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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-16118-fim-castle-sweet-castle-episode-review/ My latest review is up. Come and let me hear what you guys think and especially if you wish to add, argue a point you disagree with, or other thoughts you like to share please.
  2. http://store.steampowered.com/app/310380/ If what I believe is correct, you can get Fractured Space for free before April 20th.
  3. http://tsitra360.deviantart.com/art/A-Dash-of-Tea-527286608 Happy to see tsitra360 get his deviantart account back. Here's a rd pic.
  4. Castle sweet castle is a good and calmer follow up to the season premier, even if it had padding and a couple of execution problems.

  5. All the mods in my pc gaming. If I can't mod the crap out of my pc game, then it better be below five dollars or no deal!
  6. Considering how an alicorn powered Twilight was able to move the Sun and moon easily, the girls could simply fling Kratos out to space for a ring out, let alone what other powers they likely have via powerscaling.
  7. https://www.derpibooru.org/873880 Which pony looks best in this pic.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      I like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy here.

    3. Nuke87654


      Those two are also good as they fit naturally with their hairstyle in comparison to the others, especially how Rarity's and Pinkie Pie's mismatch each other's tail.

    4. Nuke87654


      Aj's is also pretty good I think.

  8. I felt this was the weakest one out of the bunch compared to the brilliant start of the Sombra comic, the good but rather unfinished Tirek one, this one felt more silly but not in a good way. Mainly, my issues are in the Siren characters as they lack the chemistry they had going for them in the RR movie, and their threat edge they had in that movie was dulled here where it showed that they literally had no idea of the damage they caused with their music despite RR showing they clearly knew what they were doing. Also, I didn't like how the conflict was resolved where they essentially show Starswirl banishing them after he lost a battle of the bands showdown (which did showed the most hilarious scene in the comic though) to the mirror, causing him look like a sore loser rather then a necessary act to banish a big time threat as the movie showed. To make matters worse, the fact he never spoke to them about the issue (I don't care if he didn't understood friendship, he should've made his intention known to them to at least give them a chance to redeem themselves) only makes his actions look even worse for him. Finally, while it did tried to resolve a plot hole in how the girls had stayed in Equestria for so long, it did it in one lazy possibility through unexplained time travel. Personally, I never felt it was an issue as the movie showed that the biggest reason why they aren't taking over stuff was due to how weak the human world is in magic so they couldn't really make themselves very powerful despite their abilities. It had some funny moments, but if you're here to see the Sirens develop more as characters or even see some good Starswirl characterization, this comic won't satisfy those needs.
  9. Ouch, realizing how bad Sega is with DLC's there too.
  10. Hello, SunsetMaster. I see you have posted your review of the 3rd episode of Season 5. Good, as i'm happy to see more reviewers and critics on this sight as more well thought out opinions are always welcome by my book. As for the episode, I agree it was a nice change of pace from the Starlight the SJW and a nice simple slice of life story that held a good intention for what it wanted to show and it handled it in a mature manner instead of your 'feel sorry for this tree' as I had feared would be the case.
  11. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-16079-fim-the-cutie-map-episode-review/ My first review for the first episode of S5 is up. Please come and discuss what you guys think, approve or disapprove my points, or are willing to point out stuff I may have missed from the episode. Don't be shy to argue especially.
  12. I didn't say people use the no fanfic filter to hide pics. It's only the show staff who are under legal obligation not to read fanfic or those who do not wish to read fanfics in general who would use it.
  13. Cutie map still remains first or second best premier on the show after my second viewing.

  14. I'm surprised they chose that image considering the content, how paranoid they are about what they show usually, and there were other fanfic imagery to choose from as the header instead. Either they really like it and decide to forgo the usual grimdark filter because they like it and it's under the fanfic tag (which you can also choose not to see any fanfics if you wish). Personally, I don't see a problem with and I do like the art myself, but I wonder how more...queasy viewers are going to react. Hopefully not over the top and ridiculous.
  15. Hmm, the name I'm trying to think of for the bike. I'd say, Lightning as you're a metallica fan. Ride the Lightning!
  16. Hmm, a question so I may think of a name better, what kind of project creation will it be. Also, nice work and effort so far, keep at it as call this poster impressed.
  17. Finally got to watching the new episode and it was definitly a good followup from a fantastic premiere with a strong performance by the remaning five and a nice send off to the Golden Oak Library.

    1. Monsoon


      Yea I loved it :)

    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      It was great. dat mane though.

  18. I may not be on time to watch the latest mlp episode tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. theonenamedDJ


      How do you usually watch MLP in general? Do you use sites like dailymotion or do you use streams?

    3. theonenamedDJ


      You can always watch it on DailyMotion later in the day.

    4. Nuke87654


      Streams usually. I do plan on watching it on daily motion should it come to pass.

  19. I believe they can considering of how Discord can alter reality and mind attack people, so entering inside a person's mind and subconscious should be no problem for him. As for Celestia, according to the Journal of the Two sisters, Luna snickered at Celestia for how much she read in books but also lamented at how her sister knows more magic spells then she did, even being able to match with Starswirl the bearded, their mentor. Also, considering how Celestia was described to have an appetite for knowledge, I'm certain such a spell would be in her grasp. To further support my case, and this: Show a case that it's definitely within Celestia's power to do so. Now who is the better, I will go with Luna as I do think she's been doing it more due to her duty as a night princess.
  20. The version you're talking about is likely the original Greek and Egyptian myth forms then.
  21. Hey I just thought of something, what if the only reason Equestria has magic is due to the Tree of Harmony and it giving off magical energies to the world from it?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Perhaps, especially with the Tree of Harmony which I definitely think is sentient enough to be aware of it's environment and influence events however it wants. Heck, in S5, it pretty much sent out the gang using the Cutie Map so I would say it's right now guiding them however it wants it to.

  22. Happy birthday, Dark Qiviut

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