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Key Gear

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Status Updates posted by Key Gear

  1. I've been working on the railroad, all the live long day!!!

    1. Cherry Blossom

      Cherry Blossom

      I've been working on the railroad, just to pass the time away.

    2. NavelColt


      Feld0 didn't hire you to sing, foal. Get back to that coding! *waves whip at*

    3. Key Gear
  2. RD banner is legit!

    1. Show previous comments  37 more
    2. Azura


      Remember to stitch those wounds back up.

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      @Scootacool - I'm not one of "those two," right?

    4. Octavia's Cellozoid

      Octavia's Cellozoid

      @ Scootacool- Just a bunch of immaturity, don't pay attention.

  3. I can't quite figure out what my job is. The job description says one thing, but I think that I'm really supposed to be a punching bag for management. Heh.

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      My role in accounting is analysis and internal audits. So... Not much typing at all.


      Plenty of stress though. >_>

    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      @Arcanel Just as a side note, I like your new avatar.

    4. Arcanel


      Stress comes in every form sadly. At least you got a job. Gotta think postive =).


      Also, thanks Dr. Scootacool! =). I was actually planning to change it back to the other one, but my comp died, and now I can't XD. Although this one is growing on me...that or another Rarity one SW gave me XD.

  4. Clarity… What the heck is that… What is that avatar??

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear



      It's amazing!

    2. Clarity


      People hate eet ;~;

  5. Testing 1... 2... 3...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Nouth


      That means WE are under control too :/

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Nope. Voice chat is still busted.

  6. Testing 1... 2... 3...

    1. Jonke


      Not enough testing...

    2. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Time to make another one XD

  7. War! It's war! I love my job.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Sure thing, buddy!


      I meant it literally though… I work as an accountant, and I'm currently at war with a number of folks at my day job.


      There are casualties though, so maybe you'll enjoy it?

    3. Starshine


      Let me get my bolt pistol and power fist :D


      Don't let them get at you!

    4. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Yes! Armed and dangerous!


      Don't worry, I'll stay sane :P

  8. I'm in love. In love with a banner.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      I did look across the room at Media Discussion suggestively; thinking about making a move but I'm not very confident. Nobody wants a bookworm.

    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      I think that what you really need to do is put on the moves like Jagger. If you do that, then being a bookworm will not matter.

    4. NavelColt


      ^ Indeed. Twi's a bookworm and she get's all the fillies and colts.

  9. Welcome back Shankveld! Long time, no see! :)

    1. Shankveld


      Hey hey I missed you guys too much to stay away :3

  10. I like costumes.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Well, Artemis, you could hire an artist in the commission section? :P

    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Nah. It's not the same. It doesn't feel like the sort of thing that should be commissioned. Everybody else in my family has some inherent artistic talent but somehow it all passed me by. Well, I'm going to cultivate some.

    4. Arcanel


      Background pony?.............Disguise?...........Well, well, well, that featrues some ideas....


      Also, I'm in the same position Artemis. Idea is there, but my drawing sucks. Which is why I stick to writing XD.

  11. Well, before I go to bed, I think I need to get into the spirit of this week.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NavelColt
    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Arcanel, I think I'm a little bit creepier now than I was before at least? :3

    4. Arcanel


      *looks at notification**sees Key Gear* "Who the fuuu? *opens not**sees message* You snivy bastard...das cool brah!

  12. Cupcakes, so sweet and tasty! Cupcakes, don't be to... Wait... What's in this cupcake?!? http://mlpforums.com/statuses/id/108708/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Key Gear
    3. Arcanel


      Don't trust the man with cupcakes! He's probably evil!

    4. Azura


      I feel like I'm just some cupcake topping. :S

  13. http://mlpforums.com/statuses/id/108503/ I *really* need an adult…
    1. Jonke


      We'll fill your mind with sweeeet dreams.. :)

    2. Nightfall


      We're here for you, Scoots. ;)

    3. Key Gear
  14. Happy birthday Peach! =]

  15. Now for breakfast… No pizza, I'm afraid…

    1. Show previous comments  41 more
    2. Starshine


      Dude... We still need Scootacool, don't kill him just yet D:


      At least not before we finished the clone project

    3. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      i wouldn't mind going to a rave at some point, though. there's plenty of 'em. just not anywhere in the mainstream now.

    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      That drive to the nearest city was what I hated most. Need a job? Need to make a run to Walmart of a grocery store for basic necessities? That'll be a minimum of half an hour, one way. I got sick of that. If you wanted anything nice or entertaining you were looking at 40 minutes. Quite frustrating.


      The best part was being able to walk out into my yard at any hour and do whatever I want. I really miss that. Want to go out to your backyard and start shooting at sunset? No problem.

  16. Time to drink some coffee and go nuts.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Starshine


      Almond pepperoni pizza with bacon? :o


      I think I know what will I eat on my birthday

    3. Nas


      No!!!!11!! No pizza with nuts!!!1!1! :c

    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty


  17. Tomorrow will be interesting...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RazzyJam


      Is tomorrow the beginning of what I think it is? :o

      Cause Feldy never got back to me on that

    3. Starshine



    4. Vaporeon


      What is Feld0 planing Ratchet? WHATS GOING ON!?!

  18. Friday night!!! Tonight's the night!!!! ...... Nah.... Forget it. I'm going to bed early.

  19. Happy birthday! Super happy birthday! :3

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      May your days be merry and bright! =D

  20. Try to tow a car with your truck. Push the car straight over the ramp. BOOM. FAIL. Oh God. There goes Saturday.

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