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Orablanco Account

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Blog Comments posted by Orablanco Account

  1. I'm sorry to hear this. You're one of the cooler users on here, and the amount of work you are able to accomplish despite these problems is something to admire. But you've gotta do what you've gotta do to be happier, and if that means you have to step back for awhile or longer, than you have every right to. Just remember that you have friends here that support your decisions and that we far outnumber the Butthurt Brigade.


    I pray that you're able to overcome these troubles. I'll see you around, friend



    • Brohoof 1
  2. My favorite Dalek story was Day of the Daleks, and honestly that's got nothing to do with quality at all. It was the first time I saw the Daleks, and the whole 'you never forget your first Doctor' fits the Daleks as well. Genesis of the Daleks is usually considered the best, but I've got a soft spot for Remembrance of the Daleks with the Special Weapons Dalek, which we didn't get to see enough of.


    GotD is also my favorite. My favorite scene, however, is he confrontation that ensues when Nine boards the mothership. The idea that the Daleks' hate for others is a sacred duty they find beautiful is much more interesting than if they were just programmed to hate, and there's something mythic about it. It isn't just the hero going up against the alien menace -- it's the dark figure of the monsters' legends returning to haunt them, and vice versa. It's epic, and it ends with my one of my favorite moments in Doctor Who ever: the distraught Doctor leaning against the TARDIS door while the Daleks' warcry drowns out everything else.

  3. Indy didn't mind sidekicks or companions if they were on the same wavelength as him or had something to add to the quest, like Short Round, Sallah, or Elsa. He sort of resents people who "tag along" or insist on coming along (like Marion, his dad, and probably Rainbow Dash if she acted like she did here), and if he's saddled with anybody who doesn't want to go on an adventure...




    ...just no.


    So yeah, he's picky with whoever he brings along, but he definitely never works alone.


    Sorry, I saw an opportunity to nerd out out on something, and I took it.

  4. I very much enjoyed it. The ending was predictable as heck, but at least the reason she's operating the pipe organ is funny. Fluttershy was one of my favorite aspects of the episode, though. She was a scaredy-cat, but a really funny and cute scaredy-cat, as opposed to her depiction in "Magic Duel" or most of "Dragonshy", where she was annoyingly cowardly and dragged the episode down.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I'll admit, this movie wasn't grabbing my interest based on the promo material. I really liked Tangled, but I didn't care for Wreck-It Ralph and I outright disliked Brave (which I know was a Pixar production, but I mention anyway due to a stylistic resemblance).


    But this review was highly entertaining and the word "subversive" pushes all the right buttons for me, so congrats. You've convinced me.



    • Brohoof 1
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