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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. I'm in agreement with your thoughts. It defines nicely for why I consider this the worst episode of S5 so far. It may have had a good premise with dealing with loss, but, whether it was forced upon Hasbro meddling or not, it was poorly executed for having RD behave erratically for simply missing the opportunity to spend time in winter with her friend in Tank.
  2. Truth be told, if this were essentially the last episode we see of Tank, then perhaps my belief that hibernation is a code word for 'death' would probably be true and could explain why RD's understandable but over the top and forced behavior in the episode. Not to mention this episode would get a whole different look. Still doesn't explain the continuity issues or other problems I had with the episode. I consider this to be the worst episode of S5 so far.
  3. Nuke87654


    This legendary song, just a classic and ageless song to put it in the simplest of words for it.
  4. Honestly, this episode felt more like we're saying goodbye to Tank or something at the way RD did everything in her power to stop the winter.

  5. Little pona eh? MLP crossed with Epona from LOZ?
  6. You're fine, you're not upsetting me. I'm merely shedding light of what I've found. It seems like tracing in general as the commenter didn't mentioned tracing his art the issue but if you're caught tracing you're banned. Now this isn't confirmed or anything however. From what he says, comparing his sayings to what evidence is found and if the evidence contradicts what he says, then he's lying. That was what Horse News did in this regard. But to look up the show's vectors, use it to trace his art from, claim credit his work is original without giving proper credit, and make a profit off of it is a huge issue as he was willing to commit plagiarism just to be able to get a steady sum of cash from his art. It's understandable if he wants to trace to practice, but to do the things I mention is where he crosses past that line. Sure he's only human, but because he was willing to commit plagiarism and knowing how badly art communities react to any artist that is caught plagiarizing and making success out of it, it will definitely take him a long time for him to recover as he's now under suspicion from the fandom and especially from the artists and vendors he has spurned and antagonized previously after they've been vindicated of their suspicions of his art. It is a lesson he will learn and it is a very important one in life in that we all have to understand that with our fame, we carry a certain prestige and expectations of integrity. If we have shown our behavior deserves scorn for dishonest work, then we deserve to be punished for committing such a crime just to simply achieve an edge over our competition.
  7. Splendid work Flutterdash. A fantastic craftsmanship from you. Figured a name out for it yet?
  8. http://www.horse-news.net/2015/04/drawponies-scandal-day-3-final-word-on.html#comment-form There are several problems in his apology in the form of. A. One of his group's rules is that anyone caught tracing can be banned from his group. Yet he does it while forbidding his members from doing the same. B. Claims his mod team never censored comments within his client sites but there is plenty of evidence showing that he is lying in his apology. C. He claims Adapting to Night is completely original only to reveal that many of the characters from the comics were directly traced from a similar vector on the show. D. Considering he was caught lying previously, it's very likely his claim that all of his art shown at cons was completely original is also false too. There is a reason many artists and vendors in the community despise him, and it's not out simple jealousy for his financial wealth from the art he made but because he was suspected as a thief, and now he's caught as one too among his brutish tactics at coercing possible commissioners away from his competitors table and towards his own instead among other things.
  9. Which isn't all that pleasing to hear, but considering Valve will only let you have a profit if you get past the 400$ mark, meaning any modder whose profit is sold below that is owned entirely by Valve.
  10. It's a disaster waiting to happen for several reasons. 1. Valve/Bethesda is charging the mod creator with a 75% cut of their profit. You thought Nintendo's 30-40% creator plan was bad, Valve's idea just made Nintendo's look fair in comparison. To make matters even worse, you're only able to make that 25% profit on your product if you pass the 400$ mark. Meaning that if you fail to reach that mark and quit, you get none of that money while Valve gets all of it in turn. 2. Remember how we despise DLC's being used to nickel and dime you for small items or upgrades to your inventory? Well now mods may suffer this in turn with the flat paywall they're giving to modders on steamworks now. 3. This may discourage modders from sharing their mods with other mod creators unless they form a team of sorts. One of the best things of mods is that the modding community is generally friendly with each other to the point that they would often go and share their mods to other modders for them to use. Now it may turn into an exclusive circle among friends where if you're not a friend to the modder, his group, or aren't willing to share a bit of the 25% of the profit you only earn from the mod you want to create, then you won't get that mod in question. 4. Valve is only offering you one recourse for a refund on a mod. That recourse is a 24 hour period where you can demand a refund for the mod. Now the issue lies in this. A. Say you found a collection of mods you like and are enjoying it. Weeks later you found another mod but the issue is is that it isn't compatible with the mods you have. This means that the only way you can play that mod would be to uninstall, which can be an issue if you're not knowledgeable enough on how to uninstall it, the other mods that you're going to need to shelve until you decide to use it again lest you waste whatever amount of money you spend on it. B. This would scare consumers from getting mods. While year old games like Skyrim are most likely safe from a patch, however what if there is a patch the developer released that not only ruins the mod, but the mod creator cannot find a way to make his mod work? Yep, you just wasted money on the deal. This is actually even worse then paid dlc in games as at least you know developers have an obligation of sorts to ensure your dlc works as intended. The modders will have no control over if their mod can work or not and what if the modder decides to no longer update his mod anymore. You're playing Russian roulette with a paid mod to see if it will work in the future or not due to a patch and if the modder is willing to work on it or not. C. It defeats the whole purpose of modding in that you're modding the crap out of your games to get the best results. With this paid mod scene that only offers you one small window to save your money in case it doesn't work, will you be more or less encouraged to find mods if such a flimsy protection was available? 5. This puts a bigger target crosshair on modders who are using Valve's new paywall system for mods by content creators and companies. One of the biggest reasons why mods have been free previously was out of safety rather then out of want as TB makes a good point that modders should receive monetary compensation for their work though not in this manner. Content creators who are protective about their IP are less likely to go after you if you make it for free and without intent of making a direct profit off of their product as it's not harming their bottom line, and their copyright is relatively protected under the whole 'free advertisement' thing they can claim in this very grey area. Now if they hear a modder is making a mod out of their products image and making a profit out of it, they're far more likely going to send a C&D to that modder to protect their copyright. Thus this may in turn actually discourage modders and limit the scope of their creativity as sure game developers like Bethesda may approve you making mods in their game, but if a company like Viacom finds out you're making a star trek mod on that game, it won't matter if Bethesda owns that game, they'll C&D your mod for violating their copyright. 6. Lazy and greedy modders may also start churning out mods that are clearly unfinished or poorly made purely for profit. This makes your purchase of a mod even more risky as what if that mod happens to be a poorly made one? Honestly this is just a very greedy cash grab attempt by Valve to corner the modding market to their needs, and Bethesda in trying to profit off of the immense size of the Skyrim modding community as much as they can. I wouldn't mind supporting modders through a patreon like system, but not through a paywall that Valve is doing instead.
  11. I'm not fond of the character or the story either as it's pretty much another 'feel sorry for this blind character we're going to slam your mind with repeatedly till you feel sorry for her contrived issues' characterization and story. As DashBandicoot said, I felt more sorry for Luna losing the one person who cared for her night then I ever did for Snowdrop's issues that warped everyone around to be assholes to her. Animation and artsyle wise, for a fan project, it's decent and is probably the best fan animation video the fandom has produced simply because it isn't anywhere near as terrible as Dusks' Dawn, which has entered in 'so bad it's good territory', Double Rainboom for while it had the best animation of the bunch, the lies the PR team for Double Rainboom said, how horrid the story, voice acting and directing of it, and out of character characterizations in the fan animation had really sour my opinion for it, and that's not mentioning how bad SFS's next MLP vid in the Fall of the Crystal Empire was.
  12. Nuke87654


    Is this song Aerosmith's best you think?
  13. What you guys think about Murrison?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Nuke87654


      I don't like twitter and I'm a bit too scared to handle the amount of hate i would surely incur. But if it weren't for that attitude of his towards the staff, I surely wouldn't mind him leaving.

    3. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      I think convention goers might be good enough for that, or whoever's already been provoking the responses that have been archived on sites like EqD and the MLP Wiki.

    4. Nuke87654


      Hmm, a fair point, Wind Chaser. Then consider me not caring for him.

  14. http://mlpforums.com/blog/2457/entry-16197-eqg-rainbow-rock-shorts-review/ My first review on the EQG shorts. Come and discuss especially of the style of my review of whether it is good, bad, needs improvement, and the like as I wish to be critiqued upon my points in this review.
  15. https://www.facebook.com/93.7B93/photos/a.10150564692876759.371752.60147261758/10151987064481759/?type=1 Help this poor guy out as his insurance company are stiffing him on financial aid. Typical.
    1. Nuke87654


      of insurance companies from what I've experienced.

    2. HereComesTom


      The post is over a year old, though...

  16. Aye, I've heard good things about the finale too and if it takes place in the good trilogy era, then color me interested.
  17. Interesting. I've been meaning to watch that series for a while now, especially as I enjoyed the Clone Wars CGI one. I may take a swing at it thanks to your review, Juggerpony.
  18. Frankly I wish your point on Hasbro would prove to be true.
  19. I hope not as if Drawponies thinks he's hated now, he'll be in hell from the fandom from then on out. Hopefully no legal action happens or Hasbro just only targets him for it.
  20. It has the same issue with the Tirek one that while it had an interesting premise, it needed more to make the issue more fulfilling. Other than that, it felt incomplete from what I've seen so far.
  21. I do as she's able to manipulate a person's dreams to where it can take a turn for the worse as For Whom the Sweetie Belle toils shows so if she wanted too, she can attack a person's mind in that regard and leave them in a state they can never wake up from.
  22. I would have to say that the shorts at least do a nice job of not being necessary to enjoy the RR movie, still none of them stood out as amazing and a couple were either mediocre or bad. I will relay what thought of the RR shorts tomorrow. My previous comment would show you what my general feeling for each short is if you want a hint.

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