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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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About Wayzer

  • Birthday 1997-09-06

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    Can’t really say I have any

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Reformed Changeling (13/23)


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  1. Ok I actually fell asleep a few hours ago... I better get some real rest

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lightning Bliss

      Lightning Bliss

      It was a figure of speech,exaggerated lol. Basically I was tending to my rats, making sure they were getting along on the cage, felt tired and just laid down, not wanting to sleep. Next thing I know my husband is waking me up, saying I'd be out for 2hrs. I don't remember shutting my eyes lol.

    3. GrauWitz


      Oh, well this is embarassing...

    4. Wayzer


      I miss chatting with all you awesome powneys too!

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