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  1. Quilava's post in How to upload a signature was marked as the answer   
    Both of the answers supplied here should be detailed enough to get you through to uploading your signature.

    Also, if you're going to use these methods, it's best to upload your signature to a image-hosting site such as http://imgur.com/ or http://photobucket.com/ . Once uploaded, you will want to take the direct link as instructed above and follow their instructions :3

    However, should the automated insert image function not work on the toolbar, you can always use:
    [img=insert url here] Using this code is the same thing as the toolbar function.
  2. Quilava's post in Unable to use [img]. was marked as the answer   
    I'm looking at your signature TLD, and there appears to have a " " " before the start of the link. When using the code, there only needs to be the image url.
    [img]http://www.imagesup.net/?di=2140838776816[/img] As seen here.
    Alternatively, you can use the insert image button on the post toolbar and the system will automatically place the image inside your signature.

    Something I should have tested as I had a feeling it would be so, the only type of images that this forum will accept are those that end in .jpeg/.gif/etc. Upon, testing out your image, it does not work with the type of link that is given. 
    Uploading it to a place like imgur or photobucket and grabbing their direct link once it's uploaded will use the proper link. Then you should be able to have your signature displayed~
  3. Quilava's post in A Commerce Section? was marked as the answer   
    As a first stated point, there already resides a place here on MLP Forums where users are able to not only share their merchandise, but generally discuss every aspect of it. The sub lies within the Sugarcube Corner, and is aptly named Pony Merchandise!

    However, in regards to the main point of this suggestion there is a massive concern and issue for this sort of thing: Scamming. There is simply just no way to monitor any of the transactions and arrangements that could go on within these types of threads. Not only could this result in users here becoming infuriated that they paid for an item and it wasn't shipped, the opposite with them sending an item and never receiving payment, or when a trade goes through and only one end keeps their word. 
    Normally, the user would then go to the people who are hosting the grounds for the trade, the admins (even more-so Feld0 since he hosts the forum) and complain to them in hopes that something get done. Sure, a way around this would be to use current staff, or even add additional staff (hehe) to act as honorary middlemen to ensure honesty and such is kept between users, but then there lies adding more staff that we could trust, trust, taking a lot of time to found and build properly and securely. 
    In my general opinion, having a market area would be a very instable and insecure idea coming from where we stand as a site.
  4. Quilava's post in WYSIWI Don't Want - disabling the WYSIWYG editor? was marked as the answer   
    In a very basic sense, this here is true. The editor we use here on the forums, CKEditor, is the only one users are able to use and it is not possible to switch it out for any other WYSIWYG editor.
  5. Quilava's post in How to Find Characters for RP was marked as the answer   
    Just for the record and possible future reference, you can always head to the Character Database section of the forum and utilize the search function to help find your characters :3

    With everything being sound and clear, I'll mark this thread as answered and lock it up~
  6. Quilava's post in can I start a thread asking people to post memes? was marked as the answer   
    Actually , there is a thread just around that criteria located securely in the Forum lounge.
    Post All of Your Funny Pony Pictures, located here, would be the thing you're looking for, no?
  7. Quilava's post in Can't paste image link was marked as the answer   
    Due to the time that has passed in regards to this issue and no response coming from the OP, I'm going to lock this thread up for organization purposes.
    However, should this issue arise again I both recommend and urge the creation of a support ticket. Thank you and have a great night~
  8. Quilava's post in Where is it? was marked as the answer   
    There are already places like this well established within the forums :3
    You can either head to the Creative Resources sub-section, or, though it primarily deals with art, you can still head to the Requests Guild located within the Creative Resources and create a thread there. If all else fails, you can use both status updates and blog posts to get your inquiries about help out there to the community :3 !
  9. Quilava's post in Can't post images was marked as the answer   
    If you're able to, would be able to provide a screenshot of just what exactly your seeing (sometimes my visualization fails me and having a "physical" copy benefits quite a lot).
    There is an easy alternative however. Once you get the url for the image you wish to input into the post, you can use the following instead of the function in the toolbar.
    [img=insert image link here] This is the bbc code used to insert images into posts :3
  10. Quilava's post in Waifu marriage topic was marked as the answer   
    Overall though, all that sort of is, is just a role-play. As such, there is the role-play sub-forum to go to, or, you can even just use the private messaging system and invite those who you wish to be "coordinating" the "event". There is very little that would actually necessitate a dedicated sub for this sort of thing with regards to the actual amount of content and, should I say, "discussion" that this "concept" possesses. 
    I could also see it as a possibility of people start harassing others for "marrying their 'waifu' ". I myself am not fond of the idea of CanonxOC shipping (and downright despise it, but that's a different discussion :3), but I know the following people have with waifus and such. Having topics about others marrying what they claim as theirs could have bad to even horrid results and catastrophies.
  11. Quilava's post in Just a small bug, but I thought I should report it. was marked as the answer   
    Just replicated this small glitch. Seems to happen when you scroll back up to the top of the page and the navigation bar re-positions itself just below the banner. As stated before, a simple refresh rids the error easily~
  12. Quilava's post in Search function not working? was marked as the answer   
    This is already a known issue to the staff and to quote CD again as to the status of this:

    For future references, please do a look-through on the sub-forum to see if your tech or site-related question has already been posted and answered~
  13. Quilava's post in Custom Blocks on Blogs not working. was marked as the answer   
    I can also confirm that the "+ Custom block" does not work in contrary to the other various blocks. As such, I would suggest you open up a support ticket so that a developer can take a look at this.
  14. Quilava's post in eMail Occurance was marked as the answer   
    That's a simple fix. If you don't wish for notifications to be sent to your e-mail; go to your settings, find where it says "Notification Options"

    Then head over to the far right side and uncheck everything under the "e-mail" column. This will disable anything that was once checked to be sent to your e-mail, only providing you with forum notifications.

  15. Quilava's post in Turned off Seeing Signatures. Don't know how to revert. was marked as the answer   
    To do this, simply head into your settings and go down to where it says " 'Ignore' preferences"

    Then simply head right over the box and toggle off the "Ignore all signatures when reading topics and personal messages" box.

    You should then be able to see signatures again!
  16. Quilava's post in Forum Site Glitch? was marked as the answer   
    There already exists a thread where users can follow in regards to this issue. 
    Please, when you are going to create a topic here, ensure that there are no others that are similar in the issue.
  17. Quilava's post in Changing user title? was marked as the answer   
    As stated well above, the only one can edit their user title is by being a subscriber or donor. Any questions about what subscribers and donors get/etc can be found in the FAQ revolving them.
    If you wish to make a simple donation, then the amount donated will dictate how many days you will be labeled as a donor and be placed within that group. For every dollar donated, you shall be given 5 days of donor status. After the time has passed, you will be returned to the original user group.
    The donation box can be found on the homepage, just below the user's birthdays list 
    Or it can be done on this page here, simply using the box on the right hand side.
    Subscribers are different in that they are users with recurring payments (monthly). They receive no other benefits though besides the automatic transactions every month. Should you want to be a subscriber, you can click the "subscribe!" button on the top task bar of the sight and it'll take you to the checkout page.
    I'll also note that, should your benefits end and you do not wish to keep your custom title, you can PM an admin and they will revert it back to the badge title you're currently at. (bunny, phoenix, etc.).
  18. Quilava's post in Gala Event Invite? was marked as the answer   
    Hello Mr_Butternubs, you're best bet to this is to get in contact with @@Feld0 and discuss your inquiry with him. He will give you the green or red light for your proposition.
  19. Quilava's post in Link Question was marked as the answer   
    Combining the two best answers into one post~
    Hope these have helped you Minitori~
  20. Quilava's post in Post(S) Not coming through was marked as the answer   
    Alright, perhaps the posts you are making are being done in the Cloudsdale Colosseum? Due to the leniency and silliness that goes on there, posts made in that section do not count for your actively visible post count.
  21. Quilava's post in A question was marked as the answer   
    If the poem itself deals with the show/is based off the fandom/show, then you may place it in the Other Fan Works section located here.
    Should you have any other works that you want to post, but aren't in the topic of MLP:FiM, then you may place them in the Non-Pony Artwork section located here.
    If you ever have other doubts, feel free to either PM a member from staff or send in a support ticket! :3
  22. Quilava's post in How can I use a gif as avatar? was marked as the answer   
    Hehe, since you figured it out, I shall hereby lock this topic! 
    Gifs need to exactly fit the dimensions of the avatar box in order to animate. This means that they must have dimensions of either 150x150px or 200x150px. 
  23. Quilava's post in Im confused. was marked as the answer   
    To clarify a bit better on what has said:
    If you are merely posting the song itself with no other content beyond the music and isn't of your own creation, then you may not post it. However, should it be something more of a PMV or other video containing edits, sound and vid syncing, etc that you yourself put together and are merely using the song as an addition to the video, then this is allowed. Even then, proper credit to the original artist who made the song is always a good thing to include. With that being said, depending on whether or not the video includes ponies, the best place to post your works would either be in the Other Fan Works section (if pony) or in the Non-Pony Artwork section of Octavia's Hall and tag the post with the  tag.
    Should this be a remix of an original song, then you are completely allowed to post your works. This can be done by placing it on another site such as soundcloud, or, even better, Pony.fm ( ) and linking it in your post. Again, credit to the origins are always nice. As stated above, music would then go into the Fan Music section if in relation to pony, or in the Non-Pony Artwork section listed with the  tag.
    Should there still be any doubt, please do not hesitate to either PM anyone from staff here or even send in a ticket. Always better safe then sorry.
  24. Quilava's post in I think I found a mistake in the main page... was marked as the answer   
    If you look towards the side of the site, where the "Recent Topics" are :

    The topics you are seeing are indeed duplicates, however I don't believe they were made on purpose, nor are they glitches. For the past two hours maybe(?) the site has been having some issues. Either the site has been very slow or simply unresponsive and resulting in 504 Gateway timed out errors. So people who were making threads at that time may have accidentally double and triple created a thread by clicking "submit" when it reappeared and the server gave no immediate response.
  25. Quilava's post in A Little Guidance Please was marked as the answer   
    I'd say your sort of thread would definitely be fine if it were placed in the Creative Resources Section of the Forum. That sub-section is the place to go for anything in regards to help in artistic mediums (textures, drawing, painting, writing, etc) regardless of the topic.
    You can find that sub-section as the first in the Octavia's Hall main area.

    Should you merely want to post your works as full works, then you would head down to the bottom of the sub-forum and create your thread in the "Non-Pony Artwork" sub-section.
    Hopefully this answered your questions and I hope you get the critiques you're looking for.
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