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Status Updates posted by Oblivion

  1. anyone else have all these shitty hand me down computers as a kid?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oblivion


      YEAH, it SUCKED and I had like an SUPER old vidya card from like 1998 in 2006 lol

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      I had a Windows ‘95 for a while. And my 2005 windows xp lasted until 2013.

    4. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Me! *raises hoof* :laugh:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oblivion


      We can all be famous! Just grab a camera and lets tell a story, I can cry on que, I can laugh on que so aint nuttin stoping us! :ButtercupLaugh: 

    3. ShadOBabe


      Oh okay, you’re just being silly. Got it.


    4. Oblivion


      FUCK YEAH!

  3. I keep seeing things about Hotel Hazbin EVERYWHERE on this forums recently! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Oblivion


      Also I get why Angel Dust is so popular as hes LITERALLY the embodiment of lewd internet jokes/trolling LMAO

    3. Tacodidra


      He's my favorite character so far too (with Charlie being runner-up). :D Are you planning to watch it? :)

    4. Oblivion


      Well damn it all! Here i go diving into something else to consume my time, but YES I am now THANK YOU FORUMS FOR PEER PRESSURING ME!

  4. Splashing around I see!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Splashee


      However, in my country, guns are illegal. You wouldn't trade that for easier work days, would you now? :orly: (not a chance)

    3. Oblivion


      Hell no but I wish we had all kinds of freedom everywhere honestly. Also guns are not illegal there it just takes like 2 years to get the papers for a single shot bolt action hunting rifle lol

    4. Splashee


      @Blivy already being an expert on the law in my country. Wow! That's a love for guns! :squee:

  5. Just walked out of my apartment to get something in my briefs, people gave me a few weird looks, not sure if its because its cold out of the former! :ButtercupLaugh:God I act like an old man sometimes! :awwthanks: 

    1. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      When I worked in a suit department a guy asked me if he could try on a pair of suit pants. I said yes but before I could direct him to a fitting room he dropped his pants in the middle of the floor and just changed right there.

    2. Oblivion


      Sounds like something I'd do!

  6. Goodnight everyone. :BrightMacContent:

    1. TheRockARooster


      Goodnight, buddy. ^^

    2. Cash In

      Cash In

      Sleep well!

    3. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :fluttershy:

  7. Well we use discord to communicate at work so literally everyone knows I'm a brony 

  8. So tired and sore! Hopefully I'm not getting sick, could just be because I got mildly buzzed last night with some work buddies.

    1. Splashee


      Hopefully you will feel better after some rest.


      I am dizzy all the time nowadays, too much forum, too little time :scoots:

    2. Oblivion


      Take like a week break from here! XD

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Feel better soon man. Don’t go getting sick.

  9. Wondering if I should come out as a brony at my new job honestly cause a lot of the "nerdy types" work here.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Oblivion


      Alright!!!! *TAKES A DEEP BREATH and hides* XD

    3. Oblivion


      I saw a guy wearing a daring do rainbow dash shirt at the Iowa State Fair!

    4. Once In A Blue Moon

      Once In A Blue Moon

      When I first started working in my job, I brought in a Twilight Sparkle cutie-mark mug. I gambled that it would be recognised by fellow bronies (obviously) without being recognisable as a 'pony thing' by non-bronies. Then it came out that I was going to see the MLP movie and my team went and bought me a blind-bag pony to put on my desk, which was very sweet of them (which most people don't even notice - almost a year later, someone actually noticed it and asked if it had always been there. So much for it being a big deal.)

      So I'd recommend a similar approach; have something that only a brony would recognise.

  10. Lol it literally says n00b on my portal profile at work. Definitely a tech company 

    1. Splashee


      If everything goes well at your new job, feel free to "Tweet" about it here, so we can follow your action! :mlp_yeehaa:

    2. Oblivion


      Oh God you're such a fan boy lol

  11. Blivy is back! 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Oblivion


      Just ignore it when you need to I'm about to be starting a new job so I won't be able to be on as much etc 

    3. Splashee


      I wish you good luck on your new job! :squee:

    4. Oblivion
  12. Alright guys going to change my avatar back to Blivy when I get back Im going to an end of season lawn care thingy at the ....bar, hehe!  ^_^

    1. Stone Cold Steve Jobs
    2. Splashee



      Remember who you are!


      But seriously, only you should choose to be who you want to be. Don't listen to what others say.

    3. Oblivion


      I I will try

  13. Don't mind me spoop! XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Oblivion


      A good friend lemme borrow his OC let's call it renting his OC XD

    3. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Interesting. Well, they have good taste in design. :P

    4. Oblivion


      Indeed! When I asked to borrow it at first he was like....well let's just say he was less than thrilled! XD

  14. Just sitting in a bar having some drinks waiting for my undies to wash! X3

    1. Oblivion


      That reaction! IM AT A LAUNDRY MAT! XD

    2. CypherHoof


      Odd place to wash undies. Would normally recommend a laundrette...

  15. I'm now a registered Republican in Iowa!

  16. Nothing like spending 2 hours at the DoT I can't feel my ass, those plastic chairs are hard! :ButtercupLaugh:

  17. I love behind my ears being scratched! :ButtercupLaugh:

    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt


    2. Flutterstep


      Are you a cat? :wau:

    3. Oblivion


      @Lucky Bolt :catface: purrr

      @Flutterstep Shhh XD 



  18. Here an oldie!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oblivion


      Nah, a friend at the time drew it for me! <3

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Very nice but would be better if of an the! Or.

    4. Splashee


      Super cute!

  19. I LOVE the new banner!


    1. Tacodidra


      I think it's very beautiful too! :rarity:

      But I'm quite sure no one likes it more than @DivineShadow1000 does! :LunaMCM:

    2. DivineMist1000
  20. hi

    1. Splashee


      Hi. You seem new to me? New name and avatar. Have we met :orly:

    2. Oblivion


      H, h, hiiii Im silver moon b but you can just call me silvy.... >////<

  21. Im uploading halo Eldowrito to Mediafire if anyone wants the link dm me!

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