@, @@ParsoOfEquestria, @,
"Huh, Windy must be out an about looking for employment, too. Good thing I won't have to pay his rent for him, then."
"Though, I do wonder what kind of proper job could use the skills of a soccer player. Probably just some retail job or something that doesn't require much in the way of qualifications."
"Anyways, I guess I'll go in and make my application." Curious said, walking into the office building of the Sydneigh Herald.
He went up to the front desk, "Hello, I would like to apply for a job as an investigative journalist."
The secretary looked up for a moment at Curious, and then nonchalantly looked away. "We're not hiring right now."
A small pout placed itself on Curious' face, "But, you don't even know my qualifications! I am really quite good, I ensure you. Certainly somepony of my skill could be used here."
"Sorry, sir. We are not hiring right now," the secretary said without facing him.
"Not hiring."
((hopefully that's alright. Don't mean to godmod, but incidental NPCs are fine, right?))