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Everything posted by AppleGearRising

  1. ( ._(\ Other people, y u do dis?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AppleGearRising


      Nah, just need a really misleading, confusing and annoying way to vent it is all :P

    3. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      They do no scope, isn't cool m8

    4. AppleGearRising
  2. It's not a good sign when you already have the traits of a sour, old, begrudging pensioner at the age of 19... >3<

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      ok Extra loud blanks XP

    3. AppleGearRising


      Not too loud, don't want the police to be able to hear them from their precinct all the way on the other side of the water XD

    4. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      ok simple and small fire crackers set to a laser trip wire near the door. trip the laser explosion will scare them off small enough to scare them and not hurt them. :P

      Or i could set some water pistols or a sprinkler system XP

  3. I imagine it as being very dark. Y'know when you go to turn the lights off in your room when you go to sleep at night? It's even darker than that
  4. To my friend and brother, Nick1925: here's somethign for you to check out XP http://mlpforums.com/topic/110164-anyone-here-in-a-marching-band/

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. inactive_user


      Oh... My... Uhmmm......


      Derp-Flurps. :/

    3. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      AAaaaaw Nice one Apple. Were did you find that? I know you found it in the forum but how?


      Its lovely though

    4. AppleGearRising


      Oh, did people actually get that one? XD


      @Phoenix I just spotted it at the top of the front page, just thought I'd share it.

  5. 19 and engaged, the world works in truly mysterious ways...
  6. Figure i might as well finally get round to giving Fire Emblem a try seeing as how Smash Bros. keeps telling me to XP

  7. Wait, why aren't responses to my PMs showing up on the tab? I've been keeping people waiting for a reply all day and only just realised it... :|

  8. My god, the interent is now finally free of all that nauseating speculation at last... :o

  9. So...what, have all the mods and site technicians just gone and sodding died or something? Or are they just trying to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that this problem doesn't exist? :/

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. AppleGearRising


      That's a good point actually, my laptop's been complaining about there being Trojans on here...

      That's not good...

    3. Inactive_Now


      Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Apple?

    4. AppleGearRising


      I must be, I can't imagine that you're thinking of anything else XD

      But yeah, sounds like someone's been way too busy sticking crap around on this site...and whatever the maintenance staff we're doing before to keep it under wraps is obviously not here anymore, hence the immense slowdown and now apparent danger behind the site :/

  10. Forums been real slow today and yesterday and people be posting multiples of everything at a time XD But why is that then?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yeet


      Ol, it was a joke, and yeah, is fun. What you up to?

    3. AppleGearRising


      Nothing, been so bored these past couple of days .-.

    4. yayayayayala


      @first post lol, yeah, it's slow -n- not to mention annoying XD.

  11. Whoa, totally would've missed it if i didn't take a peek at the birthdays list today. Happy birthday, brother! :D

    1. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      Yay thanks Apple. I would not have mind, but to see you made the effort makes me really happy. ^_^ Thank you brother *hugs*

    2. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      Yay thanks Apple. I would not have mind, but to see you made the effort makes me really happy. ^_^ Thank you brother *hugs*

  12. Ehhh... My faith in people is waning a little...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AppleGearRising


      Nothing of any note, yet. Just not feeling altogether too tolerant today...

    3. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      That's like me right now. My faith in the guy who unlocked my phone has just been shattered. For the third time.


      I just give up. I am using my mum's phone with my sim card. I want my phone just to work, but that's going to take a while. :(

    4. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      That's like me right now. My faith in the guy who unlocked my phone has just been shattered. For the third time.


      I just give up. I am using my mum's phone with my sim card. I want my phone just to work, but that's going to take a while. :(

  13. It's...not showing, for me anyway. Is that supposed to happen or am I just having a 'tard moment here? .-.
  14. Even as a blatant arachnophobe, this absolutely killed me XD

  15. Wow, shorted sighted and deeply regrettable decisions are the theme of today, I just decided that XD

    1. inactive_user


      Heh... Sounds like yesterday for me... :/


      *hug* sorry brother... Hope the rest of the night is at least more calming for you.

  16. Just curious, adn anyone can feel free to answer me if they know the site's policy for this sort of thing: is it ok to discuss the political situation concerning ISIS and the US government in topics and posts, or is it something that should be kept to yourself? :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AppleGearRising


      I wouldn't risk talking about such a delicate topic at the peak of tensions right now for the worry of exactly that. I'd like to remain firmly in the belief that the forum will remain a haven from any kind of preaching or extremism :/

    3. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      Well we are in a world were we have the freedom of speach and a right to your own opinion. However given the nature of this forum a discussion of that level would have to be treated with a soft approach, but given that the Uk and US can shut down sites that can be seen as a threat I would try and avoid anything to heated.


      In short risk the site or risk a fight. I would rather neather.

    4. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      Also I know we are on high alert. Went over the new Severn crossing and there were police on the bridge overlooking the toll boths. And they were the blue caps. The blue cap means they are traind with fire arms such as glocks and personal asult wepons like the MP5.


      They were being spotters for cars further down the motorway.

  17. Bloody hell, sorry to those waiting to hear back from me, I've gotta go quick for dinner. I'll be back soon :/

  18. I wonder if that's gonna get taken down even though i've tried to make it as clean and safe as i can...? :/

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