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Everything posted by FancyPhoenix

  1. Well I think I'd get the most enjoymen from spending time with Twilight. We have similar personalities and interests, so I think we could get along pretty well (once she'd get over the fact that she's trapped in a room with a creature she's never seen the likes of before (side note: buck EqG being canon) who just so happens to know everything about her, and once I'd get over the fact that I'm in the same room with friggin' TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!) But it also depends... Why are we there? What did Twi do to get locked in an asylum? Would she conduct horrible experiments on me? Would I be in danger with her? What did I do?? Would she be in danger with me??? I'd rather be locked with her in some other room if you don't mind ^^ Another choice would be Lyra She could examine my hands (It is Lyra after all ) and I'd give her all the belly rubs she'd want ^^ Unless she stabs me, cuts off my hands, cooks them up and eats them... LYRAAAAAA!!
  2. So I ran into this today. A song by a Finnish, quite well known artist called Olavi Uusivirta. The lyrics are... interesting... Probably doesn't mean much to you if you're not Finnish, as you've probably never heard of this artist before, but I translated the lyrics in English for you if you're interested. The name of the song is "Minä Tahdon Ponin" which translates to "I Want a Pony" But for all the Finnish bronies out here. I think Olavi might be a brony What do you think? Listen to the song and post your opinions about this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsPqqRmSfP4 Some notes on the lyrics: Helsinki is the capital city of Finland Linnanmäki is an amusement park in Helsinki Kultapalmu and Pullmann are bars in central Helsinki Maunula is a suburb of Helsinki And no.. The lyrics don't make much sense to me either, but I swear on my life, this is what he sings. Lyrics in English: Let's go and watch how Linnanmäki closes it's doors for the winter. The ferris wheel stops I'm feeling a little shaky but the fireworks are impressive. I want a pony and a sixpack of beer. That is all. That is all. Kultapalmu will do if Pullmann is full. After this I'll owe you a small pack of cigarettes. Will you judge me if I won't go to Maunula tonight after all? I want a pony and a sixpack of beer. That is all. That is all. Cheerilee, did you believe in miracles When we made fire with matches and the playhouse was lifted into the air? Cheerilee, we went to the city. Similar afghan fur coats, and similar heads of little boys. Cheerilee, into the narrow rooms we left the zeppelin rotating around the lonely Milky Way. Cheerilee, unlike we remembered the morning wind goes to the head. For a moment, Helsinki is like it was sometimes My own opinion: Now I know this might not mean anything, but I think there are way too many references here for this to be a coincidence. Personally, I think it'd be great to have more celebrity-bronies EDIT: Sigh... I just showed the song to some people and one of them said that it's not Cheerilee he's singing about, but instead Jerry Lee... As in Jerry Lee Lewis... Meh.. I shall apply the rule "Once you hear, you cannot unhear" To me, the song will always be about Cheerilee DEAL WITH IT!
  3. Heh, I guess a few times Well, I'm not sure if on the forums anyone has, but IRL, definitely. I remember once walking around at an amusement park and heard this one lady refer to me as "that curly-haired girl" XD (even I don't know the context, so don't ask) I turned around and she went "oh wait, I think it's a boy.." Then she apologized to me because she noticed that I had heard her XP Another time I remember well was actually online. In Omegle to be exact. I was talking with some random person who had revealed he was a guy. I hadn't told my gender though. Well we talked for a while and I told him I like ponies and we talked about that for a while. He seemed okay with it. Then it got really, and I mean REALLY weird. Suddenly he asks me something like "Do you believe in angels?" To which I answer "Umm.. Yeah, I guess..?" And he's like "Because I think I'm talking with one right now" XD (do people seriously hit on people in Omegle???) Anyway, I tell him that I'm a guy and he goes "But... But.. Ponies, dude!!?" When I confirm this, he's like "Sheesh.. Fine, whatever" and disconnects! Poor guy... I was, strangely enough, kinda flattered by that angel-comment though...
  4. Well I'm pretty open about myself being a brony. I don't rub it on anyone (or at least I try not to...) but I don't hide it either. I used to hide my brony...hood? ness? whatever... and argue against people who said I watched the show, but that really got me nowhere. I just got teased more about it. So nowadays if someone asks me if I'm a brony, I just tell them I am. I did tell my parents about it by my own initiative, but that was just because I felt that it'd be the hardest for them to understand. One of my siblings also knows, but I don't think my three other siblings know, or at least they haven't mentioned it to me. Pretty much all of my friends also know about it, and while they're not exactly "okay" with it, they don't give too much of a fuzz. I've even managed to get one friend of mine to promise he'd watch an episode with me sometime Now how did I tell my parents? Well that's simple I sat them down one night asking if they'd want to watch a documentary with me. Then I put on the brony documentary and about halfway through my dad asked me something like "Are you trying to tell us you want to join this pony-thing?" to which I answered "Well... I've kinda been a part of it for almost a year now" They were okay with it, which really made my day
  5. Ah, yeah. This thing I'm actually really looking forward to this. Always glad to see bigger projects pop up ^^ I think here was a sketch-storyboard-like trailer released too, wasn't there? Story looked pretty nice to me too (except for Celestia's part, but meh... I'll wait and see) And the song is actually really catchy, if not downright addictive Can't remember how many times I've listened to it during the last few days, but it's been... a lot.. What I really liked about it was that the voices aren't exactly spot-on. Most of them sound really different from the series (mostly AJ though) and I think that's really good. It is supposed to be a fan-made thing after all. It's not supposed to be exactly like the original. But despite the fact that they're not the voices we are used to hearing, they've managed to get some really good voice actors who can still make the characters sound believable.
  6. Come on! Stop teasing! XD (on the other hand, I do it myself whenever possible, so you're forgiven) Dun dun... Dun dun... The wait is getting unbearable!!! EDIT: Waaaaiit a moment... *Looks the first post through again* XDXD You sneaky thing, you! Congrats to the winner! Hope you notice you won XP Enjoy the gaze of our beloved leader looking down upon you from your wall... As you sleep... All alone... Where nobody will hear your screams.. ^^ (No but really, congratulations)
  7. Had to lift my 11-year-old Bernese into the car today 'cause his leg hurt too much to get in by himself. Earlier I promised myself not to cry when these last times of his life came. Broke that promise today :'( I'm going to make sure he has the best of times before leaving for the final rabbit-hunt http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/1741/eppuy.jpg

  8. Audition to My Little Musical sent! Now nervouscitedly waiting for the results :P

    1. GoneForeverBye


      Didn't you mention that you were recording something 'silly' on Skype or was that something elsE?

    2. FancyPhoenix


      Nah, that was something else. This one I've been thinking about for a while (didn't I mention it?? :o I was sure I did... Well I was supposed to :P) and finally yesterday got to the recording. I'm applying for the saxophonists part in the band.

  9. Oh gosh. These things were and still are the best toys ever released! I used to have every single Toa, some of them twice. I still remember how devastated I was when I lost Pohatu's mask while playing with it outside Nowadays I still have each Toa Nuva + Makuta and whatever the thing Takanuva rides on is called. I think I still have a huge box of the parts hidden somewhere... Should take it out someday and be nostalgic for a while
  10. Alone at home for the weekend... What to do?

    1. Friendship_Cannon
    2. FancyPhoenix


      Meeh.. Parents called and said they were coming home today after all.. So no house party :/ But then again, they're bringing pizza :D

  11. Really depends on the type of the storm. If it's just raining heavily, I like to stay inside and maybe read something. Thunderstorms though.. Ooooh boy. When there's lightning, you won't find me inside. I'll most likely be on the porch staring at the sky and hoping to see the biggest motherbucking lightning ever! I simply love thunder. The stronger the better Hail is pretty cool too. I like to stand outside and let the hail fall on me (and hope there won't be any fist-sized pieces) Lastly there's snowstorms. Count on me being inside covered with ten blankets, cup of hot chocolate in my hand and reading a good book (or pony fanfics on iPad... More likely that.. )
  12. I drew Applejack and it looked good. Then I colored it and now it's ruined -.-'

    1. Friendship_Cannon


      welcome to my life

    2. Feather Gem

      Feather Gem

      I know the feeling.

  13. Sometimes slot machines are a good way to get money :3

  14. Well your paintings are still great. Period. As for the tutorial series, by the love of Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Cadance and all the other, possibly unannounced princesses of Equestria, DO IT No, but seriously, it sounds like a really nice idea.
  15. Jeez, mate Give yourself some credit! Your paintings are awesome. I could never do anything comparable even with hundred years of practice.
  16. Hey ho! Another giveaway from my favourite artist! All my ! And it looks really good too :3 One can never have enough Celestia if you ask me So when's the drawing gonna be? Are you going to be streaming it? If so, then where? DB, you're awesome for doing these, ya know
  17. It's 9:25 and I only have 7 more hours to work... Fuck..

  18. Starting to feel like I'm in a friggin' Hitchcock-film. I counted 25, TWENTY-FIVE!! swallows sitting on my car, looking at me like I was fit for dinner. Help..?

  19. Makes you realize how much you're out of shape when playing saxophone for 10 minutes makes you feel like you ran 10 miles. -.-' I guess forgetting the sax to the corner of my room for the summer wasn't that good of an idea...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FancyPhoenix


      Oh :/ So you played in a band then? Yeah, everyone else than drummers have to sit there. If you ever continue playing, try working on your posture. Making your back as straight as possible, keeping your shoulders up and straight and knees in a 90-degree angle. Basically making your airways as straight as possible. Usually works with breathing problems. ^^

    3. Moonlight


      I don't actually plan on playing an instrument again; if I do play one, it would probably be the violin, wouldn't really have to worry about breathing problems that way. xD

    4. FancyPhoenix


      Hah xP Yep. I've been thinking of taking up the cello myself (thanks to Octavia being such an amazing background character :3) String instruments in general are awesome :D

  20. If I ever make it to the "Changeling" rank, I never want it to change :o That badge is sweet!

  21. Vodka is definitely not my drink...

    1. Remi


      If you're not Russian, it isn't your drink.

    2. FancyPhoenix


      Meh.. I'm Finnish, so that's close enough XD But yeah. Never again

  22. Well my all time favourite ever since I first heard it has been this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu_RmSJxtUE Leaves me laughing every single time My second place goes to this gem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdwxog9Z7Ng I dunno. I just love everything Sweetie Belle says
  23. Oh you can count on me signing up for those giveaways Maybe I'll get lucky again, like with Fluffle Puff (oh, and about that... Would you recommend framing it? Haven't done that yet because lazy...)Heh, just realized I can still have a picture of that painting as my iPad background Looks pretty sweet there too.
  24. Aaand there we go D: Horseapples... There goes my budget limit, unfortunately I could bid $66, but that's where I'd have to stop due to the simple fact that I simply don't have any more -.-' My hope was in vain, I see... Maybe someday I will get another beautiful painting by Detective Butler. But it is not this day... I walk away, defeated, but I promise you that one day I shall return (with more money)! Congratulations Morager. I hope whoever you'll give that painting to will enjoy it. (Unless some other brave/crazy pony steps up to take my place in this battle) And thanks for making this auction DB! It was exciting while it lasted. Keep on going with that amazing art of yours ^^ I hope Mareinthemoon gets back on her feet soon :3 Now off to earn more money in case of a random DB painting auction! Jamza out.
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