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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Macklin

  1. I just got a whole plate of crazy shoveled into my lap this morning so I am not sure how active I will be over the next few days anyhow. Our characters can always meet up again a bit later, no harm, no foul.
  2. @ @ I'll wrap up our cafe talk for now so you all can get together and have a chat.
  3. I wish I had the ability to find pony stuff, but Toronto has like...none.
  4. One more thing to add to my list. Can Twilight Sparkle please stop randomly "I just was studying a brand new spell" to solve every problem with dues ex magika?
  5. Whoever decided that "Twilight Time" followed by "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies" was a good idea should be fired.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Macklin


      Both those episodes were hard to take. The breezie episode was a rather weak episode, so having it follow such an unbearable episode has derailed my enthusiasm for the season. Now while I am not a TV executive CMC episodes are honestly usually gimmick episodes, something to fill up time and not have a lot of overall weight. The breezies are also a gimmick episode, as it focused on small one time creatures that spoke high pitched non-sense and honestly did nothing aside from be weak and useles...

    3. Stellafera


      Aha. Breezies was part of the story arc of the season, however.



    4. Macklin


      ...and I believe that back to back gimmick episodes are always a bad idea regardlesss of series. There should have been an episode focusing on established characters between the two. Yes I know it was important for Fluttershy to have the rainbow reaction (which I still haven't had spoiled what those are yet. Hurray!) but something less gimmicky between the two would be appreciated.


  6. I originally couldn't think of anything though I am only half way through season 4. I just sat through "Twilight Time" which was the first episode that was an actual pain to watch... No more CMC episodes! Ok, you know what? I know from a marketing stand point that will never happen but how about less CMC episodes please! What else would I like to see on this list... - Trixie - CMC (yes, I am so annoyed at the amount of them so far in season 4 this makes my list twice.)
  7. I'm listening to this: Which for some reason is the song I have chosen as the theme of Princess Luna. So weird...
  8. @ Winter would be in a bit of awe; "I wasn't even sure such a thing could be possible! The wing's your friend gives, are they permenant? How is it done?" The pegasus had so many questions now. This sent his mind literally reeling, the possibilities, the ramifications...
  9. @ Winter would choke a little on the dessert he had just started to nibble on, looking totally shocked. Once he has his breath about him once more he would reply. "Well isn't that something? How did you learn to do that if I may ask? Or was it just something you innately knew how to do?"
  10. @ "My favorite part of the gala? Well to be completely honest I don't think I've been here long enough yet to have actually find a favorite part," He'd sigh; "I kind of ducked out to the garden almost instantly upon arriving. I've been trying to work up the nerve to go in and do all the standard gala stuff." Winter takes a moment to look around at other party goers; "Did you know that a bunch of these ponies actually don't like to act the way they will tonight? It won't be how they are normally but yet they force themselves to be the way they will be this evening because they think they have to. My grandmother use to tell me all sorts of things about the Gala and what people do when they are here, most of it just confused me. But I'm babbling aren't I? Sorry about that. Let me ask, is this your first gala? Do you live in Canterlot or are you from out of town?" Another waiter would come trotting by and without looking Winter sets his drink on to the server's tray. The stallion was glad to be rid of such an unpleasant drink.
  11. @ "Fly to Cloudsdale? Do you mean like in a balloon?" The stallion asks questioningly. Ponyville was starting to sound more and more like a happening place. Was that a good thing? Honestly probably Winter thinks to himself for few probably could handle the level of quiet he would enjoy most.
  12. @ "Well nothing wrong with a good party, but I tend to enjoy the quieter side of things more. It's one of the reasons I prefer to work on the weather at night instead of the day." His ears fold back; he'd sigh and take a sip of tea. "I'm not what people would consider hip or cool."
  13. @ "Oh...I see..." Winter sighs. Apparently that answer wasn't the one he was hoping for. The waiter would bring out two small tea pots, and a pair of mugs using his magic the waiter would pour each of them a cup and ask; "Would you like anything else at this time?" Winter shakes his head, the waiter would then look to Addie.
  14. Only if you actually want it, if you want Gold then yes you still have to pay for it but if you don't care about what Gold offers than you won't have to pay for it anymore.
  15. You didn't read it right. Gold memberships will not be a requirement anymore.
  16. @ Winter Raven finally manages to get his drink when the waiter stops for somepony else. An unfamiliar unicorn says her hello to him and Winter turns his full attention onto her, being a bit nervous himself he would give a small awkward smile in return. "Hello." He'd look around; "Yeah it's filling up quickly, and while it is all quite lovely, how nice it is depends on how much you like crowds...for me its only so-so to be honest. Personally I am not big into huge crowds though I'm not sure if that is a good thing to admit at a place like this...my name is Winter Raven. What is yours?" The stallion would try his drink, something about it seems to near startle him and seeing as the mare probably couldn't help but notice that he blushes, "Sorry...that must have looked a bit...anyhow..." A couple of the other guests would chuckle at how uncouth the young stallion is being but decide to move off out of 'politeness'.. You can tell Winter is seeing and hearing them but is doing his best to ignore the others and waiting for your answer.
  17. @ "Well it certainly sounds like you are a pony with your hooves constantly full. So what do you find to be the most interesting thing about Ponyville? It sounds like you have lots of places you like, but what is the most interesting or unique in your opinion? Does the town have much of a night life?"
  18. @, "Wait are you saying that you didn't get your cutie mark...s all at once?" The pegasus would have a confused look on his face. He has never heard of such a thing happening. "What caused the others to come about then if I may ask?" He would never stop looking at her but his hoof would seem to have no problem selecting a piece fo fudge from the tray and popping it in his mouth as he finished his comment.
  19. Winter can't decide if he is enjoying his quiet corner of the garden or not; yes quiet is fantastic but perhaps he should be dancing, or mingling at least. The stallion feels his ears warm up with blush, this whole social event thing always feels just beyond his grasp normally though this time he almost feels like he could be drowning. It was a beautiful night though, not too hot or cold perhaps if he just stayed out here the evening will be a lovely one. Something still nagged at him as to why he was invited, she knew he didn't like big social occasions. Was she just acting on decorum? He hadn't even said hello yet but there would be such a wall of ponies around her. Maybe it was a way for him to meet new ponies that need his help? His golden eyes scanned the party, so many people were throwing everything into tonight. To some this night looks to be their everything. How could a party be so important? The words of his grandmother chime in his head and he sighs. It wasn't his place to question why if he wasn't willing to ask, best not make assumptions. He spots a waiter with a tray of fun looking drinks and deciding to live a little, or at least pretend to, he would try to follow the server who seemed to have a lot of practice moving between and among the guests. Winter Raven would be getting stopped up by the people moving about seeming to be oblivious to the pegasus trying to get by them.
  20. I really want to write a Luna fanfiction but my grammar is terrible, should I bother?

  21. Just watched the Power Pony episode for the first time. Rarity is the best Green Lantern since DC launched the new 52.

    1. Ryzu


      Rarity is better than green lantern, she's also a talking horse.

    2. Wingnut


      Amen to that!


  22. Just had the most depressing thought about MLP though I haven't seen S4 yet so maybe it will be proven wrong

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Macklin


      Oh no it has nothing to do with the quality of Season 4. It is a truth about the hardship of being a princess.

    3. Ryzu


      Don't want to spoil anything but they want to do their jobs as princesses, otherwise they feel useless and enter a mini depression and have to sing a song about it.

    4. Macklin


      Fair enough it is just...you know what I am going to wait till I finish S4 before talking further but there is a very depressing toll.

  23. @, "Who is Twilight Sparkle? A friend? Is it a big library?" Winter asks. The waiter would bring over a tray of various sweets and after setting it down waits for a nod from Winter before saying. "It will just be a moment for your tea but I will leave these here for you to start with."
  24. I hope this isn't cheating but all of that info is in the link in my signature. I have never gotten art of my OC before and would love some!
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