"I'm going to provide air support while you two make your way to the exit." Nexus took off again, sailing high above the ground. He then heard a strange shriek. Turning his head, he see's several squiddies flying towards him. They were larger than the average mutant, and had bat wings as well. They appeared to be in attack formation. And they were moving in fast.
"Couldn't be easy could it?" He muttered to himself. Nexus barrel rolled to the left. avoiding a charging mutant, and began evasive maneuvers to avoid the others. Bat wings may not be very good for speed, but they are great for agile movement. Nexus now has his claws out, the enchantment activated. He now has a blue, electric contrail following behind him. Nexus flips himself so that his belly is facing the sky, and begins to free fall, falling through a squad of flying mutants. He rotates around and opens his wings again, bringing his plummet to a sudden halt. The mutant squad is hot on his tail now, and he pulls up, flying over his party. Luckily, the mutant squad is too busy with him to deal with them. Nexus brings himself upright, ceasing acceleration rapidly, holding his claws out. He had the blunt end out, and only zapped the three mutants he hit. They began falling, twitching violently as they did. The landed roughly, and when they tried to stand up, the simply fell over themselves in a pile of tentacles and wings. Whether this was due to the shock or something else, he could not tell.
He had 4 more left. Now he extended the shortsword, making the contrail shine more brilliantly. He did a flip in the air, getting behind the mutants, where he flapped his wings forward with all his might. he managed to catch up to one, and bopped his back with his electrified shortsword, blunt end first. It lost control, and crashed into another mutant, sending them both to the ground. And once again, they were near incapable of moving around on foot. Two left. They spilt apart, and got on each side of him, charging around in the air. Nexus was barely evading, but eventually clocked another mutant. He was glad he as able to take them all down non-lethally.
He couldn't see where the last mutant was as he sped along, until it rammed into his back from above, wrapping it's tentacles around his chest. Nexus yelped in surprise, and tried to shake it off. He hit the blunt of the weapon to it's back, which only succeeded in tightening it's grip. He looked back at it, meeting it face to face. The creature looked...terrified. Like it was certain it's doom was coming, and it was experiencing immeasurable fear. As they plummeted to the ground, Nexus knew that this thing couldn't release as it was paralyses by the shock. Not so paralyses that it couldn't shriek in horror. The slime on the tentacles was not enough for the hunter to get free, but enough to turn around and wrap his wings and legs around the creature. He hit the ground hard, back first. Luckily, along with the thick armor, Nexus also had much stronger bones than the average pony, as do all pegasi and bat ponies.
So he didn't break anything. It still hurt like hell, and created a crater. He landed within sight of the party, and with a deep groan, let his grip lax, releasing the creature. It opened it's hollow eyes, and saw they were on the ground. He looked down at Nexus, who had several cuts on his body and was bleeding lightly. It released it's grip on him, and opened it's mouth as though to *attempt* to say something, but when it saw the others approaching, it hopped up and took off, disappearing into the sky. Nexus remained in his back, breathing heavily, trying to regain his strength. He wasn't so much injured as he was exhausted.