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Everything posted by King

  1. D'Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww , No wonder your Wuvable :3 OT: I'll allow myself to be swallowed by you twice :3 *cough* Ninjad!!!! SON *cough*
  2. NINJA!!! Ok then First Reaction (Instead on thought) *falls asleep in nice warm moist area*
  3. Considering Id be slowly digested....It's bad.... On Topic: Id picture it being wet,warm and slightly enjoyable, until I started getting digested,as said before....
  4. My first reaction? "ARGGHHH STOP SWALLOWING ME!!!" My Second Reaction "Well this sucks"
  5. Herro Everypony As MANY of us know, there can be alot of hate in the world, mean nasty stupid hate... And as members of a group sometimes looked down upon as "Immature" or in my case (Since im male) "Gay" , we are bound to have to put up with intolerance ourselves. Now it's not always as simple as ignoring the haters. Sometimes we should speak up to defend the show and ideals we love. I myself told this to a hater once... "Im a Brony, Deal with it. Im not childish or immature, im not gay and im certainly not a little girl. I love the show because it has great animation,characters and ideals. If thats not enough of an answer for you, then I hope you have a happy life" (Keep in mind im not a homophobe, the guy had called me gay so I addressed it lol) Dealing with haters can be hard sometimes, I have known many friends to break down from being teased, and it disgusts me to see people do that to us. But all WE need to know... Is that we should just NOT CARE about what they say We need to realise that our fandom is massive, its friendly and we come together under ideals that are usually taken on by charities and religious organisations. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong about being a Brony, infact, we should be proud of it, i know I am. So remember, keep your head up, no matter what some people may say, all you have to do is turn to them and say... "Thank you for your opinion" And walk away... Now if you would like to share any stories about haters and how you dealt with it, Im sure others would love to hear about it Perhaps even learning ways to deal with these people
  6. Personally I have no issue with the Twilicorn idea. I see it as an important character development, which was rather obvious fro mthe begining. Celestia adores Twilight, and it was obvious she was more then just a student to the Princess. It was going to happen either way, atleast by happening now, we have a longer time to adjust to the idea as the series goes on next season. The in-fighting of the Brony community on the issue really should stop. MLP:FiM Isn't just about the Mane 6, but also about the ideal of Everypony being Equal, we need to rally under this ideal and forget the stupid fighting. In my opinion...
  7. I was shown the below work by a friend of mine. It's an Excellent guide on writing FanFiction that all Budding authors should read. Trust me, you WILL NOT Regret it. I will copy down a few important Parts of the Guide below, then provide the link at the bottom and her at the top. http://eznguide.rogerdodger.me/ ^^^ The Guide ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Punctuation A lot of what makes a work of fiction (or any piece of writing) good is subjective. This section is not. Learn these rules, and live by them. Only break them when you fully understand them, and absolutely have to. As for the evolution of language… well, I can see the merit and importance of that, but there’s a difference between language evolving and you being too lazy to express yourself in a clear and readable manner. Again, learn the rules before breaking them. Paragraphing New writers often have a bad habit of clumping all of their text into one or two paragraphs, likely because they don’t entirely understand the purpose of paragraphing, and they think it makes their writing look really long and impressive or something. I will be the first to admit that I probably use too many paragraphs, but it’s better to do that than to use too few. Paragraphs enhance readability, and if your work’s not readable, no-one’s going to read it! Paragraphs don’t have to be a certain minimum or maximum length. A single sentence can be its own paragraph. A paragraph can also, technically, be as many sentences long as you want, but you’ll usually find that it’s time to start a new one when you get past seven or eight. Dialogue The most important rule of dialogue is this: New speaker, new paragraph. For example: “MAKING CUPCAKES!” Pinkie happily announced. “Baking?” Dash was disappointed. “Pinkie, you know I’m not good at baking. Remember last time?” “Oh that’s not a problem at all. I only need your help making them. I’ll be doing most of the work,” Pinkie explained. Or even: “MAKING CUPCAKES!” Pinkie happily announced. “Baking?” Dash was disappointed. “Pinkie, you know I’m not good at baking. Remember last time?” “Oh that’s not a problem at all. I only need your help making them. I’ll be doing most of the work,” Pinkie explained. But not: “MAKING CUPCAKES!” Pinkie happily announced. “Baking?” Dash was disappointed. “Pinkie, you know I’m not good at baking. Remember last time?” “Oh that’s not a problem at all. I only need your help making them. I’ll be doing most of the work,” Pinkie explained. Full stops, exclamation points, and question marks A full stop is used to end an ordinary sentence. It can end sentences that aren’t exciting and don’t have questions. Reaching the end of a paragraph is no excuse to leave off a full stop. Are question marks used to end questions? Yes, yes they are. Can they be used for anything else? No, no they can’t. I wonder why. The preceding sentence should not end in a question mark, because it doesn’t ask a question. It merely states that I wonder why something is the way it is. Exclamation marks are exciting and energetic! They’re appropriate for shouty or enthusiastic dialogue! They can also be used in narration, but only very, very sparingly, or else it gets annoying! One exclamation mark after a sentence is fine, as is one question mark. An exclamation mark followed by a question mark (“!?”) or vice versa (“?!”) is slightly less fine (called an interrobang2) but has some support in certain circles. What is not fine, however, is ending a sentence in any more than one of these marks. Multiple exclamation marks don’t make your sentence more urgent or exciting; they just make you look like a tool. Commas, semicolons, colons, dashes, and ellipses Okay, this is a complicated topic, but it’s one that I think is vital knowledge for any writer. English is graced with so much wonderful punctuation, and yet most people barely move past using commas. Commas are short pauses, used to break up sentences into logical chunks, but not used to conjoin separate sentences. You would think that this would be obvious, but one of the most common misuses of the comma is the dreaded comma splice. Semicolons are sophisticated punctuation marks that make it okay to have comma splices; stick a dot on top of that comma and splice no more! Keep in mind, though, that writing needs variety; a variety of comma splices should be fixed in a variety of ways. The semicolon is the easiest way to fix them; it is not always the best. Colons are a more directed form of semicolon. While two sentences conjoined by semicolons must be related in some way, the bit that comes after a colon must follow the logical flow started by the bit that precedes it. Chances are you won’t use too many colons: they usually get replaced by conjunctions. Dash is best punctuation mark. It can be used in place of commas, semicolons, and colons! The dash is a great way to inject – or intersperse – exciting, abrupt little phrases into your sentences. But with great power comes great responsibility, and one must be careful not to overuse the versatile dash. Dashes are also useful in dialogue to show that a speaker has been cut o– Ellipses should not be overused in fiction… their use in narration is often frowned on… because they are distracting… and also a cheap way to build suspense. They work better in dialogue, usually to signify the speaker trailing off… In addition, an ellipsis has exactly three (3) dots. Grammar Tenses There are five tenses you need to worry about: Present I run. Present perfect I am running. Past I ran. Past perfect I had run. Future I will run. 99% of stories are written in the past tense. You get the occasional present tense story (Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash is the only published one I can think of off-hand6), but new writers are encouraged not to fiddle with that sort of thing until they’ve spent some quality time with traditional, past-tense writing. I don’t know of any notable stories (fanfiction or otherwise) written in future tense. A mistake most new writers make quite a bit is tense inconsistency. Their stories will contain a ridiculous assortment of past tense and present tense verbs, and generally not because they’re daring metafictional pieces about time-travel. Tense mess ups like this are usually easy fixes, so just read through your story a few times to make sure no unintended time travelling occurs. A more subtle and also harder-to-explain error is the mixing of the past and past perfect tenses. In my experience, mistakes of this sort are usually made by non-native English speakers. [Editor’s note: The following is not really correct] For example, “She knew the place well because she grew up there” should be “She knew the place well because she had grown up there”. The word “grew”, while a past tense word, is one that is used in present tense sentences. For example, the sentence “He likes maple syrup because he grew up in Canada” is a present tense sentence in which a past event is referenced. If you said, “I like maple syrup because I grow up in Canada”, you’d get some strange looks. When you convert a present tense sentence to the past tense, you need to convert all of its verbs and verb phrases to past tense versions of themselves, including “grew”, which becomes “had grown”. “He liked maple syrup because he had grown up in Canada.” An often-overlooked part of getting tenses right is the proper use of words that refer to time. Words like “now”, “currently” and “today” should technically be avoided in past tense, because they are present tense words used to describe present tense happenings. So it’s often prudent to substitute “today” for “that day”. Substitute “now” and “currently” for “then”, or “at that moment”. However, it is sometimes appropriate to use some of these words in a past tense narrative, and it has been done in published books. My recommendation is to be careful about using them, but not cut them out entirely. A well-placed “now” brings the reader closer to that point in the story, but mess it up and your story will be flip-flopping all over the timeline. The use of a “yesterday” or a “today” in the context of character thoughts has also been done, even in published fiction. Style And now we get into the subjective part of my little guide – the part where I’m going to tell you a bit about how I write, what I like to read in the writing of others, and what little affectations I absolutely hate to see in any writing ever. It’s all opinions from here on in, but I like to think that I’ve substantiated most of them. See how I started that first sentence with an “and”? While your schoolteachers may have drummed the incorrectness of doing so into your little heads, there is actually no language rule that says you aren’t allowed to start a sentence with the word “and” (or the word “but”, for that matter). However, this doesn’t mean that your teachers were completely insane, or that they made up rules to torment you with. But I don’t think that they should have been quite so harsh on you. And anyway, doesn’t English already have enough rules? And starting sentences with “and” works nicely sometimes; there are cases – mostly in dialogue – where it feels natural. But it only works if it isn’t overused. This little debate highlights the difference between grammar and style. Being a good little writer and following the rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling doesn’t get you a gold star – it should be something writers do automatically, before even considering letting others look at their work. And even if your work is entirely grammatically correct, it may still be confusing or irritating to read. Developing a good style is about learning how to manipulate the way you write to convey the ideas, feelings and worlds that you want to in a way that is clear and makes the reader want to read more. Unlike with grammar, there are no specific rules and systems that will guarantee you do things right every time, but there are a number of hints that can get you started. Plot Yeah, I know, dat flank. Get that out of your system, and then we can talk about what the word “plot” used to mean, and have a gay old time doing so. Without a plot, you have no story. You can still write without a plot, and a lot of people do, but you will not be writing a story, in the strictest terms. Still, there’s at least a small audience for in vignettes and anecdotes, at least if your writing and characterisation is vivid enough. But most people want to write stories. In the simplest terms, a plot is a problem. A problem is introduced, conflict occurs, and then the situation is resolved. For example: Twilight Sparkle falls ill and needs a flower from the top of a mountain to get better. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity travel to that mountain to procure that flower, and then the world ends and none of what came before matters anymore. That is a story (albeit one with an irritating resolution). When you first start planning a story you’re going to write, the most important thing to consider is how it will end. Think of your problem, and then immediately think of its solution. I cannot overemphasis starting with the end firmly in mind, because stories do not resolve themselves, and just trying to “wing it” will lead you into an inescapable corner.21 As long as you keep the end in mind, you can do as much or as little planning as you want. It’s a very good idea to keep a set of notes and possibly a timeline when writing longer and more complicated stories, but there’s no real need to plan out every scene in detail before you start writing the first one. In fact, I’d discourage that practice simply because I find I often get my best ideas while writing (if I worked according to a rigid plan, I’d have to discard those, and that wouldn’t be much fun at all). Know how your story’s going to end, start it as close to that ending as you can22, and fill in the details as you go. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most common genres of pony fanfiction. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok that's enough of a short view of the Guide, I Suggest you guys check it out for yourselves. It's an excellent read for everypony wanting to write good Fan Fiction. http://eznguide.rogerdodger.me/ ^^^ The Guide
  8. Oh good lord, I still have an AMA thread? Guess I better overhaul it a little bit. So there's no real restrictions on what people ask me, Im practically an open book at this point so go ahead and ask whatever is on your mind.
  9. New, and already enjoying it xD

  10. King


    Welcome Friend Im fairly new myself, but I can welcome you all the same Please enjoy your time here
  11. July 2012 is the short answer. I was introduced to it by my best friend and pretty much fell in love with the show and the community Since then I've been doing my part to keep the community alive by writing fan fic and trying my hand at music. I really do love being apart of such an excellent community
  12. King

    Dawn Rider

    Dawn Rider
  13. The below Fan Fic was originally written and posted on FiMFiction.com by myself. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestrian Nights The moon was high up in the sky above Ponyville, illuminating the town and the surrounding lands in a beautiful yet solemn glow that radiated through the land below. The stars in the sky, stuck in many constellations surrounding the moon looked down upon Equestria like a million twinkling eye's watching over both the young and old as they got ready to lay down their heads and sleep after such a long day. Just one of these many ponies, was Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's own student and friend. She had tucked spike into bed many hours earlier and was sitting at her desk, reading one of her many books that filled her library. This particular book was called "The Beauty of Night" which explained the many different reasons as to why nights can be considered absolutely stunning, when looked at in the right way. Twilight was lost in her own thoughts, "How exactly are nights Beautiful? Aren't they just the setting of the sun and the coming up of the moon? How is it so special?" These thoughts kept coming, more and more questions arose in her mind as she continued to read in the dim light of the nearby candle, only illuminated more so every now and then by her horn as she used her magic to turn through the pages. "Perhaps I should explore this beauty myself? It may give me a better understanding as to what this book is talking about" Twilight pondered as she flipped to the last page. A Single quote caught her eye and stopped all her thought's in their tracks. Twilight sighed and closed the book, looking out the window into the sky outside. She looked up at the stars that seemed to watch back with kindness not unfamiliar to Twilight. She began to smile as she thought of her friends, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie, her best friends in all the land. Her smile grew as she looked over at Spike, laying down in his basket sound asleep under his cosy blanket, ever so slightly snoring as his mind wondered off into the realm of dreams. Twilight giggled slightly as she thought about what, or who, the young dragon was dreaming about. After sighing again, she slipped off her chair, slowly trotting down her stairs into the library below, stopping at the bookshelf to place her book back to its place. She turned her head to the door and thought for a moment, "Perhaps, I should experience the night for myself." She looked over to her coat, sitting atop the thin wooden rack near the door and decided then, "Yes, I must experience this now, maybe I can write to Celestia about it afterwards...or maybe Luna." She made her way to the coat rack and picked up the coat with her hooves, placing it gently around her. The warm Green woollen coat wrapped around her and she did up the neck strap to hold it on, before stepping to the door and opening it quietly before stepping outside. It was then, for the first time in her life, that she truly noticed the moonlight, and basked in what seemed like a wave of light, not bright, but heavy and sweet in a way. She giggled at her thoughts. She started her way down the street and kept her eye's moving, taking in the beauty that the night had to offer her. She looked ahead and saw the street laying before her, illuminated by lanterns attached to wooden polls, barely giving out much light, but enough to see the various buildings before her. Some were of shops and businesses, others were house 's containing sleeping Ponies, all looked more beautiful in the night. The wooden planks and bricks of the buildings seemed to shine slightly as the moonlight bounced off of them, producing a most wonderful sight for Twilights Sparkling eyes. The colours used to decorate these houses were plentiful and came in many different shades, but all shared in one simple thing, they would enhance to an even more beautiful shade at the touch of the nights moonlight. Of course Twilight knew this was technically ridicules, and yet she admired it as she made her way through the street. She passes a house with light emanating from its window and she couldn't help but peep in. She was utterly moved at the sight before her. A Mare was tucking her young Unicorn colt in his bed. Twilight watched as she pulled the covers up to his neck and kissed him gently on the forehead before saying what was obviously a good night. The young colt yawned and closed his eyes before turning to look out the window. He smiled as he met Twilights gaze and closed his eyes to sleep. Twilight smiled back and turned to head further down the street, to explore this serene night more. As she came upon the town hall her ears pricked up at hearing a noise to her right. Twilight turned her head and saw a sight that was both beautiful and a little embarrassing. A mare and colt stood at a door way kissing each other gently, as they held each other in their hooves. The light from a nearby lamp post illuminated the two barely in a brilliant orange glow that seemed to make them both seem like spectres. "Those two seem quite in love" Twilight thought, as she found herself starring at the couple. The colts opened the door and led the mare in by the hoof. "Yeah, very in love" She giggled, before turning and continuing her way down the street to the edge of town. As she approached the end of the town, the forest came into view. The large trees swayed gently in the nights wind and seemed to actually wall off the mysteries of the Everfree from prying eyes. Twilight shuddered, pulling the coat up a little further as the wind seemed to take on a chill. "Beautiful isn't it..." A voice said from behind her She turned around to meet the gaze of Princess Luna, in all her beauty and glory, standing tall and yet, in a way, gently before Twilight. "Oh, good evening Princess Luna. It is indeed a beautiful sight" Agreed Twilight, bowing her head slightly before Luna "No need to bow Twilight, I'm not here as a Princess, but as your friend" Luna Grinned in a most sweet way. "That's very kind of you Prin...Uh I mean that’s very kind Luna" Twilight smiled warmly back. "Your night is...it's just stunning" She said taking a quick look at her surroundings. "Thank you Twilight, but it isn't me that makes the night so beautiful, but it’s the land itself. It’s alive in its own way. It breathes and talks. It raises us all in its protective grasp. The trees and grass, the animals even, they all have a special connection that is merely brought to the surface in the night's moonlight" Luna spoke in a clam, soft voice. "Wow Luna, I didn't realise you has such, well, Wisdom" Twilight said warmly as she looked at the Princess before her. "And why wouldn't a Princess be wise?" Grinned Luna, before giggling slightly. Twilight giggles back and responded, "Sorry, I don't think I thought that through. What are you doing here in Ponyville, If I may ask?" Asked Twilight with questioning eyes. "That' simple actually, my sister asks me to check up on Ponyville each night, to make sure your safe" Luna smiled as she spoke. "That's very sweet of Princess Celestia and yourself" Twilight said, touched by Luna's words. "Would you like to join me on my walk?" Twilight asked Luna questioningly. "I'm sorry Twilight, I'm afraid I can't, I need to get back to looking over Equestria and all her ponies during this night" She responded with slight guilt in her voice. "That's ok Luna, I understand your duty and respect it greatly" Twilight said bowing once more to the Princess, who was now by her side. "Thank you once again my dear Twilight. For now I need to be off, please enjoy your night" Luna smiled before disappearing into the night sky. Twilight starred up in amazement at how Luna seemed to envelop herself in the sky's beauty, before she turned and walked along the path that stretched out across the forests wall of trees. She kept her eyes at work, taking in the sights before her as she continued on her walk. She came past a small bush of flowers nestled beautifully in between a rock and a rather plain bush. The multicoloured flowers, illuminated by the moonlight seemed to almost smile at her as she bent down and sniffed in the fragrance. They smelled simply divine, a mix of strawberries and vanilla, almost indescribable. Twilight smiled as she lifted her head and plucked a single flower by its stem, and slid it into a button hole in her coat. She continued walking until Fluttershy's cottage came into view before her. A simple, yet incredibly quiet place to live or so Twilight thought. Her cottage was dark, so it was quite obvious that Fluttershy was asleep, after the long day before. Her animals could be seen in their various little enclosures and hut's surrounding the cottage, littered with flowers and beautiful green grass. Fluttershy had kept this place so beautiful through some unknown means, and it was just so divine. "I've never really asked Fluttershy how she manages to do all this" thought Twilight as she walked around Fluttershy's garden, admiring all the different shaded flowers and plants. She came to one particular flower, a rose, and almost gasped as she watched it seemingly glow, bathing the ground around it in a deep beautiful red. She smiled and turned her head, slowly walking back out onto the path, and back towards Ponyville. The journey wasn't eventful, but filled with more sights of beauty. Everything from a simple blade of grass that held a single drop of water, shining out amongst the other blades of grass, to the owl that watched Twilight as she walked the path back home. As she entered back into the town of Ponyville, she noticed several things all at once. The first was that it looked simply beautiful at night, and the second was that she loved this town. Everything about it was just...perfect. From the many wonderful ponies that inhabited it, including her best friends, to the surroundings it was founded in. The beauty was more than external, it was more than physical. The beauty of this town was on its own plane of existence, both a thing you could see, and feel. Twilight had completely gotten lost in her thought when she bumped into her libraries door. She giggled as she looked back into the town from whence she had just come. A single tear made its way from her eye and down her cheek, falling to the cobblestone ground below her. The tears were not of sadness, but of extreme happiness, this was not just a town, this was her town, her community and the place in which she belonged. She smiled once more before opening her door and stepping back into the dimply lit library in which she lived. She gently placed her coat gently back on its rack and took the flower from the button hole. Twilight made her way back up stairs, placing the flower in amongst her other glass of flowers, adding to the beautiful array of colours. She looked over to Spike who still slept soundly in his basket. Twilight trotted her way over to Spike and lent down, gently kissing him on the forehead, just as the mother earlier had done to her young colt. Once more, she smiled, for the hundredth time that night before slipping into her own bed, all warm and cosy, ready for a nice sleep before tomorrow’s big day. As she lay her head on the pillow, Twilight remembered the quote from the book she read earlier, the one that caused her brain to stop its train of thought. This was the last thought to cross her mind before she felt her eyelids close and sleep come upon her. "The beauty of night isn't seen nor heard nor felt. It exists in all of us as a beacon to show us what we forget to see...the beauty of our home"
  14. Oh god..them xD Yeah I believe I've seen that before But it's always good to watch it again lol
  15. My best friend is a brony , but other than that, all alone :/ Hopefully when I move to the city I can meet some Bronies Atleast that way I dont have to JUST rely on the internets..not that I dont like it on here Cause I have many Brony friends online, great ones
  16. i have no issues with New Zealanders, there very close to Australia, only REAL difference is the accent imo.
  17. Oh , I'll be sure to Roleplay, I have done that before many time As for the abundance of Aussies...I still find that odd, since I can never find a Brony anywhere here in Aus xD Other then my Bestie of course...
  18. I've never really doubted that Hasbro loves us... For what reason, I cannot say. (Money or they just plain like us) All that I know is this... They allow us to create wonderful Art,Fan Fics and music WITHOUT harrasment, so I have no problem with Hasbro.
  19. Well G'Day There As you have obviously already noticed, my name is Dawn Rider, or Matt if you feel like using my real name. Im from the land down under, or as I call it, the land of heat and bugs also known as Australia. Im not new to forums, nor IP Board designed forums, so I know I'll enjoy myself here with you wonderful people Im always up to helping anypony if they need it, whether it be by lending an ear or simply giving advice so dont be afraid to approach me for something So lets get on about myself..lets seeeee.... Well, first and foremost you may want to know how long I have been a Brony? If so then the answer is that I first came into the fandom last July, after my best friend decided to introduce me to the wonderful amazing show me know as MLP:FiM. Since then I have been a strong supporter and friend to many Bronies from around the world, adding my little bit to the fandom by writing Fan Fics and attempting (As in I failed HARD) to draw :3 Other then that, a few quick things to know about me... I enjoy sports AND sitting on my butt around the same amount, sounds weird but thats me for ya Im 17 and finished school as of November 2012, and have only recently enlisted in the Australian Army, to which I will be shipping out to June 3rd. Im an avid forum goer and Im sure you will see ALOT of me...
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