Nexus kept a brisk pace as he followed behind the changeling lord known as Moon Crypt. He was apart of the Inquisitors, a elite band of Royal Guards that served as the personal protectors and agents of the Royal Sisters. The hunter was told that his own father, Axel Tersona, was an Inquisitor, serving as the personal Guard for Princess Luna, and had been in the battle against the Presence. The only survivors were the current King, Moon Crypt, and Axel. The latter two were sent away by the Princesses, returned to their homes. while the King played a much bigger role. It wasn't until a few years later that Axel would perish in a changeling invasion, protecting his only son; Nexus. Now his sole heir bore his Inquisitor armor, the emblem for the groups revealed on the chest piece. And he would wear it proud.
Nexus was brought here with 10 others under the guise of a contract to the Crystal Empire. Instead they were dumped in the hellish Delvia. Ground Zero for the incident for the Presence. It was filled with soulless zombies and mutated squid ponies. He managed to find their base of operations under Town Hall, along with Arianna and White Rose, and it was here that he met Resh, the demon summoned by the Presence to work towards his release. He tried to take them prisoner, to capture the Tarot holders, as he called him. It was because of Moon Crypt that they were able to escape, but not before Nexus defeated the demons robot companion in a fierce battle.
They now had a handbook for the slimys, and a log from the research project that caused this chaos, along with a little mutated filly that was named Fen. They were told that they wielded Tarot cards, a power that they could use in the fight to come. They also learned that the ones behind the incident were none other the the bearers of the Element of Harmony. Nexus didn't know how they were going to stop Resh, the Presence, or where the Elements are now, let alone how the slimys played into it, but he would do all he could to stop this evil, because if they didn't, Equestria would fall.
Soon they found themselves at the base of operations for the last of the Inquisitors, where they would convene and come up with a strategy, a plan of action. The hunter looked down at his armor, specifically the emblem for the long dead group. The group that disbanded after the King struck down the Grand Inquisitor in a fit of rage. His mind filled with different thoughts, some on his dad, the mission, the Presence, some even on his companions. The thoughts were shaken off as they entered their new base of operations.