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Everything posted by ActFast231

  1. @, Nexus allowed a smile to form at her kind words. He was afraid of telling her everything because of the fear of her coming to hate him and who he is. Who he made himself into for the sake of revenge. It was amazing to see her look past his actions like that. The close proximity and physical contact caused another strange reaction in Nexus. His heart rate increased to rapid pace, and he could feel his face warm up. What this meant, he did not know, but he decided that was a mystery for later. It took a second for Nexus to regain his senses, but he quickly turned to the earth pony in the center. "Oh, right. Well, why not try the first punch I showed you? Remember, the forelegs are the only parts that leave the ground, you bring your hoof forward, and bring it down with the force of the fall. You need to be quick, the longer your on all two the more vulnerable you are."
  2. @, "I will do all I can to prepare you for whats to come. And for the record, quite a few of us are just normal everyday ponies." A particular statement ran through his head though, and it may have caused the pain to spark to life. "Believe me, you are nowhere near a failure. I know what failure looks and feels like. I have seen ponies suffer because I wasn't fast enough. The scars that litter my body are a constant reminder of my...biggest failure. One that had a very high cost. So trust me, you are not a failure. And normal ponies can be heroic when they need to be. I...try, but I'm no hero, as cliched as it sounds. The ponies I've killed? I killed a mare that was in love with my target because...because she was in the way. She tried saving it by attacking me and I just ended her. Does that sound like something a hero does? No, at the end of the day I'm a killer for hire. And now I got to teach you what I know for the sake of survival." He mutters the next part to himself. "Because I don't think I could take watching the ponies I care for die again." He spoke up. "Sorry, you shouldn't be shackled with my grief, but I just wanted to ensure you that you are far from a failure, and to help you differentiate a hero from a killer."
  3. @, Once the strange hybrid left the room, Nexus turned to face Lume, who was right behind him, fear evident. This caused a strange mix of emotions, ranging from concern for the mare, and anger towards the mercs, among others. It was a strange melting pot of feelings, but he did his best to focus on the here and now. "Hey, it's OK. He...or they, left. No harm is going to come to you here." He said softly. Though he knew that they would face horrors out in the field, that was probably the most intimidating organic being he has seen all day. But he would not show fear. "I have yet to see anything that intimidating yet, save for a giant robot I destroyed, but you need to be be strong. When ponies are in a scary situation, they enter a 'fight-or-flight' mode. Meaning they either take the fear head on or try to escape from it. You need to use that Tarot power in you and make that fear your strength. I know you can." Nexus looked up to see if anypony was in the room. Nope. He returned his focus to Lume, hoping his words did the trick.
  4. Back in an hour, I am going to bike ride in 100 degree weather.

  5. @, The two sides talking at once was definitely going to take some time to get used to it, but again, not the weirdest thing to happen to Nexus. "I learned that the hard way. You are too unbalanced on two legs in a fight. The attack I demonstrated, however, has you up and down in two seconds for the hit. It isn't full proof, as I have encountered enemies fast enough to get under you in that two second gap, but it has served me well over the years."
  6. @, Not sure if that's a word, but like a said, please don't disrupt too much, as it is rather rude to jump in between two people like that.
  7. @, @, Nexus was considered large. Not in weight or girth-though he did have muscle from years of hunting-but in height. He stood above most ponies. This was not one of them. Never has he had to look up at a pony. But he did with this one. This day was full of firsts. He noticed the mix of blue and brown, most noticeably on the face. He saw the scar on the brown side, and frowned. "I'm not sure how a fusion of this level is possible, but weirder stuff has happened here. Sad to say, but I don't think any level of surgery could fix this." He said. He couldn't fix two ponies fused together as it would likely kill one of them. Internally, he was kind of pissed that these two not only screwed up in the most inconceivable way imaginable, but simply came into a room he was pretty sure the Inquisitors were suppose to keep others out of. But he would not show his frustration towards the joined mercs, especially not after hearing his Tarot reading. He didn't realize it, but he ended up standing between Lume and this beast of a pony. He must of subconsciously moved between them. "May I ask, how this happened? Maybe get a better sense of what we're dealing with?" (Keep in mind that the training session is a way to further the character interaction between Nexus and Lume, so don't interfere to much please.)
  8. @, Nexus thought a moment, taking into account her physique and race, before coming to a decision. "Well, I usually use my wings as a way to handle other weapons besides claws, but that isn't an option here, so maybe...why don't we learn some hoof to hoof combat first." Nexus stood back and got into an offensive position. "First thing is that being an earth pony, you should be able to hit harder than others. If you want to go for a high hit you get your forelegs up with a small leap and bring you hoof down with the force of the landing." Nexus demonstrated by getting his upper body up, and with his right hoof, he arched it forward and down with a quick motion. The sound of impact made the force very clear. "The key is to keep your hindlegs firmly planted in the ground, as letting them get into the air will throw you off balance. As long as you don't bring your hooves to far forward you should land solidly. Another thing you could do is to bring it under and up. You take a step forward with one hoof, and bring the other hoof up for the hit." He again, demonstrated by bringing his right hoof forward a pace and swinging his left hoof up, the bottom facing up. "You want to aim for the bottom of the chin with that to maximize damage." He stepped back to the edge of the arena. "Now you try."
  9. @, "Master? I'm not some old pony with a white beard teaching kids how to fight bullies yet." He said in the first joke he may of ever made. He motioned her to follow, and made his way to the chamber where his armor was. He glanced over to her from time to tome as they walked, her presence just being enough to lift his spirit. The room in question was spacious enough to allow for some training. After dismissing the Inquisitors in the room, he turned to face her. "So, what would you like to learn first?"
  10. @, That was it. Nexus knew now what was causing his change. He hadn't noticed at the time, but during his conversation with Lume-finishing up just as he got back to his seat-but several more scars vanished from his body. Every time he does good, helps others, and acts kindly, his wounds-both that of the body and soul-heal and mend. So that means that negative actions will wither and warp him even more. Good thing he isn't one to act cruelly. He took a moment to get introspective and saw that the pain of his parents death is getting duller. He isn't forgetting it, it's just not hurting as bad. That brought the umpteenth smile on his face today. He listened in to the other Tarots, and actually was actually surprised when he heard what Lume's was. He was just talking to her about it not five minutes-that is, controlling your fear and emotion. Though the concept of turning infatuation into passion and confidence confused him. Mainly because he had no idea what love of that nature felt like. He didn't even know if he would know it if it was happening. He got up and walked over to her after the completion of the readings, ready to start training. "Hey Lume, you want to start some basic training now?"
  11. @, @, Nexus smile grew ever so slightly at the word friend. It was strange, going from loner to companion so quickly, but he was not opposed in the slightest. He was very eager to start her training, if for nothing else, so he could spend more time with her, and to ensure nothing happened when they headed out eventually. That is, if she WANTS to spend more time wi- Well, that answers that question. Nexus returned to his seat, where his Tarots still lay face down. He glanced back over to Lume, before bringing his attention to Moon Crypt. "So, what is step two Inquisitor Lord Moon Crypt, sir?" Nexus had the vague idea that ponies here hated formalities, and being in the good mood he was in, the hunter decided to screw with the changeling a little. Nothing malicious, of course.
  12. Just purchased the special edition of LittleBigPlanet 2. It is fun game.

  13. "And I wouldn't blame you. I don't want to be a changeling slave." Nexus closed his eyes and tried to focus his inner energy. He tried to connect to his inner changeling, to summon that magic, and jack himself into the hive mind. He felt it starting to work, as well. He didn't even notice the yellow mare approach. He got closer and closer, until... His eyes shot open, and he fell to his knees. Thousands of thoughts entered his mind from countless changelings. It was overwhelming. "C-corkscrew. I-I-I'm in. The hive mind. It is-it is overwhelming." He started to broadcast his own thoughts into the pool. Listen up. This is Nexus Tersona, changeling hunter, survivor of the Terra Nova invasion, and I'm calling you out, Chrysalis. You think you can get away with this crap? You think you can control me? Then come down to the ancient castle ruins in Everfree ASAP. We fight to the death. You don't show, I start slaughtering you subjects until you do. "I-I sent the message. Sh-sh-she'll be here a-any moment now." He could feel it. He could feel the queen getting closer. The mind fog got more intense as she got closer, but he held on, as his integration into the hive mind was broadcasting their position like a beacon. (I got an idea for a Nexus ending if you kill or disable Chrysalis.)
  14. Yes Torchic, Mudkip, or Treeko?
  15. PS4: Launching with 4 high quality F2P games that do not require PS+ *squee*

    1. ParsoOfEquestria


      lemmie guess; Warframe, Blacklight, and Planetside are 3 of them

    2. ActFast231


      Yep, and DC Universe is the last.

  16. @, Nexus tensed up at the arm wrapped around him. Post-Invasion, the only time anypony touched him was to attack him. So this was extremely foreign to him. Mid way through, Nexus relaxed a little wrapped in her arm. Looking her in the eye he saw...sincerity. That's another thing he hasn't received since the attack. Kindness. Ponies at best were polite, and most of the time he was the one giving the kindness. To actually have somepony treat him like...like a pony, and not this deformed heartless killing machine...A warmth overtook the hunter. A warmth that melted any negativity in him. He never knew how much the hatred he has drowned in over the years had affected him until presented with kindness. A very bright smile overtook his face, and he looked down at Lume, wrapping his own arm around her for a brief hug. "Thanks Lume. You have no idea how much that means to me." He said softly, breaking the hug. "Well, a changeling hunter is a type of mercenary that specializes in tracking and hunting changelings. When I enter towns, sometimes the townsfolk will offer me a contract. It lists the details of the assignment, the payment, and any other relevant information. Once accepted, I head out and deal with the changelings. Sometimes I also get contracted for expeditions to ruins and other dangerous zones to looks for certain items or info. Tracking changelings involves finding their location, distinguishing real ponies from doppelgangers, and quick, silent kills. It can take anywhere between a few hours to a few weeks. I never accept contracts against other ponies, though I have killed four. Two on accident, two on necessity. Beyond that, I have knowledge of survival tactics, and medical expertise rivaling the unicorns. I am actually qualified to perform surgery, be it in an operating room or the field. I can teach you how to use claws, and some general first aid, as well as some techniques for survival in dangerous areas."
  17. @, Now that was something that may have hit Nexus a little harder than it should of. He has heard worse, but this just seemed terrible. "Celestia, Lume...I'm so sorry. Had I known..." How could they of missed her? How could they of just passed up another survivor? "You were dumped in a random place full of hostile creatures with no means of defense. Anypony would be scared witless. And you are not stupid, by any stretch of the imagination. We don't think clearly when we're afraid. But if 15 years of being a changeling hunter has taught me anything, it's never let fear rule you. There will always be a voice telling you to lay down and accept death. Never listen to that voice. You keep fighting, keep persisting. Don't let the dark, the fear, the...evil win." Pep talks should be his cutie mark at the rate things have been going today. But he had an idea. "If you want, I can teach you some stuff. I can teach you basic combat, first aid, survival tactics, whatever. If we hope to stop the Resh and the Presence, we need to be at top condition." He glanced down at his chest, frowning. "Says the horribly deformed freak..." He muttered to himself. Maybe sitting right next to somepony was not the best place to mutter, but what's done is done.
  18. @, Nexus finished off his salad, and idly stared down at his Tarot cards. He pondered what they could possibly be on the face. He then turned his attention to the others-specifically Lume. He might as well get to know his friends better. And he did consider her a friend. Be it from kindness or desperation, he could not tell. So much has happened in the past day that he could not keep track. Not like it was the first time he was thrown into strange situations, this was just the biggest, and the first one to involve others. He scooted over to sit next to her, being mindful of others. "Hey." He didn't know a better way to announce himself, so he went with simplicity. "So uhh...if you don't mind the intrusion, what were you doing before Moon Crypt found you?" That's an OK thing to ask, right? Nexus had near no social experience, so beyond the basic, he had no idea how to interact with others on a casual level. His skills were killing, healing, and surviving, not friendship.
  19. Welp, as long as Midnight and Psych are at it, might as well get some interaction going between Nexus and . I am quite bored ATM.
  20. Sega, your doing good making Sonic games great again. Go get yourself a cookie. You've earned it.

  21. Gotta respect the Japanese. They make some pretty awesome games.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      its got GIRLS n theres TENTACLES dats b/c its japannys

    3. Soundgarden


      ye dat hentaj stuff be crepy lajk evry1 frum jappan

    4. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      omg dont say dat japan is da best pleac for games n stuf stuf from otehr countrys is relly bad but aytihng frum japan is good

  22. Anyone else gonna preorder Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ActFast231


      Aww. But it's fun D:

    3. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      I know. I've beaten the majority of the KH games. I just want the third one to come out :|

    4. ActFast231


      Well, the director said it was early in development, so expect a 2015 launch, if I had to guess.

  23. Mods are asleep. Post........Sonic.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jokuc


      I don't like Sonic :V


      Rayman and Mario!

    3. Jadefire


      Mods are asleep, post humans!

    4. ActFast231


      Evilshy likely hates my signature :(

  24. I agree. I think I romance sub-plot would be an excellent addition to the overall story and individual characters.
  25. She said she wanted the D. So I gave her DIABEETUS!!!

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Or you could have gave her a dog, a dandilion, a door. :3

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