@@Jellal Fernandes
Ammit watched through the shabti's eyes as it underwent the ritual in his stead. He silently mocked the whole ordeal, laughing at the gathering of brainwashed knights and particularly at Arthur, who actually seemed to think he was some sort of god now. Poor fool, his delusions would only make it easier to manipulate him, so Ammit would treat him like whatever he thought he was to further his own goals.
The shabti was lowered into the magical healing pool behind it after it had finished repeating the chant. Ammit gradually began to feel rejuvenated, the ill effects of Abaddon's curse being removed as the other benefits of the pool kicked in. Hell, he actually felt stronger than before. Last but not least, he knew he had now had access to these mystical springs, and while he wouldn't need them anytime soon, they would serve their true purposes when the time came.
The knights gave about 5 minutes of recovery time to "him", the shabti replying with words of gratitude and excitement for being part of this brotherhood. It told them it would be heading back to the room it had prepared in to retrieve his belongings, and off it went. When it got there, Ammit revealed himself and disenchanted the copy, returning it to its lifeless, miniature form which he then hid. He grabbed his staff and robes, then headed out to meet Arthur and his men.
"King Arthur," he called with a wave, "Let us discuss our plans for the future."
Yes, and he seems to be here for more than just vengeance and his usual attempts to spread destruction.
"He didn't even try to fight me even though I was dealing with some superpowered Monty Python reject. Ammit actually helped him escape from me!"
Casimir heard the sounds of vehicles rushing up outside the apartment complex. He looked outside the window, taking note that these vehicles were just a little too sleek and high tech compared to the other cheap cars in the area. On top of that, he began to feel Schwartz's brooding presence close in on them. Great. Just great.
"King," Casimir said as he turned back to face the man, "Two things: Official looking vehicles just stopped by, and I seriously doubt you or Sasha were expecting any company. Second thing, Schwartz is coming, and she does not seem happy..."
He glanced concernedly at Eunae. If she had regressed into such a poor condition from his presence alone, what would happen if there were TWO powerful dark presences around her (fighting each other no less)?