I hope this is the right place to place this, if it is not I apologize to the mods/admins in advance.
So last night I arrived to an appointment about half an hour early, found myself a nice bench to sit on and looking around I noticed how miserable everyone was. I was on the city's busiest street, just a block up from one of the busiest intersections and everyone going by looked angry, sad, or some other form of miserable.
I started to feel uncomfortable just being around so much negativity so I whipped out my phone and started playing "Love Is In Bloom" (the 15 minute looped version). I played it loud enough so that those walking by my bench would be able to hear it clearly without it being so loud that it would be intrusive in people's conversations, heard across the street or what have you.
So with this playing on my little LG I just people watched. Every single person that went by looked at me, and gave me some form of smile even if it was just a corners of the mouth smile. A smile that a lot of them kept after ( more than one person looked back at me and were still smiling) they had passed by.
I was there for about half an hour and came across people of every gender, multiple races and a whole spectrum of ages. Though no one seemed to recognize the song, and if they did they didn't say anything.
Normally you should have at least a couple of people who scowl at you for making noise, or they just don't want to have some bubble gum pop in their ear but nope.
So later on I tried again at a mall, on the subway...same results. Got most of the people on the subway car smiling.
So why am I posting about this? What's the point? Well first off the fact that something pony related can bring smiles to so many is pretty fantastic. It wasn't even "Smile, Smile, Smile" which I actual expect to generate negative results from a random cutting of the population; something I plan to test in the next couple of weeks.
Secondly, I want to suggest you try something similar, and not at your normal haunts (not work, or school or whatever) in places where people don't know you. Don't have it blasting, don't wave it in people's faces but see what happens.
It can be any pony song that you love though "Smile, Smile, Smile" has a big chance to back fire because people hate being told to smile randomly.
But do it and see what happens. Why? Because getting someone to smile can change their whole day, and you may be making the world a better place for someone (or not as dark at least) though a small and simple act.
Also, a lot of people use sociology and psychology to make you feel bad, tired, to buy stuff, to fear stuff, hate stuff, like stuff...using it for something positive is so rare we should try.
Who knows maybe you will make a new friend or acquaintance?
Plus making others smile tends to make us feel good so not only would it be good of you, it will be good for you!