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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ActFast231

  1. Goodnight you glorious sons of bitches.

    1. Fender


      Goodnight. c:

    2. Shiki


      What about the daughters of bitches?

  2. @@slimmyjimjim, "Cypriss, changelings can fall in love. I don't know what the queen has told you, but I've seen it. I have seen happy changeling/pony couples. And I know they loved each other, because when I killed one, the other died as well. It's what happens when a changeling bonds with another being in that nature. Or so I have observed." He turned his head to face her, but kept walking. "No matter what you could of done, know that at least you aren't a murderous sword for hire. From what interaction I have had with you, you seem better than other changelings. Like for instance, you didn't murder me, or snarl or hiss, and in fact tried to save my life. Then you put up with my condescending attitude with little but a blow to the ground, which I deserved." Nexus started twirling his line around absentmindedly. "Feel free to double check with your line of you think I'm BSing."
  3. I hate Eggmanland with a burning passion

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Sonic much? :3

    2. ActFast231


      Sonic Unleashed. That last stage is evil

  4. @, Nexus couldn't help but smirk at that. It was sound enough logic, and there is lighter sets of armor for more agile combatants, but he had his own reasons for wearing all this armor. "I wear this armor because of the dark resistance enchantment on it. It also has a great deal of sentimental value to me." He continued looking through the armory wall, trying to locate his weapon of choice. "If you would like to help out, see if you can find another pair of hoof claws. Or any other weapon that an earth pony can wield without too much trouble."
  5. Nexus made it into the training room, and checked his armor. All pieces reading 100% charge. He checked his claws next. Same as the armor. He donned his fathers Inquisitor armor. The chestplate went on first. It was a deep purple that covered his entire torso and back. His wings slid easily into the slots on the side, and the chest piece itself formed itself to fit better. The center piece bore the Inquisitor logo. He next put on his claws and grieves. They were made of a solid metal that made a distinctly heavy sound when he walked. The claws on the front grieves folded up on the side of his legs when not in use. The helmet went on last. It had a crescent moon mounted on the front, as well as other designs. The eye patch that covered his left eye was enchanted to allow him to see through it. With Nexus fully armed again, he began searching for an extra pair of claws or any other weapons that might suit Lume.
  6. Nexus whistled at the sight of the weapon. "I have seen some exotic weapons in my time, but that one is definitely the most impressive in terms of raw power. I was just thinking-with Lume being an earth pony-that hoof claws would be a good entry level weapon. Not that earth ponies can't wield other weapons, but it is generally harder than it is for unicorns or pegasi." "There's nothing wrong with stealth based combat. Sometimes you have a better chance picking enemies of silently than taking them all on at once. I've had my fair share of assassinations. But it is always good to be able to hold your own if stealth fails, as it sometimes does." Nexus finished his share of the toasted hay, and stood up. "I am going to go check on my gear in the training room. Lume, Solar Flare, feel free to meet me in there when your done."
  7. Festival of Blood, as it is called, is a standalone title that plays as an expansion to Infamous 2. Similar to Blood Dragon, but much shorter. It is pretty fun. Not Infamous 2 fun, but still good.
  8. @, Nexus looked at the bowl of toasted hay, and gave a shrug. "Why the hell not?" He took a small amount in his wing, and took a bite into it. The groan that followed was confirmation that it tasted good. "Celestia, this is good. It's been a while since I had anything this tasty." He ate his small amount a little quicker now, visually pleased with the taste. He took a little more into his wing, making sure to leave plenty for Lume. "Your going to need all your strength for the training that is to come." He said as he continued eating. He didn't mind a lesser amount. He was used to smaller portions of food. Comes with his line of work, naturally.
  9. I have invested heavily into Kingdom Hearts 2, The Infamous Collection, and Sonic Unleashed. The first and third are rather long games, and the second, which is all three Infamous games released currently, I have gone through and 100%
  10. @, @, (Sorry, I crashed for about four hours) "Thank you Solar Flair. I am wanting to train her in the use of hoof claws, as well as basic survival tactics and first aid." He was going to take full advantage of these three days to make sure Lume was as ready as she could be for what's to come, with Solar Flairs help. Hell, maybe he could learn a thing or two. Nexus is proficient in combat, but he doesn't know everything. Facing Lume again, with the concern look not as strong as before, he wanted to confirm this with her. "What do you think? Want to take the next three days to train as much as you can? We should also be able to have that talk while we're at it."
  11. @, @, @, Nexus had a look of shock on his face. So not only was the Presence out, but now they had been tasked with capturing and destroying it. But if he read that log correctly, this thing ate souls. He looked to Lume, concern evident in his eyes. "Lord Moon Crypt, when may I ask are we leaving for Canterlot? I was going to get Lume comfortable with hoof claws, and well, beyond basic CQC, it seems Solar Flare and I are the only ones with advanced combat training." He was afraid of losing Lume. If the Presence is out, chances are that it would make it's way to the place with the most souls. Meaning the capital. Not only are they in danger, but so is the King, and all the citizens. "Perhaps the two of us can give Lume and Klarix respectively a run down combat utilizing weapons. I recommend they also get armor of some description."
  12. @, Alright, got an idea of how to pull this off. I am thinking that they come clean with it, but don't just jump right into a relationship. As there are complications with it, beyond the obvious "fighting a demon trying to extinguish all life" Knowing how the other feels and acting on it are two separate things.
  13. Nexus didn't even notice that he ran out of coffee. The air was thick with tension, so much that you could cut it. He set his cup down on the table, and looked up to see that she was retrieving toasted hay, then nearly tripped over herself as she got to the table. Nexus sat down next to her. "Listen, Lume. I...I think we need to have a serious talk about, well, recent developments. It does neither of us good in the field if we remain in this rather awkward state." He kept his tone low, but level.
  14. @@slimmyjimjim, Nexus had his line out, and had it hovering above his head. As far as he could tell, only changelings can see lines. "Ponies tend to get jealous when there dominance is challenged. I don't know. Maybe he loves you. Maybe. I didn't feel any love, just jealousy." With a deep sigh, he brought his line-a blue strand of energy-into his field of vision. "Everything that's happened to me...my family, Virus, this transformation, and now I am doing the queens dirty work...I don't know, it just feels unreal. Doubly so considering that I died. I died when Virus did, and if my line didn't attach to Boon, I would of stayed dead. Maybe...maybe it would of been better for me to die there. A heroes death. Now I am going to hurt the ponies I fought and died protecting. I guess my only consolation is that not all changelings are bad. You seem alright." The hunter brought a hoof up and felt the line. It felt warm, like a tentacle. "Sorry. I'm just rambling at this point. You probably don't care about the 'halflings' hangups."
  15. "Heh, you have a point. This is the most hellish place imaginable and-hehe-and all things considered this is the best time I've had since I left my clan and became a changeling hunter. You wouldn't think it would take being gassed out and dumped in the middle of hell on Equestria for me to get over my parent's deeeee~departure." The laughing slowly died down as Nexus nearly blurted out a rather personal piece of information. It seems like Lume didn't have similar luck. The laughing gone, replaced by nervous tension, Nexus spoke up. "I hear that. It is an emotion that I have gone 16 years without, so it's odd when it returns. Guess that Tarot power is mending more than physical injuries." He said, scratching the back of his head before taking another drink of his coffee.
  16. Sugar Plum, if your reading this, S RANK ON JUNGLE JOYRIDE DAY!!!

  17. Nexus took a sip of his coffee, and thankfully swallowed before Lume slowly went from a giggle to a rather charming laugh. Which in turn caused the hunters heart rate to jump dramatically, followed by body heat increasing, and a dopey smile to overtake his face. He began chuckling himself, until he found himself lightly laughing as well. This whole ordeal tremendously uplifted his mood. "Why are we laughing?" He asked between light laughs.
  18. I tried making an account on Justin.tv and it looks like ActFast231 is in use. IDENTITY THEFT!! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!!11!!1!!!

    1. TheInsaneShane


      I love that movie...

  19. Soon the two found themselves at the cafeteria. Nexus took a seat next to Lume, and quickly got lost in his thoughts as she began conversing with the two mercs merged into one super freak. Celestia-damnit she is cute. How do i go about telling her about how I feel that minimizes damage if it goes to shit in a hurry? A letter? Nah, to impersonal. Maybe sing something? Do I even know any love songs? Damnit, I should of payed more attention to those when I found them. Maybe write one? No chance in hell. Nexus didn't realize that he had been absentmindedly been staring at the two-three?-talking, and offered a sheepish smile and a wave. His thought quickly resumed. Why did she look over? What is that look on his face? Is trying to move in on her? Take her away to train her themselves? Those bastards. Wait, why am I being possessive? Curses, this is so confusing. Maybe I should be up front and tell her what I feel. I sort of did already, maybe she could put two and two together? I don't know. Nexus soon found two cups of coffee in front of him, courtesy of a white cloaked figure. A quiet thank you, and he quickly moved to Lume's side, the coffees in his wing grip. "Here is your coffee Lume, enjoy." He said warmly, extending a wing for her to grab the drink.
  20. @, @, Nexus trotted over to his bed, picking up the log and returning it to Klarix with a thank you, before making his way to Lume. "Would you like to join me for some morning coffee before we move on to weapons training?" Nexus was excited. He rarely got to pass on his skills to others, or demonstrate his own abilities. Plus, he could spend more time with Lume. It's a win win.
  21. Anyone remember ToonTown Online? That was a fun game.

  22. @, Nexus felt with his hooves the newly formed vocal chords vibrate. The voice was scratchy and high pitched, but that was to be expected. "Your vocal chords are forming rather well form what I can tell. I recommend giving it some time. They are sure to develop more, and practicing speech would also help the process. But start slowly. No screaming. No prolonged talking. Slowly build up your voices strength. Depending on how quickly the chords develop, I would say that full speech capability will come anywhere between 24 hours to a few weeks. Maybe faster. This is the first time something of this nature has occurred. So relax, give it time, and don't stress your voice too much. Doctors orders." Nexus stood back up and allowed for Fen to return to the colt she chose as a father figure; Midnight.
  23. @, Nexus knelt down, and very softly felt the young filly's neck, right where the vocal chords are. He could now feel something there, instead of it being nothing like before. "Interesting, it looks like the slime that inhabits her throat is forming some new vocal chords. If that is the case, I don't recommend straining too much. Let me test something." He looked up to meet Fen's gaze. "Fen, would you please try and say something. Remember, don't strain your voice.
  24. I broke a status over the course of 3 days. Neat.

  25. @, Nexus had a look of wonderment on his face. He glance over to Lume and then, closing the book, walked over to Midnight. He knelt down to be eye level with Fen. "Fen, may I please do another quick examination. This one will be much quicker I promise." Nexus wanted to see how this was possible, and to confirm a suspicion.
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