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Sweet Pen

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Status Updates posted by Sweet Pen

  1. > Did a drawing yesterday, now is bored.

    1. Zenit


      Show me your drawing. i'd like to see it please.

    2. Sweet Pen
    3. Zenit


      I like it.

  2. *yawns* Morning!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dark Heart

      Dark Heart

      gm hope you sleep well ^^

    3. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      yup yup, except that my cousin wake me up, when i was having a beautiful dream ;-;

    4. Dark Heart

      Dark Heart

      aawww damn cousins xD

  3. Bleh, g'night everypony, and have a "nice" day!

  4. 4am..... bed time or stay awake to post ponies....

  5. My head gonna explode! Hnng. Hurt a lot ;_;

  6. > Iz drawing, but bored.

    1. Wayzer


      iz bored too :( *cuddles*

    2. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      *huggles* :3

  7. I'm done and I give up.

  8. Applebloom, Applebloom, Applebloom, Applebloom
    1. Fluttershyfan94


      Some scary stuff right there.

  9. thank to HeartFelt for this x3
    1. Mr F

      Mr F

      CMC are best pokemons.

    2. HeartFeltPuma23


      You're welcome X3

  10. h-huggles? rain + cold = ded

  11. How's everypony in this (cold) day?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Bright Honor
    3. HeartFeltPuma23



      I had to go thru a lot of Youtube pages but I find it!
    4. Wayzer


      it's cold too here :/

    1. Windseeker


      Have you ever heard of The Blondies?

    2. Sweet Pen
    3. Windseeker


      I believe that's where the reference came from lol.

  12. Bleh, i'm trying to resize a gif here to make as a avatar, but i can't ;-;

  13. Good afternoon!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      maaow!!!! *nuzzles her chin*

    3. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      *cuddles you both *

    4. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      *climbs in his back* yay :3

  14. 4am, i guess i'll take a nap *yawns* night ponies

    1. StormBolt24


      Nighty night little sister ^^ *kisses her cheek* :3

    2. DryGuy84 (Inactive)
    3. Serbon div

      Serbon div

      Goodnight and sweet dreams :3

  15. dat moon

    1. StormBolt24
    2. DryGuy84 (Inactive)

      DryGuy84 (Inactive)

      Luna: "That's my handiwork, child. Now if you'll excuse me I have get back to Cloudbuilt. I'm trying to top the charts, but it's not easy playing on a keyboard with these wretched hooves."

  16. I'll finish this eclipse.

    1. TheChosenPony


      I love it.


      Ooh! Quick! Play "Canon in D"


      It makes it seem magical.


      Luna is best pony

  17. I wanna go to the moon!

  18. So boring wait for the Lunar Eclipse :V

    1. FoxyCryptid


      the big part comes around 2:00AM here.


  19. Happy B-day!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sweet Pen
    3. Bojo


      Hope you like chocolate! *gives you chocolate cake slice

    4. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      I love chocolate :3

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