments and thinking what each episode might be before it would premiere. Upon finishing season 4 and waiting for the announcement of season 5, I had learned from him about the forums through the mention of the word "forums." I had never been on a forum before, so I was rather curious about it. I will admit that I was rather nervous, as well. Given that I didn't know much about what a forum was. That, and as silly as it may sound, I was afraid I'd get a virus on my computer. This coming from me, who had gotten a computer virus for no reason whatsoever, I was rather worried I'd do something for that to happen again. After taking a few days to think about it, I decided to give it a try as my curiosity got the better of me. 

The moment I had joined, my friend had explained to me the ins and outs of what to do upon joining. Making an introduction thread, learning about the RP section and Request Shop's in Octavia's Hall. It all felt a little overwhelming at first, but I felt that I was going to really like this place. I remember trying to figure out my username at the time, before choosing what my gamertag was on the Xbox 360. That name being Kyubiki Tenchu. The name Kyubiki came from a friend in high school as they said I rememinded them as Naruto. Tenchu was from a friend I was playing the Naruto Storm series on the 360 as I wanted to have another word/name to go along with Kyubiki. I had learned that the name Tenchu meant something along the lines of stealth, while Kyubiki could be broken down into the name Kyubi and Ki. Kyubi as in the nine tails and Ki as in energy. Combine that altogether and my username/gamertag could be translated to "Hidden Strength." However, I felt that the name would be tricky to pronounce and the name didn't feel like a pony name for my OC. Making a thread for ideas on names, it was thanks to @BlueBrony's suggestion that I had gone with the name, Dynamo Pad. As the new season aired, it was fun getting to share my thoughts on each episode. Along with getting to discuss with everyone's thoughts and feelings on each episode, or potential theories of future events/episodes of the series as a whole. At that same time, getting to flush out my OC and even dabble in some Roleplays, as well as meeting some friends along the way. 

Around the year 2016, would be the first time that I would ever go to an MLP convention. I was more conserved on the idea of letting everyone know that I was a bony. I had let my parents and sister know and there was mostly a relatively good response. I had mostly gone to anime convention when I was younger, but mostly with friends that I knew that were going. After graduating high school, I had gone to a convention that was around where I lived, but it was mostly the only convention I could go to. The only other convention I had gone to was around Atlantic City by train and while it was fun, I mostly looked through the vendor hall, took pictures, played in the gaming room, or sang karaoke. Looking through the forums, however, I found that there was a convention called Bronycon. Even hearing it from a friend here and there on Skype that was from the forums. At the mention of it being one of the biggest brony convention of the world, I was rather curious about it and I knew I wanted to check it out. I usually can be sometimes nervous when being at a convention. Mostly because I don't know many people or I feel like I'd make a big fool out of myself. However, as I went to Baltimore, Maryland for Bronycon, I was surprised at how welcoming and wholesome everyone was. It felt like something sparked within me and I was grinning from ear to ear at how everyone was chanting "FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN!" over and over. I think that it was their 5th year anniversary of Bronycon and they had the entire Mane 6 in attendance. Getting to listen to their voicing a script from Tabitha St. Germain, buying many plushies in the vendor hall, being in awe at the art, the plush, the friendliness, fun panels and much much more. It truly felt like a place that I belonged and I made a promise to go next year.

Out of my trips, that was one of the rare times that I ever traveled outside of my state for a convention. The only times I ever traveled outside of my home state was either for a class trip to Disney World, or going to California to visit my sister, who was living out there at the time. Even though my sister drove with me to Maryland at that time for Bronycon, it was still an experience for a trip that I went on for a trip I planned for myself. It was honestly thanks to the forums that I was able to get out of my comfort zone and experience a fun I would have probably never got to have before. As more time passed, I got to go to more trips to Bronycon, while also getting to go visit my sister for when I went to BABScon in 2017. It was in that same year where I would discover my favorite character in Starlight Glimmer. I remember liking her character after her redemption and it was during the Season 7 premier, I felt a sort of connection to her. I wasn't sure how or why, but I honestly didn't question it. It was in that same year, I had lost someone dear to me, to which I had felt I had lost hope within myself. During Bronycon in 2017, I felt that same someone was watching over me and it also felt that Starlight was with me that entire weekend. I knew in my heart that Starlight was my favorite. Not just because I liked her character, but because she had given me back hope when I felt I had lost said hope.

As time had gone by, I had been getting back into Pokemon with the introduction of Sword and Shield. I didn't know much about competitive, but it was fun to learn and add more traveling alongside Pony Conventions. It was during that time that I had learned and was introduced to the world of Banterlot. An amazing place that had friends that I knew, who also had other friends that I could meet and befriend. I will admit that I was nervous as I didn't know many friends outside of Banterlot, as well as feeling worried that I'd make a fool of myself or not feel like I'd fit in. However, after joining, I was welcomed with open arms, made many friends and took part in many fun and random events together. It honestly helped to change my life in many ways. Making friends that I would have probably have never known before on the forums, try out many things that I would have never tried or experience before like new food, sports or other fun video games. It's even changed the lives of many from friends meeting friends, building strong connections and making everyone feel welcomed and loved in the name of friendship. It was thanks to Banterlot that I had friends who were there for me after I lost another person that was dear to me. Knowing the friends I made that were there for me, to talk, to spend time together, to know I wasn't alone. It truly meant the world to me of how strong of a connection and bond Banterlot has.

In 2023, I had become a part of staff as an Event Coordinator. I admit I was nervous at first as I wasn't sure I'd do well with making events or bringing any fun to the forums. However, one thing I wanted to do was to bring a lot of fun ideas to the forums for everyone to enjoy. Along with everyone that might feel shy to feel welcomed and be able to make friends with everyone on the forums. As time has gone by, I honestly feel a little more confident in myself and have come a long way together with my team. Now in the year, 2025, I wanted to make a blog about how far I've come since joining the forums. I've never made a blog before, but this is also a first. ^_^ Looking back on when I first joined, I realized that my OC, Dynamo Pad, had gone through some changes, as well. As he always didn't look like the pony everyone sees today. :izzy-oooh: I remember it was back during a Skype call with some friends that we all wondered what we'd look like in the world of MLP. Seeing that Pony Generator/Creator was available at the time, myself and three other friends all thought to make our OC's and see what could come up with. This was what Dynamo looked originally.


Upon joining the forums, my friend had mentioned to make an OC request thread about making him with his cutie mark, which would be a video game controller. It was thanks to @Intenzifier that I was given a picture of my OC with his cutie mark.


As time had gone by throughout my experience on the forums, I either got pictures of Dynamo through request shops or through commissions. A number of commissions were from video games ranging from Ace Attorney to Pokemon to even Portal. I remember one request shop that I got art of Dynamo that made me wonder if I should have a change in his appearance. I remember it was @Prophet's OC salon to where Dynamo's mane and the color of said mane was completely different. I thought the art looked really awesome and it felt like a unique take on how Dynamo could look.


I still had gotten commissions from the original mane style of Dynamo Pad, but the more I saw this picture, the more I felt that the time had come for a change. I remember commissioning @Crecious's commission thread when it came to Dynamo Pad's new design and he now looks the way he does today. :fluttershy:


When it came to Pokemon, I remember making Dynamo into a humanized version compared to his pony self. Even he went through a bit of a change, but only through his outfit.



I remember being really surprised and ecstatic on how he turned out. The way the mane style was from the request shop turned out just like how I expected him to be. I even liked the way that his horn was curved instead of how a normal unicorn horn was. I know that it was probably Crecious' design choice/style in a unicorn horn, but to me? I felt it was a perfect way to tie said horn into his backstory. I even remember this was before the episode "Campfire Tales" had aired. The moment I saw Mistmane and how she and the other unicorns had curved horns, it made me wonder if I could link that to Dynamo. A way that maybe he had an ancestor that was from Mistmane's village to why he has a curved horn, as well.

Another special part about this blog is within the title. What does "To What You Truly Treasure" mean, exactly? I'm glad you asked as it has something to do with in regards to the latest titles in the Pokemon series, Scarlet and Violet. In the games, you go to your respective school and go on a treasure hunt all across the Palled region. The Treasure Hunt can be many things. You could go and find a special treasure-like trinket or go on a adventure of self discovery, or to work towards a goal to better yourself or much more. However, in both the trailer and the dialogue with the Headmaster, Director Clavell, you are presented with this particular Dialogue. "Do keep in mind that the Treasure Hunt has not set course or criteria you must follow. Simply go where your heart takes you, and you shall do splendidly." I didn't really think about that much when I first played Violet. I wanted to complete the story as fast as I could, so I could start working on building teams for competitive battling and tournaments. However, given today is my forumversary, something about that quote had changed. Even when you defeat the final boss in the main story, they mention about each treasure that you and your friends achieved. It made me wonder, what is my treasure. I discovered that there were two things I wanted to treasure. One is to work hard, practice and become a better battler when it came to competitive VGC.

The other? To me, it's the friendships I've made during my time on the forums. To be honest, I thought I knew what it meant to be a friend, but there had been a time I didn't know it as well as I hoped I did. Back during high school, there had been a moment where I lost all the friends I had in high school due to a misunderstanding. I had gained back my friendships after the misunderstanding was cleared up, but I felt worried that something like that would happen again. Some friends had all gone their separate ways and I wasn't able to keep in contact with them, while some friends I thought I knew had shown their true selves. To me, I didn't know what friendship truly meant. When I watched MLP and joined the forums, I felt like I had truly understood. From the lessons, to everyone's love and support, to the fun memories throughout the years. I truly felt blessed and grateful to the people I've met and call my friends. All my life, I wanted to make friendships with friends that will last a lifetime. To not be afraid to be myself and feel acceptance, to be loved and love in return and to show that same love and support as a friend to others. After all of these years, I feel like I've finally found found those precious friendships that I hold near and dear to my heart. There are so many friends that I've met on here and in person because of the forums and I want to thank them all.

@Mothra I want to first thank my friend, Mothra. The very friend who had told me about and introduced me to the forums. I remember meeting you in a Naruto Storm Generations clan on the Xbox 360. I believe it was called the Kaizoku Tenshi, or the Pirate Angels. I remember you, myself and our friend, Kennotaku, were all in different squad divisions like in the anime, Bleach. However, we all had joined up again in the Triple F, or the Fighting For Fun clan. I remember we always talked about Naruto and other anime that were out at the time, as well as playing fighting game matches together on Storm Generations to Storm 3. One day, I remember when I had caught up to the end of season 3 of MLP and you, myself and Kennotaku were in a call discussing about anime. I had gone over a list a friend gave to me back in high school and on that list I wrote MLP.  After the call was over, you messaged me about MLP that you had watched the show. I was surprised as I didn't know anyone, except for the friends who had gotten me into the show, had seen the show either. I remember when season 4 had started, we had always called each other and watch each episode when they were released on YouTube. I even remember when you and I made it a tradition to watch each episode for every season. There were a season or two that we had missed, but we made sure to catch up when we were able to. There were even moments where we would usually pause and discuss our thoughts, or pause and freak out at certain moments that were simply incredible. One moment I could recall was during the episode, "The Big Mac Question," when you noticed in the background of Lyra and Bon Bon proposing to each other. You had mentioned to go back, we paused it at the exact moment, I freaked out for a good five minutes at how the ship was not only official, but they got to propose, before we continued to watch the episode. I even remember in the episode, "Make New Friends, but Keep Discord," where we saw Discord in a box with an exclamation mark appearing over said box. I knew instantly that was a Metal Gear Solid reference as we both paused as I proceeded to freak out again. Making me wonder if video games were canon in MLP, before we continued with the episode once more. I even remember how we saw some episodes that had been leaked early and that we got to see said episode. Ones like "Castle Mania," "Scare Master," and "Pinkie Pride" early. I still remember the times that you had made a quiz for different categories, whether a character's name was in the show or not, recalling an episode name and much more. It was always fun getting to test my knowledge on MLP, even though I didn't watch the other generations when only seeing Friendship is Magic. Not only that, but we also discussed Let's Plays, discussed about Pokemon, and even watched some anime like the first season of the original Beyblade series. You are truly  an amazing friend and I truly treasure the memories we shared together.

@Ice Princess Silky <3 I remember meeting you through a message in regards to a drawing. It was a drawing that a friend had request of their OC and mine in a picture together playing video games. I was surprised as I honestly wasn't expecting a picture, but I really loved how it turned out. I remember we talked back and forth a bit, before we added each other and began to talk more and we immediately clicked as friends. The way we just clicked together as friends, it honestly felt like we had known each other for a long time. The times that we would chat and exchange exciting news, the way we would lean on each other if we had a bad day. To me, it honestly warmed my heart to chat with someone that I truly where I feel that I could truly be myself. There was a time I remembered being in an online Pokemon tournament. Each week, we would have our pairings set up in a tournament style bracket and we'd have that week to prepare. This was back when I didn't know much on what I was doing and I had my coach helping me prep for the team I would face. I was honestly surprised that I had made it to the finals, but as I prepped, I was still feeling extremely nervous. I remember telling you about this and what you told me is something I still hold dearly to my heart. That no matter the results, no matter if I won or if I lost, that you'd always see me as your Pokemon champion. Hearing your words, I felt like I had been given a feeling of confidence and a sense of strength that I didn't realize at that time. When I went into the finals, I was nervous, but I tried to stay calm, focus and give it all I had. When I won, I immediately messaged you as I wanted you to be the first to know. I even remembered going to an in person tournament and I got to meet you in person. I still remember the moment that we walked past each other as I was trying to look for you. I saw someone walk right by me, I did a double take as I wondered if it was who I thought it was. I turned to walk towards that person, I saw them stop, turn with a laugh and I immediately knew it was you. I even ran up to give you a tackle hug, picked you up and spun you around as I was ecstatic to meet you. I even remember bringing my Alolan Vulpix plush with me to meet you as this is a memory I hold near and dear to my heart. We managed to meet up a few more times whether it was a get together with friends, or even BABScon. Every meeting is truly special to me as I get to hang out with my friend. You're an amazing friend and someone who I consider as my bestie. Times when I doubted myself or was worried about one thing or another, you always had a way to reassure me that everything would be okay. You saw something in me that I didn't know about. You showed me what the true meaning of my gamertag, "Kyubiki Tenchu: Hidden Strength" could truly mean. The way you make everyone laugh and smile, you truly are the super duper party pony Pinkie Pie! 

@Sir Hugsalot I remember meeting you through Banterlot and I was a little shy and nervous. The reason was because I don't think I had seen you before on the forums and because I was nervous when meeting new friends. However, as we talked and got to know each other. Whether it was about ponies and cutie marks, or watching movies and playing games together, it was always awesome to chat and get to hang out together. I still remember one time when you were playing Mass Effect in a stream with you, myself and Silky. While you were moving about in the game and taking on enemies, there was a moment where you took aim at an enemy. It was then that we talked about how you should "Aim for the butt!" I remember it always happened and I kept track of it, to which hilarity ensued. At which point, it had become a thing between us when streams happened and the moment occurred once more. :ButtercupLaugh: I even remember the time that you had streamed some of the Lego Star Wars games and we got a good chuckle at the dialogue. Even naming some of the animals as pets when we rode upon them or experiencing a glitch or two. The moment that we got to meet in person was another memory that I truly hold dear to me. I remember it was during BABScon and I heard that you were going. Silky and I were trying to find you and when you revealed yourself, I made sure all hugs were given, before I made my move. I remember running down the airport hallway at full speed, before leaping into your arms. I saw you hold your arms out and I thought I would be caught in mid air. Only for us to collide into each other as we both fell down onto the airport floor. All the while laughing, sitting up, making sure that we both were okay, before giving each other another big hug. 


(Sort of like this ^^) :laugh:

I even remember the time you and Silky had came over to my house to celebrate my birthday last year. I remember picking you both up at the train station and hugs were had, before we headed back to my house, where more hugs were had. I remember we went to numerous places as we planned out some fun ideas for the weekend. I still remember that time on our way to the Lego Store that you'd tell Lego that you'd write a heavily worded letter, before all of us erupted with laughter. I had to pull over as that was the hardest I had laughed in a little while. I want to thank you both again for that fun filled weekend as that was the best birthday I've ever had. Not because of where we went or what we did, but because I was able to spend time with those that I consider my best friends. I even remember a time that I was going to Baltimore for a Pokemon tournament and I felt nervous as I wasn't doing well in my prep for the regional. To the point I felt that I was going to not do well and fail. I remember you had talked to me about it to where you mentioned that you would be all for learning about competitive battling. You don't know how much that meant to me as I usually don't have much confidence in myself, but you still believed in me. When I went into the tournament, I did surprisingly well and while I didn't make Day 2 of the tournament, I still feel like I had improved, in a way. You're an amazing friend and someone that I consider as my buddy, Sir! You taught me to never give up and to believe in myself when things might seem difficult or impossible. 

@Treeglow Flicker  I remember meeting you through Banterlot, as well! I remember you had showed me a 3D animation parody clip of Touhou. One that was filled with numerous random moments and even parodies of moments I had seen before either through cartoons, anime, or video games. Some moments were over the top and out of nowhere that it caused me to break down into a laughing fit. Seeing these clips, I remember messaging each other and learning about what other things that we had in common and/or liked. From learning of the Yogscast, to Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson. It was awesome getting to learn about what things that you liked. I even recall the moment that you introduced me to The Amazing Digital Circus! I had seen the character Pomni before in art, but I didn't know much about who she was or where she was from. The moment I saw that she was from this show, everything became clear. After watching the first few episodes that were out at the time, I was instantly hooked into the show. Always looking forward to the next episode, while wondering more and more about our cast of characters and the digital world that they live in. I even recall the moments that you and I had our few theories about The Digital Circus and some characters. I also remember introducing you to my favorite YouTuber, Smii7Y. I remember that you mentioned about liking his sense of comedy and I grinned knowing that we had a similar sense of humor. ^_^ You're an incredible friend and never stop being your awesome self!

@Comp I remember meeting you because of Silky! I was getting myself prepared for BABScon last year, but I wasn't sure who else was going. As I was looking to see who would want to be roommates, Silky had mentioned about you and that you were looking for a roommate, as well. When I added you as a friend online, I remember we talked and got to know each other. As we chatted leading up to BABScon, I remember how we clicked. Whether it was from MLP, sports or anything in general. It was honestly fun getting to chat and getting to know you, as well. The day we met up, I remember giving you a tackle hug, before we hung out and got to explore the convention. Whether it was the vendor hall, hanging out in some panels, or taking part in Waifu Toss as you were the referee, it was fun getting to spend the convention weekend with friends. I even remember one night I woke up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and I saw that you were up. You were watching 90 Day Fiancee and I was rather curious on what it was about. Given that I had heard of the show and had seen a commercial here and there on TV, but I didn't know much about it. I sat back in bed as you were explaining about it and we discussed about it, but then I fell back to sleep as I was feeling comfortable in my bed :laugh:. One moment I recall was during the charity auction. We looked around in the room the day of the auction to see what was going up for bidding. There were a number of things that caught our eyes as we took part in the panel event. I recall that there was a banner that I recalled that you wanted and I remember looking for you to make sure that you were able to bid on it. I noticed your wave as I spotted you, before noticing your hand went down on the bid. It was then I rose my hand to try and take part and I managed to win the banner/flag. Right after the auction was complete, we met up and I remember you congratulating me for the win. Not realizing that I won the banner/flag for you as I handed you the prize. I remember how much you wanted it and I wanted to because you're an amazing friend and I had a lot of fun that convention weekend. When Everfree Northwest was announced, I had debated on going as I have never gone to this convention before. With other Pokemon tournaments around the corner, I wanted to give this new convention a chance. I had never really traveled to other convention except for BABScon and Bronycon. I remember the moment we met up, I was so ecstatic that I ran up and gave you a big hug. It was awesome getting to check out the vendor hall, checking out panels and catching up. I remember during the Waifu Toss, I had gave my beanbag a good toss that it actually slid underneath the door to the next room/closet. I didn't think I was able to do that and freaked out as I didn't know if we had lost the beanbag. Thankfully, however, we were able to recover said beanbag. I even chuckled as I remembered you said that if that had counted, the game would have been won right there. :ButtercupLaugh: The next day during the convention, I recalled when you had the Pipp Petals beanbag with you. I was genuinely surprised when you said you got that for me as I liked the beanbag and it even had my favorite Mane 6 from the series, Pipp Petals. It truly meant a lot to me that you got that as you didn't need to do that and it was truly sweet and kind. I even remembered when we went out to get some dinner and enjoyed some delicious Dan Dan. Even going to check out the Nintendo building and driving by where you worked. Even during football season, there were times we had discussed about the games had happened or watched the games together through messaging. I remember two times where that had happened. Once during a game with your favorite team, the LA Chargers. I was right there with you in how we felt some calls were unfair or moments when the team was doing well. The other was during the Super Bowl when we were cheering out the Eagles. The same moments had happened, but chatting together was really nice as I don't watch many sports. Unless gaming counts, but it was fun spending watching that with a friend. You are truly an amazing friend and I remember you had called me your bestie. To me, you are someone that I view as both a friend and a bestie, but to me? With all the memories we've shared, you're someone that I truly consider as a brother. :coco:

@Sophie I remember meeting with you through Banterlot. I remember the times we hung out in games of Among Us with friends, or watched movies together like Howl's Moving Castle. I also remember the time you hosted a stream of the movie, Sing. A movie I had never seen before, but saw how much fun the movie truly is. I recall the time that I meet you in person when I was visiting you and Silky. Once hugs were shared, I remember leaping into your arms in a tackle hug. I still remember when you caught me as more hugs were shared as fun was had as we all went on an adventure. I even recall the moment that you gave me a Bavarian hat as a gift. I was honestly surprised and touched as I had never heard of a Bavarian hat before. However, upon learning about it, I was truly happy and I wear it when I go out from time to time. Even when I go to conventions, I make sure to try and bring my hat with me. I still hold onto it to this day as it's very important to me. I remember when you were playing Star Wars: Jedi Survivor and we worked together as you traversed the galaxy. Even during boss fights, I and all of our friends gave you the support to not give up as you defeated some of the difficult bosses in the end. Even getting to see the breathtaking photos you showed everyone of the stars, the planets or even the beautiful landscapes on your travels. You truly have a way with words as I recall a time when we chatted or when I needed advice. I had been worried about something a long time ago, but what you had said is something that I still remember to this day. With how friends know the melody of their friend's hearts and to sing it to them if they have forgotten it. After you said that, any and all fear I had in my heart had vanished and it's something I will never forget. I remember listening to some of the songs that you've mad and I still remember the time that you made a song for my OC. I still hold that song near and dear to my heart as it truly sounds like Dynamo is going on a Pokemon journey. You are an amazing friend and a precious person. I look forward to the next time that we can meet as I hope more fun can truly be had. I hope that we can always continue to chat more and get to know each other.

@Astralshy I remember meeting you through Banterlot, as well! I remember learning about your love of orbs and how everyone ponders the Orb to learn of the Orb's wisdom. I joined in the pondering as well as I wanted to learn the ways and teachings of pondering the Orb. The times that we interacted on Banterlot or the times that we chatted in a call, it was truly wonderful and fun. I always enjoyed the things we discussed whether it be our favorite episodes, our favorite moments, our favorite ponies or how we got into the show. I look forward to the many more calls/chat in the future. I remember the times that you would stream every episode of Friendship is Magic for myself and everyone in Banterlot. It was always a fun event to join in when the event was planned for that day. I always made sure to catch the stream as it was honestly a lot of fun to go through such nostalgic episodes. Even the times that a song was in an episode and you made sure to let everyone know in case we all wanted to join in and sing as a group. I wasn't the best with some songs, but it was always fun to join in on the fun with our friends. I even recall the moment that you taught me in the ways of the potato as when a disturbance had made itself known, I would post a potato to let you know of their presence. I still remember the one potato picture I made that you had challenged me to make.


It was thanks to you that I learned the ways of the potato and continue to master their power in the name of the Orb. I also recall when we watched Friendship is Magic, my favorite of the Mane 6 had changed. Back during before I joined the forum and even during my early years on the forum. My favorite of the Mane 6 had been Twilight. Mostly because she was the first character I had seen, as well as "Lesson Zero" and "It's About Time" were the episodes that really got me to love her character. However, as the series got to season 4 with the episode, "Filli Vanilli" Fluttershy had gone from not one of my favorites to becoming a favorite. As I got to the episode, "Buckball Season" the moment she stood up to Rainbow and Applejack was when she went as my third favorite to second favorite. Even moments where she and Twilight had competed for best of the Mane 6 for me. In the end, Twilight had stayed on top, but when watched in Banterlot, things changed. I went into the show with an open mind and as time went on, Fluttershy had taken the spot of favorite Mane 6 for me. I think it was because I could relate to her in multiple ways and I felt my confidence begin to grow more and more as we all watched the show together. There are times that I still feel scared or worried, but thanks to you and Fluttershy, I know I've got all the confidence I need to give everything I do my best. It's also thanks to you that I've even given tea more of a try. I don't usually drink tea as I'm more of a soda person. However, the more that tea was discussed, I was becoming more and more curious about it. Even going to a tea shop and having the "Dragon Well" Green Tea for the first time. You are truly an incredible friend and I hope that we continue to chat and get to know each other more. 

@Samurai Equine I remember when we met on the forums through a Roleplay that you hosted. It was in "The Town that Friendship Forgot" where I met you and so many friends as we stayed in Friendshire. I remember so many adventures that happened and many friendships that had formed because of it. I remember when we even talked in the OOC discussing ideas and when we chatted in PM's. When we talked about Kamen Rider, I was genuinely surprised. I had heard about that show years ago from someone else, but they didn't go into much detail or what each series was about. I think that person and I tried to watch Kyuuranger at one point, but I wasn't able to continue the series. Not because the Sentai series wasn't entertaining, but I was still in the side of worrying that my computer would get a virus :ButtercupLaugh:. However, it was honestly and truly amazing to get to discuss about it as I had seen reviews due to the YouTuber, Marcosatsu. Even when I brought the name up, I was freaking out, in a good way, when you knew of his name, as well :eager:. When we talked about Kamen Rider, Super Sentai or even Tokusatsu, I felt like I truly got to understand what it meant from you. It truly sparked an interest in me to not only learn more, but to eventually watch my first series. It was because of you that I managed to get Kamen Rider Zero-One on box set and started my journey of Kamen Rider and Tokusatsu. I had started the journey and stopped for a little while, but eventually I remembered where I stopped at. Memories came flooding back to me and the moment I started, I was feeling ecstatic. I couldn't stop watching and I eventually finished watching Zero-One recently, as well as the movie, RealXTime. The moment I finished, I had to tell you right away as it was truly a fun and grand experience. Some of the characters I felt I got to understand and relate to, there many funny moments, emotional moments and even epic moments. Something I learned when watching is from the jingles from the Progrise keys that the main character, Aruto Hiden uses. From Rising Hopper's "A Jump to the sky turns to a Rider Kick." to his final key of Realizing Hopper's, "A Rider Kick to the sky turns to take off toward a dream." In a way, it sort of relates to me and my dreams. You showed me what it means to be a Kamen Rider. How each show has a different meaning on what it means to be a Kamen Rider, as a whole. For Zero-One's case, it's about taking off toward a dream. I might not truly know what my dream is, but I know I do want to become a great trainer in Pokemon. I may not be able to fly like a Pegasus can, but it's all about taking that first step, a leap of faith. To turn that jump to a Rider Kick and to take that Rider Kick and take off towards your dream. All the while, never giving up on fighting for that dream. I want to thank you as you taught me how to never give up on fighting towards a dream worth fighting for. You're an amazing friend and someone that I will always consider as my Onii-San(Big Brother.)

@VinylWubs I remember meeting you from a friend on the Forums! I remember being really nervous as I had seen you working on Roleplays a lot. The reason is that back when I first joined, I saw so many users that were on the forums for a long time as celebrities and I considered you as a celebrity. After we chatted and got to know each other, it felt like we had known each other for a long time and that we just clicked, in a way. We got each other, had a good sense of humor and were always there for each other whenever we needed a friend to talk to or to hang out in calls and chat in general. I remember we even worked on a roleplay together and always had fun coming up with different ideas when we thought of future events toward the story. I remember when I lost someone dear to me in 2017, I remember when you were there for me. Having your's, as well as everyone's support and reassurance was something that truly meant a lot to me. I even recall the times that we would discuss some anime we were watching from time to time and even how we were ecstatic that we were both on or knew the anime we were planning to watch. I even recall the time that we tried to watch Miraculous: The Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir together. We didn't get far as you and I were busy Irl, but I look forward to when we can catch up with the show together. Even during the times that we're both busy, I truly hold dear the times that we chat as it's always fun to chat together with you, Vinyl. I know we've always discussed that we would try to meet up and while we haven't been able to do that yet, I'm still not giving up. I know that one day we'll meet and I hope to give you a big tackle hug and I look forward to hanging out together! We also need to do that secret handshake that Gumball and Darwin did in that video you sent me. I still haven't practiced the handshake yet, but I know we'll figure it out :laugh:. You're truly are an amazing friend and someone that I consider as my bestie. I'm truly grateful to have you in my life and I hope that you and I can continue to be besties in the future and further beyond. 

@TheRockARockster I remember meeting you on the forums from a friend! I recall the times we had talked a bit on Skype and Discord, but I remember we met up again in Banterlot. It was always fun getting to chat together and see the pictures of all the food that you had. I still recall the numerous times that you made me and other hungry :laugh:. It was always fun getting to watch you play games that I had either heard of and didn't finish, or games I had never seen before. I still recall the moments where I thought you had "Aim for the butt," even though you said you didn't do that. I think it was in the game Unreal Tournament where you held the world record of that moment happening :ButtercupLaugh:. I think I even told Silky and Sir how many times that happened and I couldn't believe that you had made a record of it. I also recalled the number of movies you hosted in Banterlot. It was great watching nostalgic films like The Land Before Time, or the Rocky series, to movies I had never seen before like Jaws, Jurassic Park, or even Godzilla. Movies that I had missed out on because I was either too young to see or it at the time or it was before I was born, it was truly a fun experience to watch. I even remembered the events you would host in regards to certain sports like Wrestling or Rugby. I'm not much of a sports person, but what you showed myself and others was truly entertaining and fun to experience. It was great to watch wrestlers like Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Sting and more enter the ring. Even moments where you and I reacted and gave our commentary, with laughter from us and everyone to be had. I still remember the moment that The Ultimate Warrior had made his appearance and turned the corner in a sprint towards the ring to help Hogan out. He looked like a man on a mission and my jaw still drops in awe at how legendary of a moment that is. I even like how fun and cool Rugby is. I've only ever seen it on a cartoon back in the day, but learning about the rules and how everything works made me really like the sport all the more. You are an amazing friend and someone that I consider as my brother. Never stop being awesome, Rocky and I look forward to all the movies and games you stream in the future.

@Silverspark184 I remember meeting you on Banterlot! I remember when we got to chat together with everyone and work on drawings through the whiteboard games. I always liked seeing the ideas you had being drawn and brought to life. I still remember the one time that you and I were drawing a picture for Silky. Where you had drawn Silky as a tiger and you had drawn me as a bear. Right as that was going on, we made a bowl to catch chocolate milk rain that fell from the sky. I remember I helped in drawing the chocolate milk rain as one can never go wrong with chocolate milk ^_^. I also remember a time when I was having a bad day at work and was feeling down as a result. However, I remember you had send me a funny meme picture that gave me a really good laugh and it helped me to feel better. I even recalled the times that we hung out and chatted with friends in games or enjoyed watching movies with friends in Banterlot. I even remember one time we were in a group chat/call in Banterlot and chatted together as I was shiny hunting Eevee during a mass outbreak event that was doing on during that time. It was nice getting to chat about anything in general and enjoying the company of friends. I even remember the times that we would chat about Pokemon in your adventures in Scarlet and Violet. You're truly an awesome friend and never stop being awesome, Silver! :) 

@Silly Druid I remember meeting you through a roleplay on the forums! I believe it was from Samurai's RP, "The Town that Friendship Forgot." It was fun interacting with Forest Storm and Tree Song in the many adventures we went on through Friendshire. I also remember that we also met up again in Banterlot. I remember how much fun it was joining up together in Ponyfinder with our friends and GM. Going through adventures with Dynamo, Forest and the rest of the team to help Twilight and the others. That, and it was really cool chatting with you in regards to the Turnabout Storm series. I remember seeing the video on my YouTube homepage back when I was getting into MLP. I had never seen the Ace Attorney series before, but Turnabout Storm had piqued my curiosity. After getting to watch part 1 and 2, I was instantly hooked and I wanted to see more. I remember watching the rest of the adventure to see what would happen and I was honestly psyched on how the story had turned out. Seeing that actually got me interested in Ace Attorney as I watched someone had done Let's Plays of the first two games in the series. I remember even watching the anime that was out at the time when it was announced. When I heard about Elements of Justice from you, I was surprised as I didn't know anyone that had seen Turnabout Storm or talked about this crossover. When the time came to watch, I remember when you had hosted events to catch everyone up on how the stories came to be, while also hosting new episodes when they aired. I always loved sharing our thoughts and voicing theories of what would happen next, or how the case would conclude. It was also a lot of fun watching other shows together with you and our friends with the Equestria Girls movies and specials. Especially on shows I had never heard of before like Moomin. Even the times when we work together in your own Ponyfinder adventures or voicing characters in your playthroughs of Ace Attorney. I also love listening to the playlist of songs that you share with everyone as each song is really unique, fun and interesting. You're truly an amazing friend and I hope that we to chat, get to know each other and hang out more.

@ShadOBabe I remember meeting you on the forums! I think we had chatted here and there from status updates, but I also remember meeting you from Banterlot. I remember how we would chat together on some anime like My Hero Academia. How we would discuss the stories of the anime and manga, as well as your OC, Kisei. It was really interesting getting to know more about her and her story in regards to interacting with All Might. I remember when you also showed me some of the pictures that you had drawn of dragons in the Spyro series. I even recall the moments when you told myself and others in Bluey, as well as moments of some of the characters in a sort of anime crossover. Even the number of cards we pulled and the cool art from Pokemon TCG Pocket was a lot of fun to talk about. I still need to try and get some of the immersive rare cards. Especially discussing real life Pokemon cards as some of the alternate art cards are incredible, in my opinion. You are an amazing friend and I hope that we can continue to chat and get to know each other more. 

@Bright Honor I remember meeting you through Banterlot! I remember seeing that your profile picture was of Ultra Instinct Goku. It was honestly really cool that someone else knew about Dragon Ball as I didn't know many others that had discussed about it. Especially getting to talk about the manga, of the movies and anime or ideas of what would happen in the future arcs. I remember how we were both pretty psyched when Sparking Zero was announced as I remember playing the Budokai Tenkachi series years ago. So, it was honestly pretty awesome that someone had known and played that series, as well. The same could be said when we were both pretty psyched for Spider-Man 2 as we had both played and discussed our thoughts on the upcoming game. I recalled the times that you were stream games like Five Nights at Freddy's series. I never played any of the games, but it was a lot of fun getting to watch your play through of some of the game titles. I remember not knowing much about Godzilla, but it was honestly cool getting to discuss about him with you and Rocky. Especially getting to finally see Godzilla Minus One after hearing how great the movie was from you. I also remember the moment when we would discuss about Dragon Ball Daima that's been airing at the time. When you heard about the big moment with Goku and that you wanted to do a call to react to the big moment. Once we called each other and reacted, I remember how hyped we both were. That and how much disbelief we were in at the moment at how epic the transformation was. Given that we didn't expect the transformation to be in the anime, but we were truly surprised. I still need to catch up and watch Daima, but I know I'm looking forward to seeing the series to give you my thoughts. You are an awesome friend and I still look forward to the day that you and I can battle each other in Sparking Zero. 

There's so many more friends that I want to mention, but I still want you all to know how much you mean to me. You truly are all incredible friends and I'm grateful to have met you all on the forums or on Banterlot. I want to give a big thank you once again to MLPForums, Banterlot and to all of the community! To all of the memories, the fun, to the friendships I've made and so much more. It's something I truly treasure dearly. To me, The forums and Banterlot are a second home to me and I'm truly happy, thankful and blessed to spend time with everyone that I consider my friends. There are times I feel that I don't deserve the friends I've made or moments where I feel like I'll mess up and lose all of my friends again. However, time and time again, my friends have always put those fears to rest and reassure me that everything will be okay. These ten years have been an absolute joy and something I hold near and dear to my heart. I remember in the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet games, you had to fight the team leaders of the group, Team Star, in order to defeat them in battle and help them go back to school. After the battle, you get to have a dialogue with them as they give you their thoughts on how much their friends mean to them. It made me wonder what would happen if you defeated me in a Pokemon battle and I discuss about my friendships to all the friends I know. If asked that my friendships really and truly mean a lot to me, I would probably say this.

"I guess it was that obvious huh?"

I chuckle sheepishly with a grin as I rub the back of my neck

"Let me put it in a way that makes it understandable."

"They're my best friends and I love them all so much with all of my heart."

"And, to me..."

I start to tear up as I close my eyes. A soft, sincere smile forming as my welled up tears start to fall

"They're the greatest treasure I could ever ask for."


Here's to ten years on MLPForums and here's to many more friendships, adventures, fun, and many more memories and years to come!

Your friend,

Dynamo Pad :hug_day:

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I cannot fly like a pegasus either, my friend and brother @Dynamo Pad. But it's okay. We'll both leap into the air with all we've got, and forge ahead with all out might, kicking and slashing until we're at the finish line of our dreams. And trust when I say, despair does NOT await us at the end of this finish line. :raritywink: Oh, wait, you haven't seen that Rider yet. Hmm... With some coins in our pockets and a fresh pair of pants, tomorrow will always be open to infinite possibilities, because anything truly goes in life. :raritystarry: Perfect. Nailed it.

Glad you've been here for a decade, my friend. It's been quite a journey. Here's to the next decade~! (Regardless if it's in magenta or not.) :fimyay:

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Congratulations on a whole decade of being part of this amazing place, my friend! :eager:
I've really enjoyed our chats on Discord and sharing random videos with each other. Not to mention our talks about Pokemon. Also, it's been an absolute pleasure to work with you as part of the Events Team and hope you'll be around for many more years to come. Anyway! Hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer for the next episode of The Amazing Digital Circus. I'm still laughing to this day at this part of the last episode we watched and am still feeling hilariously attacked by it. :laugh:




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You are truly an amazing friend and I remember you had called me your bestie. To me, you are someone that I view as both a friend and a bestie, but to me? With all the memories we've shared, you're someone that I truly consider as a brother. :coco:

A brother?! My goodness, that means so much :double-shock:

Congratulations, Dynamo! You really are the best!!!

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whoa! that is huge dyny! aw, happy forumverary! :fimyay:

I remember playing a lil CCG with you back in the day and referencing you in that silly Pie competition thing (you were Moonshadow's gamer coltfriend)


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DYNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! image.png.9574ec6796ddbf04e8c872247b5ef8e0.png

Thank you so much for the kind words and you're always my friend and mybrother as well.

And congratulations on making it to this amazing milestone here on the forums, you're awesome.

1413503__safe_screencap_starlight+glimmer_trixie_all+bottled+up_spoiler-colon-s07e02_animated_cute_diatrixes_glimmerbetes_hug.gif  (763×502)

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DYNYYYYYYYYYYYY! Thank you for being an awesome friend! meeting you in New York and sharing that tackle hug was more than epic! a moment I really want to repeat again! just haning out, sharing some ice cream and talking about the world and everything! it's always a pleasure to talk to you and hear from you! You sure have a place in my heart as a friend I would never want to loose! Thank you for being you Dyny, Thank you for being my friend and most importantly, Thank you for the amazing memories! I'm really looking forward to the future to see where it brings us! as friends, as community!  :hug_day:

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Happy forum anniversary my friend! It's hard to believe it's been a decade and so much has happened since, but I wouldn't change a single minute of it. Here's to another 10 years of fun and laughter and more friends! And by the way, that final quiz? STILL HAPPENING. Just because I've procrastinated on it for over 2 years doesn't mean you won't have to suffer through it eventually :griiin:

But in all seriousness, thanks for being an amazing friend and someone I would consider one of the best persons I've ever known :squee:

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  • Administrator

Where do I even begin with this post?!

It all started with a girl coming over to me and asking me to do an art of her OC and her best friend's OC. I said, "Sure" and did accordingly. She told me he was SO happy for it and really liked it. Cool. Always a nice feeling.

Suddenly, I see that pony that I drew just floating around on the forums just chillin, alive and making posts and I was like "ERMAGURRR I KNOW DAT GUY -- well, not really -- but I DREW HIM!!" ahahaha "I knew I drew you before I met you." XD  What an awesome feeling because you were so chill and fun to talk to that I was like "how is this guy not in staff as everyone's friend?" 

Your kindness, generosity and sensitivity has been super inspiring.

A lot of people like to see me as the symbol of kindness and compassion. Personally, I do not believe so. Being innocent or good natured has always come with the price of some creeper or edgelord trying to harm said innocence rather than cultivate it. This had given me a "darker side" that protects said innocence by being a little bit snarky, smug or dubious in order to prevent such people from getting too close... but when you stepped into Banterlot... it made me aware of how far I may have gone astray from my core.

How did this happen? Banterlot was all about Banter between my best friend and me, we "knew each other's style" so our banter could be seen as mean to the public but together, we just "understood it." But as the place would continue to grow, we would have to learn how to be hyper-aware of diverse points of views and different levels of sensitivities. I may have potentially grown too snarky in this dark world in order to help scare people away from my soft core.

I remember that we were all watching "Spirited Away," and this was terrifying some of the users who had a childhood trauma to this film. The scene where No-face begins eating people out of nowhere -- coincidentally, blanked out for you and as everyone started screaming, you were like "guys! guys!! what is happening?!!?!?!?!? REWIND SO THAT I CAN SEE IT TOO." Suddenly, Sir and I were like "WHAT THE HECK?! WE ARE NOT GOING TO TURN THAT BACK AND TRAUMATISE USERS AGAIN--" but someone rewinded it anyway ahahahah and the screaming ensued ahahahaha Sir and I would facepalm and suddenly Sir was like "I shall get my revenge on you, Dyny!" (again, playful banter that seems mean.)

Even though we were so caught up with managing the community and everyone's individual experience... I sensed something shifted with you. It was just a suspicion but always hard to perceive things when it is online because you never know. Could just be a coincidence.

Well, no. Turns out, that kind of banter was a little mean. Some days later, I had to show you that by "Getting revenge on you," it was literally just "spamming memes for 10 years" just as it had always meant between @Sir Hugsalot and me.. hahahah later on, you would come to realize that our banter may seem rough around the edges.. but it comes from a good nature when it is coming from us. And me? Well, I learned not to banter with people unless I am super close to them, know their boundaries and who they are as well as they know mine...

Later on, as Banterlot would continue to grow... I would make it SUPER soft core and safe. EVERYONE would learn each other's boundaries to grow, respect, still banter but only under the understanding of who they are bantering with, etc. Things would be wonderful. 

Meeting people who would later arrive and had found the place "too soft and fluffy" while benefiting from the safe space would only show their lack of understanding of what the history of it was or what we were trying to cultivate there and in the end.. we are all on some journey to grow as a person so, while I wish them well, I am very grateful to people like you @Dynamo Pad. You and many others in this community who opened my eyes into seeing a world of different perspectives, different stories, hardships, sensitivities, beautiful secrets to keep, levels of trusts and broadening my understanding as a person whilst also helping the management of this beautiful melting pot of a community as a whole. Thank you for being you.

O... and I always loved how genuine you were. You gave me that pin of Starlight and Phyllis even though you wanted it for yourself... I shall always cherish it. And guess what? That pin is now a symbol of another connection I had made with a friend as we learn to connect it with other references to our friendship. Things just keep continuing to bloom around here. :grin:
Keep up the good work and here is to another 10 years of memories, wholesome banter and shenanigans! :fabulous:

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On 2025-02-27 at 8:55 PM, Ice Princess Silky <3 said:

This had given me a "darker side" that protects said innocence by being a little bit snarky, smug or dubious

aw, I've never found you to be any of those things :P fighting back is fine


I am very grateful to people like you @Dynamo Pad.

this is exactly why communities like this and your lil' Banterlot are great :) even if it's just one person finding a great place to be, providing or contributing to the existence of something that brings someone joy is a great thing. The fact that people sometimes let themselves down and bring the edge and must be met with steel (any community dies without defenders) will never alter that


Edited by abronymouse
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