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Titan Rising


I don't understand them. Why would anyone choose to not believe in a God, or at the very least an afterlife? You can imagine any afterlife you want, you can come up with your own religion and your own thoughts on what might lie beyond this life, but you choose to believe that we're just an accident and on our way to rot in the ground?


Now that I think of it, does being atheist mean you just don't believe in any God or you don't believe in any concept of an afterlife or anything like that?


Anyway back to the main point... Even if scientists were to prove that we evolved and that the entire universe was capable of creating itself, that does not rule out the possibility of a God or an afterlife. Science can tell us many things, but you can always keep asking "why". Why is something like gravity a law of the universe? Why does anything even exist? In the end the only answers science will be able to offer to questions like these are "it's just the way it is".


Why would anyone accept an answer like that when there's so much more hope in an answer they could even come up with themselves? I dunno, it's pretty depressing to think that way in my opinion

  • Brohoof 4


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Be careful, you never know how harmful that can be to yourself in the long run.


Not interested in doing things for the sake of my well being


Were I to be an Atheist, that would have ensured my death years ago.


I refuse to live through 80 years of bullcrap and torture if I can off myself and get it over with.


I largely feel the same way to be honest...

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How dare some people have personal beliefs I feel like getting too far into there buisness and calling them evil just like gays.

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It's simple. I don't believe in a religion because they all sound incredibly false. I've tested god when I was younger, obviously without any response. That means that he either didn't hear or see me which means he isn't omnipresent or he he saw me and could not pass my test which would mean he isn't omnipotent. The other option is that he saw, could pass and chose not to anyways. IF thats the case then fuck you god. I'll go to hell just to spite you.


Besides Heaven and Hell sound the same to me. Doesn't matter which on you end up in, you're not yourself. You're a fake forced copy of yourself.


I don't believe in something even though I feel it's wrong because thats pretty much the same thing as knowing you're wife is cheating on you and choosing to ignore it and believe she is faithful because believing otherwise would be too painful.


God can go to Hell. I don't really like the dude.


Plus the answer at the end of the "Why?" question is "We don't know yet." The answer you gave is the answer they give when they are tired of answering your questions.


As for the afterlife I believe our cells break down and decay and are basically added back to the earth... like fucking everything else we can observe. We don't have a soul, we are just a very complex computer and scientists are getting closer and closer to making AI that is just like us.

  • Brohoof 2
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Science does not, and should not, attempt to explain WHY things happen, only how. We KNOW that gravity exists, that things with mass attract each other. We're starting to get an idea of HOW gravity works (see this and this), but science is not concerned with WHY gravity exists. It is true, when asked why a certain thing happens, science says "hey, finding reason behind things isn't my job, go ask religion or philosophy. I'm just here to figure out how shit works."

Science only deals with objective questions which can be empirically tested using the scientific method. Questions of the "why" variety are generally subjective.


I don't believe in God or any other higher power because I have no reason to. I'm happy with my life as is and see no reason to resort to something to find reason in my life, especially something as subjective as religion. I give my life reason on my own. My purpose in life is to achieve what goals I set for myself.

  • Brohoof 4
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I am a Catholic, and I follow this religion. People have the right to choose what religion they wish to be, and it is to there consent what they think the afterlife will be.


Atheists think different than other religions, as Catholics think differently than the Greeks, which is why they are atheists...

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I feel like injecting my thoughts here

I am... Mixed in terms of the concepts of Science and Religion. I do attend mass regularly, I am active in my church, but at the same time I consider myself a man of science and I am a student of Physics. It is to the best of my understanding that Religion and science do not conflict, but rather they serve eachother rather well. One must understand that Religion can not and is not a way of describing the universe. Religion can never tell you how gravity works or how animals evolved, but it can give you a sense of purpose and direction. Science on the other hand is excelent for describing the what, when, where, and how of our universe. The place we live is best described in the language of science, and even then it is limited. Science can never tell you what your purpose is, or at least not one that is spiritually satisfying. Religion will always change as science does; we continue to learn about the universe that God created. He created the atoms and the animals and gravity and all the wonders of he universe, and likewise he has a purpose for us. Our purpose is to learn as much as we can about his creation, and protect and preserve it to the best of our ability with the knowledge we acquire through scientific endeavors. We should be thankful for what he has given us and do our best to sustain it.


There is my two bits for you. Take it as you will

  • Brohoof 1
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Science does not, and should not, attempt to explain WHY things happen, only how.

Thanks those were the words I was looking for and I felt the way I was describing it was a little confusing

  • Brohoof 1
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I kinda see what you're getting. Although I'd take a different approach.


No, atheists do not believe in objective morality, meaning, value, etc. However most atheists wont despair over such matters because very few atheists actually live consistently with their own worldview.


Should atheism and materialism be true, that would mean atheists live extremely deluded lives.


How so?


To claim there is no meaning in the universe and then to live as if there is meaning or to create your own meaning is a prime example of wishful thinking and delusion.


The meaningless universe is not depressing to atheists because they don't live by what they say.


I'm sure this might offend people in the sense that it looks like I'm calling them delusional, however I should point out that I am not doing any such thing.

I am simply exposing the fact that if naturalism and atheism is true, then you are, by your own standards, delusional.


However since I do not espouse naturalism and atheism those are not my standards.


Atheists' dilemma. Not mine.

  • Brohoof 2
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im an atheist, i do not live my life thinking there is no meaning, i do not live my life as a waiting period before death, and i am not delusional. personally, to me, the idea of an entire universe being created from next to nothing is not only inspirational, but it really makes me realize just how lucky i am to be alive, and really helps me put things in perspective, conversely, if i was to be a christian, i would feel only that i was created at the will of another, and created solely to worship him, no other meaning in life. as an atheist, you have nothing to worship, nothing to judge you while you eat meat on whatever day it is that you arent supposed to eat meat, and no one to tell you your going to hell because you didnt worship him hard enough. atheism to me feels free, savor life while you can, because it is precious, that kinda stuff. I was raised until the age of 11 as a catholic until i had the nerve to tell my parents i hated every second of it, I always felt like if i slipped up just once, i would go to hell, and i spent a good portion of my life as a catholic worrying about having to endure endless torture instead of enjoying life. not a good life if you ask me. people that say atheists are delusional obviously havent ever had a conversation about being an atheist, i dont think anyone has ever said there is no meaning in the universe, atheists (or at least the few dozen ive met personally) believe in cherishing life, BECAUSE there is no afterlife, to them, that is there meaning. Also the world is older than a few thousand years old, science has proved enough parts of the bible wrong to lead me to believe that there is no god


as a side note, i believe there could have been a jesus, but he sure as hell wasnt the son of god.

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You know, I've been silently watching this comment section, and heres what it is in a nutshell.


Hollowsheild: Dosen't like athesim


most Atheist: We are atheist meaning we value life more then theist, ignoring all the ones that don't.


Heres the thing atheists, I'm a theist, and I still value life a lot. I mean, even if I go to heaven, isn't that the same thing as going to nothing with what you are saying. It's not like I can make the world a better place in heaven or hell or do anything to make anyone's lives better. :/

  • Brohoof 1
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as a side note, i believe there could have been a jesus, but he sure as hell wasnt the son of god.


Ahhhhhhh not saying you're right or wrong but why do atheists always speak in absolutes????


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Well, I see no reason to believe in a god, so I don't believe in one. I'm not particularly disturbed that we are an accident (actually, that kind of excites me),so I don't feel the need to concoct a afterlife to feel better.


By definition, you don't believe in God. But some atheists can be very spiritual.


Well, it makes God seem unlikely. Everything is possible, even breaking physics. It's just unlikely.


See, scientists don't stop and say it's just the way it is. We'll keep on looking for answers, even if it's hard to find them.


It's only depressing because people feel they need an innate purpose. We don't and we're happy to be like that.

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To claim there is no meaning in the universe and then to live as if there is meaning or to create your own meaning is a prime example of wishful thinking and delusion.


It's more there's no innate meaning. There's meaning if you give it meaning, but it's not set in stone.


Atheist: We are atheist meaning we value life more then theist, ignoring all the ones that don't.


Please write "most atheists" because no one likes to be generalized.


Ahhhhhhh not saying you're right or wrong but why do atheists always speak in absolutes????

Because people don't like probability. I mean, there's a slight chance that I might die as I'm walking to close the door, but I don't say "I may or may not come back from closing that door".

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Well it seems most atheist here are generalizing themselves by basically saying they are better then theist. :/

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There's meaning if you give it meaning, but it's not set in stone.

That makes no more sense than saying a blind man can really see if he tells himself he can.

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That's makes no more sense than saying a blind man can really see if he tells himself he can.

No, what? How is that analogy even....


It's more like " There's no bread on the table, as initially there is no bread, but if you put bread on the table, it is there."

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No, what? How is that analogy even....


It's more like " There's no bread on the table, as initially there is no bread, but if you put bread on the table, it is there."


Hes saying that for you to create meaning there must be meaning in the universe. To use your analogy it would be like saying to put bread on the table there must have been bread made on the counter


Essentially it makes no sense to say life has no meaning and then claim there is

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I will keep this nice and short. I was raised religious, and it has always made sense to me. I have never questioned my faith, and it has saved me in dark times.

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No, what? How is that analogy even....


It's more like " There's no bread on the table, as initially there is no bread, but if you put bread on the table, it is there."

No. You said "there's meaning if you give it meaning".


You're implying subjectivity equals objectivity.


If you'd like me to use your form of analogy it's like saying there's bread on the table because you've conjured up bread in your mind that is not really there.

  • Brohoof 1
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Hes saying that for you to create meaning there must be meaning in the universe. To use your analogy it would be like saying to put bread on the table there must have been bread made on the counter Essentially it makes no sense to say life has no meaning and then claim there is


Well, see you assume that you need meaning to create meaning. You don't need meaning to create meaning. There isn't a theory called "The Law of Conservation of Meaning". At least, I haven't heard of it.


My bread analogy isn't amazing. No analogy is. So assume that the bread is infinite ( it can't be in real life, but this is an analogy).

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No. You said "there's meaning if you give it meaning".


Yes, the meaning is subjective. It's not objective in the slightest. It's your own personal meaning. And how did I imply it was objective?

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Infinite bread...really?

It's an analogy. It's meant to help you understand my point. It's not based in reality.

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Yes, the meaning is subjective. It's not objective in the slightest. It's your own personal meaning. And how did I imply it was objective?

Perhaps I was too nice by thinking your reply was trying to convey something other than the obvious.


If you merely intended to imply subjective meaning is subjective then you're posting rather unproductive responses.

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Well, you said that there is no meaning in the universe which I said you're mistaken as I said we think there is no innate meaning and that we can create our own meaning, which you then said is false. Which I tried to show to you that it isn't.

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