Off the top of my head
- Transformers The Movie 1986(Obligatory)
- The Simpsons Movie
- Dragon Ball Super Broly
- Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
- Yu Gi Oh Dark Side of Dimensions
- Pokemon 3 The Movie
- South Park Bigger Longer Uncut
- The Spongebob Squarepants Movie
- Recess School's Out
- Rugrats In Paris
- Wild Thornberries Movie
- Beavis and Butthead Do America
- My Little Pony A New Generation
They can be good and I don't think they should be written off but more often than not they drop the ball.
For every DOOM 2016 you get 2 DmCs
For every TMNT 2012 you get 2 Thundercats Roar
and etc
My GameCube collection. Fuck it. I already had tons of games that go for ridiculously high prices now, Path of Radiance, Twin Snakes, Skies of Arcadia, Pokemon Colosseum/XD Gale of Darkness, just to name a few
Got around to beating Mega Man 7 for the first time. Found it to be one of the weaker entries if I'm being honest, even though the first half of the game is genuinely fantastic
I honestly enjoyed it quite a lot. Especially as someone who really became disillusioned by the main show throughout the last few seasons, Pony Life filled the void the main show was unable to later
Sega released a reveal trailer of the game and it looks real promising.
- Extreme Gear from Riders is back(along with Jet the Hawk)
- Different eras and worlds throughout the series including stuff like Secret Rings
- Sega confirmed there'll be other Sega franchises appearing. While it won't be as big as it was in the first two Sonic and Sega All Stars games, it's definitely welcome
- Sega says it'll have the biggest roster in the series
- It'll feature Sonic Prime in some way(I'll main Amy if they have a Rusty Rose alt for her)
Really, all I ask for is Tangle, Whisper, Sticks and Kiryu(I'd ask for Blaze too but she's usually a shoe-in so I'm not worried)
Mega Man X Legacy Collection under rookie mode. I can beat these games normally no problem, but sometimes I just wanna one shot the final bosses with Hadoukens and Shoryukens