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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Marcato

  1. Oh gosh did you really just do Ditzy Doo Derpy? XD nice.
  2. Oh gosh this simply must be done. Simply must. Make scootaloo's cutie mark a chicken.
  3. Or sword of mana! The amazing GBA game no one has heard of! Maybe feld0 is encouraging us to play those games that have time changes. WOAH MIND BUCK.
  4. OH GOSH ITA CUPCAKES PINKIE x10!!!!!AAAAAAAAAUAOUEHG!!!!! Those are so cool! I think that rainbow is probably the coolest one. :3
  5. Silver was completely understanding about how frightened Artsy was. She had been through the same thing and obviously had a hard time handling it all. But he certainly wasn't expecting what happened next. She dashed out into the forest without a second though! "Artsy, wait! It's dangerous to go alone!" He began to run after her, but was interupted by a loud roar. He whirled around to see these strange wooden wolf-like creatures coming out of the bushes. He felt the blood beginning to pound in his ears as he saw them look at the pegasus on the ground. they smell the blood. They're just like wolves back at home. He thought quickly. Suddenly they began to charge at the young pegasus. Silver looked over his shoulder to where Artsy had run one last time. He jumped in front of the wolf as it was hurling itself towards her. What the heck are you doing?? You have no form of defense! He thought to himself. The wolf lept on him, trying to sink its teeth into him. It landed a bit on his shoulder, and Silver yelled. His horn suddenly glowed and he suddenly remembered one thing the other pony he met from earlier had done. He aimed at an openin gin the tree tops and fired a flare, a fire work, into the sky, hoping some one would notice it. The other wolves weren't charging anymore, but they were still approaching. Silver was wirling around, trying to get the timber wolf off him. His shoulders screamed with pain though, as the wolf held its grip on him. He began shaking, anger building up inside him. There was no way he was going to get himself killed here. Dream or no dream, this would NOT turn into a nightmare. Not as long as he was breathing. "Enough!!" He yelled. And right then his horn gleamed red and a blast of fire shot out and smashed into one of the approaching wolves. The wolf was howling as it burned. Of course! They are made from wood, which makes them highly flamable! Silver thought. But there were too many of them, and the one wolf was still clinging to him. There was no way he could focus long enough to hit them all with a fire ball. He turned towards the pegasus who seemed to still be recovering. "You need to get out of here! Go find help!" He called to her as he wrestled with the wolf. He turned his attention back to the wolf on his back, hoping she would do what he asked. An idea dawned on him. If he could concentrate just for a moment... He tried his hardest to focus on a large rock on the ground. It slowly lifted off the ground. Nearly dropping it several times before, he ignored the pain as the wolf continued trying to bite his neck, and kept struggling to prevent it from doing so. Finally, he hurled the rock at the wolf on his back. It landed a direct hit right to the snout! He stumbled as the weight of the wolf came off him, but he didn't hesitate to point his horn at it. He focused what energy he had left in his horn, and launched another fireball at the wolf he had just knocked off his back. The wolf caught fire and let out a howl as it bolted into the trees and bushes. Blood coming from his shoulder, he was exhausted, but there were still many more timber wolves around, and he didn't have enough energy to use another fire ball. All he could do now was hope that some one had seen his flare. He stumbled to the ground, breathing hard. Another wolf was charging at him. He pulled himself to his feet and pointed his horn at this wolf. He tried to summon another fire ball, but he just didn't have the energy. But apparently this wolf wasn't too bright. The wolf tried to slow down but it was already in the air from jumping it landed right on Silvers' horn. But the sudden weight still took him to the ground. Silver lay on the ground panting with this wolf lying on otp of him. He felt himself slipping away from conciousness, slowly losing sight of everything. He just hoped that help would show up, for the other pony's sake.
  6. But if you get stung by 100 you could DIEEEEEE. TERRIFYING.
  7. Duuuude you drew that with your mouse??? Thats pretty close for a mouse drawing! Doesn't look like you used an line tools, so thats all legit! (Except for the flood fill.) Great Job!!!
  8. I lol'd at that part in the episode. "Big Mac come back!" "Nope."
  9. Sounds like me. Mostly taught myself except by paying close attention to anime and what ever i want to draw. Focus on something and catch details.
  10. I have been to disney world too, and those are my favorites too. Its real tough to choose, but i'll say hollywood studios is my fave. By this much ( ) very tough. I am not a ride person so i choose the place with the shows.
  11. Scary Discord! Must have been a challange. You are such a good artist, where did you get your education?
  12. Silver let out a faint sigh of relief. "Your okay. We heard you yell and came running." He said to her. "You were looking for us? Well i'm afraid you may find its difficult to get out of here once you are in." Silver explained. "There's no way to tell how to get out." He looked at her nose, which had some blood on it. "Were you flying? Looks like you hit your head." He said. Silver was a little concerned. If magic could be dangerous like this, what would happen if those with evil intentions got hold of it? "Maybe you should come back to the cave i found with us." Silver started. "Its probably about to get dark and you probably don't want to be stuck out here at night." He looked behind him at the others. He wondered how they would feel about this newcomer. He hoped Artsy wasn't to upset about all this. She seemed to be the kind to worry. And lionheart, he would probably think of something humorous to say. From what Silver had seen so far he was a fun guy to be around. What was this new persons personality like? He shrugged it off for the moment and focused on the pegasus again.
  13. Updates shall continue in text format. I have internet here i shall write in text and possibly make a comic for it later. This is not a permanent change. Its temporary for while i am on vacation. (Also im more familiar with this form of writing and it may make it easier to make the comic later.) --(*) "come to think of it..." the prince began. "I don't see why i couldn't remember his name. After all, he is my comanding officer of the pegasus units." Salren was puzzled, and thought to himself for a moment. "So what is the plan?" Flare urged. Salren shook himself from his daze and back to the matter at hand. "Right. You must go to see Midnight Star immediately. She's normally incharge of all time related matters. Unless of course she left one of her students to it." Flare shuddered remembering how disastrous it was last time one of Midnight's amateur students tried to take control. "Yes sir that was pretty terrible. But Midnight has learned her lesson after that." Flare reasured his old friend. "Indeed. Well you better get going. You should probably take the unicorn Shine Feather with you as well. Being a unicorn like midnight she will likely be able to understand and talk with Midnight more easily." The prince suggested. Flare nodded in agreement. "I'll be back with news as soon as possible!" He said, then he took off through the door and out into the open again. (*)-- --(*)Flare Sight squinted as he entered the sun light again. The moon had gotten closer to the sun in the short time that he had been speaking with the prince. He then turned his gaze a little to the right to find a large cloud with a building on top of it. That was his destination. That was where Thunder Specter lived, and he needed him to come with him to visit the "Lady of the Sky" as some called them. In order to get up there first though, Flare would have to climb the mountain leading up closer to it. He would have to get across from there. Which was of course impossible for an earth pony. This left him one choice. He would need some ones help. He turned in towards the main city so he could go find some one to help him across. He figured his best shot without causing to much effort would be to get a unicorn to launch him over. He trusted Shine Feather the most, since she was likely the most talented unicorn student. He figured he would probably find her in the school of magic as usual studying or practicing. One reason she was so good at magic was because of her dedication to magic. (*)--
  14. Pokes you with fluttershy
  15. I might just like lyra even more than derpy in terms of background characters. She's a photobomber. Which makes her awesome.
  16. Cool you posted it here too! Its so awesome i oculd look at it FOREEEEEEVVVEEEERR. .___. It is now my phones backgrounf wallpaper. And it is amazing. Lol can't wait to see pinkie when she's done. :3
  17. I still failed pretty badly on the front facing view. XD might start uploading non-pony art too. I have an anime/manga comic thats a few pages long so maybe people would be interested in seeing it? Any takers? :3 In the mean time i'll practice this. I'll also see if i can find a good front facing pic of big mac or some other boy pony so i have an idea of how they are designed.
  18. *eats the marshmallow. And the stick.* *BLARFS the stick out and launch-pokes with it.*
  19. Oh gosh this is freaking epic. Well, it appears the winter theme... Has been, wrapped up.
  20. I'm so used to drawing animals and such based off their anatomy and normally draw in an anime style. Most of thats stuff isn't existant in MLP except for some basic anatomy. (Pinkie has prooved that she rejects all laws of physics and anatomy anyways.)
  21. EVERYONE WANTS TO KILL ME. *pokes everyone with Torrential Thunder*
  22. Truth be told the creator is where i got the basic reference for the head and body shape. However one thi g the creator lacks. Front and diagnol poses. D:
  23. So i decided to finally break down and draw ponies instead of anime/manga this time. I drew some concept art for the ancient legend from my fan comic, Silver. The first pic turned out the best. Ignore the text if you want, just some personal comments... My greatest difficolty (heheh) is with the head. I can't get the shape just right. Any thoughts on my first awful attempt at pony drawing? Critiques? Feedback? Don't be afraid i'm looking for advice to fix them up. Let me know if its really hard to see and i will try to get a better pic.
  24. Disney has the money, and the publicity. Thus they can afford a lot of over the top stuff and technology. I have known six flags to be a popular one, but a lot of amusment parks are all rides, which isn't really my thing Disney parks have all around attractions, and a good freaking amount of them. But still, the others are expected to have a hard time topping it. I mean, they have made enough money off of movies and people coming to their park that they made multiple versions, have their own hotel branch and cruise line and even an airline for flight. Give the other parks some credit too though. There are other great parks too! Play land Vancouver and the PNE are good for shows and rides and IMO is an example of a nostalgic theme park.
  25. HERRRUORM IDK. Needs flatter hair. And pink. And maybe a knife. Maybe a multicoloured coat too. With wings on it.
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