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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ActFast231

  1. 110 Luna images. This blog will take time to get up

  2. @, @, Nexus made no attempt to resist being carried. He hasn't flown so strenuously in years. At least they were making their way to the gate now, but until he recovered he was just dead weight. "Thanks Lume." He whispered. Nexus began to glow again, and when the glowing subsided, many more scars were gone. His coat was much brighter, and his eyes were now a pale blue. His mane and tail were now silver.
  3. Alright, time to get to work on that art blog. If your a Luna fan, this blog will cause will make you shit your pants in pure amazement.

    1. SmittyWerbenjagermanjense


      Not sure if i want that...

    2. Shift


      Well i'm a luna fan.

    3. ActFast231


      Your in for a treat Shift. It will take time to upload all the files, but trust me, it will be worth the wait.



  4. OK, last night I was looking through Luna art on deviantart, and decided to make an art blog, like I did with SoarinDash and Fallout Equestria. I thought there would about 15 images. Instead I saved exactly 110 images to my computer. So here you go, a high, pure concentrated dose of your favorite Princess of the Night, Princess Luna.
  5. 110 Luna images. You guys are in for the greatest art blog known to man tomorrow. Goodnight.

  6. Making an art blog soon. It will consist of Luna pics. It will exceed 50 images. Prepare your anus.

    1. TheInsaneShane


      It is waiting..... o_o

  7. @, @, "I'm going to provide air support while you two make your way to the exit." Nexus took off again, sailing high above the ground. He then heard a strange shriek. Turning his head, he see's several squiddies flying towards him. They were larger than the average mutant, and had bat wings as well. They appeared to be in attack formation. And they were moving in fast. "Couldn't be easy could it?" He muttered to himself. Nexus barrel rolled to the left. avoiding a charging mutant, and began evasive maneuvers to avoid the others. Bat wings may not be very good for speed, but they are great for agile movement. Nexus now has his claws out, the enchantment activated. He now has a blue, electric contrail following behind him. Nexus flips himself so that his belly is facing the sky, and begins to free fall, falling through a squad of flying mutants. He rotates around and opens his wings again, bringing his plummet to a sudden halt. The mutant squad is hot on his tail now, and he pulls up, flying over his party. Luckily, the mutant squad is too busy with him to deal with them. Nexus brings himself upright, ceasing acceleration rapidly, holding his claws out. He had the blunt end out, and only zapped the three mutants he hit. They began falling, twitching violently as they did. The landed roughly, and when they tried to stand up, the simply fell over themselves in a pile of tentacles and wings. Whether this was due to the shock or something else, he could not tell. He had 4 more left. Now he extended the shortsword, making the contrail shine more brilliantly. He did a flip in the air, getting behind the mutants, where he flapped his wings forward with all his might. he managed to catch up to one, and bopped his back with his electrified shortsword, blunt end first. It lost control, and crashed into another mutant, sending them both to the ground. And once again, they were near incapable of moving around on foot. Two left. They spilt apart, and got on each side of him, charging around in the air. Nexus was barely evading, but eventually clocked another mutant. He was glad he as able to take them all down non-lethally. He couldn't see where the last mutant was as he sped along, until it rammed into his back from above, wrapping it's tentacles around his chest. Nexus yelped in surprise, and tried to shake it off. He hit the blunt of the weapon to it's back, which only succeeded in tightening it's grip. He looked back at it, meeting it face to face. The creature looked...terrified. Like it was certain it's doom was coming, and it was experiencing immeasurable fear. As they plummeted to the ground, Nexus knew that this thing couldn't release as it was paralyses by the shock. Not so paralyses that it couldn't shriek in horror. The slime on the tentacles was not enough for the hunter to get free, but enough to turn around and wrap his wings and legs around the creature. He hit the ground hard, back first. Luckily, along with the thick armor, Nexus also had much stronger bones than the average pony, as do all pegasi and bat ponies. So he didn't break anything. It still hurt like hell, and created a crater. He landed within sight of the party, and with a deep groan, let his grip lax, releasing the creature. It opened it's hollow eyes, and saw they were on the ground. He looked down at Nexus, who had several cuts on his body and was bleeding lightly. It released it's grip on him, and opened it's mouth as though to *attempt* to say something, but when it saw the others approaching, it hopped up and took off, disappearing into the sky. Nexus remained in his back, breathing heavily, trying to regain his strength. He wasn't so much injured as he was exhausted.
  8. @, @, Nexus made sure to stay high enough that he could remain undetected. Looking over the land, he spots a safe route, and quickly makes his way back to the party, landing with a dull thud. "Southwest of us, about a 10 minute walk, there is a gate that leads out of town. The only obstacles are a few squiddies, and a small pack of zombies."
  9. Would it please thee to hear thy woes and turmoils?

  10. I get a glass of milk, and hold the Oreo in the milk until the bubbles stop. Repeat for the 3 cookies I grabbed, then drink the milk.
  11. My family is falling apart

    1. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      I am so sorry to hear that.

    2. Wingnut


      That's a sad thing to see. :( Hang in there.

    3. Yes-Man


      It's okay, bro. I know what it's like.

  12. @, @, Nexus made a rather unpleasant sound at the halved zombie. Looking around at the surrounding area, there were a few zombies, a dozen or so squid ponies, and in the distance, the wrecked bus was present. Nexus thought about how to leave safely. If he wasn't the only winged member of the group, he could of simply flown out. Wait, that's it. "Here, let me fly up and see of I can't locate a safe exit." He flapped his wings, and was off, searching for a safe route. (Didn't want to do everything in one post.)
  13. I think I got one. I am going to be reading "Lvl X" in the PSASBR announcer voice. Level 1-Regeneration. Allows for wounds such as cuts and fractures to regenerate over time. Regeneration takes 60 seconds. Level 2-Regenerate within 30 seconds, extend regeneration to one other teammate. Regenerates more serious wounds. Level 3-Regenerate within 10 seconds, extend regeneration to the entire party. Regenerates all wounds. Drains all nearby enemies life force. Draining ends when they step out of range or die. How's that?
  14. @, Nexus got up after finishing his meal and walked over to Solar Flare by the door. He slept heavier that night than ever before in his life. Then again, he did fight off a giant mech, train for hours, confess his love to Lume, and jumped across the multiverse to stop an assassin for some faction called the Lunar Republic. He made a mental note to get answers from Garrison when this was over. His dreams consisted from Lume to exploring the world, sometimes both together. He looked back to his two other teammates, keeping his expression neutral. "OK, if there is anything last minute that you need to take care of, best to do it now." @, @,
  15. @@slimmyjimjim, "My parents are dead. They died when I was a teen when the changelings invaded my clan." He said dryly. Looking over, he saw genuine concern in her eyes. This made him feel a little better. "I don't know. It feels wring to manipulate and drain ponies." He chuckled humorlessly. "Not like I got a say in the matter though." With a heavy sigh, he began collecting sticks from the ground. "Might as well rest. Nothing we can do at night. We can pick up securing my slavery in the morning."
  16. @, I immediately think of Playstation Allstars Battle Royal when you speak of multi-tiered powers. I may need a but to come up with something.
  17. @@slimmyjimjim, Nexus also sighed heavily. Somehow, he found himself growing depressed. "Yeah, because when ponies are killed and turned into collectibles for a twisted mage, it's a shame because of the wasted love." He continued walking, head held low. Maybe he didn't repress all negative emotions. "Is this the life I'm destined to lead? Just a drone for an evil queen? Yeah, really doing my parents proud." He would occasionally look around for the plant in question, but then return his head to a low. "Maybe...maybe the only way out is if I...you know, end it myself. Keep Chrysalis from using me."
  18. I learned something. There are some really good clopfics out there. And I mean story, structure, character development wise. Some even beat out normal fics in quality.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NothingIsEverything


      I think that there is a thing on the left side of the screen to add more people.

    3. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      You can add people into one PM. I'm wondering if it's really good. I mean, for research purpose.

    4. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      You can add people into one PM. I'm wondering if it's really good. I mean, for research purpose.

  19. Erectin' a Spyspencer

  20. @@slimmyjimjim, "That explains the slowly growing...urges. I figured that Chrysalis needs me as I am. Since I have the ability to feed on changelings, she needs me until I get that plant. Then she will get my ability. And theoretically I should get her mind control ability." Nexus shrugged, looking upset. "Doesn't matter. Parcel is doomed if I don't get this plant. I'm hoping I can find a way to stop her, but if I need to become a slave to save a friend, so be it." He looked between the two mares, one unicorn and one changeling, and then ahead. "Let's just get the plant. And Cypriss...I'm sorry for what I did. Just, please show a little restraint, just for this mission, OK?"
  21. I haven't read a word of anything FO:E but I like the art. So here you go.
  22. It is not a good day today :(

  23. Wish I could go 10 minutes without my father berating me and making me feel less about myself. :l

  24. @@slimmyjimjim, "Don't like it? Next time, DON'T FEED OFF MY FRIENDS!" Nexus began the process of reeling in the hate. He must not kill her, as she is vital to this mission. Plus, despite the hate, he still wanted to be friends. Might as well have on in the changeling ranks. After five minutes, Nexus reels it in completely, regaining control. Cypriss looks like she's near death. Nexus looks over her, shaking his head. "Next time, you come to me if you need love. You don't feed on the innocent, or my friends. Or else that will happen. Again and again. Understood?" He spoke in a firm tone, glaring down at her.
  25. @@slimmyjimjim, "Six" "Seven" "Eight" She really is going to test it, isn't she? "Nine" "Ten" Nexus attached his line to Cypriss, and did something he recalls having hurt Parcel very badly when they first met. It got Dogboots a lot of scars. He thought of his parents, how they died, all the grief, anger, and hatred he could summon, and then he poured it through his line, while also verbally delivering it. "Figures you changelings can't help it. You all are a bunch of murderous, evil monsters hell bent on the destruction of Equestria. Bunch of sick, psychotic demon spawns. I'm glad I've killed so many, and I take comfort knowing my dad killed a TON of you pricks before he went down. Maybe Parcel is really a pony in a changeling body. Can't see changelings having hearts any other way. Not like you care you selfish, greedy, cold hearted ICE BITCH!!!" Nexus' voice grew deeper, darker, as did his coat, and the volume of his speech increased as well. He was oozing more hate than Luminari was love. Problem was, once the flood gates are open, it's hard to close them.
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