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Everything posted by DubWolf

  1. Noo Derpy! *nurses back to health* Granted, it's the dead Derpy Derpy makes you a muffin omelette, but it makes you sick. I wish Slender was real.
  2. Hello Flutterserb, how's Serbia?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      How about Texas would you like some independence? :P

    3. DubWolf


      Government cancer o.o?

    4. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      Yes, that's when they bomb the shit outta you in the name of "democracy" and "freedom" and then put a government they like to work for them :)

  3. My grief is too large for the person below me for me to worry about the avatar above me.
  4. 4638 I felt like I was playing Slenderman in hard mode.
  5. 4636 Pardonnez-moi, madamoiselle.
  6. Granted. Nothing happens, but you constantly live your life in fear about when that thing will happen. I wish for a free Derpy .
  7. I'll admit, I like the show being girly and cheesy sometimes; I wouldn't make it more targeted for us since then it'll be like any other cartoon. MLP is special in its own ways.
  8. I say nay (or neigh! I guess). Fan-generated characters (that are distinct enough from regular looking ponies that might appear in the show) shouldn't be on TV since it brings up the issue of profit and such.
  9. <--- Is this your favorite pony?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sugar Cube

      Sugar Cube



      Well, she's.... kinda cute. In a weird sort of way. xP

    3. DubWolf


      *you disappear*

    4. Sugar Cube

      Sugar Cube




      Well, no sleep tonight. *Shudder*

  10. I forgot all about the Eppaljecks.

  11. You put a lot of restrictions and cons to both choices which is why I chose neither. If I were to be a pony, I would only do it if that meant our Earth became something like Equestria (so everybody became a pony) and the problems we have now would disappear. If I were to have a pony companion.. well I'd sure feel sorry that she can't be with her kind even if she has no regrets being away from home. Seems like a My Little Dashie problem.
  12. Here's mine. I've considered keeping the mane color to just black so it's not too colorful. I also realize the pony maker isn't really creative for generating OCs, but they do look like the actual ponies from MLP:
  13. 4625 Retro Derpy, you have returned from your long lasting slumber! Let us celebrate with a luau! Hey look! I found one relevant image!
  14. 4622 I haven't been a Markiplier fan long enough.
  15. 4617 I actually just counted horizontally then multiplied by the columns. It's definitely 4609.
  16. 4613 I don't believe you. *starts counting*
  17. 4610 Did you seriously copy the letter I 4609 times?!?! It can't be...could it?
  18. 46o8 The zero was put the dryer.
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