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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ActFast231

  1. Nexus took a moment to recall what he knew about the queen. She was the center of the hive mind, and gained power in the presence of love. "Well...technically I have changeling DNA integrated into me. So I may be able to integrate into the hive mind and lure her here. A rogue hybrid messing with the hive mind will definitely draw attention. Provided I don't lose myself and become a mindless drone. But I fought off Virus, so it shouldn't have too much trouble."
  2. That was not something that Nexus expected to hear. "So your a descendant of Mars. Makes sense for him to come to you then. But I doubt that even your power and my expertise that the two of us alone are going to be able to take on the entire changeling swarm. We either need a plan or an army."
  3. Looking up, sure enough, Nexus spotted a star in the distant sky with a red glow. "I see. So Mars is the being that gave you your current power and made you into this." He turned his attention back to the alicorn in front of him. "Let's hope we find someway to restore us in the hive while we're wiping the changelings out. Sign your soul to the devil, and you'll always burn, is how I think the old saying goes."
  4. "Some of the Guard mentioned that name. I was never told the legend personally, but I know bits and pieces. It was a powerful pony that lived around the time of Nightmare Moon's banishment, right?" Nexus already had an inkling about where this was going. If this was going where he thought it was, it was going to make restoring him a lot harder.
  5. Nexus looked up and down this new Corkscrew, with a look of amazement. And slight worry. "This...this would of happened to me if Virus won. I would of been turned into a emotionless slave to the changelings. Until whatever turned you into...this came along. Even then Virus' corruption made me a hybrid." The hunter looked down at his claws, deep in thought. He was contemplating his next move. He could see himself in his armor's reflection, his green changeling eyes, his jet black fur, his fangs. He looked back up to Corkscrew. "Your heading to the changeling hive? I'm in. While we are there, we should find a way to restore your heart. And...maybe mine as well. But I have a condition. Parcel, you remember him. He isn't like the others. I want him left alive. Do that and I will join this crusade of yours to the hive. If anypony knows how to restore us to our previous forms, it will be the changeling queen. Plus I could use a littel payback for all they have done."
  6. Guess who is gonna binge on Wendy's after this fucking swelling goes down? THIS GUY!!

    1. Skycoaster


      I'm pretty sure you could have all the frostys and Chili you wanted now lol

  7. Nexus watched from a distance as this alicorn made his way to the castle ruins in Everfree, pondering his next course of action. He caught a glimpse of his cutie mark, and a stripe of orange, the hybrids eyes widening in realization. "Holy crap...I think that's Corkscrew." Nexus didn't know what to think. But he felt compelled to investigate this further. He unfolded his crystal clear bat wings and took flight, making his way to the ruins. Luckily, being a hybrid didn't affect his flight pattern, so he was able to fly silently, as opposed to the buzzing normal changelings make. Corkscrew beat him there, and Nexus landed, removing his helmet to reveal his full hybrid face. "Corkscrew, is that you? What happened, you look...well, almost like me, minus the horn."
  8. Bronycon fundraiser complete.

  9. Going to bed. Holy shit the Feld0 fund just skyrocketed.

  10. MEDIC The medic was at a loss. There was nothing he could do to help the situation. This Nightmare Corkscrew was going to try and garner support in Ponyville for this crusade. He internally hoped for the citizens safety. MAX Max was working away in his office on the new potion formulas that he had created when a loud boom could be heard, shaking the entire building. "What the..." He got up and looked to his window to see that the East Wing of the castle had its windows blown out and that dust now floated freely. He also spotted a spear fly out and nearly impale a nearby pedestrian. It wasn't until he saw a strange alicorn make his way to Ponyville that his curiosity got the better of him. "Davis, I'm making a quick trip to Ponyville, hold down the fort while I'm gone." With that, he grabbed his concierge jacket and fedora-along with a few health potions-and headed out. NEXUS Nexus was about to head back to his hotel room when he heard the faint-but definite-sound of an explosion. He looked towards Canterlot to see smoke covering the side of the castle. "Oh Celestia-damnit what now?" He saw a figure heading straight for town, a rather evil figure at that. The hybrid sighed deeply, heading into his room and donning his helmet to complete his armor. "Can't seem to get ten minutes of peace in this town..." He muttered under his breath.
  11. The medic took a step back at the sudden display of dark magic. Upon hearing him mention Luna, his concern grew. "While I agree that the changelings need to be dealt with-as diplomacy has clearly failed-it cannot come at the cost of our way of life. If he assumes control-or worse, corrupts Princess Luna-than we could be looking at a ruthless dictatorship similar to King Sombra's rule of the Crystal Empire. And we have seen the toll it took on the crystal ponies first hoof."
  12. These look good. Do you mind drawing my OC Max. Here are some reference photos for you, and I am not fickle about pose or expression. Thanks.
  13. Feeling like uber shit. And I will likely continue to feel like uber shit for a few more days.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ActFast231


      Due to pain and swelling, it is nearing three days that I have eaten. It sucks.

  14. This caught the medics attention. He had read reports of the changeling attack in Ponyville. Apparently they were winning, until their general was killed by an unidentified batpony, believed to be the same batpony that was reported slaughtering changelings during the Canterlot invasion. This caused the bulk of the invasion force to retreat to the hive, with the remaining forces being forced out by the Elements of Harmony. The changelings were clearly becoming more aggressive in the their war against Equestria, and eventually, they would need to go on the offensive. "I don't approve of the use of dark magic, as it has a tendency to corrupt, but he is right on one thing. The reports coming in of changeling activity show increased aggression and a counter attack may be what we need to turn the tables, less they slowly chip away at us. Maybe an attack on the Changeling Hive would be a good idea, Princess."
  15. Man, I haven't eaten in days. My stitched sockest, stiff jaw, and swollen cheeks prevent me from eating.

  16. If any of you saw my face in its current state...Damned dentists.

    1. Fender


      Like I said. Instragram that shit. :3 And pay no mind anyway, you'll get through it.

    2. pinkiepool


      i just went to the dentist!

    3. ActFast231


      1. What is Instagram?

      2. No chance in hell.

  17. Apparently wisdom teeth removal makes your face swell up so you look like a white Fat Albert from the neck up.

  18. Corkscrew emerged from the cocoon in a Nightmare form, standing as tall as Celestia, with spiked armor all around. The medic reached for the nearest spear, and got into attack position. "I can distract him while you evacuate the civilians Princess. We need to save as many ponies from this evil as we can." The medic wasn't stupid. He saw the readings, he knew the power this Nightmare Corkscrew possessed. He had no hope of actually beating the alicorn, but he could keep him busy long enough for everypony else to escape.
  19. For me I am the exact opposite, in the sense that I love fast RPs. It is fun to just pump it out because that means more writing for me. I really do like creative writing. Anyway, I have been napping through the day and assuming I don't take the Oxycodone that they gave me, I should be up late in the night, and feel better tomorrow.
  20. Thank God nobody is doing anything today. I'm in no condition for RPing.

  21. The pain in my mouth is so bad it's bringing me to tears.

    1. Leafeon


      *licks tears*




      *gives warm honey to sooth mouth*

    2. ActFast231
  22. Hydro pills are fogging my mind and making me drowsy and unstable.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fender


      Do what you've gotta do, I guess. Gonna suck no matter what, but sleeping and getting through that might be the best idea.

    3. ActFast231


      My nose has begun to bleed as well.



    4. Fender


      Roll up a tissue and stuff it in your nostrils. It clogs it well enough, and allows you to still do things normally too. :3 (Odd solution, I know, but it works.)

  23. (I just had my wisdom teeth pulled. I am really out of it due to the hydro pain pills, so forgive me if quality is lacking.) "His body is forming some sort of magic cocoon. If what the ancient records of Nightmare Moon are true, then he will come out of that cocoon no longer as Corkscrew, but a Nightmare version of himself. I recommend that all non essential personal evacuate and the castle be put on high alert. If he gets into the city, then efforts should be made to evacuate the civilians. We don't know how powerful he will be, but we shouldn't risk anypony's life needlessly."
  24. Here I am after a 4 hour drug induced nap that lead to me waking up crusted over with an ungodly amount of gum blood. Still woozy, so coherency is not guaranteed. But I am here for the long run.
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