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Lume WMj

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Everything posted by Lume WMj

  1. I'm eating some fries...... Just thought I'd share that with you.

    1. Misty Rose
    2. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      Lol. Don't share the news; share the fries!

    3. Lume WMj

      Lume WMj

      Too late! I ate them all already! D:

  2. I tried. I swear I did. But I just can't see the funny in Angry Video Game Nerd.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ActFast231


      I like NerdCubed, DadCubed, Achievement Hunter Let's Plays, Jesse Cox, and TotalBiscuit.


      I don't enjoy the Yogscast, Pewdiepie, or Gaming Grumps.

    3. Lume WMj

      Lume WMj

      I don't know any of these, but Pewdiepie and GameGrumps. I like GameGrumps. :3

    4. ActFast231


      Not my cup of tea personally.


      TotalBiscuit is a gaming commentator, not really comedy centered. Rather cynical as well.


      Jesse Cox is a very energetic LPer that is quite funny.


      Rooster Teeth has a LP channel that is very funny indeed.


      NerdCubed is like a cross between TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox.


      DadCubed is his father.

  3. I think her personality kinda fits in the "show-business" type of character. She's an entertainer because she likes to (try to) impress the others with her tricks, even though other unicorns can do just as much magic. Perhaps she has some kind of attention-need mentality and that's why she chose performing on a stage as her living. If that's financially helpful, I have no idea. But I don't think she cares either. She's just so persistent in believing she's better than the others, so I can't really picture her working anywhere else~
  4. "Right away!" Poison waved a hoof and went to the back part of the cafe once again, soon coming out of it holding another tray containing the toast and the apple juice. He put everything on the table and, again, sat down on the nearby chair. He just quietly listened to their conversation, especially intrigued by the peculiar way that the beige mare spoke to Sunny Dew. MusicMare, huh?... Poison thought to himself. Sounds like a fun place... He took a quick look at the clock on the wall and then around the establishment. His shift would be over soon.
  5. Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what's inside. There may be plenty of awful candies in there, but there sure are a few really tasty ones. I've had my fair share of both, though I believe that, luckily, I've came across mostly good chocolates until now. But even if I did get a lot of bad ones, I'd still be happy. Simply because I'm grateful for receiving that box of chocolate in the first place. So yes, I'm really happy with my life... and now I'm also hungry.
  6. Are we there yet?

  7. "I live there~" Poison smiled at the shy mare's comment. "I've got a house at the Sun's Blessing street. My father lives in Canterlot as well, but I don't live with him, I'm old enough to have my own place already." He laughed alone. "I came to Baltimare yesterday, rented a small apartment and all. But I'm still not sure if I'll stay here permanently. It's a nice city and all, but there's no place like home, you know... Unless something, or somepony, gives me a reason to stay." "Whew! Don't even get me started! I have to keep running back and forth, in and out of the kitchen, take orders, say 'hi' to every single customer, apologize when I mess up, ponies shouting at me, I apologize again, do my best to make everypony satisfied!..." Poison stopped his ranting for a few seconds. "...But then again, I think it's fun." He opened a big smile. He noticed that the three ponies also didn't know each other yet. He also noticed a considerable amount of passion coming from the beige unicorn mare towards the other mare that identified herself as Sunny Dew. Poison just rolled his eyes and opened a half-smile, before rising up from his seat, trotting towards the kitchen's window and picking up a tray. He put the tray down onto the table: two scrambled eggs and two orange juices on it. He sat down on the same place again and turned to the bright-yellow unicorn, Sunny Dew. @ "Don't you want something to eat, miss?"
  8. As soon as the mutants allowed the group's passage, Lume beamed. She picked up her sword, putting it back in the sheath, and followed the others out of the town, shivering slightly upon trotting past the groaning squids. She nodded as to agree with what Nexus had said. She didn't expect in the slightest their escape to be as simple as it had been: much less had she expected Solar Flare or Nexus to try to come to such agreement with the barbarian enemies. Not that she was eager to watch a massacre of any sort, but she thought it would be inevitable. Luckily, it wasn't. She had, indeed, slayed one single monster and that awful realization was just then starting to sink in. But her mind was slowly being put back together as the four of them walked towards the capital city. Lume stopped and looked back to find a better view of the town once known as Ponyville. Losing herself in thoughts once again, she shook her head and went back beside her partners. What waited for them in Canterlot, was a mystery. (( OOC: As long as everyone is ready do move on, we can skip the travelling~ ))
  9. "Why, yes, we do!" "So that'll be two scrambled eggs and two orange juices... Alright!" Poison wrote the order down and brought it to the kitchen's window, giving it to another pony. Upon noticing the half-empty cafe, he went back to an unoccupied table - next to the table where the three mares were - and sat down. "I gotta say... I never thought being a waiter would be so tiring..." He told the three ponies next to him. "It's completely different from the spa I used to work at back in Canterlot. But well, I can't really complain about it. It's good to try new things every now and then. Besides, the ponies in Baltimare seem to be more open-minded and extrovert than the Canterlot folk... But then again, I'm not complaining about anything." Poison chuckled and turned to face the three mares - a yellow unicorn, a pink earth pony and a beige unicorn. "I'm Poison Puppet, by the way. You can call me Poison, for short. I'm new in town."
  10. Obviously. Fluffle Puff's videos are just so freaking hilarious! I absolutely love her relationship with Dan, Twilight and, especially, Chrysalis. She's just a crazy, adorable, enormous ball of pink fur that likes licking and kissing and eating and how can you not love her. Also, this song is my new drug: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRC4Vk6kisY
  11. I kinda prefer the night over the day. I think the sky is much more beautiful with the moon and all of the stars around it~ I also prefer the cold weather, and nighttime is usually cooler than daytime. The streets are usually less crowded during the night as well, so I can enjoy some peace!
  12. This is kind of a funny story, actually. :3 I believe it happened roughly three years ago. It was a beautiful day in the city of Townsville. I had recently moved into a new apartment - in a new city - and I went out to buy some groceries during the evening, on foot, and on my own. Again, I didn't know the city in the slightest, so I had to ask for directions all the time. Anyway, I made it to the grocery store, bought everything I needed and was on my way back home, somehow holding four-and-a-half bags and a huge gallon of milk between my arms (the gallon, for its part, didn't fit in the bags). I knew more or less where my apartment was from where I was, so I took a slightly different path on my way back. I was thinking about daily ordinary stuff, trying my hardest to balance all of those groceries, until my foot decided to hide itself in a hole. I immediately fell face-first on the ground since, somehow, I couldn't free myself from those bags. I guess they were holding onto me as fiercely as I was holding onto them. The result? Food scattered all over the sidewalk, clothes soaked in milk, pedestrians choosing whether to laugh or to help, and three ugly stitches on my chin. So yeah... I stepped in a random hole on the street and ended up in the hospital having my chin stitched up. Blood and milk everywhere 'n such. I'm glad I'm able to laugh at that nowadays, though. xD
  13. (( OOC: Sorry for taking so long~ )) @ @ @ After rushing back and forth from table to table, being shouted at, greeting literally everypony and everything else, Poison Puppet swayed over to one of the last customers in the cafe. Keeping up his crazy pace, he almost collided against the table. "Whew!!" He exclaimed, popping out seemingly out of nowhere. "Sorry about the wait, ladies! I'm not used to this city's hasty waves of ponies... And apparently we're kinda short in workers today." He cleaned off a few sweat drops from his forehead before swiftly pulling out three menus and laying them on the table. He then took a deep breath. "Alright, now for the formalities, shall we?" He cleared his throat. "Welcome to the Baltimare's Stadium Cafe! How may we serve you today?" Poison had repeated that exact same phrase so many times already.
  14. Lume's near-laughter expression turned into a nervous, somewhat annoyed smile. She turned away from the guards and approached Nexus, whispering to him. "Wow, you could let me have at least some fun, for once... You're so boring." She chuckled. "And by the way, I love you too." Nodding to the guards, she trotted back to Solar Flare. "Honestly... Maxus Tearsoma. How could he possibly have disliked that?" She mumbled on her way back.
  15. "I know, right??" Lume said in a somewhat sarcastic tone, turning to the Inquisitor. "But... Whatever, I guess... If befriending those freaks helps us reach our goal, have it your way. It's just that I'm not carrying this big-ass sword around just for show, you know." She raised an ear upon listening to Nexus' explanation. An expedition, huh?... She thought, soon understanding his idea. A half-smile showed up on her face before she rose up again and stood beside Nexus. "Before we went out on the expedition, we had been warned about this city's condition and that you gentlecolts were, uh... reforming it. That's why we came prepared with armors and weapons; expecting the worse. We're sorry for causing so much trouble. We will be leaving now." She looked over at nexus, nodding, and then back at the mutants with a fake, though realistic smile. "Oh, you must be talking about Maxus Tearsoma, the impostor! He stole some of our equipment and went on some kind of rampage pretending to be Nexus. Well, we four took care of him a few hours ago, no need to worry about that anymore." She was trying her hardest to not laugh at that point.
  16. "Heh, no problem at all, Pip! I'm glad you find my name interesting. It comes from the two of my family's specialties: herbal medicine and vadoo-- vudu-- vo-- voodoo... Voodoo, yes." He still found difficulties when trying to pronounce that name. "My parents taught me a little bit of magic regarding the voodoo art, as well as a few first-aid basics. I like making dolls, too!" He once again beamed. It wasn't very often that he was asked about his origins. Poison turned his attention to the mare that suddenly entered the room and searched for the other half of the element of kindess. "Why, hello there, missy! Welcome to the boy's quarters..." He chuckled, emphasizing the boy's.
  17. Lume had the most confused look on her face while Solar Flare spoke to the group of mutants and tried to negotiate with them. Since when were those minions creatures worth chatting with? She had just cut a zompony's head off: she assumed that the almighty Inquisitor wouldn't think too much before doing something even worse. She noticed Nexus getting up and slowly regaining his strength, so she just sat on the ground for a moment and tried to regain hers. "If we always could have worked out our differences by talking, why did I even have to prepare myself to kill things?" She mumbled quietly. It didn't take too long for Lume to jump back on her hooves as Inquisitor Solar Flare and the bunch of mutants drew their weapons. She pulled out her sword as well. Are you bucking kidding me?? Apparently now it was Nexus' turn to be a pacifist. The earth mare just rolled her eyes and, this time, dropped down the sword and herself, letting her chest hit the ground entirely and sighing loudly in the process. She didn't know exactly what do think of the situation: merely one day ago, her mind couldn't accept the fact that she would turn into some kind of coldblooded assassin in order to survive. And now, when she finally felt the real thing; when she finally built enough guts, her partners were trying a different kind of approach. One that didn't require any of the methods she'd fiercely practiced. Lume just kept on drawing circles on the ground while listening to their conversation.
  18. Poison wrote down his order and passed it to another worker, who then went inside the kitchen. "A night club, you say? So you're one of those, uh... dee jay ponies, right?" He slightly babbled while pronouncing the word. He wasn't very much familiar with those kinds of terms: the poor unicorn stallion rarely had any fun like that in Canterlot. He soon found something to get himself occupied - cleaning up a few cups - and tried to keep the conversation. "I'm new in town... I moved in yesterday, got a small apartment nearby... I was planning on going out tonight, you know? Get crazy? Heheh..." Poison looked around the cafe as it got more and more crowded by the minute. When another pony rose up from his seat to talk to the DJ, Poison rolled his eyes. "Well, gotta work!... I'll be right back." As he went out of the counter and swayed over to a nearby waiting customers. @ @@Spiritual Nightmare "Hello, welcome to Baltimare's Stadium Cafe! How can we serve you today?" He beamed.
  19. Poison Puppet turned to the pony that had entered and asked for the menu. "Absolutely, dude!" He replied, the same goofy smile still there. That would be his first customer of the day; on his first day of job! The excitement was almost too much to handle, but he tried hard to keep his cool. He would wait for his shift to be over to go explore the city. Poison went to the nearest empty table and quickly brought his customer the menu. "...You look like you had a lot of fun last night, eh, buddy? I can tell." He chuckled. He felt, indeed, pretty comfortable in saying such things: that pony seemed like a nice enough guy.
  20. The haste with which the ponies of Baltimare trotted along the streets rather amazed Poison Puppet, but in a good way. He very much enjoyed it: compared to Canterlot - where he used to work -, it looked much funner. However, he still needed to work. Poison stood by the counter of the cafe where he would be working at for the next couple of months or so: completely different from his spa in Canterlot, but still, a new and exciting experience. New ponies to meet, new places to go, new things to see. With that bright smile pasted on his face, he greeted each and every pony that entered the cafe.
  21. "Racer, huh?... So I'm assuming you're really fast!" Poison chuckled. That was just a bit of his own personality: lifting the spirits of the others when he sees that it is needed. He may appear to be silly at first, but if that at least made the others around him laugh and feel more comfortable, his job would be done. "I'm Poison Puppet! But you can just call me Poison, for short. Very nice to meet you!" He concluded. Poison then turned to the other pony in the room, who seemed to be writing something down on a journal. "What about you?" He asked. "What's your name?" @@Josh Riordan
  22. "Don't mention it." Lume was more focused in getting out of there as quickly as possible than anything else, but she couldn't help getting distracted when the bat pony's body began to shine on her back. She didn't know exactly what to think and what to say, but she assumed it had something to do with his Tarot power again - in other words, his wounds were being healed. That would be one less thing to worry about. The mare's eyes widened as they approached the town's exit. "We're almost there!" She exclaimed. However, her relief soon subsided when a few other squid-like monsters landed in front of the group, forcing her to abruptly brake burying all four hooves in the soil at once. Breathing heavily and legs shaking, she watched frightened as the few mutants blocked their passage. She looked over to Nexus, making sure he was still safe: his eyes had suddenly changed colors. "Inquisitor Solar Flare..." She turned to the Inquisitor, hoping he would do something about the situation. @ (( OOC: Sorry if I godmodded there a little bit~ ))
  23. *giggle* I like those hater people... They're pretty funny, trying to insult the others based merely on a TV show they watch. Seriously, I don't mind when I'm "attacked" by haters in an online gaming community! It's true that it may get annoying as the insults may get worse and worse, but I also don't even bother replying to them. I would waste my time trying to lecture the ignorant person, explaining the whole fandom and why it's a nice show and all of that. Sometimes I even play along, you know, jokingly pretending to be a "pony freak" and laughing with everyone else~ 'cause at the end of the day, no one can judge you based solely on you being a brony. If they're wrong, don't get upset and try to prove them wrong: that's what they want. They're trolls after all. Just stay cool. Don't let them laugh at you, laugh with them instead. Y'know what I'm saying?~
  24. "Yeah..." Poison thought about the hypothesis presented by his fellow. He'd heard those changelings he mentioned were bad guys, and that they fed on the love of defenseless couples. He couldn't picture himself fighting off a menace like that: fighting wasn't exactly what he did the best. But whatever their mission would be, he once again assumed the Princesses knew what they were doing when they selected all of those foals. "...Who knows!" He exclaimed once more, turning his head to meet the pegasus he was talking to. "I'm honored enough of participating in this. The element of genius... Doesn't it sound amazing?" Poison blinked. "By the way, I don't think I quite got your name!"
  25. Chocolate bar trying to assassinate me... Ugh, I should've known!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ActFast231


      I'll take your word for it :]

    3. Lume WMj

      Lume WMj

      Yeah, be careful!... This ain't no safe world.

    4. ActFast231


      No need to tell me twice.

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