Nexus stood, impressed by the apparent feats of this pony. Of course, it has left him scarred. Nexus knew more about that than anypony. But they have healed well.
"Well, it all started when I arrived at the Canterlot University. I was there to learn about any old ruins that might hold loot or changeling infestations. It was where most of us met. The headmaster called us all into his office, and offered a contract for an expedition into the Crystal Empire. Or what's left of it. This is exactly what I was looking for.
"However, as soon as we reached the transport meant to take us, we were sedated and taken to Delvia. We awoke and quickly established groups and a plan. I went with a fellow Tarot holder and a survivor to the town hall, where I found an alchemy book-" Nexus pulled the book out of his chestplate and held it up with his wing.
"And a demon with a giant robot and an army of mutated squid ponies. After he captured the other two, and a back and forth between me and the demon summoned by the Presence himself, I fought the giant robot, and killed it. This demon was working on a way to release the Presence and it looks like he succeeded.
We were saved by Lord Inquisitor Moon Crypt, and brought back to his base of operations. A few things happened here. We learned what our Tarot cards were, I fell in love with Lume here," He emphasized this by wrapping a wing around her and giving her a tight squeeze. Which is hard to do to a pony outfitted like a damned tank.
"And two psychotic mercenaries fused together into a single body...Well actually that part is a secret, but let's just say that is was pretty weird. It is worth mentioning that I didn't always look the way I do. The Justice card has been healing me physically, mentally, and internally. As well as changing my appearance to match my behavior.
"I also wanted to ask about the possibility of getting a few mages to use some light magic to restore the mutants in Delvia."