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Status Updates posted by Oblivion

  1. Whats up with you? Didnt you use to RP?

    1. Fhaolan


      I used to do many a thing. :) 

      I still RP, I just tend to do tabletop mostly, live and in person. 

    2. Oblivion


      Ah, i see makes sense!

  2. hi hun

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Oblivion


      Mhm, morning master~

    3. Splashee


      I command you to have a wonderful day at your work today! :sneer:

    4. Oblivion
  3. Been a long day i tell you what!

    1. TheRockARooster


      Awwwwwwww, maybe relax and have a nice hot or cold drink. ^^

    2. Oblivion
  4. Spartans dont die they just go missing in action!

  5. Was late for work this morning! Until I realized it's Sunday and I don't have to work till 12! LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Oblivion


      Yeahhhh no! XD

    3. Tacodidra


      I'm sorry to hear that, my friend! :sunny: And you're definitely not an idiot (I can't even brohoof that)!

      Wait, I'm the idiot – I completely misread your post. :please:

    4. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      You’re no idiot. That’s my title!

      One time when I was little my mom woke me up on a holiday to get ready for school and wouldn’t listen to me no matter how many times I told her I was off. So she had me dressed and was about to push me out the door when she realized I was off then laughed at her mistake and walked away and then I went to sleep.

  6. I fell asleep

    1. RaraLover


      It's good to hear that you got some rest. :fluttershy:

    2. TheRockARooster
    3. Splashee




      Working on weekends might be a factor. :scoots:

  7. Seeing a grandpa and his grandson at McDonald's reminded me of my grandpa and me,I grew up with my grandparents and I honestly had to choke back tears......sadly he's passed on and I'm alone now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Splashee


      Grandparents are always something special! I miss mine, they gave me so much to live for! :coco:

    3. Oblivion


      yeah im sad now


    4. Tacodidra
  8. Oh yeah I should have slept sooner hahaha!

  9. Awww, I miss you as a bat pone! :pistachio:

    1. Rising Dusk

      Rising Dusk

      But... Holidays! :oneheckofahat:

  10. Well shoot the forums are dead, feeling a bit, tired and my legs hurt. Time for bed! :kirin:

    1. Splashee


      This forum is usually dead on weekends for some reason :confused:

  11. Sadly I have to work tomorrow.... ;w;

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      look on the bright side, works means $$$$


  12. Time to watch the 4th season of my hero!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Oblivion


      Yes indeed! Looking at @Bakugou Is My Man ❤s profile I just now realized i need to start the new season! :ButtercupLaugh:

    3. Muffinnz


      I love the show! I actually found out about its existence by looking at @Bakugou Is My Man ❤'s profile. Thank you @Bakugou Is My Man ❤

    4. Oblivion


      Yeah! Really looking forward to whats gonna happen now! :orly:

  13. Hello everyone that's was a longer nap than I thought it would be! 

    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      welcome back! 

    2. Oblivion
    3. Tacodidra


      Long naps are quite relaxing! :adorkable: Mine tend to be longer than I plan too, it's just too difficult to get up. :please:

  14. Alright guys *Yawwwwwwnnnsss* Im just going t0, lay down and close my eyes for a bit and let my mind go blank whatever they call that thing people do.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      You’re going to lose consciousness for several hours?

    3. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :D

    4. Lucky Bolt
  15. You saw the word "pickup" in my status and got excited! :ButtercupLaugh:

    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      You know me too well, Blivy! :laugh:

  16. OH you are pathfinder, sure glad they have the name history option on the forums now! :pistachio:

    Was confused for a second. :scoots:

    1. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      No! My disguise has failed!

  17. *ticktockticktock DING* WAIT YOU CALLED ME OLD, I just realized this.... :please::scoots::pistachio:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oblivion
    3. Phosphor


      I really don't have room to talk. I'm 5 years older than you  :awwthanks:

    4. Oblivion


      Haha thats why old guys like your self need to hush! *Puts hoof over your mouth*:orly:

  18. Howdy, have not interacted much with you, how are ya!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RaraLover


      It's great to hear that you're doing well. I remember reading manga a couple years back. Sometimes I get into it so much that I stay up 'till 2 or 3 in the morning.

      I haven't read much manga/novels recently, but now that I'm done with school, I may get back into it, plus read some other books that I enjoyed. :adorkable:

    3. Oblivion


      I think you totally should, its a great form of entertainment! and like a good book you can literally LOSE yourself in a good manga. :kirin:

    4. RaraLover


      So true. I remember when I was 12 or 13 years old, I would love to read. I would visit the library often and borrow tons of books to read. I usually have a stack of books of a particular series that I love to read. I was so into mystery and adventure books when I was younger, and I still am (just haven't had much of a chance to read).

      There's nothing like killing time with a good book. ^_^

  19. WELP, about 8 solid hours of reading Dead Mans wonderland manga, HIGHLY recommend the manga over the anime , id watch the anime first then pickup where the anime left off, such a cool physiological thriller! :kirin:

  20. Remember




  21. 12.03.19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Oblivion


      Halo reach i just preprdered it steam

      im so hyped cant type

    3. Prince Doopliss

      Prince Doopliss

      People still play Halo these days :mlp_confused:?

    4. Oblivion


      @Sir Pentious FUCK YEAH THEY DO!!!!

      ALSO halo reach and halo 1 through four are coming to pc and then in 2020 we will have halo infinity~! I still stand by what i say that halo is the most unique FPS of all time and KILLS it in terms of pliability! 

  22. Ughhh my back didnt hurt this badly when i did physical work! XD

    1. Phosphor


      Sounds like old age :ButtercupLaugh:

  23. God the short days are killing me....

    1. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      I know. You start your day in the dark. You go home in the dark.

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