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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Golurk

  1. I have no idea what I ate, but whatever it was, I'm regretting it. :(

  2. 1v1 mi rust irl m9

  3. Fact: Ibuprofen is made from one part life-nectar, two parts unicorn magic, and three parts pure happiness.

  4. I don't have anger management issues. You just have tooth-retention issues.

  5. First of all, full discretion: technology is not there yet. That said, though, I imagine it'd be difficult to separate them from the host mind. The closest I could imagine would be copying their personality, which isn't so much a "transfer" as "ctrl+c ctrl+v". Furthermore, I can't imagine it'd be possible to ctrl+x them that easily. But, this does bring up an interesting alternate scenario: total brain mapping and copying. Now again, this is *pretty* far off, but the theory is that if a computer were to be "uploaded" with your brain, it could think like you with your personality. Now, this would require knowing where *every* neuron is and how they interact with every other neuron. Furthermore, it would require that you be recently deceased in order to get at that brainy goodness hands-on. Needless to say, fancy stuff that no one has any idea how to do, but would ultimately result in immortality of sorts. But the question I'm trying to ask is this: If a person who had a tulpa were to be uploaded into a computer, would that be, in theory, the best way to prove their existence? Since I'd assume any thought *could* be translated into speech at that point, the thoughts of the tulpa would be included. Thus meaning, they'd be able to speak directly. Food for thought.
  6. One of the few areas where Pokemon Battle Revolution does not disappoint: the music.


    1. Panne


      I take it the poop train goes toot toot

  8. Survival instinct. Their own success as an "organism" depends on the success of the host. It roots into the idea of if the host dies, so too do they; as a result, they'd naturally want to prevent that. It's a case of symbiosis. Both individuals have something to gain from the other's success. The better off one is, the better off the other will be as a result. Although, it's also more than that from what I've seen. It's more than just a case of mutual survival; it's an emotional bond. It's like how lovers tend to want the other's happiness more than most else. Or how a parent does everything they can to help their child succeed. Or even how a friend is there for you when you need something to lean on. They work for a mutual interest. Not just because they don't want to die, but because they care. About you. Above (hopefully) most else. Or did I misunderstand the question?
  9. *looks at self* Yeah, I don't think anyone would want to get in a fight with me. I can only think of one time, though. It was at camp in 5th grade after some guy locked me in the bathroom for an hour. And the only reason I lost the fight that followed was that the guy ran away and then came back after I'd lost my energy trying to catch him. Not the most honorable of strategies. I did spar with a few people during my short-lived Tae-Kwon-Do kick, but that's not really fighting them. No intent to cause serious harm there. I have been considering learning Judo or Aikido in case I need it, though. I may end up doing that sometime later this year.
  10. 17 years. That's a long time for a cat. I'll miss you, Sammy.

  11. The Ludicoloite is reacting to Miror B's Mega Afro!

  12. Good news, everyone!

  13. So badly do I want to watch The Iron Giant right now. But I have no way of doing so. ;(

  14. I am not a gun.

  15. Me? A... VILLAIN?! I stand... for ALL which is... GRINEER! The TRUE HEIRS... to the Origin System! You cannot stop... the Grineer... liberation... of the System! And when... the last... resistance is gone... I will PERSONALLY... THROW... YOUR BELOVED FRIENDSHIP... INTO THE SUN!
  16. Enjoy your... precious friendship... while you can. Because once my... Formorians... arrive... There will be nothing!... left!... but ASHES!

    1. CheeryFox


      Let meh get that laugh for ya...



  17. I've had a lot of them, but they were all jumbled messes of letters and numbers. Kinda hard to remember something like that. ...Oh. THAT meaning of OTP... Well, only one immediately comes to mind: LimboXMirage from Warframe They're both based on magical entertainers, were once thought completely gone until they were recovered in the modern age, and both are rather adept at manipulating their surroundings. I like to think that they could start a travelling circus of the stars if they weren't too busy trying to kill things.
  18. Lately I've developed an interest in the idea of hypnosis in general. So much so that I'd like to try it out on myself. That said, though, I feel that going directly to this would be a *bit* too much for a novice such as myself (not to mention, these sorts of effects aren't what I'm looking for. ). So basically, I just want to know first if there are any tips you can give. For example, how to make myself more susceptible to suggestions, or even just how to get into a trance in the first place. Forgive me, I just hate going into anything blind.
  19. I can fly. Just let that sink in for a bit.

  20. Because people are doing this, apparently.

  21. So, odd thing happened lately. For now, I've given up on the tulpa. It just seems like, at this point in my life, I just lack the motivation to do it. Note that. As of late, I've taken somewhat of an interest in hypnosis as it could, in theory, allow me to definitively answer a question that I have. Since I have a friend who knows a lot about this stuff, he's offered to help me out. We were testing an induction method that ultimately proved not as successful as I would have liked, but apparently every bit helps with breaking any resistance. So while that was unsuccessful, it did have an... interesting side effect. About half an hour after we tried that, I started listening to some music on my friend's computer. I was getting into it (as I always do with Xenoblade music ), but I could tell that my friend was right behind me wondering what I was doing. I turn around, and alas, no one there. So, I continue listening for another 3 or so minutes, when I get that feeling again. And again, no one's there. Repeat 5 more times. Connection, mayhaps?
  22. Oh, I'm sorry. I am the SageScout. Where's that wisdomspencer?

  23. Well, this weekend's gonna be either very disappointing or very interesting.

    1. Nowwithevenmore~


      It'll be neither of those I'm sure

    2. Golurk


      Eh. I've just got something planned for Friday that's looking to be... interesting on the off chance that it works for me.

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