First of all, full discretion: technology is not there yet.
That said, though, I imagine it'd be difficult to separate them from the host mind. The closest I could imagine would be copying their personality, which isn't so much a "transfer" as "ctrl+c ctrl+v". Furthermore, I can't imagine it'd be possible to ctrl+x them that easily.
But, this does bring up an interesting alternate scenario: total brain mapping and copying. Now again, this is *pretty* far off, but the theory is that if a computer were to be "uploaded" with your brain, it could think like you with your personality. Now, this would require knowing where *every* neuron is and how they interact with every other neuron. Furthermore, it would require that you be recently deceased in order to get at that brainy goodness hands-on. Needless to say, fancy stuff that no one has any idea how to do, but would ultimately result in immortality of sorts.
But the question I'm trying to ask is this: If a person who had a tulpa were to be uploaded into a computer, would that be, in theory, the best way to prove their existence? Since I'd assume any thought *could* be translated into speech at that point, the thoughts of the tulpa would be included. Thus meaning, they'd be able to speak directly.
Food for thought.