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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. No wayyyyy


    Wintery Cinnayyyy:0 :0 :0

    *honks snoot*

  2. Hmmm. Well, I was amused to hear my friend from work talk about how she's watched MLP. She started off saying she's watched "kid shows" recently, and then says "my little pony" when I ask her which ones. We had a brief chat about it. Lol I don't believe I've ever talked to IRL friends about the show .
  3. Savayyyyy


    Saw you on Ponytown the other day :ooh: !

    Hope you’re doing alright.

  4. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Thinking about a band trip, how I liked being around a certain person at the time. People have probably thought about you, just like you think about them. Some of them have. Maybe just a time or two at least.
  5. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I wish I didn't become forged to be a pessimist. A realist, more like it. Even if things get better, it still won't change my perception. It'll take quite a ton to change my mind.
  6. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Thinking I should heed to my own advice and be the best I can be, even there's nothing meaningful to really gain out of it. Problem is being your best has its costs... You're not the first person to mention MDD being a factor in Boeing's downhill trend. The 787 was the last new aircraft they built (other than the 748 which was actually a decent hit with cargo). It had its troubles... arguably still does but nothing like the max.
  7. :nom: <- guess what she's eating :wacko:

    1. SparklingSquirrels


      a burger from P Terry's :P

    2. DubWolf


      No, a Cadance burger :P . Close though 

  8. Grrrr bat pones.... so adorable...

  9. Be sitting here again on my desk. Not much else to look forward to.
  10. My attraction started pretty late (in high school). Unfortunately because I wasn't into the "new fad" for people my age of being into girls yet, that resulted in some homophobic jokes while in middle school (even though I wasn't into boys to begin with). Quite annoying. That first girl was named Kamille, for the record. Thankfully was only a minor crush.
  11. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Even when I'm being given such an easy chance for once, no tricks and sleeves, I feel like it's not what I necessarily want. Not now at least.
  12. Cute avatar :ooh: .

  13. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Snippppppp nothing to see here
  14. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I don’t know the context here… will playing nice result in victory or peace? Also dang it. I thought this body armor was also low-carb !! Rip me.
  15. Enveyyy happy birthday :yay: ! I knew your birthday was around this time. I thought it was on the 21st (winter solstice) or the day before Xmas… guess not. Good day to you!

    1. Envy


      Thanks! Would be cool if I had been a winter solstice baby! But it's close enough! lol

  16. There is a sheep on your head :wacko: .

  17. I know I’m still pretty skinny, but I do feel a bit fat. I should cut down on portions now before me let’s go :wacko: . Sub some carbs for some greens.

    1. Impulse


      Make sure you still stay healthy.

      Don't fast too much ya know :)


  18. DubWolf

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I'm frankly getting tired of seeing of kids/teens dead reported on the news as a result of some cold-blooded bastard. The older I get, the more I feel sorry for them as I feel like even 17 years old doesn't seem like a long time, and maybe 30 to an older person would feel the same. It's obviously exponentially worse if they're not even an adult, without a doubt. I could use a little bit more distancing from the internet, but my only hobbies I would like to do require driving or flying which cost money. Some outright require too much money (skiing). Oh, and one of them is pretty loud and I can't do all day, because I get tired of it (trombone). Think, think, think.... Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm all ears.
  19. I make sure to quickly memorize the license plate number of any vehicle that does anything remotely "funny", if by funny I mean violent or dangerous, in case I need it later.

    For all we know, that might be enough proof for law enforcement later. Even a subtle thing can be a ton of proof.

  20. I just want a real reward.

  21. In Texas it's the federal minimum wage of $7.25. Figures. While I think it should be raised periodically to catch up with inflation (and ya know, as a safety net for cheap employers?), there's at least quite a few jobs around here that offer well above that without a college degree. Just... have to find them. Too bad this city is pretty pricy. But also even "well above 7.25" isn't good enough nowadays.
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