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Everything posted by GaleFenrir

  1. @@RedStorm, @, ((since Darklord260 is going to be absent for a while now, let's try to keep to small-talk. You know, stuff his character wouldn't have much to input on anyways)) Gardenia smiled widely. "Wow, I am already making so many friends here! And they are all so kind and... well I am not used to this degree of attention. I suppose it helps that they aren't all so concerned with politics or fashion or anything silly like that! We are all students here, and it just feels so... welcoming!" Gardenia started to happily canter onward, but then remembered that the whole reason she was so happy was that she had company. "Come on, then!" she said as she turned around and beckoned the two stallions along.
  2. @, @@ParsoOfEquestria, @ "Now wasn't that just a bit odd," Curious thought to himself as he left the building for the Sydneigh Herald. "I mean, I can understand not actively hiring, but most places still let you fill out an application for later." His thoughts were interrupted when Windy dropped down and started to brag about his fancy new job. "That... that is definitely odd. Were they desperate to fill in a position there or something?" "Actually, no, it doesn't seem like I will be, Windy. I couldn't even get hold of an application. I'll have to look else where." Curious looked up at the sky. "It's getting a little late for today, though, so I'll resume my search tomorrow." Curious turned his head to Mystic, "What about about you, dear? You going to go find a gym about now? I'll be heading home, so I will see you later tonight, alright?" He pecked her on her cheek.
  3. @, @@RedStorm, @, Gardenia raised an eyebrow, "Um, yeah we are together, but that doesn't mean you have to go—" She was interrupted by a pegasus stallion, of all things, carrying a couch into her apartment. "That's odd, I haven't placed any orders for new furniture yet." The pegasus made a few comments to Blaze and went on his way. "Guess they know each other." She turned her attention back to RedStorm, "As I was saying, do join us. We might as well all be friends, right?"
  4. @, @@RedStorm, Gardenia let out a sigh of relief; she had been quite shocked from the physical contact, "Hello, Redstorm. you may call me Gardenia." She paused, remembering she had company with her. She pointed a hoof to him, "and this is Blazing Spectrum," she appended. "Pleasure to meet you. I too am new here on campus, so I understand why you would be taking in the sights."
  5. @, @@RedStorm, Gardenia let out a small laugh at Blaze's blabbering, "You are making sense, don't worry." She went out to the hallway ahead of Blaze as he had offered, but when she had turned around to him, She felt something or somepony bump into her. "Oh, I am so sorry, I didn't look around before suddenly stopping in the hallway. It really is my fault, but I didn't mean to!"
  6. @, @@ParsoOfEquestria, @, "Huh, Windy must be out an about looking for employment, too. Good thing I won't have to pay his rent for him, then." "Though, I do wonder what kind of proper job could use the skills of a soccer player. Probably just some retail job or something that doesn't require much in the way of qualifications." "Anyways, I guess I'll go in and make my application." Curious said, walking into the office building of the Sydneigh Herald. He went up to the front desk, "Hello, I would like to apply for a job as an investigative journalist." The secretary looked up for a moment at Curious, and then nonchalantly looked away. "We're not hiring right now." A small pout placed itself on Curious' face, "But, you don't even know my qualifications! I am really quite good, I ensure you. Certainly somepony of my skill could be used here." "Sorry, sir. We are not hiring right now," the secretary said without facing him. "But—" "Not hiring." ((hopefully that's alright. Don't mean to godmod, but incidental NPCs are fine, right?))
  7. @, "It's alright, no need to feel sorry," Gardenia said with a reassuring smile. "I'm sure you'll find a marefriend easily enough, in time. Just..." Gardenia paused a bit, trying to think of some advice, "just be more comfortable with yourself, then being comfortable around others with come natural." "There, hopefully that will help put his mind at ease. I have no idea about relationships, but I know enough about being comfortable with yourself that I have at least some confidence in that advice." Gardenia thought on whether to take Blaze up on the offer for him to show her around, and figured it would be more productive than just wandering around aimlessly. "I kindly accept your offer to show me where the shop is, since you seem to have been here for a while longer than myself." "Besides, if he spends more time with me, he'll see soon enough he needn't be afraid of me."
  8. Oh no, your review are gradually degrading in the grades! Mine is next, will I get an F? F-? AH! That is terrifying. Well, just kidding, but it was a silly little thought that popped in my head when I saw that trend. Also, could you review my second character, Gardenia, as well?
  9. @, "He seems really uncomfortable with me here... perhaps I should just give him some space for now." Gardenia thought to herself. "Well, I am not much of a painter either, but I do think some flowers would spruce up the place," Gardenia took a small pouch of bit from her saddle-bag. "I think I'll go ahead and get some." She walked towards the door out to the hallway, but turned around before she was out, "actually, um, I have no idea where I am going. Do you happen to know if there would be such a shop on campus, or..."
  10. Well of course not everything is supposed to make logical sense. But... That's not gonna stop us from trying to fit some in, though.
  11. Pony names can be oddly prophetic, but most of the times the names are only tangentially related anyway. For example, Apple Bloom. She is part of the apple family, so her name is apple-related. But it is heavily implied that her special talent isn't even in apple farming. I think, given the heavy prevalence of magic in the universe, it's possible that when parents name their foal they are just suddenly hit with a magically induced epiphany as to what their name is.
  12. @, Gardenia stepped aside to let Blaze into the dorm. "Yeah, it is quite plain now that you mention it." Gardenia trotted over to the saddle-bag she had dropped off on her bed, and started to shuffle through it. "I brought a few small things from home, but we ought to get some furniture to make the place more comfy." she pulled out a small wooden box, a worn and evidently old book, and a small framed picture from her bags and set them down on her bed. Gardenia turned back to Blaze, "What about you, how do you want to decorate up the place?"
  13. @, @@Addem Up, Curious shook his head, "I didn't see anything, or anypony." "I wish I could have gotten a more thorough look, but it's probably best if we just hurry." And with that thought, Curious quickened his pace, whilst making sure that Pondah was keeping up still. "The sooner we are off the streets, the less he has to worry about sudden ambush."
  14. @, Gardenia smiled gently, "Tell me, don't tell me, either is fine. Whichever would make you comfortable. Though, I can't say I have much experience of my own to share, so I'd basically just be a pair of ears, anyway." Gardenia then remembered that their introduction was cut short, "Also, it's nice to make your acquaintance, Blaze. I do hope we will get along fine." Gardenia attempted to mimic the gesture she saw Mint do, but she wasn't certain she got it quite right, "How ever did she do that with her hoof?"
  15. @, @, "Hmm?" Gardenia questioned when Blaze excused himself. She noticed him walk up to a green mare, Mint as Blaze called her. "I wonder what's got him all nervous? Well, if he wants to talk to me about it at some point, I am sure he will. No need for me to press the matter." Gardenia noticed Mint do an odd gesture at her with her hoof, "What does she mean by doing that? Is that a greeting, of some sort? Should I respond in kind?" Gardenia heard that Mint was talking, but she couldn't quite make out the words. Before Gardenia could figure out how to properly respond, Mint trotted away.
  16. @, Gardenia's head perked up when she heard the knocking on the door. "Oh, do come in!" She trotted up to the door and opened it herself. Gardenia noticed a bit of her mane was dangling in front of her face, and pushed it back into place with a hoof. "Hello there, my name is Gardenia. What's yours?"
  17. @, Gardenia looked at the campus in awe and excitement, "This whole place is really solely dedicated to academics? It's so... big. And there are so many ponies going about. I got to check out their library!" Gardenia started to walk into the campus, and realized she still had saddle-bags, "Perhaps I should drop these off in my new dorm, first." She found her way into the wing of the campus where her new living quarters were. Walking through the hallway she noticed quite a few of the students going about business... not entirely academic in nature. She finally got to the door of her dorm, and opened it. "Huh, I thought it would be bigger. Don't I have a roomate, after all? But, I suppose it isn't that bad, certainly enough space to live in." Gardenia trotted into her room and removed her saddle-bags, placing them on the bed she claimed her own. "I wonder where my room mate is anyway? I ought to meet him or her as soon as I can."
  18. Wait, your character is the daughter or Blueblood? Mind having an older half-sister? I swear it's coincidence, but I just made a character who happens to be the daughter of Blueblood and an (as of yet) anonymous mother. I would understand if you declined, her name's Gardenia, and is in my sig.
  19. You seem to have a lopsided distribution of gender! I shall help alleviate that with my newly created character, huzzah! (I mean, if you are okay with her joining.) Anways, her name is Gardenia, her link is in my sig, but whatever, here it is again for extra redundancy. I also have a stallion OC, if there is a need.
  20. Welp, done with my Gardenia's character page, check her out: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/gardenia-r3570

  21. Yeah, eyes are probably the bane of my existence when it comes to drawing ponies. Can't ever seem to get them right, and that sucks because they are pretty much the most expressive and characterful aspect. I should really do some studies,like, constantly.
  22. Well, now that I got her portrait done, best get started on my new OC's page.

  23. I already posted this in the Fan Art section, but I figured I would leave this here for posterity's sake: Though, if any had further input into her design, that would still be appreciated. Her name is Gardenia.
  24. Alright, so I have just designed a new OC and was wondering what you thought of her(and the portraiture I have done of her). So, this is Gardenia. Well, technically, it would be Princess Gardenia, but she never introduces herself as such, and she doesn't much think of herself as a princess(and coincidentally, not many others do. Most that know her as a princess tend to forget.). She is the humble half-sister of the infamously arrogant Prince Blueblood. Her talent and passion is in tending to the royal gardens, and her cutie mark is appropriately a gardenia. Unlike her brother, she realizes she doesn't really hold much of any political power. When she is not tending to her garden, she likes to culture herself, studying in all sorts of affairs and is actually quite the accomplished scholar. She does socialize, but she prefers the company of the intellectual to either the nobility or fashion-centric of Canterlot. Now, this is in Octavia's Hall, so do make comment on the portrait itself, and please do critique, I still have much to learn. And, specifically, if you could recommend what I should do with the background, that would be very much appreciated.
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