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Status Updates posted by Oblivion

  1. Look at the cute evil bunny!

    1. Phosphor


      Look behind you, Sweetie Belle  :fabulous:

      Angel Bunny Sweetie Belle.jpg

  2. 1. 







    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Oblivion


      Oh boy what have I done. :lie::mustache:

    3. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      You done done it boy :toldya:^_^

    4. Oblivion


      God dang it bobby! 

  3. Wondering if I should make a top 5 list of my favorite mainstream country songs?

    1. Prince Doopliss

      Prince Doopliss

      I wouldn't mind seeing that list! ^_^

    2. Oblivion


      SWEET I shall!

    3. Lucky Bolt
  4. "What if grandpa's never died" got this weird water coming from my eyes, I was raised by my grandparents you see and now he's gone forever in slumber.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Sorry to hear that....I know the feeling 

    3. Oblivion


      Thank you all it means a lot! :kindness:

    4. Oblivion


      I just never truly got over it my grandfather made me that man I am today and I try so very hard to lead by the example he set, but I never stop trying not ever.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Oblivion


      It's a pretty boring state! So boring that all my family on my dad's side INCLUDING my dad left, so I'm kinda sad now. :(

        But all in all it's a pretty peaceful state, and very gun and truck friendly! 

    3. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Gun and truck friendly? Alright I'm won over. Where's my plane ticket? ^_^

    4. Oblivion


      *hands you a plane ticket* XD

  6. Thanks for the follow! Right back at ya! 

  7. Oh Lord back on the gun debate on here RIP me :awwthanks:

    1. Tacodidra


      I've done my best to stay away from all those debates... :adorkable: I can't deny they're interesting to read sometimes, though! :mlp_icwudt:

    2. Oblivion


      Yeah I just take everything with a grain of salt not worth rising blood pressure.

  8. I went to bed at like 8 just woke up at 1....really craving a fountain drink!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      Ive had nights like that...:derp:

    3. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Lol are you me?

    4. Oblivion


      Haha I just really wanted a fountain twas good! 

  9. Also I appreciate the follow! 

  10. I'm exhausted:scoots:, im going to bed! :lie:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Oblivion


      @Splashee must I remind you what happened last time you got trapped inside my profile? :awwthanks:

    3. Splashee


      Please don't :sealed: XD

    4. Oblivion


      *Pat's your head* good boy! 

  11. Alright guys, im going to exit my MLP tab and go play some halo 3 eldowrito sure glad I came back I missed this place a bunch!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Splashee


      You have the option to close that MLPForum tab in your browser, but it keeps re-opening :ButtercupLaugh:

    3. Oblivion



    4. Tacodidra


      Have fun, my friend! :D Both playing that game and here on the forums, of course! :twi:

  12. Why hello there! I really like your avatar!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eathlin


      You know a game called Hearts of Iron? I'm on the dev team for a mod called Equestria at War. The reformisten aren't nice lads.


    3. Oblivion


      OH that actually sounds really cool, though sadly I have not heard of the game.

    4. Eathlin


      It's fairly complicated though I'm proud to say that EaW has hit 30,000 players last month. The Reformisten control the kingdoms of Hellquil and Longsword who in turn border the pony River Federation. Reformisten are Griffion Supremacists who... ah... I don't think I'm allowed to say on this website.

  13. Lucky! Sometimes I wish I could do nothing, you should find yourself a fun game to play! :sassy:


    1. Oblivion


      Also meant to reply not send a new status 

    2. Limestone-Pie


      Lol, it's completely fine. I would play some games if I didn't have some other work coming up soon. I don't want to get too invested just to stop. 

    3. Oblivion


      Yeah work haha I could use some zzzs right about now but I'm at work you see! :scoots:

  14. Damn it got these jeans all dirty...



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Oblivion


      Um haha well then 

    3. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      That's...that's a good look :toldya:. Nice boots by the way :wub:

    4. Oblivion
  15. Almost wish chrysalis was reformed, they kinda seemed to hint at the idea.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Oblivion


      It's kinda sad that cozy glow is just a filly though....

    3. Emerald Heart

      Emerald Heart

      Cozy Glow is my favorite villain 

    4. Tacodidra


      @Spooky Emerald Mine too! A cute filly that's evil was something I never expected from the show. And that's exactly what I like the most about her! :sneer:

  16. So i had a dream last night that I tipped over a motor home camper, using a jack, I looked in the fridge after I tiped it back over upright and a watermelon I put in there a long time ago in another dream was still there!!!! omg that was so weird, our brains our weird... :3 

  17. Good morning shiny pone!

  18. Anyone in Iowa wanna hang out?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oblivion


      E eeeeppp I have been booped, help meeeee

    3. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Wish I could!

    4. Oblivion



      @Lucky Bolt

      Aww,well thank you all. :BrightMacContent: Just kinda been looking for fellow local bronies to chill with over here in Iowa! :please: Be so cool to have a MLP former be an iowan as well! :mlp_yeehaa:

  19. Im not a fan of battle royals at all, id rather just dies respawn and try again! :sneer: 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DubWolf


      Yes, but you've come to play, not just watch :nom: .

      I suppose you could eat some treats while you watch :nom: .

    3. ShadOBabe


      Hah, that’s fair!

    4. Oblivion


      I dont wanna get fat though

  20. Thank you for the follow back, also cute furry avatar!

    1. Ocean Aura

      Ocean Aura


      you’re welcome and thank you

    2. Oblivion


      Id give you a brohoof but sadly the system wont currently let me for whatever reason but have a great day/night whereever you are! :sneer:

    3. Ocean Aura
  21. Quiz time, what youtuber says this at the end of his videos? "If not for meeeeee" end quote, annnndddd GO!

  22. Damn it, im old school and i got too used to just SPAMMING brohooves now i reach the reaction limit in like 5 mins! :lie:

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Oblivion


      Strange indeed :awwthanks:

    3. Splashee


      Hi, did you just mention me @Tacodidra, I feel special :ButtercupLaugh:


      I have never hit any limit in giving brohoofs either. It was someone else who said they'd hit the limit, and I didn't believe.

    4. Tacodidra


      @Splashee Oh yeah, I think it was @PinkieShadow (who I miss :sunny:). You were just replying to the status then.

      You're welcome, my friend! :yay: You deserve the mention in any case! :D

  23. Holy wow! over 30K brohooves! NICE you are very deserving of all of them you're always there for literally everyone I see you everywhere! :yay:

    1. Tacodidra


      Thanks, my friend! :rarity: *hugs* I had no idea I'd get anywhere near this many when I joined. To be honest, I think there are a lot of users here who have contributed a lot more to the forums (regardless of what their brohoof count may be). 

      It's been my pleasure! :kindness: I may have joined this community for the ponies, but all my amazing friends here are the reason why I'm here now. :grin:

    2. Oblivion


      Awwww thats sweet! We all think you're awesome!

    3. Tacodidra


      Thanks again! :rarity: You're awesome too! :yay:

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