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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by masterchaoss

  1. I need more people in my league, and its gonna be fun primarily Brony league so pleases guys don't leave me hanging here, it'll be fun. http://y.ahoo.it/7loUj8LZ
  2. Name is masterchaoss would be awesome if you guys add me need more friends bad in this game only have one so far, again would be really awesome.
  3. I'm really not sure probably a week or two after episode two comes out. It really depends on when the script gets finished, but as i said before don't be afraid to audition again.
  4. Here's the official cast list, you guys all did great and it was a though decision but like to thank all you guys for auditioning and to try again next episode if didn't get a part this round. Rackstraw-Jaredrut Street vendor-BronyHaterSlayer Vizier-BronyHaterSlayer King. Saddle Arabia-Jaredrut Q. Saddle Arabia-DoctorMcCrimmion Sapphire- Lilypad (off site audition)
  5. Hey just letting everypony know that today is the last day to get auditions in so you guys should know who get what part tomorrow the 1st.
  6. probably around noon on the first, so you should be able to see it but it all depends on how meany auditions we get, the more we get the more time it might take.
  7. No, ill just forward it to her so you wouldn't need to worry about that, hopefully this works for you, and ill send you a reply to let you know I got it.
  8. honestly I don't care, mp3 is more reliable for me because I'm doing most of my work on a phone until I can buy a PC soon, but whatever you want really.
  9. yeah here it is, it's masterchaoss@gmail.com if anyone else is having problems, or more comfortable having it being private send your audition to me via email. But its prefered you keep it on here.
  10. the links are not working so just send me the files though my email I sent to you via pm and forward them to dreamsong as well.
  11. no it's not that it's not reading the mp3 its just that unless your audition is a rant about youtube you uploading the wrong file.
  12. um little problem you may want to upload you fancy version again its file for a youtube video right now so yeah you may want to get that fixed.
  13. I'd like to have them done by the 1st, hopefully that be enough time but I can cast if your using some rough equipment. But if you can make sure to use the best equipment you have if you get casted.
  14. As director of this project am excited to see what you guys bring to this audition and just wanted to say break a leg. Again can't wait to hear what you guys can do!
  15. thanks man that means a lot, I'm glad you guys enjoyed it expect more soon, like in a month or so, but there will be more, man I'm excited. Man I forgot about this thread here a link to the first episode of the series for those who haven't seen it. were gonna be trying to get an episode every month or so.
  16. Because Discord is amassingly awesome chaotic fun. And I've been useing this username for years and embraced the typo along with it.
  17. Greatest RPG I've ever played. its one of the few games that give me a nostalgia shot, i really cant say any thing bad about it, all i can say is its amassing!
  18. Cadance is best princess mainly because she is a most accessible of the princesses, kinda like the people's princess and she is more beautiful in my opinion. Oh and she's actually show some heroism unlike the others excluded twilight.
  19. Kind, if you considered Halo 4's multiplayer as replaying than yes. TPAM thinks the Lakers are greatest sports franchise in history.
  20. Me want so bad the only thing I love than ponies kingdom hearts must and when I get it pure amazingness will enter my mind to bad it dosent have favorite games in 2 and birth by sleep. Also why no on Xbox square you put final fantasy on it you can put this as well, oh well I'm sure 3 will be.
  21. How about a race between rainbow dash sonic flash and a formula one car I just think it'd be an entertaining race, and a fun one at that.
  22. I'm 18, and im 6'8" play Basketball, Hockey and I sing, just your average 18 year old. And I thought the average age of our fandom was 19 were did all these kids come from?
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