My parents are fine with it especially because my dad was a big powerpuff girls fan when he was a kid. A good portion of my friends were bronies when I met them, others I converted, and the rest are fine ith it, but they tease me from time to time.
Just pointing out something. On the first episode, if the pegasi controlled the weather, why were those clouds there for RD to clear in the first place?
Speaking of Netflix, I showed my friend Phineas mlp on netflix and he said he didn't like it. I was fine with that but I still wanted to know why he didn't like it. I asked him and he replied that he didn't like the animation.
A couple mins ago I was watching mlp on tv and the announcer said between during the transition," Now back to My Little Pony. Now 20% cooler!." It's amazing that they do stuff like that. Just like the Derpy thing. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to the tv. Putting your hoof down is coming on in a couple mins.
My usual username is Tinma. I usually used "basket," but it was taken so I tried tinman but accidentally left out the n. It's stuck with me ever since.