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Everything posted by Macklin

  1. For me it was only ok, there are big plot holes and some stuff just doens't make sense or was ignored and kicked under the rug. To be honest it kind of finished driving the stake into me as a Doctor who fan that started with that mess, Angels Take Manhattan...all of this season wasn't that great aside form one or two episodes and the stuff that was bad was awful. I hope the Xmas special stabs me in the feels and brings me back.
  2. In case people are like me and went looking madly about today for starters. There are none at least until next week though that is uncertain it may be the new year. Kinda mad they didn't release the starters but I am hoping that people who were at the pre-releases will put up scans of the Manes this weekend. If we can get those we have reference to play! The rules and everything are already up but the manes...just can't find them. I plan to buy them all but I hate having a box of cards sitting here...taunting me... Also just so everyone is aware, all URs are foil. There is also a complete foil parallel set, they take the place of a common in the pack and aren't numbered unless they are ultra rare. I will trade a literal kidney for a foil 'yay' just don't ask where I get it.
  3. As a person who has done a ton of fanfic related stuff and been in a lot of fanfic and roleplaying games, forums, groups that sometimes yes dealt with a preset universe like MLP:FIS is I will say nothing is ever bad but when you do something it has to be done well. In the world lore alicorns are rare and their creation should be equally rare. If you want all that power you have to work for it, and work hard. If you can make an OC where the fact that they are an alicorn isn't the first couple of things people say when they describe your character, if there are definitive traits and quirks and it feels like a real person then great all the power to you. If you or anyone else ever say the words "I'm an alicorn" in the opening definition of the OC you need to start over. And of course a ton of people want to make Alicorns, OCs are an escape and alot of people don't want to dream small, they don't want to be not special when they go there. It could be because fo self esteem, or real life problems, or just the fact that they are a middle child and feel alone. Sometimes...sometimes people just want to be the biggest most awesome thing in the room because they want to feel good. As for being related to the mane six...I personally recommend you have two versions of your OC if you want that. One where you are, which is for you and you alone where you can enjoy and share the bond you want to and a version of your OC you represent to other people in roleplays. Alicorn or not. Being the family of main characters is an insult to a lot of fans because it can appear self-indulgent, small sighted or just shatters their understanding of dynamics. Just my two cents...
  4. This month. As for how? Well that is actually in fact due to an online reviewer known as SFDebris. He did the review of the Dischord storyline and it was a fun review. I went back to watch the series premier review he did and I found this sudden itch to give it a try. So I did, and Fluttershy sunk me hook line and sinker into it, I just love this show. It is one of the best shows in years to hit tv. As for why did I become a brony, well I miss being a part of a fandom, I had been fandom floating for a bit and decided I love this show so much I will try to become a part of this one.
  5. Welcome to the forums! I don't see many music makers in fandoms so that's pretty awesome!
  6. Back when I was young and had to work multiple jobs to help pay the rent I would get up on Friday morning and go to sleep on Monday night, unless nothing interesting was happening with my Monday classes then I went to sleep Monday afternoon. That was a long time ago, now if I stay up till 3am its unusual for me.
  7. Welcome Tik! From a grammar position your first post looks fine, if you are worried about people getting upset at your grammar in your fanfiction, as a person who has posted a lot of fanfics in a bunch of communities over the years I have a suggestion. Again, this is only if you are worried about people being upset with the grammar etc. Simply post at the beginning before it starts a disclaimer explaining that you are from Thailand so there may be issues when it comes to grammar or what have you. As Aniki said though, it looks all good from here!
  8. Welcome to the forum! I too have recently gone through denial, and finally accepted my 'brony' badger. Also I am glad to see I am not the only one who has these feelings about Rainbow Dash! Woot!
  9. FIS is certainly infectious! Speaking as a new brony myself I just want to say welcome to the forum! As long as you are happy with your art then everyone else will be too. Everyone, and everything has to start somewhere so don't let worries about perceived quality bug ya. For every person who can draw "better" than you there are two wishing they were where you are at. Babbling again...ok...TLDR; "Welcome!"
  10. Thanks! Yeah, its going to be a while for me to get caught up, I keep re-watching episodes I have already seen to start to get friends into it rather than just plunge ahead on my own. I may have watched 20 episodes of MLP in terms of time spent but am only on S1.Ep.9. v.v But I have gotten 2 new people hooked and 2 more to admit they are now pony-curious. >.> Thanks for the welcome! While I will try to avoid spoilers I know coming this late into the fandom that I may encounter one or two from time to time. I will try to tip toe about but if I step in one...well there it is. Thanks for the welcome! Love your avatar by the way! Hi Cinna! Thanks! By the way I love your designs, I take it that is your OC? (Which I am assuming it is by your DevArt page). I love how much you captured the look and feel of the show especially with the mane and tail patterns! Despite all the fiction and fan fiction I write and fiddle about with I was asked by a friend if I had designed a pony OC yet and to be honest I have no idea where or how to start or anything. v.v Sorry, now I'm babbling...anyhow great looking OC, love how much you art feels like the shows art. Hope you don't mind that I deleted the cute gif from the quote as it is adorable but would make the post very long and it is rather long already. That being said, thank you very much for such a warm welcome! Ok maybe older than time may have been a smidgen of an exaggeration in terms of the internet I am old, between 25-35 to be precise! So I always feel old when ever I am on the internet.
  11. Hello everyone. I'm new here and by here I don't just mean these forums as I have only been watching MLP for a few days and I absolutely love the show. I originally heard about it due to a Star Trek reviewer I watch actually reviewed the opening story line and the Dischord two parter which got me curious. It only took me two episodes to get completely hooked. I'm still only on season one as a medical condition really makes it hard for me to watch media of any kind for long bursts. Not like I use to, even this time last year I would have sat down and done a season a day! But that was then and this is now. It's funny, since starting to watch this show my general level of positivity is up, and I have drive to try to extend myself more so thats worth a thumbs up. My favorite character is Fluttershy, from her very first introduction she just branded herself on my heart as my favorite pony. My least favorite is Rainbow Dash, while I understand why she is so popular her character just grates against me at times much more than any of the others. Not that she doesn't have her moments mind you, I do enjoy her just less than the others. About me? Well I'm older than time, live in Toronto like many other bronies and am a guy. My main interest is writing fanfiction. I also like to board game, and roleplay though recently quit the Magic habit. I am also timid about joining such a vibrant community, I am a bit behind on things compared to everyone else and all my previous encounters with "bronies" have been very in my face and intense. I do love this show though and already recieved a vinyl Fluttersky figure that sits on my desk so I want to at least give it a try. Any other questions just ask...
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