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Sig Hoovestrong

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Everything posted by Sig Hoovestrong

  1. Good evening everypony, how are you all?

    1. Malinter


      just got home. i'm pretty good atm :)


    2. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      Great! Am in good mood asswell. My work weak is over and can stay up later at night and chat with friends :)

  2. Good morning everypony!

  3. Well am now going put in my brand new MLP fim season 1 DVD into my TV and watch it. With nice cup of coffee and ice cream with strauberryjam. And sure going beat sitting in the computer chair gating back pains. :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      This wonderful it got commentary with the voice actors :D

    3. Khaoios


      Wow.........now that's something i don't usually see in "Season Special Features". Now, im tempted to get it, but only on Blu-Ray. BTW, does it say "Widescreen" in the back?

    4. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      Well i have widescreen screen so it look good on it. So i suppose is widescreen format.


  4. Good evening everypony! Am back from work, and here's to days sound. ^^

  5. Good night everypony. IS time for this stallion to hit the hay!

  6. Well head some fun with friend on TF2 the other day. And sum it up. I made this picture.
  7. Here's little contribution to the RD fan club.
  8. I think nice hot bath is in order. She after the cleansing! ^^

  9. Well still fresh in my mind. I say i enjoyed the episode on an epic level. Still waiting see if hold's up second watching. But what can say at moment. It was awesome!
  10. Good finely! 10/10

  11. Well enough sitting on my flank doing nothing. Time for some house cleaning!

    1. Malinter


      house is too full atm for me to do any XD

  12. Good morning everypony!

  13. Here's picture i forgot to add. I did recently. Have been playing little TF2 lately.
  14. Exualy yes, i got it done while back. Still thinking toh, if i should make some of the line's ticker.
  15. Good morning everypony!

  16. Well I made place like this already but title was miss spelled and I just wanted redo it. Well i thought would just showcase allot of pretty sketch's i done. Enjoy.
  17. Think going hit the hay good night!

  18. Good evening everypony! So what you doing? I just finish putting to gather little video of mine abut Vinyl.

  19. Should go and play some more TF2? Video ralated.

  20. Good afternoon everypony!

    1. )O( Scarlet )O(

      )O( Scarlet )O(

      Big brother! *hugs*

    2. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      Hey brother! *hugs*

    3. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      *Hugs back* ^^

  21. Good morning everypony!

    1. Malinter


      good mornin' Sig :)

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