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Everything posted by ActFast231

  1. @, Nexus shrugged as he ate his salad, pulling out two cards from the deck, not bothering to lift them, and keeping them face down. He put them in front of him, just ahead of the salad bowl. He swallowed his mouthful before looking up at Moon Crypt. "OK, now what? Do I just flip them now, or what?"
  2. I woke up 30 minutes ago in a cold sweat with a rapid heart beat, no energy, shaky body. Turns out my blood sugar was rather low and it woke me up pretty early. That is a terrible way to awaken.

  3. @, Nexus gave a nod, and started heading down. He was going to as Lume to join him, but she looked in the middle of a conversation. He shouldn't disturb them. So he headed down to the mess hall, but not before hearing a small explosion. Which caused him to sigh. "Who the hell is blowing stuff up now?" He muttered under his breath. He shrugged it off, and moved into the mess hall. Where ponies were growing in number. Even with a over a quarter of the scars gone, Nexus still felt uncomfortable being around the many ponies naked. He trotted to Moon Crypt to pick up his meal, but not before asking "Hey, when do you think the enchantments on my weapons and armor will be done?"
  4. Nexus started folding out beds in the rooms provided, thinking to himself as he worked. It's nice when a newcomer shows up, and she isn't psychotic. Red Alert worries me, as he seems prone to violence, and Standoff seems to just want to assume control. Apparently he didn't get the memo that nopony is going to do what you say just because you demand it. His thoughts continued to drift to each member of their group Midnight seems to have a lot of potential, though I don't feel comfortable with bringing Fen everywhere. Celestia forbid anything happen to her. I know I can restore her. I just need the right pieces. Arianna and Klarix worry me. They don't seem like fighters, and I don't want to put them in harms way. Nor do I with anypony, but I fell better if they at least know how to fight. Maybe the Inquisitors can teach them some basic combat. Or Rose. She seems capable with those swords. She has to be to survive alone in this hellhole for a month. Can't believe this used to be a quaint little town... Acheron also raises alarms. His dark magic could be useful, but he seems more interested in his own personal agenda, and getting at me. We can't afford infighting. If I kill him, or he corrupts me, it will weaken the entire group. I'm no good to anypony as an amnesiac or enthralled. Not much I can say about that one stallion as we haven't met yet. Then theirs Lume. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders, but I can't speak for her combat abilities. She seems tough though, and is nice enough. Rarely do I get apologies from anypony. It will be nice to work with pleasant company. Rather nice looking too...Not sure how that's relevant but there it is. He finished his work and trotted out to Kola. "Finished. Anything else you need help with?" @,
  5. @, Nexus chuckled at the mare's comment, as what she said was true. "No, your right there. A changeling hunter, mercs, hybrids, squiddies, changelings, and students? Yep, we are an odd bunch indeed. But we can kick ass like noponys buisness." It felt good to chuckle and smile. He has done it so rarely in the past that he forgot the feeling. And it felt nice. Warm, in a sense. But he forgot why they were up here. "Right, well, we best start helping with the bedding." He said, glancing over his shoulder.
  6. @, This made the changeling hunter grow a smile on his face. A small one, but one that was genuine. "No need to apologize. I understand what it's like to feel confused and uncertain. And you are welcome to stay with us however long you like. As long as we are here in Delvia, we need to stick together. We have each others back and we pick each other up when we fall. It's how a groups works." Nexus wondered if being more positive would of caused this change sooner. As the words left his mouth, he changed again. His coat became lighter, and was now a brighter, less subdued blue than before. His eyes became a softer color as well, shifting to a aqua green color. A few of his scars faded away, fur replacing him, and his body grew less deformed. It was subtle, but noticeable. How many more of these until his scars were gone for good, he wondered. He shrugged. "As for the Tarot power, we don't know the details yet of our individual powers, though I suspect Moon Crypt will fill us in. Though I suspect that mine is affecting my appearance and state of mind."
  7. @, @@Psych Ward, "Ah, Arianna. Yeah, if you could help us with the beds, that would be great." He said, actively trying to bring up his mood. He stopped however at Lume's odd behavior and light shaking halted the hunters progress and he turned to face her. "Hey, what's up? You look like you've seen a ghost. You OK?" He asked in a concerned tone.
  8. @, @, He nodded sadly, looking down at his scarred body. "Bat ponies are a doomed race. Shame. We were starting to recover our numbers, what with the increased birth rate and the aid of the Royal sisters, but then those damned changelings..." He shook his head, eyes closed tight. He couldn't dwell on the negative. He opened his eyes to see a familiar earth pony looking around. He trotted over to her, but not before excusing himself from Kola. "Hey Lume, your just in time to help with the bed arrangements." He said with enthusiasm that was a little more forced.
  9. @, "I can help you set up the beds. Might as well make myself useful." Nexus paused for a moment, and thought about what was said earlier. He never would of thought that he resembled his father in appearance, but then again, everypony he knew was dead, so he couldn't get a decent comparison. "And Axel was my father. He was killed 16 years ago in a full scale changeling invasion on the Terra Nova clan. He died securing my escape." He said with even less energy, looking down slightly. The memory was not a pleasant one. The clan was wiped out. He was the only reported survivor. "Come to think of it, I'm not even sure if their are any more bat ponies besides me. I read reports that the changelings mounted several invasions on the Bat clans. And the closest thing I have gotten to another bat pony is the hybrid downstairs." He never thought about it, but unless some of the bat ponies in the Inquisitors survived and were here, he may be the last of his kind.
  10. I felt compelled to say this, but damnit Midnight, for a creature that is suppose to be this hellish Resident Evil like mutant, you write Fen as being fucking adorable and diubeetus inducing. And its brilliant. Good work.
  11. Nexus sigh lightly. This was going to be tough if everypony was hostile, rude, or suspicious of everypony else. But he would remain polite and respectful. Somepony should. He trotted down to the lead chamber, and noticed a few Inquisitors in here. A few glanced over at the hunter, and he guessed that because his armor bore the emblem of the group, that they were trying to recognize him. He found a table, and removed his armor and weapons, revealing his scarred and deformed body. He had tried to help the defense in the attack on his clan as a teen. This was the result. About a quarter of the scars vanished due to the influence of his Tarot power, which activated when he acted morally and kept a positive attitude. Even so, his chest was still near naked, and looked lumpy. This caught a lot of attention in the room from the other Inquisitors. Some looks were that of sympathy, others were of dread, and a few were of respect. He sheepishly slipped out of the room and back into the main corridor. He headed upstairs upon hearing the call for help-which was ignored by the mare in question-he headed upstairs to assist. He approached the Inquisitor-Kola was it?-and decided to see about being useful. Never thought he would offer help to a changeling but if he was an Inquisitor, he would show respect. "Need any help up here sir?" He said with less confidence. Nexus always wore armor, always had his warped body covered. Without it, he felt very...exposed. He would never admit it, but he was self conscious about his injuries. @,
  12. My favorite character is *obviously* Sonic. If you get good with Sonic, you can really kick ass with him. He does have the weakness of not having any powerful Smash attacks, but the damage output and speed make up for it. Plus the Final Smash in the hands of someone who knows how to use it well is one of the most powerful finishers in the game.
  13. @, Nexus smiled pleasantly. He decided a while ago that he would be civil and friendly to those around him. Usually he wouldn't care less, but some changes to his disposition have occurred since his arrival to Delvia. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Lume. I look forward to working together." He said, his smile ever present.
  14. yo mama

    1. Betez


      Is in my bed


      Just kidding but seriously

  15. @, @, Nexus chuckled lightly at her reaction to the gunshot and her yelling. He trotted over to the the mare in question. "Yep, freaks, killers and psychopaths, every single pony. But as long as we're here, we're the only friends you have." He turned his attention to Red Alert. "And to be fair, if the squiddy doesn't give us away, that loud ass gun will. Plus I thought I said to keep squid pony casualties to a minimum. We can't save them if they're all dead." He rolled his eyes before a thought a occurred. "By the way, ma'am, I don't think I quite got your name."
  16. cheesecake: The best cake known to man. Period.

    1. sunne


      Noooo..... Chocolate cake. XD

    2. ActFast231


      Chocolate Cheesecake.


  17. @, (Might as well get some character interaction going.) Nexus looked over to the new arrival-an earth pony mare with a dark orange coat and two tone green mane-and decided to make some introductions. "Hi there, welcome to uhh...well let's just call this place Base until a better name presents itself. My name is Nexus Tersona." He said with a smile, extending a hoof to the earth pony. They all knew the feeling of confusion-hell, the bat pony still dealt with it-but he found that some simple companionship always helped.
  18. Nexus kept a brisk pace as he followed behind the changeling lord known as Moon Crypt. He was apart of the Inquisitors, a elite band of Royal Guards that served as the personal protectors and agents of the Royal Sisters. The hunter was told that his own father, Axel Tersona, was an Inquisitor, serving as the personal Guard for Princess Luna, and had been in the battle against the Presence. The only survivors were the current King, Moon Crypt, and Axel. The latter two were sent away by the Princesses, returned to their homes. while the King played a much bigger role. It wasn't until a few years later that Axel would perish in a changeling invasion, protecting his only son; Nexus. Now his sole heir bore his Inquisitor armor, the emblem for the groups revealed on the chest piece. And he would wear it proud. Nexus was brought here with 10 others under the guise of a contract to the Crystal Empire. Instead they were dumped in the hellish Delvia. Ground Zero for the incident for the Presence. It was filled with soulless zombies and mutated squid ponies. He managed to find their base of operations under Town Hall, along with Arianna and White Rose, and it was here that he met Resh, the demon summoned by the Presence to work towards his release. He tried to take them prisoner, to capture the Tarot holders, as he called him. It was because of Moon Crypt that they were able to escape, but not before Nexus defeated the demons robot companion in a fierce battle. They now had a handbook for the slimys, and a log from the research project that caused this chaos, along with a little mutated filly that was named Fen. They were told that they wielded Tarot cards, a power that they could use in the fight to come. They also learned that the ones behind the incident were none other the the bearers of the Element of Harmony. Nexus didn't know how they were going to stop Resh, the Presence, or where the Elements are now, let alone how the slimys played into it, but he would do all he could to stop this evil, because if they didn't, Equestria would fall. Soon they found themselves at the base of operations for the last of the Inquisitors, where they would convene and come up with a strategy, a plan of action. The hunter looked down at his armor, specifically the emblem for the long dead group. The group that disbanded after the King struck down the Grand Inquisitor in a fit of rage. His mind filled with different thoughts, some on his dad, the mission, the Presence, some even on his companions. The thoughts were shaken off as they entered their new base of operations.
  19. How many mods could a moderator mod if a moderator could mod mods?

  20. Chock up emoitional pain to the physical now. I just helped pack up a truck full of my sister's stuff and she just moved out.

    1. pinkiepool


      i don't know how to respond to this. i never had a sister.

  21. The minute I can eat solid food, I am going get sick on Wendy's nuggets.

    1. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Wendy's is pretty good.

    2. ActFast231


      And low carb, so its diabetic friendly. I am going to binge on that stuff.

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