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Status Updates posted by Troblems

  1. Such shoulder. Very pain. Ow.

    1. yeet


      much metal. very awesome. wow.

    2. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      Very meme Much awesome Such boss

  2. Such puppy. Very run.

    1. Wingnut


      Aw, puppy! <3

    2. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      Such puppy. Very run. Much cute

  3. My hair smells like Sprite!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. longgone


      Bees always attack my head, but for other reasons XP

    3. Troblems


      This is not a normal problem for me XD

    4. longgone


      It may be XD


      I've come to believe bees think my head is a flower XD

  4. Why so much hate of the Flim Flam Brothers? They're some of my favorite side characters.

    1. Trevor Bright

      Trevor Bright

      I know right? What's not to like? They have a great song, great facial hair...

    2. Troblems


      Dat mustache tho.

  5. My scroll wheel just scrolled its last scroll. Sadness.

    1. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      Is your mouse dirty at all? Small amounts of gunk could have gotten in-between the wheel and the mouse; might be the problem...maybe.

    2. Troblems


      It made a clunk noise. Something unhealthy. I don't think its touching the contacts it should be, since it's sitting higher than it previously had. Going to take it apart, see if I can't fix it.

  6. Lot of feels right now. Some of them are sad.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Troblems


      Pretty much that. He'll be remembered. He was a cool little dude.

    3. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      Did you at least give him a name?

    4. Troblems


      Oh god no. That would have made it way worse. XD

  7. If three cookies are stuck together, does that make them one big cookie? o.O

    1. Serious Sam
    2. Retired Commissar

      Retired Commissar

      This riddle is killing my brain.

  8. Apparently, there was drama, and I missed it. Awesome! Go me! XD

  9. My husbands cats remind me daily why it is that I am a dog person.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Retired Commissar

      Retired Commissar

      I like that about cats. Mine had such a bi-polar disorder, she'd be licking and rubbing against you, and then just bite you, and scratch you. She was cute about it though, and was more of a playful sorta biting :P

    3. Troblems


      Dogs let you know when they are about to bite you. I appreciate this. XD

    4. Retired Commissar

      Retired Commissar

      ^ That is a good point XD

  10. It's nice being able to decide to take a 3 day weekend, just cause.

    1. yeet


      Although that would be nice, I don't think I could leave the kids for an extra day, they are really nice to me and their fun to teach.

    2. Skycoaster


      Yay! Enjoy your Weekend!

  11. Finally home! Yay!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yeet


      yay, now you just need some eggs, bacon, and baked beans. and join us.

    3. Troblems


      No bacon for me, thanks. I do have Starbucks though...

    4. yeet
  12. Headed off for a week. Miss you all! Mwah!

    1. Passion


      Understood & out, cheers!

    2. Scootalove


      Welcome back! :D

    3. Skycoaster
  13. That moment when you realize you're completely ready to go, and forgot to paint your toe nails.

  14. I'm tired, I smell, I hurt myself, but we're leaving for the trade show tomorrow, and we're going to sell our little hearts raw, damn it.

  15. Note to self: Don't walk through active construction areas without shoes.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Retired Commissar

      Retired Commissar

      That's a good note.

    3. Celtore


      Are you alright?

    4. Troblems


      I had a tetanus shot a few years back. I'm golden.

  16. I thought today was a holiday. Turns out it was just Sunday and I've been working too much.

    1. FourClove


      Poor troblems. gotta take it eaaaaaasy

  17. Stress!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Troblems


      I've been on almost every day. Work stuff. Doing a trade show next week, and trying to get everything together for it.

    3. yeet


      well i havent seen you post any statuses, and why arent people where you work helping?

    4. Troblems


      They are. Unfortunately, it's only me and my husband that are working on it, because it's our business.


  18. Whyfore hiccups? Do not want.

  19. Why does Waldo wear stripes? So he won't get spotted.

    1. Rockymoo



    2. Trevor Bright

      Trevor Bright

      That's a knee slapper XD LOL!

  20. My sister in law sent me two MLP magazines from England. Yay!

  21. Why is my cat wet? Do I really want to know the answer to that?

  22. I think half the fun of Skyrim is working around the bugs. It must be, or I wouldn't spend so much time doing it.

    1. Passion


      I beg to differ! As long as bugs are not game-breaking, half of the fun is working *with* the bugs. I couldn't count how much time I've lost watching dragons flying backwards, people being eaten by the walls, watching flying bodies after I gently poke them with dagger or trapping the bodies in between the doors...

    2. Troblems


      Spending two hours trying to fix the main quest line did not make my night. I was annoyed >.>

    3. Trevor Bright

      Trevor Bright

      Around the bugs? No. You must learn to use the bugs. XD

  23. I think my puppy is a Pinkie Pie clone in dog form.

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