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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. Oxygen gas? Wimp, I like to breathe in chlorine gas and exhale...something else. This! Still, I hope you will make future discoveries that could benefit pony kind.
  2. Woo, time lords unite! Anyone remember My Little Pony, generation 10000 BC? Rainbow Tusks was best pony.
  3. What do you guys think of episode 29? (weird they started to have seasons 39 episodes long) Ya know, where a lot of ponies were on a ship, Lyra shot a harpoon at Captain Celestia's face, and she bucked all the fillies and colts down into shark infested waters?
  4. 5842 Indeed it does! Forgot about that emoticon... .
  5. 5814 Lol, fAAilure. And ninjAAd.
  6. 5806 Nine days since 5000 is what I meant, Ms Swirls.
  7. DubWolf


    Forgive and forget.
  8. Yes, 5 years! Have you ever cast extreme hate on someone?
  9. 5806 True,but were not to a thousand yet! Maybe in 2-3 days unless we get a sugar rush.
  10. 5803 I think so, go back to page ermm.. 250. 9 days!
  11. 5801 It hasn't been a month and we're almost to 6000!
  12. You hear some bass dropping. *inserts Octavia's cello*
  13. Granted. But you don't do it. I wish for the broncos to win the Super Bowl. D=
  14. The machine becomes an amphitheater. *inserts a sloth*
  15. At the time, 2 chipotle burritos. Have you ever broken a bone?
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